No Excuses Leadership

No Excuses Leadership


No Excuses Leadership

Quit Your "Today" Job

Since I travel a lot, I find myself in random conversations with strangers at the airport. I’ve found that if you’re willing to engage, you’ll meet some of the most interesting people and hear some of the most incredible stories.  Most of my time however begins with small talk and that most generic of all questions, “What do you do?”  It’s a jumping off point of sorts, an ice breaker that taps into a potentially stimulating interaction.  Not long ago I asked the question to a middle aged man sitting next to me.  His answer, “Well, my day job is to design video game apps for a very large company.  What I’m passionate about however is teaching coding to young kids.”  When I asked him why he doesn’t teach coding full time he shared, “Even though I hate my boss, I’m too afraid to leave a steady job.”

I get it.  Security and routine lull us into their grips until it’s just too difficult to venture out.  But worse than working in an unfulfilling job today, is the regret that will follow if you never pursue your the kind of work that contributes to your legacy.


Please DO NOT mistake me.  I’m not suggesting you quit your job today.  But I am suggesting that if you're negative, depressed, and umotivated by what you do, it’s your responsibility to change that.  Sometimes it’s as easy as seeking new opportunities to grow professionally.  Sometimes it's pursuing a promotion, changing a grade level, or position.  And yes, sometimes it's finding a completely different line of work.  Life truly is too short to waste being miserable in our jobs.  BOLD leaders are confident in their abilities, fearless in their choices, and deeply passionate about creating the kind of work others would be happy to carry on long after they’re gone. Have you quit your "today job"?  Are you truly living with a Legacy Mindset?


"Make a mark on the world that can't be erased."

- Maya Angelou -