No Excuses Leadership

No Excuses Leadership


No Excuses Leadership

The Bluff

I’m a terrible poker player.  I have an awful poker face which means I’m incapable of bluffing.  Bluffing a hand in poker is key to wining in tournament style games which can go on for hours, even days at a time.  Believe it or not, bluffing is also key for us as leaders.  But it’s not as devious as it may sound.

Choosing to believe in something when the odds are stacked against you is not only a necessity for those of us working with high poverty students, it’s a way of life.  It’s our job to continue to believe in ourselves even when the data suggests we have no chance.  For the kid on the brink of going into foster care, we believe our school can be a safe haven for him in spite of his circumstances.  For the young teen who’s making decisions that will make her a parent long before it’s time, we display a spirit of hope that our guidance can and will make the difference.  For the naysayers among us that think their efforts are bearing no fruit, we convince them that the impossible is possible through consistency with our words and actions.


When it comes to our profession, bluffing doesn’t make you a liar, it makes you an optimist.  Have you been giving into the negativity around you and folding your hand before you’ve had a chance to see all the cards?  What areas do you need to convince others that good things are just around the corner?


"A man with money is no match against a man on a mission."

-Doyle Brunson-
World Series of Poker Champ