No Excuses Leadership

No Excuses Leadership


No Excuses Leadership

Speak Professional Truth

A "power word" is a word used to provoke a specific response from someone during a conversation.  They are used during the right time, in a precise way.  Having the ability to draw from a well of words within our vast lexicon is of great benefit to all leaders.  This is especially true during conversations involving candor.

When we speak with candor, we speak professional truth.  Maintaining professionalism during discussions that are often uncomfortable isn't easy.  It takes preparation.  Part of that preparation is to have a bank of words and phrases at the ready during your conversations. Candid power words if you will.  


Here are a few words and phrases to have at the ready: 

Can I be candid with you?  
When you ask for permission to be candid, it cuts through all of the B.S. and sends a message that an honest conversation is about to occur. When the person says "yes, please do", it becomes your ticket to speak professional truth.

Exactly what is it you want to achieve?
 When dealing with a negative colleague, sometimes we find ourselves in a vicious cycle of listening to them complain and having every suggestion we ofter being thrown back at us.  Asking them "exactly" what "they want" steers the conversation towards a precise solution where the outcome is both declared and driven by them.

What's the problem? What's the solution?
Sometimes, there's no need to over-process a decision.  Doing so will often open the door for a person to discuss and complain about issues having nothing to do with the matter at hand.  BOLD leaders find out what the problem is and seek to find a solution. Don't overthink it.


"Candor is a compliment; it implies equality. It's how true friends should talk."

- Peggy Noonan -