No Excuses Leadership

No Excuses Leadership


No Excuses Leadership

A Day Without Data

If you have a smart phone . . . which I’m sure you do if you're using this app, it’s not hard to find out how much time you’re spending on it.  In fact, it’s really easy.  In the “battery” section of all phones is a breakdown of the apps that are being used the most over the course of the last 24 hours as well as the last 7 days.  While this section may not share just how many hours you’re on the phone, it will share what you’re spending your time on when its in use. For example, you may find that 80% of your time on the phone is spent using social media, while just 10% is used actually communicating with others via calls or text messaging. If so, why is any of this important?  Because we have become consumed, addicted even, with the relationship we have with our device and no longer with how the device helps our relationship with others. When relationships suffer our capacity to lead declines.


Let’s see just how present we can be in our relationships by unplugging from our device for one day.  Use your phone only to take calls and/or texts. At the end of the day, journal your thoughts about the experience.  Did it improve your interactions with others?  Were you overwhelmed with anxiety?  Would participating in this experience on a regular basis make you a better leader?


It's ironic, but here's a list of apps that help you find the apps you're most addicted to in the hopes of changing your behavior.
Which Apps You're Addicted To Most