The Philadelphia Group of Seven

The Philadelphia Group of Seven


The Philadelphia Group of Seven


    If you look up the definition of the word "placebo effect" you will find that because people believe something is going to help them whether it is a sugar pill or surgical procedure, their mind can convince them that it is true and they recover. On the other hand look up the "no-cebo effect" you will find the opposite is true so therefore you can see that it is the thought and your belief that either can make you sick or make you well.The resources found here will give you the means by which you can prevent illnesses whether they be mental, physical or spiritual.

Benjamin Franklin once said "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure".

     In the event you've already fallen prey to these diseases whether they be in the body the mind or the spirit these resources are designed to help you reverse that condition.The last resource book (book#3) is science-based, however although it uses God's principles written in his word, it lacks the use of God's word which I believe will exponentially increase its effectiveness therefore it is my desire to combine these three resources into one manual .Hopefully this task will be completed over the course of 2024 and provided for you free of charge from this website.Please stay tuned as I will keep you apprised of my progress ,please keep me in your prayers, the life you save may be your own.

     The material given in these three resource books have been effective in reversing conditions for tens of thousands of people across the planet like fibromyalgia, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and literally every disease known to man, both mental, physical and spiritual, I believe they warrant your attention. Please pass this information on to others because our prayer tools are of no value unless they are put to use

God's word works, but only if we use it.

     In our Miracle training class we show you how to heal both yourself and others but if you do not address the root cause of your condition you may end up needing healing prayer again. Father God's ultimate desire for you is not to heal you but to prevent you from getting sick in the first place by following his word. His desire for you is that you would "Have life and have it more abundantly"

Book 1

A more excellent way ( Be in health ) / By  Dr. Henry Wright

Book 2

Exposing the spiritual roots of disease / by Dr. Henry Wright

Book 3

The Science behind "Tapping" / By Dr Peta Stapleton


Health Corner


Part A on Depression from Dr Henry Wright



 Part B on Depression from Dr Henry Wright


Allergies with Dr. Henry Wright



10 Minute Chair Workout For Weight Loss