Congregation Beth Sar Shalom
Tucson's Messianic Congregation!

Steve's Blog 10/16/2015


Have you ever run? I don't mean across the living room--but for miles? There's this obstacle all long distance runners know. It's called the wall. At a certain distance a runner who is fit and conditioned to run gets fatigued and feels like she has to stop. Every ounce of her is telling her she's exhausted, she's at her limit, she MUST STOP! But here's the crazy thing. If a runner pushes past the wall. If she keeps running she starts to feel better. She gets her "second wind" and she feels like nothing can stop her. She then can run much, much farther. However she has to push through that wall. It's both a physical and a mental wall, but mostly it's mental. She CAN do it if she REALLY wants to. All she has to do is not quit.

The Apostle Paul wrote:

24 - Surely you know that many runners take part in a race, but only one of them wins the prize. Run, then, in such a way as to win the prize.

25 - Every athlete in training submits to strict discipline, in order to be crowned with a wreath that will not last; but we do it for one that will last forever.

26 - That is why I run straight for the finish line; that is why I am like a boxer who does not waste his punches.

27 - I harden my body with blows and bring it under complete control, to keep myself from being disqualified after having called others to the contest. 1Co 9:24-27 GNB

I think that in spiritual life we hit walls. We are fatigued, exhausted. We hurt. Everything seems to be trying to get us to quit the race. But we can't. We mustn't. We have begun an amazing race. Heaven is the prize. We'll get a good rest there. Til then we must discipline ourselves, or as Paul said bring ourselves under complete control. We CAN finish this race. No - we WILL finish this race.

"...I am sure that God, who began this good work in you, will carry it on until it is finished on the Day of Christ Jesus." Php 1:6 GNB

See you at services this weekend,


Steve's Blog 8/11/2015

Pointers on Marriage

Before my trip to Georgia I had the honor of performing a re-marriage. This couple divorced some years ago. But they wanted to honor God and keep their vows. Their re-commitment to God resulted in restored love and a re-commitment to each other. So cool!

At the wedding a couple was there who recently celebrated 60 years of marriage. I congratulated them and then I asked them what their advice is for a long successful marriage. They mentioned 4 things. Here you go. The simple recipe for a successful marriage from those who have been there:

1. Forgiveness.
2. Put yourself in the other person's shoes.
3. Love the other more than you love yourself.
4. Humor

They may not have realized it but they stumbled upon Biblical principals. All 4 of these things are mentioned in the Bible in one form or another.

How was your week? Usually we consider it either a “good week” or a “bad week.” Join me in trying to realize that every week is a “God week” which is definitely a “good week.”

I'll see you this weekend,


Steve's Blog 8/2/2015

God is moving!

I've got some stories...keep sending them in.

Some of you have been giving me your stories--testimonies of how God is moving in your lives. We hear enough bad news throughout the day. I want to share good news. My hope is that enough of you will send me your experiences so that I can read one story per service about how God is working in our lives. Keep them short and let's give glory to God and encouragement to one another.

I'm quickly approaching the end of the Revelation study. I've asked for suggestions for my next series. Here are the ones at the top of my list: 1 Corinthians, Romans, Hebrews. What are your thoughts?

For suggestions for my next series and for your short testimonies feel free to either place them in the offering boxes or email them to our office at either [email protected] or [email protected]

God bless you hard and I'll see you at service


Steve's Blog 7/24/2015


Want to learn a yiddish word? The word is kvell. (Don't you just love how Yiddish and Hebrew put consonants together that we English speakers have a hard time pronouncing?!) If you want to hear how it's pronounced you can click on this link Kvell. So...I'll give you context and you see if you can figure out the definition:

Our Ambassador to the world for Jesus--Joe Burton sent me this picture. He said my son Joseph was teaching an autistic child how to dance. That made me kvell. In fact twice in the same week I kvelled! The other time was when I learned that another son of mine encouraged a non-believing grandparent to reach out and to God and trust Him. Think you have the definition yet?

To kvell is to be bursting with pride! One word carries all of that meaning. It's a good word (even though it's hard to pronounce).

