No Excuses Leadership

No Excuses Leadership


No Excuses Leadership

The Comedic Cohort

I see tremendous value in seeking out other viewpoints and challenging ideas with those from all aspects of life.  Experiences like these help us to grow and find understanding and empathy for others. But I’ve always been a believer in congregating with like-minded people when it comes the bulk of your time.  Like a family, like-minded colleagues can still have varying points of view, but at their core they are connected by big beliefs and ideals.  From a commitment to ensuring success for every child, to a deep desire to raise our profession through our words and actions, building on these similarities is key.


Humor tends to do all of this for us.  What we laugh at often acts as a litmus test for deeper friendships.  When we make a commitment to laughing, over time, we build a comedic cohort.  This cohort can be a source of refuge during stressful days, and a genesis for healing during times of suffering.  Just as valuable as our professional mentors are to us when it comes to our pedagogy, our comedic cohort can act as the mentors of our soul.


In an article featured in the The Harvard Mahoney Neuroscience Institute Letter titled "Humor, Laughter, and those Aha Moments", Dr. Carl Marci shares about the science behind laughter and says it perfectly:

“Laughter was a safe, early social signal to form human bonds. Before we could speak, laughter told early humans that ‘Everything’s okay, you can come over to my side."