No Excuses Leadership

No Excuses Leadership


No Excuses Leadership

Attitude Adjustment: Our Attitudes Drive Our Behaviors

The great Zig Ziglar said, “Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.”  Try saying that five times fast!  Tongue twister as it may be, there’s so much truth in his words.  Our attitudes drive our behaviors and our behaviors, or choices, determine our success as Servant Leaders.


Choose an attitude you often struggle with. (Frustration, Depression, Anger, etc.)

Make a list of how it affects your behavior. (Avoidance of people, short tempered, etc.)

Develop a list of choices to make when you sense you're in need of an attitude adjustment.
(Pour into someone far needier than you, shut the door to your office or classroom for 5 quiet minutes of meditation, etc.) 


Our attitudes always tend to be poor when our stress levels are high.
Here are 100 ways you can reduce stress and, in turn, be better prepared to serve others.