Ever wonder if God kvells over you? Perhaps you are so focused on feeling like you let God down so often that you think He couldn't possibly be proud of you. But I know He kvells over his children. A man refused to join a gym because he is married and he knows women at the gym will be dressed immodestly. He chose not to go. God told Him it was inappropriate to lust after other women. So he inconveniences himself...time and again to be faithful to his wife and his God. God kvells.

Some women refuse to wear the latest fashion. They feel the style is inappropriate. They don't want to be immodest or cause a brother to stumble. So they avoid doing what they want to do for the benefit of others and to honor God. God kvells.

Believers carry food in their cars or spare change just so they can give it to the guy on the street corner begging. A little love in Jesus' name. God kvells. Honestly—I could go on all day like this. Yes we struggle. Yes we sin. But those of us who have made a commitment to follow Jesus will one day hear these words: “Well done. You are a good and faithful servant. Enter into the Lord's joy.” (Matt 25:23).

Hope you have an amazing weekend. I'll see you at services. Now go on out there and make God kvell!


Steve's Blog 4/30/2015

Some sins are worse than others
It's common sense and it's Biblical

As Dennis Prager put it in a video we recently watched in the Man Cave, we intuitively know that murdering is worse than stealing a stapler. Yet for some odd reason Christians have been taught that all sin is the same. It's only the same in one respect. It's bad and separates us from God. But some things are certainly worse than others.

Jesus Himself said:
"...You could have no power at all against Me unless it had been given you from above. Therefore the one who delivered Me to you has the greater sin." Joh 19:11

There are greater sins. Though we don't want to be the "judge" of people who sin we are to acknowledge that wrong is wrong and worse wrong is worse wrong. I posted an article on my Facebook page about Bruce Jenner and the transgender movement. I followed it up with an article on the Supreme Court deciding if gay marriage must be the law of the land. BIG SIN.

When we point out sin we are often accused of being judgmental. I like how a Facebook friend and old High School acquaintance described the difference between judging and pointing out sin. Here's what he wrote:

"The problem with the judgement thing is this. God has already told us what sin is. Others can justify it or twist the Word of God but we as believers hate the sin but love the individual. The cop that gives a ticket to a speeder is telling him what he did wrong but the judge passes sentence on the individual. We are only handing out tickets showing the trespass but we are not the judge. God will have his say in the end... We are trying to help people get into heaven and the only way is through Jesus Christ our Lord and repentance!" we discuss homosexuality, gay marriage and transgender issues around the water cooler at work I want to encourage you to speak up. No need to be rude or confrontational but as believers we are the light of the world. We shouldn't shy from speaking the truth in love. Sin is sin...sure, but some sins are worse than others and our society is embracing them with reckless abandon. Speak up. Maybe we can make a difference. But even if we don't make a difference at least we didn't sit passively by and watch our nation abandon morality without so much as speaking up.

See you this weekend!


Steve's Blog 4/10/2015

Easter services....CHECK.

Passover Seder....CHECK.

Faithful, tired, recovering people...CHECK.

March of Remembrance....April 19th!

Our volunteers are working tirelessly (which of course means they are tired--but soldiering on anyway).

As things stand here's what to expect at the March!

National anthem of the USA - Susan Stokes Opera singer / Pastors wife.

Israel's National anthem – Jewish Community Centers Hebrew Choir

Welcome each church by name.

Introduction of dignitaries present.

Pledge of allegiance – Mayor Rothchild

Congresswoman Martha McSally

History of the March of Remembrance Phil Lauzon

Solo – Kristine Marriotti - “I am not alone.”

The importance of never forgetting – Steve Shermett

Candle lighting - Remembering the camps

Moment of silence – Siren

Kaddish – Michael LaPoff

Testimony of a survivor – Jim Lieber

The March

Food trucks

Worship concert

It's gonna be a full evening. Don't forget to bring a chair, a hat and lots of water. The event will start at 3:00 PM.

