No Excuses Leadership

No Excuses Leadership


No Excuses Leadership

Practice A Legacy Mindset

In April of 2019, the Notre Dame Cathedral was ruined by a massive fire.  This world famous landmark, which took nearly 200 years to build, was destroyed in the matter of minutes.  It’s hard to imagine what the first men who began construction in 1163 would have felt to watch the flames decimate their hard work. I’d like to think that they would have taken some time to mourn and then got right back to the work of rebuilding the church.  Ironically, that’s exactly what has happened.  Billions of dollars were pledged and architects from around the globe offered their services in the matter of days.  And what is the one thing that links today’s re-builders with the original men who laid the foundation of the cathedral?  They all have a Legacy Mindset.


A Legacy Mindset takes place when we as leaders care deeply about those who will follow us.  Not only do we want to leave our places of work better off after we’re long gone, but we also have a desire to pursue accomplishments that we ourselves may never see to fruition.  We lay the cornerstones of goals, that could take years or even decades to achieve.  Why?  Because none of this work is ultimately about us.  It’s all about the people we serve.  If you're spending your days stuck in the present and staring at your daily “To-Do List”, it’s time to dig deeper, to think bigger.  It’s time to practice a Legacy Mindset.


"Carve your name on hearts, not tombstones. A legacy is etched into the minds of others and the stories they share about you."

- Shannon Alder -