No Excuses Leadership

No Excuses Leadership


No Excuses Leadership

Cover A Class: A Little Extra Time

Servant Leaders survey the needs of their colleagues and the tone of the campus.  They know when someone is overwhelmed and in need of a little extra help.  This can happen in many different ways. Sometimes in comes in the form of covering a class so a fellow teacher can complete extra prep work.  Other times it might be to allow them time to work one on one with an individual student or small group.  Or maybe it's offering time for a teacher to grow professionally by observing a great lesson in a colleague's classroom.  No matter the case, finding a way to offer a little extra time can pay huge dividends.


Set a goal to cover a colleague's class at some point this week.  If you're an administrator, counselor, or specialist of some kind, offer to teach a lesson. (There'll be more on that during the next item on our list). If you're a classroom teacher, offer to take on a colleague's students for a collaborative lesson. 


Never forget what our teachers want from their leaders?

Check out this podcast/article from Jennifer Gonzalez