No Excuses Leadership

No Excuses Leadership


No Excuses Leadership

Spin the Wheel

I’m a big believer in proactive leadership.  That’s when we take just a little extra time supporting our colleagues and students now in an effort to avoid spending lots of time dealing with problems that arise later.  Ask any great teacher in America; they’ll tell you that positive proactive conversations with their students about high expectations and good behavior will almost always result in fewer office referrals, tardies, and absences throughout the school year. I think this theory holds true for all leaders no matter who they lead.


I’ve always made it a point to make positive phone calls and write uplifting notes to my staff members.  Years ago I came across a website called “Wheel Decide” that allows you to input a list of names and then spin the wheel for random selection.  As a principal, I would often spin this wheel and use it to visit classrooms, write a note, or have a brief uplifting conversation with a staff member.  The uses for this simple mechanism are endless and a variety of apps are available to download on your phone for free.


Example of how you might use the wheel:  When two teachers catch themselves venting about kids and find themesleves caught up in the negativity of their discussions, they need to challenge each other to get out their phones and "Spin the Wheel" filled with the names of their students.  Whoever it lands on, make a positive phone call home.  This will brighten the day of the family you call, while changing your attitude for the better. 

Check out or visit your phone's app store and look for free apps to use.