Week 47: 24th to 30th July, 2016 Bible Study Title: God’s position on evil times Bible Study Text: Luke 13:1-9 Full Bible reference: 1 There were some, who were present at that season, who told Him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. 2 And Jesus answered and said to them, "Do you suppose that these Galileans were worse sinners than all other Galileans, because they suffered such things? 3 "I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish. 4 "Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them, do you think that they were worse sinners than all other men who dwelt in Jerusalem? 5 "I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish." 6 He also spoke this parable: "A certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and he came seeking fruit on it and found none. 7 "Then he said to the keeper of his vineyard, 'Look, for three years I have come seeking fruit on this fig tree and find none. Cut it down; why does it use up the ground?' 8 "But he answered and said to him, 'Sir, let it alone this year also, until I dig around it and fertilize it. 9 'And if it bears fruit, well. But if not, after that you can cut it down.'" Introduction In recent times, we have been shocked by the news of Boko Haram attacks here and there in Nigeria. The pain and trauma it has left, especially when many churches were attacked with significant loss of lives remain with us. We hear of earthquakes, tsunamis that killed thousands of people in other countries. We have also heard of many personal tragedies such as the loss of loved ones, accidents, children who suffer diseases etc. With these, it is natural to ask the question "why"? Why did this happen to this or that person? We ask God questions and sometimes we even doubt His existence. How can God, who is all-powerful allow good people to suffer from the hands of the wicked? In this study, we see Jesus addressing this issue. We will learn how to respond to these events as a maturing saint in our walk with the Lord. Teaching: 1. Why do bad things happen to Good people - Luke 13:1- 4 It is common to hear people say that bad things only happen to bad people. These category of people reasoned that since God is a powerful and good God, the people who experienced good things in their life did so because they are good. Those who experienced bad things did so because they are sinners. This is the rational theory of men. Jesus related two events that happened in Palestine. The first one was "...the Galileans, whose blood were mingled with their sacrifices". (Luke 13:1). This event happened during the reign of the Pilate, who was a Roman Governor. Roman governors in those days had ways of embezzling funds to cover up their expenses before and after they are elected and after they retire from their positions. Now, Pilate had been in this position for a long time and he was planning for his retirement fund. He had to look for a way to steal funds from the temple offerings. When it became exposed, the worshippers in the temple got annoyed and a number of Jews were killed. These people had gone to the Temple to worship God and instead of receiving blessings in the service, they were killed. This brings to mind how many Christians were killed in church bombings in the Northern part of Nigeria. They went to church like everyone else on Sunday, got to church and before you know it, a bomb detonated and they were killed. Why did that happen? The second incident is "...those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them, do you think that they were worse sinners than all other men who dwelt in Jerusalem?" These people happened to be in the right place at the wrong time or at the wrong place at the wrong time. What did they do wrong? They simply came to get water. Why did they have to die? They were not bad people - they were not deserving of such a fate. 2. Jesus’ answer to why bad things happen to Good people - Luke 13:5 Jesus approached the matter with a consciousness of the privilege of life, which should drive us each day, as we wake up from our bed. He said the people asked the wrong question. They asked why all these men die? He corrected that they should have been asking, "why didn't I die, too?” What change do I need to make? What area have I not repented? I perceive Jesus was saying certain things are inevitable, we only need to be sure we are in our best state to meet the Lord at all times. Therefore, the saying that bad things happen to good people does not arise because no one is good. We are not blessed because of our good deeds. God blesses us because of His grace. Jesus said "Do you suppose that these Galileans were greater sinners than all other Galileans, because they suffered this fate?” I tell you, no, but, unless you repent, you will all likewise perish. "Or do you suppose that those eighteen on whom the tower of Siloam fell were worse culprits than all the men who live in Jerusalem?” I tell you, no, but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish." (Luke 13:2-5). So, when we see bad things happening in the world, the question is not to ask "why" it happened, it should be "why didn't it happen to me"? What is my spiritual state today? Am I in the right standing with God? Can I make heaven? This position indicates that we must be more aware of our state with God than ever before. We must repent of our sins on a continuous basis. Although, we did that when we gave our lives to Christ, daily repentance and forsaking is a continuous thing in the heart of a believer as we see any form of sin creep in. It’s like brushing our teeth or washing our body daily. 3. The fruit of repentance - Luke 13:6-9 Jesus shared a parable to demonstrate the fruit of repentance. "And he began telling this parable: "A certain man had a fig tree which had been planted in his vineyard; and he came looking for fruit on it, and did not find any. "And he came to the vineyard-keeper, `Behold, for three years I have come looking for fruit on this fig tree without finding any. Cut it down! Why does it even use up the ground?’ And he answered and said to him, `Let it alone, sir; for this year too, until I dig around it and put in fertilizer; 9 and if it bears fruit next year, fine; but if not, cut it down.’" (Luke 13:6-9). This can be likened to all of us. We are the tree that Jesus is talking about in the vineyard. The important question to ask yourself is "Am I bearing fruit?” The governor has not executed you and no towers have fallen on you. You are still alive. Are you making this privilege count for the Lord? Are you bearing fruit for the kingdom of God? God is not looking for a tree with branches, trunk, roots, or leaves etc., He is simply looking for fruit in our lives. He wants to know whether our lives are bearing fruit or not. He said in Luke 13:7" ... Behold, for three years, I have come looking for fruit on this fig tree without finding any. Cut it down! Why does it even use up the ground?" There is danger in not being fruitful for Him. Jesus said such trees will be cut down. May God not cut off our lives from Him in Jesus name. 4. More grace for everyone - Luke 13:9 Jesus is extending more grace for each and every one of us. He is given us more time to bear fruit. Each day you wake up alive is another opportunity to bear fruit for the Lord. And he answered and said to him, `Let it alone, sir; for this year too, until I dig around it and put in fertilizer; 9 and if it bears fruit next year, fine; but if not, cut it down.’" Luke 13:9
