No Excuses Leadership

No Excuses Leadership


No Excuses Leadership

Model: Courage

I don't want to throw a pity party for ourselves, but this is a tough business to be in. When we do our jobs right, it takes every bit of energy we can muster.  Outside forces are critical of every decision we make and people, both in and outside of our community, are quick to judge our mistakes.  Sure, there are other professions that are more physically challenging, but few are more important. And doing it every day, the right way, takes courage.

To display courage is to show strength in the face of fear.  We do this by ignoring those who try to tell us that our dreams for our students’ futures are unrealistic and impossible. We ask for forgiveness instead of permission when those around us keep saying "no".  We hold one another accountable and we come together as a critical mass to confront the status-quo whenever the need arises.  

It takes courage to lead when no one else will step up.  It takes courage to take on the student that no one else can find success with. It takes courage to teach on a campus when everyone else wants to transfer or quit. And it takes courage to crack the code and confront the status quo of the naysayer. It requires that we stop practicing avoidance and face our fears of having candid conversations.  Modeling this kind of courage to our colleagues and students is a necessity for long-term success.  


What is the most courageous act of leadership you have made in your career? How can the lessons learned help you in dealing with your most challenging naysayer?


I love this article by Susan Tardanico called
10 Traits of Courageous Leaders

I'm good at #3, sometimes struggle with #2, and always need to improve on #5.  How about you?