No Excuses Leadership

No Excuses Leadership


No Excuses Leadership

Model: Communication

I'm writing this post on election day here in America.  While others are anxious and discouraged by the division that currently exists in our country, I see hope.  Hope in spite of politicians, on both sides and in every crevice of our system, who seek to divide us.  Hope in spite of anger and rage being shared on social media platforms. Hope in spite of genuine frustration that has captivated many of our hearts at the state of politics in general. Why hope? Because there are, in fact, a multitude of inspiring stories out there.

I watch CBS Sunday Morning almost every week.  I do so because in a world of a 24 hour news cycle packed with negativity, this show focuses on human interest stories that will captivate your heart.  Recently they featured a story about how two passionate politicians, from opposing parties, maintain a deep friendship grounded on the concept of civility.  It is at the heart of how they wish to communicate with one another.  So heartfelt in their commitment, Representatives Joyce Beatty and Steve Stivers, have developed a program to teach students across America how to communicate better through embracing the act of civility as well.  Inspired by their example, I shared this with our network of 230 schools and encouraged them to do the same with their students.

Actively seeking the negative in one another and in our world is the tool of the naysayer.  Bold leadership assumes best intentions in others and capitalizes on the positives.  We aren't baited into heated arguments or acts of passive aggression.  We model civil communication and respect that everyone has deeply held views and perspectives as part of their own personal story. 


How have you been communicating with the naysayer that challenges you the most?  Do you get sucked into their negativity and engage in tit for tat?  Or do you seek out the positive and model uplifting alternatives to their negative perspectives about the school and the students they serve?


There's no way around this fact: We all have a political point of view.  But I don't want you to watch the following video clip in order to reinforce your own opinion.  Instead, I want you to think about what is at stake for the students we serve.  We must strive to be at our best as leaders not in times of agreement, but in times of disagreement. 

CBS Sunday Morning - How Rude! The Disappearance of Civility