Lessons 1. No time to play games with God There is no time to play religion or church with God. It will not work. Jesus is looking for real fruit in a person’ life - not leaves, branches, or trunks. He is not looking at your positions in the church; all that matters is that you being a fruit-bearing life in the Lord. When you are not producing fruit, you are using up too much space that could be used for fruit producers. 2. Judgment postponed but not canceled God is always giving us "another year" to bear fruit. Don't wait until it is too late. The mandate is now on us to take our place in the kingdom by producing fruits of righteousness and having tangible output for every input that God has made in our lives. In 2 Peter 3:9, we read that - "The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance." The call today is a call to repentance. It is a call to turn from all manner of sins and turn to the Living God. Practical application In this study, we have seen the reason why we are still privileged to be alive. In as much as we are worried about the evils around, the concern of heaven is what we are doing with the opportunity we have, while in the flesh. The fact that a tragedy like Boko Haram's bombs has not hit us should show us God's great patience and demand for more fruits in our lives. God is our defence and sure security against all forms of evils, but we must make our being alive count for the Lord. |
Ose Ketadinlaadota - 24th-30th July, 2016 Akori Eko Bibeli: Ipo Olorun lori akoko buburu Ese Bibeli: Luku 13:1-19 Ese Bibeli Lekunrere Awon kan si wa li akoko na ti o so ti awon ara Galili fun u, eje eniti Pilatu dapo mo ebo won. 2. Jesu si dahun o wi fun won pe, enyin sebi awon ara Galili wonyi se elese ju gbogbo awon ara Galili lo, nitoriti won je iru iya bawonyi. 3. Mo wi fun nyin beeko, bikosepe enyin ronupiwada, gbogbo nyin ni yio segbe be gege. 4. Tabi awon mejidinlogun, ti ile-iso ni Siloamu wolu, ti o si pa won, enyin sebi won se elese ju gbogbo awon enia ti mbe ni Jerusalemu lo?. 5. Mo wi fun nyin, Beeko, bikosepe enyin ronupiwada, gbogbo nyin ni yio segbe be gege. 6. O si pa owe yi fun u won pe; okunrin kan ni igi opoto ti a gbin si ogba ajara re, o si de, o nwa eso lori re, ko si ri nkan. 7. O si wi fun olusogba re pe, sawo, lati odun meta li emi ti nwa iwo eso lori igi opoto yi, emi ko si ri nkan; ke e lule; eese ti o nfi gbile lasan pelu?. 8. O si dahun o wi fun u pe, Oluwa, jowo re li odun yi pelu, titi emi o fi tu ile idi re yika, titi emi o si fi bu iledu si i; 9. Bi o ba si eso, gege; bi ko ba si so, nje lehin eyini ki iwo ki o ke lule. Ifaara Laipe yii, ikolukogba ti awon Boko-haram ndasile ti mu jinni-jinni ba orile-ede wa. Irora ati ogbe-okan ti won da sile paapaa nigba ti won ba kolu awon ile-ijosin ti won si n fi Emi opo enia sofo ko ti i kuro lara wa.A n gbo nipa ile riru, isele tsunami ti o pa oke-aimoye eniyan lawon orileede mmiran. A si ti gbo nipa ewu ti n de ba enikookan bi iku ololufe, ijamba oko ati ajakale-arun lori awon omo, abbl. Fun gbogbo ewu ti n se lotun losi yii, ko lodi lati beere, ‘kini idi’ tabi kini okunfa isele to n sele si eni yii? A maa n bi Olorun lawon ibeere bayi, igba miran a tile maa n siyemeji iwa-laaye Re. Bawo ni Olorun ti o ni agbara julo se le gba enia buburu laaye lati kolu enia rere. Ninu eko yii, a ri Jesu nso nipa isele yii. A oo ko nipa ohun ti a le se ni akoko ibi bayi gegebi enia mimo ti ndagbasoke ninu irin ajo wa pelu Olorun. Idanilekoo 1. Kini idi ti ibi fi nsele si awon enia rere, Luku 13;1-4 A tile ma n gbo pe enia buburu ni isele-ibi ma n se si. Ironu opo eniyan ni pe nitori Olorun je alagbara julo ti n se rere, ire a maa de ba awon enia rere nigbati awon enia buburu yio ma ri ikolu-ibi. Eyi je ero ti eniyan. Jesu se afiwe isele meji ti o waye ni ilu Palestini. Ekini ni awon ara Galili ti a po eje won po mo ebo,(luku13;1). Isele yi waye ni akoko ijoba Pilatu ti n se gomina ilu Romu. Awon gomina ti n joba ni ilu Romu ni ona ti nwon gba ko owo jo li ona aito ni akoko idibo ati bi won ba ngbaradi fun ifehinti lori oye. Pilatu ti pe lori aleefa ijoba re, o si n se eto ikowojo ifehinti re. O wa ona lati ko ninu owo-ore tempili. Nigbati asiri re tu, awon olujosin inu tempili naa binu lodi si iwa re, eyi ti o seku pa opolopo awon Ju. Awon wonyi ni won kolu ninu tempili ni akoko ijosin ti won si pa won dipo ki won gba ibukun ti mbe ninu jijosi. Ki lo fa eyi? Eyi mu wa ranti iye opo awon Kristiani ti won pa nipa jiju ado oloro si ile-ijosin lapa oke-oya ni orile-ede Naijiria. Won lo lati josin Olorun bi opo enia ti n se kaakiri lojo isinmi, ka too seju pee, ado oloro dun won si ba iku airotele pade, kini okunfa isele yii?. Isele ekeji ni ti “awon mejidinlogun ti ile iso giga ni Siloamu subu lu ti o si pa won, se a ro pe ese won lo buru ju ti awon eniyan ti mbe ni Jerusalemu lo ni”. Awon wonyi wa si ibi ti o to ni akoko ti ko to, tabi ki a wipe won wa si ibi ti ko to ni akoko ti ko to. Kini ebi won, won wa lati pon omi, kini idi ti ibi fi gbodo sele si won dipo elomiran ti o to si iru isele bee?. 2. Idahun Jesu si idi ti isele-ibi se nde ba awon enia rere, Luku 13;5 Jesu se alaye ijinle lori anfaani ti a ni ti a fi wa laaye eyi to ye ki o maa je wa lokan ti a ba ji lojojumo. Awon enia n beere idi ti awon ti o segbe se ku, Jesu ko faramo iru ibeere bayi. O fi ye won pe ibeere won iba ti je,’kini idi ti a fi da emi papa si ti n ko ku’?, Atunse wo ni mo nilo lati se?, ona wo ni mo nilo lati yipada?, mo woye pe ohun ti Jesu n so ni pe awon ohun kan wa ti ko le e se aisele, a nilo lati ni aridaju pe a wa ni ipo ti o ye lati ba Oluwa pade nigba-gbogbo. Nitorina siso oro pe; Isele aburu maa nsele si enia rere ko ye ko waye nitori ko si eni rere kan. Ibukun ti a nri gba ko ni i se pelu