For maps and additional data you can visit our March page:

Shalom for now and I'm looking forward to seeing you this weekend at services. Be there or be in prayer!


Steve's Blog 4/2/2015

Blessings that become a curse.

There are some awesome things in life. They are gifts from God. Food comes to mind as an example. However when we abuse these blessings or use them improperly they go from blessing to curse. Food is great. But too much of it or in the wrong amounts and we get obese, diabetes and heart disease. It reminds me of what the Apostle Paul said about how evil sin is. Sin took the commandments of God (a blessing) and used it to hurt us. In a sense sin turned them into a curse:

Rom 7:11-13 (NKJV)  For sin, taking occasion by the commandment, deceived me, and by it killed me. Therefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy and just and good. Has then what is good become death to me? Certainly not! But sin, that it might appear sin, was producing death in me through what is good, so that sin through the commandment might become exceedingly sinful.

One of the greatest gifts of God is sex. Sex is a good thing. It was created by God for people to enjoy. Yet when it's abused it is extremely dangerous and damaging. The evil prophet Balaam taught King Balak that ancient Israel could be ruined if He used inappropriate sex as his weapon. He did, and they were:

Rev 2:14  “...Balaam, who taught Balak to put a stumbling block before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed to idols, and to commit sexual immorality.”

Sex is a blessing, but it can become a curse. In Leviticus 18 (the sex chapter) God says that one of the primary reasons He was judging and displacing the inhabitants of Canaan was sexual immorality:

Lev 18:25-27 (NKJV)

25  For the land is defiled; therefore I visit the punishment of its iniquity upon it, and the land vomits out its inhabitants. 26  You shall therefore keep My statutes and My judgments, and shall not commit any of these abominations...

27  (for all these abominations the men of the land have done, who were before you, and thus the land is defiled),

It can fairly be said that abusing and misusing sex is a significant reason why the ancient near east was destroyed. Not only that but the abuse of sex is also seen in the New Testament as one of mankind's primary litmus tests for following or rejecting God:

Rom 1:26-29 (NKJV)

26  ...God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. 27  Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due. 28  And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; 29  being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness...

From basically the beginning of civilization to the end people harm and ruin themselves by ignoring God's commandments regarding sexual activity. As God pours out His wrath on mankind during the great tribulation He has this to say: “...they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality...” Rev 9:21 (NKJV)  

Sex is great. We love it. But we must control it and not allow it to control us. We must exercise restraint in accordance with God's will, or like too much food will give us heart disease the improper use of sex will give us soul disease (not to mention STDs).

Today...even as I write this our society is going through a sexual revolution. The behaviors of Leviticus 18 that God warned us to avoid are being practiced in abandon. Sex is ruling us and sex is going to ruin us. Here are some of the things going on right now:

1) Homosexuality and gay marriage are becoming the law of the land. Not only is it acceptable but those who dare speak against it are running afoul of the law.

2) Porn used to be a dirty little secret in shaded stores and hidden magazines. Now it's on public television every day. Movies feature it. Books like 50 shades of Grey are top sellers. They are read by youth, senior citizens and everyone in between.

3) Transgender. The US government is requiring the military to accommodate transgender people. Government funds are being used to provide surgical procedures to help men look like women and women like men. Public toilets are being opened to choice. Men dressed as women can use the women's restroom.

4) Living together without marriage is common today. I know many people who call themselves followers of Messiah who do it too. Yet the Bible says: “Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.” Heb 13:4 (NIV)  

The sex drive is extremely powerful. It is one of the most powerful drives we humans have. Self control takes work. Honoring God takes conviction. Dishonoring God with our bodies will lead to our personal hurt. It will also lead to our nation's destruction if we do not change our ways. Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. We are repeating it. It's not too late...but it's looking pretty grim.

What can we do about it? A few things:

1) Follow God's commands yourself. Start by reading Leviticus 18 where inappropriate sexual behavior is outlined. Don't succumb to the temptations of the world. Just because things are becoming acceptable doesn't mean we have to accept them. Stay pure. Get married. Stay faithful to your spouse.

