Bringing Interactivity into the Church!


"I've got over 20 years of experience on church management and your product is the most church-staff friendly I've seen."

Roy Hancock
New Providence Baptist Church
"I just wanted to drop you a note and tell you how grateful I am for all the work you have done on this program and how great it is!  The more I work with it, the more I appreciate how user friendly it is."

Cathy Kelly
Open Arms Ministry
"Once again, I wanted to drop a line and tell you and your staff that I am pretty impressed with the courteous service and quality website that is provided.  It truly is appreciated..."

Wes Beard
Christian Faith Center, IT Administrator
"I love the new Prayer Board.  I just want you to know that MyFlock has certainly revolutionalized our ministry!  Thanks!  Keep improving it!"

Pastor Marion Pope
Winchester Christian Center International
"Thank you so much! It looks GREAT!, keep up the good work! We love myflock!"

Justin Coffman
 "One of the many things I like about myflock is the flexibility it offers the user in keeping the content fresh and dynamic. One thing I don’t want is a static site that is nothing more than a glorified brochure about the church."

LeRoy E. Redding
Associate Pastor
Bonney Lake Community Church
"I hope you are enjoying the new site as much as I am. I'm really thrilled about this site. It will do more than I had even hoped or dreamed. I was just about to settle for a company I am using for another web site I take care of when I was prompted to check this out. Thank you Lord!! I love it when I listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit! This site is just amazing. It will do so much more and the cost is the same as the other place. This site will be able to serve our visitors (pre and post), members and most of all God. Please be sure to contact me with ideas and suggestions."

excerpted from Glenn's Blog
The House of Victory
East Alton, IL
"My folks LOVE myflock's set up and connectivity options. They LOVE it -- as do I. We've been bombarding the site with updates and profile activities as well as event publication. I am such a fan of it already that I'm going to see if I can get you some more business and get some more churches signed up. The ease of updating and maintaining, mixed in with the functionality of myflock just makes too much sense."

Rev. Larry J Green, Pastor
Fieldstone Presbyterian Church
Mooresville, NC
"You [MyFlock] have done a terrific job in setting this up, and we love it. Our members have reacted to it with enthusiasm.."

Bill Damon
Chester Baptist Church
Chester, Virginia
 "Thanks again for all you do. You and your organization gets "A"'s with me."

Linda Teeter
The Little Organizer
Junction City, KS
"Wild Fire! I love the whole "myflock" concept. I think that you have a genious idea and system in place. We are a small church about 20 minutes south of Dallas, and I know that the myflock site will help our church to grow."

Justin Coffman
Harvest Hill Church
Midlothian, TX
"This website is WONDERFUL! I knew a website existed, but had no idea it would be so informative and fun! You really need to promote it at church, especially for newcomers. I did the personal profile today. It was great!"

Suzy Lauseng
member Legacy Church, Junction City, KS
"Thanks for all your help. The folks in the congregation have been very complimentary of the site already and really love the way it allows them to connect with God and each other throughout the week."

Rev. Larry J. Green, Pastor
Fieldstone Presbyterian Church
 "Thanks much. Being part of myflock is great."

Fr. John
St. Matthias Catholic Church

"Thank you for your endless patience with me. You are such a blessing! You are the best tech support that I have ever contacted. You answer quickly and you never make me feel stupid or incompetent. Thank you!"

New Hope Worship Center
 "I get to see a lot of exciting new services as editor of CCMag. Recently, I was given a demonstration of a new web service called MyFlock. I was very impressed with what they offered and knew our readers would want to hear about it. One of the things I found exciting about the service is that it grew out of actual ministry needs, and that the pastor of the first church where it was used asked to write an article sharing his excitement about the product."

Steve Hewitt
Editor in Chief, Chistian Computing Magazine
 ...When I presented the [MyFlock] CD demo to our council, they wanted me to contact some people who were using MyFlock to get some feedback, so last night I went to your site, used the dropdown list of users, and emailed from there.
I was astounded at the response. Within 15 minutes, I had 5 replys. By 11 pm, I had 15 and even more today. Nothing but praise for you and for the software...

Barbara Beaver
Trinity Lutheran Church
Riverside, California
 "Wow! This is so cool -- really a rich and interactive environment. Kudos to the designer(s)!"

Debra Thompson
Christian Life Fellowship
 "I have found your website to be so easy to use.... Most features I had figured out due to its user friendliness....I am so fond of your site and am anxious to share it with my pastor and others. I am hoping they are as excited about its possibilities as I am....It offers so many of the features that we have been desiring especially the apparent record-keeping features. It is a wonderful tool for churches. I am so pleased that I was introduced to it through my mom's church.."

Susan Speir
New Hope Worship Center
Millegeville, GA