ise-rere wa, Oluwa n bukun wa nipa oore-ofe re ni. Jesu wipe ‘’Enyin sebi awon Galili wonni se elese ju gbogbo awon ara Galili lo,nitoriti won je iru iya bawonni? Mo wi fun yin, beko, bikosepe enyin ronupiwada, gbogbo nyin ni yio segbe be gege’’. Abi e ro wipe awon mejidinlogun ti ile-iso Siloamu wo lu,ti o si pawon je elese buburu ju gbogbo enia ti mbe ni Jerusalemu lo? Mo wi fun yin , beko, bikosepe enyin ronupiwada,gbogbo yin ni yio segbe bee gege,(Luku13;2-5). Fun idi eyi ti a ba ri isele buburu ni aye yii,ko ye ki ibeere wa je; kini okunfa isele yii?, sugbon ki a maa beere wipe ‘kini idi ti ko fi sele s imi? Iru ipo wo ni mo wa ninu Emi loni? Nje mo duro deede pelu Olorun bi?, Nje emi yio tile jogun ijoba-orun?. Rironu bayi nfihan pe a gbodo mo iha ti a ko si Olorun ju ti ateyin- wa lo. A gbodo maa yipada kuro ninu ese wa nigba gbogbo. Lotito a se eyi nigbati a jowo aye wa fun Kristi, sise ironupiwada ati ikosile awon ese wa lojojumo je ojuse ti o nti okan wa bi a ti nri ese ti nrapala wo aye wa. A le fiwe fifo eyin wa tabi wiwe lojoojumo. 3. Eso ironupiwada Luku 13;6-9 Jesu so itan kan lati se afihan eso ironupiwada. ‘’O si pa owe yi fun won pe;okunrin kan ni igi opoto kan ti a gbin si ogba ajara re, o si de, o nwa eso lori re,ko si ri nkan. 7. O si wi fun olusogba re pe, sawo lati odun meta li emi ti nwa iwo eso lori igi opoto yi,emi ko si ri nkan;ke lule; eese ti o fi ngbile lasan pelu. 8.o si dahun o wi fun pe,Oluwa jowo re li odunyi pelu,titi emi o fi tu ile idi re yika,titi emi o si fi bu iledu si I; 9. Bi o ba si so,gege; bi ko ba si so, nje lehin eyini ki iwo ki o ke e lule’’(Luku 13:6-9). A le fi itan yi we enikookan wa, a je igi opoto ti Jesu nso nipa re ninu ogba ajara. Ibeere pataki ti nilati bi ara re ni ,’’Nje mo n so eso?.Gomina ko dajo iku fun o tabi ki ile-iso wo pa o, o si wa laaye. Nje o nlo anfaani yii fun iwulo Olorun?,Nje o nso eso fun ijoba Olorun? Olorun ko wa igi ti o ni eka,iti,gbongbo,ewe,abbl. Ohun kan pato ti Olorun nwa ni eso , O fe mo boya aye wa nso eso tabi ko so. O so ninu Luku13;7 ‘’Sawo, lati odun meta li emi ti nwa iwo eso lori igi opoto yi, emi ko si ri nkan;ke e lule, eese ti o nfi gbile lasan pelu? Aiso eso lewu lopolopo. Jesu wipe iru igi bee ni a oo ke lule. Ki Olorun ma ge aye wa lule loruko Jesu, amin. 4. Oore-ofe pipo sii fun gbogbo enia- Luku13:9 Jesu nfi oore-ofe pipo si fun gbogbo enia ati enikookan wa. O fun wa lasiko si i lati so eso. Ojo Kookan ti a nji saye je anfani ti O fifun wa lati so eso. O dahun o wi fun pe ‘’Oluwa, jowo re li odun yi pelu,titi emi yio fi tu idi re yika, ti emi yio si fi bu iledu si, Bi o ba so eso,gege, bi ko ba si so, nje lehin eyi ni ki iwo ki o ke lule’’ Koko Inu Eko 1. ko si akoko lati doweke pelu Olorun Ko si akoko lati maa fi esin tabi asa ijo ba Olorun lo,eyi ko le sise. Jesu nwa eso tooto, ki i se eka, ewe tabi iti, ko wo ipo re ninu ijo, ohun ti o je E logun ni pe ki aye re so eso ninu Oluwa. Bi o ko ba so eso, o tumo si pe o n gba gbogbo ile eyi ti o ye ki a fi fun awon oluso-eso. 2. A sun idajo siwaju ni, ki i se pe a wogi lee. Odoodun ni Olorun ma nfun wa ni akoko lati so eso. Mase duro titi yio fi bo sori. A ti fun wa ni ase lati duro ni ipo wa ninu ijoba nipa siso eso iwa-mimo, pelupelu ki a so ojulowo eso jade lori irugbin gbogbo ti Oluwa fon sinu aye wa. Bibeli so ninu Peteru keji 3;9.’’Oluwa ko fi ileri re jafara bi awon elomiran ti ka a si ijafara;sugbon o nmu suru fun nyin nitori ko fe ki enikeni ki o segbe,bikose ki gbogbo enia ki o wa si ironupiwada’’. Ipe ti a npe loni je ipe lati yipada kuro ninu ese eyikeyi ti a nda k a si yi pada sodo Olorun alaaye. Amulo Eko Ninu eko yii, a ti ri idi ti a fi fun wa ni anfaani lati wa laaye. Bi o tile je wipe ominu n ko wa nipa awon isele ayika wa, ohun ti o je Olorun lokan ni bi a ti nlo anfaani ti a ni nigba ti a si wa ninu ara. Bi ijamba ado oloro Boko-haram ko ba de odo re, otito ibe ni pe o n fi titobi suuru Olorun han ati bibeere fun iso-eso sii lori iwa-laaye wa. Olorun ni abo ati asa wa ti o daju lori gbogbo ibi sugbon a gbodo rii pe iwalaaye wa wulo fun Oluwa. |
Week 46: 17th to 23rd, 2016 Bible Study Title: Maturing in spiritual readiness Bible Study Text: Luke 12:35-48 Full Bible reference: 35 "Let your waist be girded and your lamps burning; 36 "and you yourselves be like men who wait for their master, when he will return from the wedding, that when he comes and knocks they may open to him immediately. 37 "Blessed are those servants whom the master, when he comes, will find watching. Assuredly, I say to you that he will gird himself and have them sit down to eat, and will come and serve them. 38 "And if he should come in the second watch, or come in the third watch, and find them so, blessed are those servants. 39 "But know this, that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into. 40 "Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect." 41 Then Peter said to Him, "Lord, do You speak this parable only to us, or to all people?" 42 And the Lord said, "Who then is that faithful and wise steward, whom his master will make ruler over his household, to give them their portion of food in due season? 43 "Blessed is that servant whom his master will find so doing when he comes. 44 "Truly, I say to you that he will make him ruler over all that he has. 45 "But if that servant says in his heart, 'My master is delaying his coming,' and begins to beat the male and female servants, and to eat and drink and be drunk, 46 "the master of that servant will come on a day when he is not looking for him, and at an hour when he is not aware, and will cut him in two and appoint him his portion with the unbelievers. 47 "And that servant who knew his master's will, and did not prepare himself or do according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. 48 "But he who did not know, yet committed things deserving of stripes, shall be beaten with few. For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more. Introduction We live in the last days. The signs around us are clear that the coming of the Lord is very close. We also know that this is the time we are seeing the greatest attack on our mind, as the devil is committed to distracting us and shifting our focus on worldly things. This is a time to be loyal to Christ; looking forward to His coming by a life of daily faithfulness. Our sense of waiting and readiness must be activated as we set our lamps burning for the Lord. This consciousness is an attitude of maturity, where we be in a ready mood every day, waiting for the Lord. This study explores practical principles of spiritual readiness as it relates to the time we live in.
