No Excuses Leadership

No Excuses Leadership


No Excuses Leadership

Glory Days Goodbye

Every night my wife, children, and myself have dinner together.  It’s our opportunity to connect as a family, talk about our day, celebrate our similarities, and debate our differences.  When my kids were young, they would beg me to tell them stories about what life was like when I was their age.  As they’ve gotten older, it’s all noise to them.  Of late, I’ve found myself saying things like, “It was much better when I was your age.” or “That would have never been allowed when I went to school!” 

I’m in my late forties and I sound like I’m in my nineties.  The more I hear myself say things that make me sound like an old-timer, the more I hate it.  I hate it because I realize that criticizing my kids’ generation is a terrible way to connect with them.  Instead, I should be trying to better understand the world they're living in, their dreams for the future, and what makes them excited and fearful about the life ahead that awaits them.  Because of this, I’ve decided to kiss my glory days goodbye.


Gary Vaynerchuk, or “Gary V” as he is better known, is a digital media guru who is keenly aware of what makes our younger generations tick.  While not much younger than myself, no one would ever accuse him of being stagnant or out of “the know”.  Using language that would make a sailor blush, he is real, in your face, and as candid as they come.  Yet he displays a genuine love for people and the potential every one of us has to tap into.  The heart and soul of his message is this:

Stop talking about what you wish would happen, and start living in what is happening right before your eyes.  Work hard, don’t make excuses, and grab a hold of every moment you have to change the world.

Gary V understands that sustaining momentum requires, not just that we accept the generations that follow us, but that we learn from them.


There are literally thousands of clips related to Gary V.  Rather than pick one, let me simply suggest that you follow him on Instagram or Youtube.