2) Don't accept the filth of books, TV and movies. Avoid those areas of entertainment that treat sex lightly or worse—perversely. Take sex seriously. It's no laughing matter. It's abuse is destroying families and our nation. Yet we laugh at the exploits of fornicators on sitcoms and the movies. Stop paying Hollywood to ruin you.

3) Speak up. Not sure how to or who to? What about your family and friends?. If they are stepping in the wrong direction say something. Be respectful, humble and gentle. Offer guidance by God's word—especially with those who claim to be believers.

4) Pray. Pray every day. Pray all the time. Our nation is going the way of Balaam. We are going the way of Sodom. We are driving our own train right into the judgement of the great tribulation—full throttle, laughing and watching dirty movies while we eat popcorn. Are you enjoying the ride? I think i'd rather just get off the train. See you at the station...

Ambassador Update - Cathy Wilson

August 2006
Dear friends at Beth Sar Shalom,
“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual wickedness in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 6:12

I recently read in Daniel 10:10-14 that the messenger sent to Daniel to make him understand what would happen to his people, the Jewish people, in the latter days, was held up by the prince of the kingdom of Persia (demonic forces) for 21 days!! Is that hitting you like it hit me? Wow - the fact of spiritual warfare especially when it concerns Israel smacked me anew. When will Satan be bound? During the 1,000 year Millennium. What will precipitate the Millennium? The Jewish people calling out to God at the end of the Tribulation (Matthew 23:39; Psalm 118:22-26) Zech. 12:10 states that God will pour out His Spirit upon the Jewish population left at the end of the Tribulation (one third) – and they will look upon Him – at that point – at Jesus’ physical Second Coming - and repent!

Satan’s time is limited. His being bound is connected to the restoration of Israel – of the Jewish people!! Anti-Semitic statements are on the rise; and some are being voiced by unexpected sources.

Two weeks ago God gave me the opportunity to lead a Yiddish-Hebrew sing-along (!!??) at Sierra Pointe Retirement Center – for the Yiddish Club!!! I’ve been meeting every week with Annette who is the President of the Club. She has many questions about Jesus and the Bible. One afternoon I brought my guitar to her apt. Annette asked me to play a few songs. I selected a few traditional Jewish songs, i.e. Hava Nagila, Hevenu Shalom Alechem, Tzena/Tzena. You’re familiar with those songs – aren’t you?!!! Annette then asked if I would lead singing at her Yiddish Club in August. After compiling my repertoire, I ran about 12 songs by her – for her approval. There were several that were new to her (!!!??). The date for the sing-along fell on an observance day for the Jewish people – Tisha b’Av – when the Temple was destroyed in Jerusalem in 586 BC AND again – on the same date – in 70 AD. Jewish people read the book of Lamentations on this date. I asked Annette if I could read a short passage from Lamentations – 3:22-24 which includes, “God’s mercies are new every morning. Great is Thy faithfulness.” Well, aside from Annette NOT wanting me to divulge that I’m NOT Jewish, she didn’t want me to even mention the Jewish observance of Tisha b’Av. She conveyed that only Orthodox Jewish people focus on this date. And, she didn’t want me to announce the Sierra Pointe Bible study. Then things began to heat up as one Jewish woman at the retirement center started to spread the false rumor that I’m with Jews for Jesus. OY! Rubin, the 93 year-old Jewish non-believer who regularly attends our Bible study, told me to expect accusations hurled at me during the sing-along. I continued to pray, “Lord, may they trust me. May these rumors backfire. May the friendships that have been established with many of the Jewish folks who do not attend the Bible study be further cemented.”

God is indeed faithful. AND, I always marvel at God’s sense of humor – and His plan which can never be thwarted. I just showed up on August 3rd for the sing-along and He took over. There was a great response from the 35 Jewish people who attended (all non-believers [to my knowledge]) – even tho’ the Jewish woman who had spread the rumors was hovering. While I deferred to Annette and didn’t announce the Bible study, RUBIN announced it!!! AND, at the end of the event, Annette said, “I believe Cathy has endeared herself to us”!!! Praise the Lord. This was totally of God!

