No Excuses Leadership

No Excuses Leadership


No Excuses Leadership

Step Up, Step Aside

As I write this post, we are headed into the “dog days” of school.  You know, that time of year where spring break has passed us by, state testing is looming, and the “daily grind” is at its peak?  Times like these beg for teammates who know how to support each other.  Right now, we need colleagues who know how to offer help when others appear down. We also need to know how to ask for help when we ourselves can barely make it in to work.  Contrary to the belief that “collaboration” means that everyone shares the exact same amount of workload all the time, I have found that the truest form of collaboration is seen when teammates know how to both offer assistance and ask for help when things are most dire. They know when to feed and when to be fed.


There’s nothing worse than a teammate who always seems to have an excuse for why they can’t participate in a project or meet the same expectations that others do.  People like these not only lack professionalism, they lack a true understanding of community.  Sometimes, teammates are filled with energy and drive that allows them to take on extra burdens, while other times they have to know when to say “when” and let others take up the slack.  BOLD leadership never makes assumptions that their staff knows how or when to “Step Up or Step Aside”.  Because of this, they work to imbed this concept in the culture of the school.  When was the last time you encouraged your staff to be there for one another as you headed into the “dog days”?  Knowing the stresses that are on our students today, how many conversations have you had with your class about the true sense of “community” and what it means to be there for each other when we need it most?


Overwhelmed by everything on your plate?  Too exhaused to do it all?  Just remember this: