Thank You for Visiting Our Online Community!
Presiding Bishop Aaron B. Lackey, Sr. and First Lady Lakita C. Lackey would like to thank you for visiting the Temple of Prayer Family Worship Cathedral's Online Community.
The Temple of Prayer is a vibrant church that believes in Exemplifying Holiness, With a Standard of Excellence!
As the International Headquarters for the United Churches of God in Christ, Inc., we are committed to Saving the Lost, Healing the Sick, Equipping the Body of Christ and Global Evangelism!
Whenever you're in the Greater Metropolitan Atlanta Area, come and worship with us. The Temple Of Prayer Weekly Schedule:
- Christian Education Classes (Sunday) 9:00am
- Sunday Morning Glory Worship Celebration 10:00am
- Wednesday Corporate Prayer 6:30pm
- Wednesday Mid-Week Pastoral Teaching 7:00pm
Directions to Temple of Prayer Family Worship Cathedral
161 Senoia Road, Fairburn, GA 30213 Phone: 770-969-5126.
Interstate 85-South to Exit 61 (Fairburn / Peachtree City / Hwy 74)
Turn Right onto Hwy 74
Bear to the Right onto Senoia Road (fork in the road)
Temple of Prayer UCOGIC is 1/4 of a mile on the left
Presiding Bishop Aaron B. Lackey's Preaching Itinerary
Bishop Aaron B. Lackey, Sr. is the Chief Apostle & Presiding Bishop of the United Churches of God in Christ, Inc. He also serves as Senior Pastor and ministers WEEKLY at Temple of Prayer Family Worship Cathedral, 161 Senoia Road, Fairburn, GA 30213.
Come, Experience the Ministry of Presiding Bishop Aaron B. Lackey, Sr. and Dr. Lakita C. Lackey in a City Nearest YOU! (All times listed are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) unless otherwise noted.) If you'd like to invite Bishop or Dr. Lackey to speak at your occasion, please call, 770-969-5126 or 770-657-7979 and give your request to our administrator, Aaronlyn Wright
[Fairburn, GA] Every Week at the Temple --Presiding Bishop Aaron B. Lackey ministers weekly at the Temple of Prayer Family Worship Cathedral (Fairburn, GA) in addition to his preaching engagements locally and across the globe. Come and worship at the ‘TEMPLE’ to experience a mighty shifting in the atmosphere. Mid-week Bible Study classes begin at 7:00pm, Christian Education classes begin at 9:00am and Sunday Morning Worship Services begin promptly at 10:00am. “There’s NO place anywhere, Quite like the Temple of Prayer.” #TOPWorship
1. [Lagrange, GA] Friday, June 28th @ 7pm—Presiding Bishop Aaron Lackey ministering at “Life & Spirit Bible Church”, 4175 Greenville Road, Lagrange GA 30241. Mother Lucille Thornton, Host Pastor.
2. [Durham, NC] Thursday & Friday, July 11th & 12th @ 7pm nightly—Presiding Bishop Aaron Lackey ministering at “Jubilee Christian Church International” for their 20th North American Convention. 4809 Prospectus Drive, Durham NC 27713. Dr. Bisi Tofade, North American Chairman & Host; Dr. Adukunle Adesina, International Chairman.
3. [Douglasville, GA] Thursday, July 25th @ 11am—Presiding Bishop Aaron Lackey will be at the Douglasville Conference Center, 6700 Church Street, Douglasville GA. He will teach from the subject, “IS MY CHURCH ON LIFE SUPPORT?” This special teaching will be available to all Registered Delegates of the 39th International Holy Convocation of the United Churches of God in Christ, Inc. For more information or to register, go to .
4. [Douglasville, GA] Friday, July 26th @ 7:30pm—Presiding Bishop Aaron Lackey will deliver the Official Address at the Douglasville Conference Center, 6700 Church Street, Douglasville GA. This service is free and open to the public. It will climax the 39th International Holy Convocation of the United Churches of God in Christ, Inc. For more information or to register, go to .
5. [Atlanta, GA] Sunday, July 28th @ 3pm—Presiding Bishop Aaron Lackey will minister at the Shady Grove Baptist Church, 1147 Osborne Street SW, Atlanta, GA 30310. Rev. James Tukes, Host Pastor.
6. [College Park, GA] Wednesday, August 7th @ 7:30pm—First Lady Lakita C. Lackey will minister at the “Sacred Gate Conference” which will convene at Restoration Christian Fellowship Center, 2451 Roosevelt Hwy, College Park, GA 30337. Rev. Steve Alexander, Host Pastor.
7. [Fairburn, GA] Wednesday, August 7th @ 7pm—Presiding Bishop Aaron Lackey will minister at Mt. Zion Baptist Church, 120 Greene Street NE, Fairburn, GA 30213. Rev. Robert Stanley, Host Pastor.
8. [Atlanta, GA] Sunday, August 18th @ 2pm—Presiding Bishop Aaron Lackey will minister at Liberty International Church, 1362 Metropolitan Parkway SW, Atlanta, GA 30310. Bishop Gregory L. Fann, Host Pastor.
9. [Greensboro, NC] Saturday, August 31st @ 11am—Presiding Bishop Aaron Lackey will minister at the National Holy Convocation of the Reformed Churches of God in Christ, Inc. Presiding Bishop Kendrick Rogers, Convocation Host.
10. [Covington, GA] Sunday, September 22nd @ 2:30pm—Presiding Bishop Aaron Lackey will minister at Bethel Tabernacle UCOGIC, 4139 Cannon Street NW, Covington, GA 30014. Bishop Ronnie Richardson, Host Pastor.
11. [Atlanta, GA] Sunday, September 29th @ 3pm—Kingdom Building for Christ Ministries, 353 Wilkinson Drive SE, Atlanta, GA 30317. Rev. Anthony Martin, Host Pastor.