Teaching 1. The parable of the watchful servants (Luke 12:35-36) This parable talks about a master who went to a wedding banquet and his servant were waiting for him, as he delayed his coming. In this parable, Jesus admonished the disciples to be dressed and ready. They must stay awake and be ready at a moment's notice to welcome the master. They are never to be off duty, but continually on duty. They are also admonished to keep their lights burning. To keep the lamp burning will require sustained effort. Lamps that are burning regularly will need oil to keep it burning, you will need to trim the wicks occasionally, and you will need to watch out for the wind so as not to blow it out. This is the heart of our spiritual journey of maturity – to get sufficient oil of grace through prayers and trimming our wicks through the word of God on daily basis. The fact is that there is no time to relax. We must be vigilant and renew our effort and investment as we prepare for Jesus' coming. There will never be a time to have spiritual leave of absence, there will never be a moment to stop going to the fellowship, reaching out for the Lord, and living a holy life, etc. 2. Waiting and watching for the master's return (Luke 12:36-37) The master does not need to knock on the door when He comes and then wait for His servants to get up and come out sleep-walking to open the door. When the master comes, the servants are to be 100% alert and ready. His coming should be their priority, no laziness or act of self-indulgence. 3. The parable of the thief - Luke 12:39 Jesus ended the parable of the watchful servants with another parable saying "But know this, that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into" Most homes in Palestine were locked during the night, while the rich people's homes were locked with a key. However, thieves do not try to break the door while people are sleeping because they will wake up. What they do is to dig through the mud-brick wall of the house, quietly and then enter at night and steal properties and they walk out without anyone knowing. In the parable Jesus was referring to issues of thieves who will come in an uncommon way to steal our spiritual values and heritage in God. They will come through normal channels of open sins and also secret sins. Be watchful! The only way to prevent a thief from entering is to stay up all night, watching out for any sign of entry. The only way you can be ready is to be spiritually alert and awake. Lessons: 1. Jesus is coming back! We have heard a lot about Jesus' coming and it is possible to lose sight of this great event. A lot of Christians have lost sight of this and have been so loaded with motivational messages that have made them so earthly-relevant and heavenly-disconnected. They live each day to make a mark in this world with desire for success, achievement etc., without a daily investment in their heavenly home. Now, messages are about instant blessing with disregard for conscious lifestyle for eternity sake. Are you prepared to meet the Lord? 2. Be alert and watchful for His coming The only way we can make it when the Lord comes is to be spiritual alert and watchful. We must not engage in sins that will dull the edge of our lives and our awareness. We must be prayerful. We must spend time in prayer and communion with Lord Jesus. This will help us to be alert and to be spiritually awake. When you are too busy to pray, your guard is down and if you make it an habit, even though you attend fellowship church regularly, you can become spiritually sleepy and exposed to the devil’s attack. Practical application A lot of people are living their lives as if the Lord will not come again. They live for today only, with no regard for the Master's return. Jesus says we should be "like men who are waiting for their master's return". We should live each day with an eye on that future day when "the Lord Himself will descend from heaven and shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God". (I Thess. 4:16). We will be blessed if the Lord returns and finds us ready. |
Ose Kerindinlaadota: 17th-23rd July, 2016 Akori Eko Bibeli : Didagbasoke ninu igbaradi ti emi Ese Bibeli: Luku 12;35-48 Ese bibeli Lekunrere E di amure nyin, ki fitila nyin ki o si maa jo. 36. Ki enyin tikara nyin ki o dabi eniti nreti Oluwa won, nigbati on o pada ti ibi iyawo de; pe, nigbati o ba de, ti o si kankun, ki nwon ki o le si i sile fun u logan. 37. Ibukun ni fun awon omo-odo wonni nigbati Oluwa na ba de ti yio ba ki nwon ki o ma sona; loto ni mo wi fun nyin, yio di ara re li amure, yio si mu won joko lati jeun, yio si jade wa lati se iranse fun won. 38. Bi o ba si de nigba iso keji, tabi ti o si de nigba iso keta, ti o ba won be, ibukun ni fun awon omo-odo wonni, 39. Sugbon e mo eyi pe, bale ile iba mo wakati ti ole yio wa, on iba ma sona, ki ba ti je ki a lu ile on ja. 40. Nitorina ki enyin ki o mura pelu; Nitori omo-enia mbo ni wakati ti enyin ko daba. 41.Peteru si wipe, Oluwa iwo pa owe yi fun wa,tabi fun gbogbo enia?. 42. Oluwa si dahun wipe, Tani olooto ati ologbon iriju naa, ti Oluwa re fi je olori agbo ile re, lati ma fi iwon onje won fun won li akoko?. 43.Ibukun ni fun omo-odo na nigbati Oluwa re ba de, ti yio ba a ki o ma se be. 44. Looto ni mo wi fun nyin, yio si fi je olori ohun gbogbo ti o ni. 45. Sugbon bi omo-odo na ba wi li okan re pe, Oluwa mi ye igba atibo re; ti o si bere si ilu awon iransekunrin ati iransebinrin, ti o si bere si ije ati si imu amupara. 46. Oluwa omo-odo na yio de li ojo ti ko reti re ati ni wakati ti ko daba, yio si je e niya gidigidi, yio si yan ipo re pelu awon alaigbagbo. 47. Ati omo-odo na, ti o mo ife Oluwa re, ti ko si mura sile ti ko si se gege bi ife re, on li a o na pipo. 48. Sugbon eyi ti ko mo, ti o se ohun ti o ye si lilu, on li a o lu niwon. Nitori enikeni ti afun ni pipo, lodo re li a o gbe bere pipo; lodo eniti a ba gbe fi pipo si, lodo re li a o gbe bere si i. Ifaara Opin aye ni a gbwa bayii. Awon ami ti o nsele layika wa fihan pe ipadabo Jesu sunmo etile ju ki a simi lo. A tun mo pe akoko ti okan wa nri idaamu ni eyi nitori esu ti pinnu lati si wa lona ati lati te oju wa mo ohun aye yii. Akoko ti a wa yii je akoko ti a n lati je olododo si Kristi nipa fifoju sona si ipadabo Re pelu gbigbe aye ododo lojojumo. Ireti ati imurasile wa gbodo duro sinsin nipa riri i daju wipe atupa-iye wa njo fun Olorun. Iru ero bayi je idagbasoke nipa lilepa ati ri Oluwa lojojumo. A o ma se asaro lori eko amulo fun igbaradi ti Emi ninu eko yii eyi ti o jo mo akoko ti a wa yii. Idanilekoo 1. Owe awon omo-odo ti n sona. Luku 12;35-36 Owe yi n so nipa Oluwa kan ti o lo si ase iyawo, ti awon omo-odo re nretidide re bi o tile pe ki o to o de . Ninu owe yii, Jesu gba awon omo-odo niyanju pe ki won mura ki won si gbaradi. Won gbodo maa sona ki won si murasile fun akoko ti Oluwa won yio de. Won gbodo maa wa ni oju-ise ni gbogbo igba. A tun gba won niyanju lati ri pe fitila won njo nigba-gbogbo. Won nilo aapon sise lati ri daju pe fitila won njo ni gbogbo akoko. Fitila ti njo nigba gbogbo nilo ororo, a nilo lati maa to owu fitila lekookan, bakan naa ni a gbodo maa so afefe ki o ma baa pa ina fitila naa. Eyi se pataki ninu irin ajo idagbasoke wa lati ni oore-ofe ti o to nipa adura ati tito owu fitila ti n se kika oro Olorun lojojumo. Otito ni pe ko si akoko fun wa lati fi sofo. A gbodo maa sora ki a si ma sa ipa wa bi a ti n mura de ipadabo Jesu. Ko si akoko fun isinmi ti Emi, ko si akoko isinmi ni didarapo mo awon ara, ni wiwa Oluwa ati igbe aye mimo,abbl. 2. Diduro ati sisona fun ipadabo Oluwa ( Luku 12:36-37) Oluwa ko nilo lati kan ilekun nigba ti O ba de, ki O si duro fun iranse Re lati dide silekun. Nigba ti Oluwa ba de, awon iranse Re nilati wa ni imurasile pipe. Bibo Re lo gbodo je won logun julo, ko gbodo si imele tabi iboju did-owo wu Kankan. 