I visited Annette the following Tuesday in her apt. and she told me they definitely want me to return in September and lead another sing-along – but more Yiddish songs this time!!!! AND, she has asked to me to squash the rumors and announce to the entire Yiddish Club that I’m not with Jews for Jesus. I told Annette that I would tell them that I work with Chosen People; she showed no concern. Please pray that as I share this news with them that I will be able to succinctly state Who Jesus is – the perfect Passover Lamb Who is our sin-bearer – our Messiah – Who shed His blood according to God’s requirements in the Torah – and offers us forgiveness forever and eternal life. This might be my last hurrah at Sierra Pointe. But – God knows – AND His plan is never thwarted!!!

Please praise the Lord with me and pray with me for the following:

On August 19 six of us from 3 different churches presented a “L’Chaim Celebration” at Chris Ridge Retirement Center – introducing our new Bible study. There is a substantial Jewish population at this Center including several Holocaust survivors. Approximately 75 people (mostly Jewish non-believers) attended the Celebration. Several conveyed that they will be attending the Bible study – where I will be free to speak and teach about Jesus!

August 24, 2006 – our Bible study at Chris Ridge begins – every Thursday from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. Seven folks attended on 8/24 including 3 Jewish non-believers and 1 Gentile non-believer.

We enjoyed a wonderful Beth Sar Shalom service on 8/27 with 80 people in attendance including an Israeli exchange student – a Jewish non-believer who is open to learning!! Larry Feldman from Chosen People was our speaker. He was fantastic. Stay tuned for our September Beth Sar Shalom!

We are continuing to pray for someone who will lead a Bible study on the Assisted Living side at Sierra Pointe.

Help with teaching. On a weekly basis I teach several studies – all different topics – which require many hours of study. I absolutely LOVE it – but there are other aspects of the ministry as well. There are many Jewish non-believers to visit.

The storefront mission in AZ – we are moving forward!

A heavy Fall schedule as we share in churches how Jesus is the fulfillment of the Fall Feasts of Israel. . . .

September 2006
I’m back. . .
Wow – did I hear that the temps are dropping to 95 degrees today? There’s a crispness in the air!! Can you feel it? I LOVE this time of year. Hiking on the Pinnacle Peak trail is more enjoyable. I saw a mule deer the other day! (And, I saw a tarantula in our house!)

Did you know that we’re in the midst of the “Ten Days of Awe” on the Jewish calendar? Rosh Hashanah – the Jewish New Year – which is the Feast of Trumpets in Lev. 23 – began at sundown on Sept. 22 and ended at sundown on Sept. 24. Jewish people are still in the self-evaluation mode until the end of Yom Kippur. If their good deeds outweigh their bad deeds, then MAYBE their names will be written in the Book of Life – for one year. This is what Jewish tradition teaches. When the shofar blasts at sundown on October 2, Jewish people believe the books in heaven will be closed and their fate will be sealed for one year – until they re-evaluate themselves and again attempt to make reconciliation with their neighbors, friends, and with God – next year.

A group gathered and worked on mailing 1,000 invitations into Jewish homes surrounding Scottsdale Bible. We invited folks to attend our High Holy Days service on 9/24 at Beth Sar Shalom. Larry Feldman from Chosen People was our guest speaker. He shared with the 115-120 people who attended that Jesus is the fulfillment of the Jewish High Holy Days. No name is written into the Lamb’s Book of Life without Jesus. Several Jewish non-believers heard the message. Following the service, several of us distributed gifts of apples and honey - for a sweet year – to Jewish homes. Jewish people eat apples dipped in honey during the “Ten Days of Awe.” God truly blessed the visits. Many Jewish people were touched by the gesture. Walls came down. Hugs were shared. Friendships were established. Phone #’s were exchanged. I prayed with one Jewish woman; however, I do not know if she truly received the Lord. God knows. Please pray for Sally.

