No Excuses Leadership

No Excuses Leadership


No Excuses Leadership

Remarkably Steady

This week I finished reading the book “Can’t Hurt Me” by David Goggins.  I cannot recommend it enough!  The straight talk from this highly decorated Navy Seal will make any of the challenges you’re dealing with in your life appear surmountable. His advice focuses on “calousing the mind” to the challenges that have been holding you back, and focusing on getting a little better every day.  While there are clearly numerous reasons for Mr. Goggins’ success, the theme always comes back to being dedicated to working hard every day.  At his core, David Goggins is remarkably steady as a professional and a person. 


Unlike Goggins, I’ve never participated in three separate “hell weeks” as part of Navy Seal training.  I haven’t run marathons or ventured into endurance races that test your will for 36 hours.  Nor have I endured the kind of childhood that he shares in heartbreaking detail through his book.  But like you, I have overcome challenges.  In times of winning I have seen the best of me embracing my shortcomings and showing courage in the face of fear.  In times of losing I have displayed my failings and negativity in such a way that makes me cringe.  But there is wisdom that can be found in all of our experiences.  As leaders, it is our job to learn from our mistakes, be aware of the challenges ahead, and display the kind of support to our students, parents, and colleauges that is remarkably steady.


"Most people who are criticizing and judging haven't even tried what you failed at."

-David Goggins-