No Excuses Leadership

No Excuses Leadership


No Excuses Leadership

Systematically Patient

Patience is not my strong suit.  In fact, I feel like a fraud even sharing any opinions I have about it with you right now.  Knowing this, let me just be very real about my own struggles in the hopes that you may identify with similar challenges.

My strength is in systems thinking and planning.  My weakness is in having the patience to see long-term planning take shape.  It’s why I hate bureaucracy and politics and would never make a good superintendent.  Even so, I know just how crucial this is to the success of our profession.  I admire leaders at our highest levels who know what the game plan is, know that it will take time to achieve, and are still diligent in their patience to watch it unfold over time.  Of course, there are clearly times where patience is just a disguise for laziness and indifference, but I’m not talking about that.  I’m talking about the architect who can design the most magnificent building or bridge and know that it may be 10-20 years before they see it come to life.  I’m talking about the entrepreneur who works daily and invests all of her time and energy to see an idea become a product, and a product become a business. I'm talking about highly driven individuals who care about results.


Now, there have been times where I’ve displayed systematic patience.  From helping to lead a failing school to distinction, to developing a nationwide network of schools who are inspiring hundreds of thousands of students across the nation, I’ve been fortunate enough to display just enough patience to be successful.  But, like anything else, the key has always been for me to gravitate towards a team of individuals whose strengths can balance out my weaknesses.  So, if you lack the kind of patience that is likely to benefit the long-term good of your school, do what I do: Hang out with people who are more patient than you.  Be encouraged by their confidence and supported by their calm through challenges along the way.  Going All In isn’t just about where you go, it’s also about who you go there with.


"Patience is the calm acceptance that things can happen in a different order than the one you have in mind."

-David G. Allen-