No Excuses Leadership

No Excuses Leadership


No Excuses Leadership

Lessons Lived

Part of sustaining momentum is learning from our mistakes.  You know the phrase used after people make a mistake, “Oh well, lesson learned.”  My question is: Are we really learning from our mistakes or are we simply giving ourselves permission to accept them.  We’ve already talked about offering grace for the errors of our past, so you know I’m all about accepting one another’s imperfections.  I just happen to believe that we need to be more dedicated to turning  lessons learned into lessons lived. A lesson lived is when we actively pursue future change in our behavior based on mistakes of the past. 

BOLD leaders develop a culture on campus where adults and children learn to celebrate their successes and examine their flaws.  When we do so, we’re better able to live out the kind of behavior that makes our schools safer, healthier, smarter, more kind places to be.


Be truthful with yourself:  Think about the last time you used a phrase similar to “lesson learned”.  What did you actually do to turn that lesson learned into a lesson lived?  


"Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it."

Winston Churchill
(Quote motified from a similar quote by George Santayana)