No Excuses Leadership

No Excuses Leadership


No Excuses Leadership

Model: Collaboration

Every year, millions of geese begin to migrate from the upper parts of North America in search of a warmer climate during the winter season. Their instinct brings them to the southernmost parts of the United States and into areas of Mexico. Many find it amazing that this inner compass guides them at just the right time every year. To me what is most fascinating is not the fact that they make such a yearly trek, but rather how they go about doing so. Did you know . . . 

1) Geese fly in the V formation to cut down on wind resistance. Because each goose flies slightly above and behind the one in front of them, they are able to conserve energy for a long flight.

2) Geese take turns at being the leader. The toughest position to fly in as part of the V is the front because there’s no one creating a draft for the leader to fly behind. 

3) Geese honk with encouragement from the back of the V. They understand that as tired as they may be, the one in front of them always has a slightly more challenging job.

4) Geese help each other during hard times. When one goose takes a break on land, two others join them in their decent because they know that there is strength in numbers.

I shared this information with one of our schools many years ago.  They liked it so much that they made it a pillar of their plan to collaborate with one another.  As a symbol of their promise to do so, they challenge one another on a regular basis by holding up their index and middle finger into the shape of a "V".  This means, "Fly in the V".  When they do so, just like the geese, no words are needed.  It's now part of their inner compass as a staff.


The naysayers among us aren't flying in the "V".  What kind of modeling do you need to offer to get them to do so?


Collaboration stagnant?  Staff members reluctant to work together? Get flying!