3. Owe ti ole, Luku 12;39 Jesu pari owe omo-odo ti n sona pelu owe miran, o wipe ‘’sugbon e mo eyi pe, bale ile iba mo wakati ti ole yio wa, on iba maa sona, ki ba ti je ki a lu ile on ja’.’ Opo ile ti mbe ni ilu Palestini ni won ma n ti ni ale, nigbati awon oloro a ma a lo agadagodo lati ti ile won. Sibe awon ole ki n fo enu ona ile nigbati won ba nsun nitori awon onile yio taji. Ohun ti won ma n se ni lati rora gbe( fo) ogiri alamo ile na titi won yio fi ri aye wole ni ale, won yio si ji ohun-ini won ti enikeni ko si ni i mo. Ninu owe yii Jesu nso nipa ona ti o sowon ti ole le fi n ji awon ohun Emi ti o dara ati ipin-ogun wa ninu Olorun. Won maa n lo ese ti o farahan gbangba ati ese ti o farasin, E maa sora! Ona abayo kan lati mase gba ole laaye ninu wa ni sise aisun, ki a si maa kiyesara fun ami enikeni to fe wole. Ona kansoso ti a le fi mura sile ni igbaradi ti Emi, ki a ma si se sun ninu Emi pelu. Koko Inu Eko 1.Jesu n pada bo! A ti ngbo nipa ipadabo Jesu, o si see se ki okan wa ki o ma si ninu eto Pataki yii. Opo Kristiani lo ti so ireti nu lori ipadabo Jesu ti won ngbo opo iwaasu asodun eyi ti o so won di eni ti n gbajumo ohun ti aye sugbon ti ko ni ilepa orun.Won n sare lojojumo lati ko ipa pataki laye, won n sare aseyori, aseyege,abbl lai to isura jo si ile won ti orun. Ni akoko ti a wa yii, iwaasu da lori didi eni-ibukun kiakia laibikita jijogun ayeraye. Nje iwo ti mura sile lati pade Oluwa. 2.E maa sora, ki e si maa sona fun ipadabo Kristi. Ona kan ti a fi le yege ti Oluwa ba de ni ki a wa ni titaji ninu emi ki a si maa sona. A gbodo sa fun ese ti yio mu ki Imolara ati isora wa ku. A nilati kun fun adura, a nilati maa gbadura ki a si maa ni idapo pelu Olorun, yio ran wa lowo lati sora ati lati soji ninu Emi. Bi ise ko ba gba o laaye lati gbadura, a je pe idakoro re ti ye, bi o ba si n tesiwaju lai gbadura bi o tile ndarapo mo ipejopo awon omo Olorun deede, o le di eni ti n sun ninu emi ati pe aye re yio wa kedere fun ofa ota. Amulo Eko Ogooro eeyan lo n gbe igbe-aye won bi eni pe Oluwa ko ni i pada wa mo. Won n gbe fun oni nikan, lai bikita fun ipadabo Oluwa. Jesu wipe ki a da “bi i awon ti n duro de dide Oluwa won”. A nilati maa gbe lojoojumo pelu gbigbaju mo ojo-ola yen nigba ti “Oluwa tikrare yoo sokale lati orun wa ti oun ti ariwo, pelu ohun olori awon angeli ati pelu ipe Olorun” ( 1 Tess. 4:16). A oo di eni ibukun bi Oluwa ba de ti O ba wa ni imurasile. |
Week 45: 10th to 16th, July 2016 Bible Study Title: Maturing beyond the temptations of material possession Bible Study Text: Luke 12:13-29 Full Bible reference: 13 Then, a person in the crowd said to Him, "Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me." 14 But He said to him, "Man, who made Me a judge or an arbitrator over you?" 15 And He said to them, "Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses." 16 Then He spoke a parable to them, saying: "The ground of a certain rich man yielded plentifully. 17 "And he thought within himself, saying, 'What shall I do, since I have no room to store my crops?' 18 "So he said, 'I will do this: I will pull down my barns and build greater, and there I will store all my crops and my goods. 19 'And I will say to my soul, "Soul, you have many goods laid up for many years; take your ease; eat, drink, and be merry." 20 "But God said to him, 'Fool! This night your soul will be required of you; then whose will those things be which you have provided?' 21 "So is he who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God."22 Then He said to His disciples, "Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; nor about the body, what you will put on. 23 "Life is more than food, and the body is more than clothing. 24 "Consider the ravens, for they neither sow nor reap, which have neither storehouse nor barn; and God feeds them. Of how much more value are you than the birds? 25 "And which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature? 26 "If you then are not able to do the least, why are you anxious for the rest? 27 "Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. 28 "If then God so clothes the grass, which today is in the field and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, how much more will He clothe you, O you of little faith? 29 "And do not seek what you should eat or what you should drink, nor have an anxious mind. Introduction God condemns greed and covetousness. Materialism and Consumerism are the twin demons that the devil is using to distract the attention of many “believers” these days. God hates this behaviour. Many were severely punished for it. Achan and his family were stoned (Josh. 7:1-21). David's coveting of Bathsheba brought much death and trouble (II Sam. 11:2-5). Gehazi the servant of Elisha, coveted and took garments from Naaman which Elisha had refused, and he got leprosy (II Kings. 5:20:27). Teachings: 1. Admonition against greed - Luke 12:13-15 While Jesus was teaching, there was a man whose mind was filled with the care of material inheritance and he wanted Jesus to intervene in the issue. Jesus replied and said "Beware and be on your guard against every form of greed; for not even when one has an abundance does his life consist of his possessions." (Luke 12:14-15). Jesus made it known to the man and the crowd that a man's life does not consist in what he has. He warned us to "guard" against covetousness or greed. Greed desires to have more and more for oneself. It is subtle and deceptive. Greed desires the possessions belonging to someone else. It is preoccupied with material things without regard to spiritual values. It is right before God to work for a living to provide for our families, however it is wrong when we allow the desire to earn money, become dominant to the extent that it pushes away our love for God and throw away ethics. The love of money can become “the root of all evils" (1 Tim. 6:10).
