No Excuses Leadership

No Excuses Leadership


No Excuses Leadership

Are You Hungry?

Food is life.  When we eat, it nourishes us on a number of levels.  Physically, it provides energy for our bodies to function from the moment we wake up til the moment we go to sleep. Mentally, it prepares us to think quick on our feet and stay sharp and aware (except on Thanksgiving).  Emotionally it offers a reason for small groups to gather nightly to share their opinions and values at the dinner table, or celebrate with large numbers of friends and family members at birthday parties and weddings.  For most of us, eating never gets old.  We’re always hungry for more.


When we’re physically hungry, our stomachs growl.  We feel weak and sluggish. When we’re professionally hungry, we feel empty, lazy, and unmotivated.  When we’re physically hungry, we know to go straight to the fridge or a restaurant to refuel. We know that, unless you’re a baby or small child, no one is going to magically appear with just the right amount of food at just the right time to satisfy our needs.   But when we’re professionally hungry, too many of us ignore that same “professional emptiness” and hope it will take care of itself.  Fact is, it won’t. 

Professional Hunger requires action!

It can only be satisfied when we learn something new, find answers to unsolved problems, or share new ideas and techniques with our colleagues or those we mentor. How are you feeling about your role as an educator as you read this?  Are you burnt out, tired, or struggling to be as motivated as you once were?  If so, you’re hungry.  Go on, get yourself fed.


"If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you."