God is blessing in many ways. I met recently with a Jewish friend, not a believer, at the JCC/Jewish Community Center. We talked about Jesus in the middle of the center with folks milling around us. My friend agreed with me on a few fronts – and disagreed with the Rabbis!! We’re in the throes of an Email Bible study as we continue to meet one-on-one. Please pray for my friend’s salvation!

I spoke about the Fall Feasts of Israel at a church a few days ago. An Orthodox Jewish man attended. We had a great conversation following the service. He commented on several of the points I relayed about the feasts pointing to Jesus and told me that he was going to study further. During our discussion, he mentioned that when he views the writings of the modern-day Rabbis and sits under their teachings, he sees man’s fingerprints rather than God’s fingerprints! Please pray for the salvation of this young Orthodox man.

And, activities continue to grow at Sierra Pointe and at Chris Ridge. I enjoyed a Rosh Hashanah dinner with approximately 15 Jewish non-believers at one of the centers. Please pray for continued one-on-one meetings with Jewish people at these retirement centers - as I share honey cake and JESUS.

May these dear folks hunger for the sweetness of the One Who came to forgive their sins and inscribe them in the Book of Life – forever!

In His love,

TV and Radio

More and more people are telling us that they've heard our program or have seen us on TV.  Though we can't know the numbers we hope we are hitting several hundred if not thousands of viewers.

These programs are a great opportunity for Beth Sar Shalom to reach the community and even the world for Messiah and with a Messianic flavored message.  Our TV program airs online and can be watched from virtually anywhere in the world!

Visit our media page for schedules.



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Missions update Blake Laslett

KENYA MISSION REPORT 				July 24, 2006
From Blake Lasslett

NAMANGA Church is Constituted

Daniel Kimeu and his new wife Victoria came to Namanga as
missionaries almost three years ago. Most of you probably
remember we have
partnered with them since they started. Namanga is a town of
20,000 people on the border of Kenya and Tanzania. It is a
growing place
and electricity is finally coming here but the
atmosphere is more like an upcountry village. The people are
Maasai. All the rural land on both sides of the border is

FRIDAY twelve candidates were interviewed and accepted for
membership. During the afternoon Pastor Masunga taught a survey
of the
church constitution. Daniel had been teaching on doctrine.

SATURDAY I taught on church polity and membership in the
morning. In the
afternoon the candidates walked to the river where we baptized
Seven of these were men, which was very encouraging. One Maasai
Nashia is being refused baptism by her husband. She is a new
convert from
a manyatta, about 2 kilometers from Namanga. She is in one of
the attached
pictures. Daniel visits and preaches at this manyatta weekly.

SUNDAY- In the morning worship I preached on I Peter
Special Today in Namanga.” In the afternoon a service for
constituting the church was held. Masunga read the church
covenant and all
members affirmed it. The service concluded as the new church
observed the
first communion.


Part of our trip this year includes finalizing the purchase
of a plot
of land in Namanga. The Lord has intervened in this process in
many ways.
We have been renting an old building on the plot for 2 years for
$25.00 a
month. See the attached picture of the building with the “Coca
Cola” sign
with “Trinity Baptist” under it. The
congregation of TBC will use this old building until funds are
available to build something more adequate. The building they
should build
will cost about one million Kenyan shillings ($15,000).


In the providence of God Alice has rescued two new babies.
Baby “Mary”
was found last week, in a pineapple field, near Thika. I will
make another
visit to the children’s home, with Wayne & Alex, on July 29.

Alex and I have been in several homes in rural Kenya where
we are the
first white men that the children in that home have ever seen.
Daniel’s little girl “Blessed” was afraid of us at first. We are
the first
white men in their church or home since last year. The roads
here are
mostly all dirt. There are a few tarmac roads between major
Consequently we are driving in dust continually. Everything is
gritty with
dirt & dust. Right now Alex is washing dishes and Jacob Gilo,
our house
help, is cleaning our clothes. Alex is down to his last clean
shirt. Wayne
Pirmann arrived today; he will be teaching with me in the Daruma
Conference next week.
More in a couple weeks. Please pray for us.

In His Service,

Blake & Alex

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