2. The Parable of a rich man - Luke 12:16-21 Earthly goods are not the essentials of life. The essentials are the things that keep the soul and the place of God constant. Life is all about relationships with people and not about things. To live for material things is to miss out on what really matters in life. In this parable, the rich man was full of himself. He took God out of his plans. Listen to what he said "‘This is what I will do: I will tear down my barns and build larger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods. 19 And I will say to my soul, "Soul, you have many goods laid up for many years to come; take your ease, eat, drink and be merry." The rich man wanted to enjoy the pleasures of life. His motto was the maximum amount of happiness for the minimum amount of effort. Unfortunately, God said to him, "But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your soul is required of you; and now who will own what you have prepared?’ God called him a fool because he was acting as though there was no God. Psalm 14:1 says,"The fool has said in his heart, "There is no God". He refused to acknowledge the fact that the material possession he was focusing on is a gift from God. He treated wealth as an end in itself instead of an avenue to glorify the name of the Lord. This man's problem was selfishness. He used eight “I's” and four “my's”. He wanted to enjoy his wealth. He was focused on only himself. God pronounced His judgment upon the rich man straightaway -"This very night your soul is required of you" (Luke 12:20). He had presumed that he would continue to have his wealth in the future and that he would live long to enjoy his possessions. He thought he had control over his life. But, it is God who determines how long a man will live. He looked at his riches as his security forgetting that our security is in the Lord. 3. A Warning against Worry - Luke 12:22-34 Jesus said to His disciples, "For this reason I say to you, do not be anxious for your life, as to what you shall eat; nor for your body, as to what you shall put on.23 For life is more than food, and the body than clothing." (Luke 12:22-23). God is warning us to be careful of worry or anxiety. Anxiety goes together with greed. Greed cannot get enough of anything and anxiety is afraid that it may not have enough, so it gets us to worry by thinking about it again and again. There is no basis worrying about what you don't have. God is able to provide all that you need. Heb. 13: 5 says, "keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have; for he has said, 'I will never fail you nor forsake you'. He said you are much more valuable than the birds - "Consider the ravens, for they neither sow nor reap; and they have no storeroom nor barn; and yet God feeds them; how much more valuable you are than the birds!" (Luke 12:24). If God is concerned about the ravens, how much more will He be concerned about you, as well? Been anxious does not increase the length or quality of your life. On the contrary, it shortens life. Many diseases today have been linked to worry. Emotional stress and many psychosomatic diseases are linked to what we engage our minds worrying about. Worry or anxiety does not produce positive results. It cannot make you grow taller or shorter or slimmer, rather it reduces your number of days. Lessons 1. Do not fall for the sin of Hypocrisy Hypocrisy is a common sin found in the house of God today. Nothing is as destructive to self-respect as insincerity is – being who you are not. An expert has been quoted thus –“we use the money we don’t have to buy things that we don’t need because we want to impress people who don’t even care and will never care about us”. Learn to be yourself and not someone else. 2. Don't be dominated by your possessions As a Christian, you must not be dominated by your possessions. Possessions are mere tools in our hands to use for the kingdom advancement and at no time must they become a distraction or a weight in our walk of maturity. It doesn't matter how many houses you built, cars you bought, academic qualifications you have attained, designer clothes you have, or the wealth that your parents has left for you, etc., the riches of this world are the foundations of total disconnection from the grace of God. Practical Application Greed is a sin that we must avoid in life. We are guilty of this sin when our thoughts are centered on how to get more money than on pleasing God, when we are more interested in earthly possessions than in our maturing God’s righteousness, when our thoughts, words and actions are all focused on pleasing ourselves rather than serving Jesus and others who are around us. We must also be careful of the modern day covetousness that we have “spiritualised” and call “See it, claim it, and you will have it”. You see a brother’s new car and you set your mind to have it with profession of faith. Did you ask to know if that is the will of God for you? In Col. 3:5, Apostle Paul said, "put to death covetousness, which is idolatry". I Tim. 6: 9-10” |
Ose Karundinlaadota : 10th-16th July, 2016 Akori Eko Bibeli : Didagba tayo idanwo kiko awon ohun ini aye jo Ese Bibeli : Luku 12:13-29 Ese Bibeli Lekunrere Okan ninu awujo si wi fun pe, olukoni, so fun arakunrin mi ki o pin mi li ogun, 14.o si wi fun u pe, okunrin yi, tali o fi mi je onidajo tabi olupin-ogun fun nyin?. 15. O si wi fun u pe, kiyesara ki e si maa sora nitori ojukokoro; nitori igbesi aye ki iduro nipa opo ohun ti o ni. 16.O si pa owe kan fun won, wipe ile okunrin kan oloro so eso opolopo; 17.o si ro ninu ara re, wipe, emi o ti se, nitoriti emi ko ni ibiti emi o gbe ko eso mi jo si? 18. O si wipe, Eyi li emi o se; emi o wo aka mi pale, emi o si ko eyi ti o tobi; nibe li emi o gbe to gbogbo eso ati oro mi jo si. 19. Emi o si wi fun okan mi pe, okan iwo li oro pipo ti a to jo fun opo odun; simi ma a je, maa mu, ma yo. 20. Sugbon Olorun wi fun u pe, iwo asiwere, li oru yi li a o bere emi re lowo re; nje titani nkan wonni yio ha se, ti iwo ti pese sile?. 21. Be li eniti o to isura jo fun ara re, ti ko si li oro lodo Olorun. Ifaara Olorun ko faramo okanjuwa ati ojukokoro. Ikojo ohun aye ati ajesofo je demoni meji ti esu maa n lo lati mu opo sina lode oni. Olorun korira iwa bayi, opolopo ni a fi iya je pipo lori eyi. Akani ati idile re ni a so loko pa.(Joshua 7;1-21), Ojukokoro Dafidi lati fe Basheba fa iku ati ipalara pipo,(Samueli kini 11;2-5) Gehasi,iranse Elisha sojukokoro, o si gba aso lowo Namani eyi ti Elisha ko sile, o si di adete. (Awon Oba keji 5;20-27). Idanilekoo 1.Ikilo lori ojukokoro- Luku 12;13-15 Nigbati Jesu n koni,okunrin kan wa ti okan re kun fun aniyan ijogun ohun aye. O si fe ki Jesu da si i. Jesu dahun ‘’kiyesara ki e si maa sora nitori ojukokoro, nitori igbesi aye enia ki iduro nipa opo ohun ti o ni. (Luku 12;14-15). Jesu je ko di mimo fun okunrin naa ati awon enia ti mbe nibe pe igbesi aye enia ki iduro lori opo ohun ti o ni. O kilo fun wa nipa ojukokoro tabi okanjuwa. Ojukokoro maa n fe lati ni si i ni gbogbo igba. O ni arekereke ati itanje. Ojukokoro maa n fe ohun ini elomiran, ero re nigba gbogbo ni lati ko ohun ini jo laibikita ohun ti Emi. o dara pe ki a sise lati toju awon ebi wa sugbon ko dara ki a gba ero ati lowo laaye debi wipe yio fa ife Olorun kuro lokan wa titi a o fi so omoluabi wa nu. Ife owo le di “gbongbo ohun buburu”(Timoti kini 6;10). 