No Excuses Leadership

No Excuses Leadership


No Excuses Leadership

Meditation Time

I’m not an expert on the intricacies of reducing stress, but I do know of two things that can’t hurt. The first is exercise. The second, is meditation. Obviously, there are millions of ways to exercise.  So much so that my advice in this post would be meaningless.  When it comes to meditation however, it really comes down to one key ingredient . . . breathe. That’s right, just breathe. The job of a leader in any capacity can be brutal. For this reason, it’s why so many educators avoid taking on challenging roles that push them to their limits.  When you feel pushed to your limits, it’s time to meditate.  You'll find that being present throught meditation will help to recalibrate your purpose and recharge your batteries.


Think about the time during your day when you're most stressed.  Set a five minute appointment each day this week on your calendar to meditate during that time.


Check out this article that offers 20 Meditation Tips for Beginners.  
(I personally like #s 3, 8, & 13)
Meditation for Beginners