2. Owe nipa Asiwere oloro-Luku 12:16-21 Awon ohun ti aye yii ko lo se pataki. Ohun ti o se pataki julo ni awon ohun ti o n fa okan wa sodo Olorun nigba gbogbo. Igbe aye da lori ibasepo pelu awon enia, ki n se pelu ohun-ini. Bi aye wa ba da lori ohun-ini, o tumo si pe a ti kuna ohun to dara julo laye. Ninu owe yii, okunrin oloro jo ara re loju. O gbagbe olorun ninu ero re.E gbo ohun ti o wi;’’Eyi li emi o se, emi o wo aka mi pale, emi o si ko eyi ti o tobi; nibe li emi o gbe to gbogbo eso ati oro mi jo si,, Emi o si wi fun okan mi pe, okan, iwo li oro pipo ti a to jo fun opo odun, simi maa je, maa mu, maa yo. Okunrin oloro fe gbadun aye. Oro akomona re nilati gbadun pipo fun isaapon die. O ma se o, Olorun so fun-un, ‘’sugbon Olorun wi fun u pe, iwo asiwere, li oru yi li a o bere emi re lowo re, nje ti tani nkan wonyi yio ha se, ti iwo ti pese sile’’(ese ogun). Olorun pee ni asiwere, nitori o nhuwa bi eni pe ko si Olorun. Orin Dafidi 14;1, ‘’Asiwere wi ni okan re pe Olorun ko si’’. O kuna lati gba wipe gbogbo oro ti o gbojule je ebun lati odo Olorun. O ri oro bi opin ohun gbogbo laimo pe o je ona lati fi ogo fun oruko Olorun. Isoro okunrin yii ni iwa imotara-eni nikan. Ninu ese bibeli ti a ka,oloro so emi ni eemejo ati temi ni eemerin. O fe gbadun oro re, Olorun si se idajo lori re lesekannaa.’’Li oru yi li a o bere emi re lowo re’’(Luku 12;20). O ti ro wipe oun yio tesiwaju lati maa ni oro ati pe oun yoo gbadun oro naa fun odun pipe. O ro wipe ohun ni agbara lori iwa -laaye oun, sugbon Olorun ni o le so bi eniyan yio ti pe to laye. O ri oro re gege bi aabo, o gbagbe pe Olorun ni aabo wa. 3. Ikilo lori aniyan- Luku 12;22-34 Jesu so fun awon omo-ehin re. ‘Nitorina mo wi fun nyin pe, e mase saniyan nitori emi nyin pe, kili enyin yio je tabi nitori ara nyin pe kili enyin yio fi bora,. Emi sa ju onje lo, ara si ju aso lo(Luku 12;22-23). Olorun n kilo fun wa lati sora fun aniyan sise tabi aibale-okan. Aibale okan n ba ojukokoro ni.Ojukokoro ko ni itelorun beeni aibale-okan ki n gba pe oun ni anito, eyi yio si fa aniyan sise nipa rironu nigba gbogbo. A ko nilo lati se aniyan aini wa. Olorun to lati pese ohun gbogbo ti a nilo. Heberu 13;5. ‘’ki okan nyin ki o mase fa si ife owo, ki ohun ti e ni ki o to nyin, nitori on tikalara re ti wipe, Emi ko je fi o sile beeni emi ko je ko o sile”. O wipe awa niye lori ju eye oju orun lo (Luku12;24). Bi Olorun ba saajo eye oju orun melomelo ni ohun yio saajo nipa re. Nini aibale-okan le fa igekuru emi. Opolopo aisan loni ni iwadi so wipe aniyan sise ni o n fa a. Aisan to ro mo okan ati eyi ti o ro mo opolo ni awon onimo ijinle fi ye wa pe ironu nipa aniyan sise lo n faa. Aniyan ati aibale-okan ko ni ibajade to dara, ko le mu ki a ga, kuru tabi din sisanra wa ku bikosepe yio ke iye ojo ori wa kuru. Koko inu Eko 1. Mase subu sinu ese agabagebe Ese agabagebe je ese to wopo ninu ijo Olorun loni, ko si ohun ti mba ibowo-fun- ara-eni je bii aisododo, ki a maa huwa ti ki i se tiwa. Ojogbon kan wipe.’’A nlo owo ti a ko ni lati ra ohun ti a ko nilo lati wu awon ti ko bikita nipa wa lori, ti won ko sile bikita laelae. Jowo ko bi a ti I wa gege bi eni ti a je gan-an, ki a jawo ninu sise bi elomiran. 2. Mase je ki ohun-ini re je gaba lori re Gegebi onigbagbo, ohun ini re ko gbodo gbe e wo bi aso lati joga le o lori. Ohun-ini je ohun-elo ti Olorun fi-fun wa fun itesiwaju ijoba Re beeni a ko gbodo je ki won di idena tabi eru wiwo ti yio mu wa kuna lati dagbasoke. Ko ni i se iye ile ti o ko, oko-ayokele ti o ra, iwe-eri ti o gba, aso iyebiye ti o ra tabi oro ti o jogun,abbl. Igbekele oro je ipile ti o n mu wa kuro ninu ore-ofe Olorun. Amulo Eko Okanjuwa je ese ti a gbodo yera fun. A jebi ese yii bi gbogbo ero wa ko ba ju bi a oo se maa lowo sii dipo lori bi a se le maa wu Olorun,bi a ba n gbajumo ohun-ini ti aye ju didagba ninu ododo Olorun lo, nigba ti ero, oro ati ise wa ko ju tite ara wa lorun lo dipo tite Jesu ati awon elomiran layika wa lorun. A gbodo sora fun ojukokoro ti igbalode ti a ti so di” ohun emi” ti a pe ni Ri i,Gba a yoo sit e o lowo” O ri oko-ayokele titun to je ti arakunrin re kan, o si fokan si i lati gba a pelu oro igbagbo. N je o bikita lati beere yala eyi ni ipinnu Olorun fun o bi? Ninu Kol.3:5, Paulu Aposteli wipe “ e pa ojukokoro run,eyi ti i se iborisa” ( 1Tim.6:9-10). |
Week 43: 3rd to 9th July, 2016 Bible Study Title: Little leaven and spiritual hypocrisy Bible Study Text: Luke 12:1-12 Full Bible reference: 1 In the meantime, when an innumerable multitude of people had gathered together, so that they trampled one another, He began to say to His disciples first of all, "Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. 2 "For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, nor hidden that will not be known. 3 "Therefore whatever you have spoken in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have spoken in the ear in inner rooms will be proclaimed on the housetops. 4 "And I say to you, My friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. 5 "But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear Him who, after He has killed, has power to cast into hell; yes, I say to you, fear Him! 6 "Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins? And not one of them is forgotten before God. 7 "But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows. 8 "Also I say to you, whoever confesses Me before men, him the Son of Man also will confess before the angels of God. 9 "But he who denies Me before men will be denied before the angels of God. 10 "And anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but to him who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven. 11 "Now when they bring you to the synagogues and magistrates and authorities, do not worry about how or what you should answer, or what you should say. 12 "For the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say." Introduction: In the last study, we saw how the people of Israel opposed and criticised Jesus’ miracles and teachings. We saw the humility and calmness with which Jesus responded. The last part of Luke 11:53-54 reads "And as He said these things to them, the scribes and the Pharisees began to assail Him vehemently, and to cross-examine Him about many things, 54 lying in wait for Him, and seeking to catch Him in something He might say, that they might accuse Him. The opposition got to its peak when they actually made attempt to kill Jesus and they were looking for ways to catch Him. They knew that Jesus' popularity was growing among the people and so they hid their plans to kill him beneath a mask of hypocrisy. Of course, Jesus knew their plans. He told His disciples in Luke 12:1 "...Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy". In this study, we will be looking at the meaning of little leaven and spiritual hypocrisy, as devil’s strategy to deceive God’s people.
Teaching: 1. The Leaven of the Pharisee - Hypocrisy - Luke 12:1 Leaven is an ingredient that is used in baking bread. It is the yeast that is added to bread to make it rise or increase in size. If you introduce a little yeast into a flour mixture for bread, it influences the size of the bread. It makes it bigger than it is ordinarily. It’s a pretense that makes ordinary things looks bigger than it is. This was the leaven of the Pharisees – a conscious effort to make ordinary thing look bigger because tradition, sentiment and personal opinion have over - inflated the truth. Christianity is opposed to hypocrisy. Every act of insincerity, deception, and exaggeration are not of Christ but, rather, of the devil. They are leavens that over-inflate the truth. It removes every mask from all form of deceptions. This is because it removes the mask. a. It is impossible to hide hypocrisy - Luke 12:2-3 Jesus speaking in Luke 12:2-3 said "But there is nothing covered up that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known. 3 Accordingly, whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in the inner rooms shall be proclaimed upon the housetops." It is impossible to hide your personality. Whenever you over-inflate and exaggerate, the truth will come out and become obvious. You cannot hide your sins either. Jesus said whatever is hidden will be revealed. Trying to hide the truth is like trying to hide a pregnancy. As the baby grows in the womb, it becomes evident that there is pregnancy. The bible speaking in the book of I Timothy 5:24-25 said "The sins of some men are quite evident, going before them to judgment; for others, their sins follow after. 25 Likewise also, deeds that are good are quite evident, and those which are otherwise cannot be concealed.". It does not matter whether you do good or bad, it will be revealed. Do not live a double-life b. Hypocrisy is connected to fear - Luke 12:4-5 Hypocrisy is highly connected to fear. People try to cover up because of the fear of what someone might think of them. Thereby, putting on masks and thinking that people will be impressed with it, instead of seeing the real personality behind the mask. Jesus said in verse 5 "I will warn you whom to fear. Fear the One who after He has killed has the authority to cast into hell". The fear of men must not be our primary motivation to live a life of cover-up. 2. Solution to the sin of hypocrisy - Luke 12:6-7 Hypocrites are like masquerades who present an imaginary of who they are not. In Christ, there is no need to cover up. God sees you the way you are and loves and values you. When you are in Christ, there is no need for pretense; trying to copy others. You can only work at becoming better the way God wants you to be. Key Lessons: 1. You cannot hide your personality It is impossible for you to hide your personality. Jesus said whatever is hidden will be revealed. A very good example of this is Adam and Eve in the garden. They ate the fruit that God forbids them to eat and they hid from the presence of God. When God came to visit as usual, He called Adam, and asked him "where are you? God wanted him to come and own up to his sin. Sometimes, God does that with us, too. He asks, "son/daughter, where are you and what are you doing?" It is not as if He doesn't know where you are or what you are up to, He wants you to find out for yourself and retrace your steps back to Him. It is for your own benefit and not God's. 2. You don't need to worry about what someone thinks of you The root of hypocrisy is the fear of what people will say or think. In life, whether you do good or bad, people will always talk about you. If you decide to live your life based on the recommendations of men, you will miss it. This is because they will always change their minds depending on what you have, wear, do etc. It is only God's opinion of you that never change and that is what you should live by. God sees you as a great person who is going to do exploit for His kingdom. Practical application Hypocrisy is a terrible sin in the body of Christ today. It makes people to pretend to be what they are not. Some go the extra mile to borrow cloth to wear because they want to go and preach or minister in song. Some will even create fake American accent and try to sing like what they watch in worship videos. You are who you are in Christ Jesus. A pastor had to go and borrow a car because he does not want to go as a guest minister on a bike. Unfortunately the car was stolen before he left the premises of the same church and he spoke the truth. Don’t become a hypocrite just because you want to appeal to certain kind of people. The other masks of hypocrisy are instances when you have used a different personality to earn a benefit. Many are working with a different birth certificate, many use wrong local government of origin to get admission, and some are using another person’s international passport to travel or get benefits. All these are leavens of the Pharisees and we must face them today, as we seek to mature into the image of the son. |
Ose Kerinlelogoji : 3rd-9th July Akori Eko Bibeli :Iwukara kekere ati agabagebe emi Ese Bibeli : Luku 12:1-12 Ese Bibeli Lekunrere : O si se,nigbati ainiye ijo eniyan pejo po, tobe ti nwon nte ara won mole, o teteko wi fun awon omo-ehin re pe, E maa sora nyin nitori iwukara awon farisi, ti ise agabagebe. 2. Kos i ohun ti a bo, ti a ki yio si fihan; tabi ti o pamo, ti a ki yio mo. 3. Nitorina ohunkohun ti enyin so li okunkun, ni gbangba li a o gbe gbo; ati ohun ti enyin ba so si eti ni ikoko, lori orule li a o gbe kede re. 4. Emi si wi fun nyin enyin ore mi, E mase beru awon ti ipa ara enia ku, lehin eyini, ti nwon ko si li eyiti nwon le se mo. 5. Sugbon emi o si so eniti enyin o beru fun nyin; Eberu eniti o lagbara lehin ti o ba pani tan, lati woni lo si orun apadi; loto ni mow i fun yin, on ni ki e beru. 6. Ologose marun ki a nta lowo ide wewe meji? A ko si gbagbe okan ninu won niwaju Olorun?. 7. Sugbon gbogbo irun ori nyin li a ka pe sansan. Nitorina ki e mase beru; enyin ni iye lori ju ologose pipo lo. 8. Mo wi fun nyin pelu, Enikeni ti o ba jewo mi niwaju enia, omo-enia yio si jewo re niwaju awon angeli Olorun. 9. Sugbon eniti o ba se mi niwaju enia, a o se e niwaju awon angeli Olorun. 10. Ati enikeni ti o ba soro odi si omo-enia, a o dari ji sugbon enikeni ti o ba soro-odi si Emi-mimo, a ki yio dari re ji i. 11. Nigbati nwon ba si mu nyin wa si sinagogu ati siwaju awon lori ati awon alase, e mase saniyan pe, bawo tabi ohun kili enyin o da, tabi kili enyin o wi; 12. Nitori Emi-mimo yio ko nyin ni wakati kanna li ohun ti o ye ki e wi. Ifaara Ninu idanileko ti a se kehin, a ri bi awon ara Israeli se tako ise-iyanu ati eko Jesu.A ri irele ati iwatutu ti Jesu fi dawon lohun. Apakan to kehin ninu Luku 11;53-54 ka wipe ‘’Bi o ti nwi nkan wonyi, awon akowe ati awon Farisi bere si ibinu si I gidigidi, nwon nwa ona ati ri nkan gbamu li enu re, kin won ki o le fi sun’’. awon ti nkoju ija si se de oju ami nigbati nwon gbimo lati pa, tin won si wa ona lati gbamu. Won mo pe okiki Jesu laarin opo enia npo si nitorina ni won se dekun ero pipa ti won si bere si ise agabagebe re. Lotito,jesu mo ero won,o si wi fun awon omo ehin re ninu Luku 12;1 ‘’E maa sora nitori iwukara awon Farisi ti nse agabagebe”. Ninu eko yii ao o wo itunmo iwukara kekere ati agabagebe gegebi ona alumokoroyi ti satani n fi tan awon eniyan Olorun. Idanilekoo 1. Iwukara awon Farisi-agabagebe; Luku 21:1 Iwukara je ohun elo ti a nfi po iyefun. O je ohun ti a npo po mo iyefun ti yio mu ki o wu tabi tobi si i. Bi a ba po iwukara kekere po mo iyefun, yio je ki o tobi ju iwon iyefun naa lo. O je ohun itanje ti o maa n so ohun kekere di nla ju bi o ti ri lo. Eyi je iwukara awon Farisi ti won n fi ete lo lati so ohun kekere di nla nitori asa, isojusaaju, ati ero tara-eni to n fe otito loju. Igbe-aye Kristiani lodi si agabagebe. Gbogbo aisooto, etan ati asodun ki i se ti Kristi. Won je iwukara ti n fe otito loju. O maa n fi etanje pamo nipa fifi otito han sugbon asodun oro ni i se. a. Ko se e se lati fi iwa agabagebe pamo- Luku12 :2-3 Jesu so ninu Luku12;2-3 ‘’ko si ohun ti a bo, ti a ki yio si fihan tabi ti o pamo, ti a ki yio mo. 3.nitorina ohunkohun ti enyin so li okunkun, ni gbangba li a o gbe gbo ati ohun ti enyin ba so si eti ni ikoko lori orule li a o gbe kede re’’. Eefin ni iwa ko se e fi pamo, nigbakugba ti o ba so asodun tabi se afikun oro, otito yio farahan kedere. Bakanna, o ko le fi ese re pamo. Jesu wipe ohun gbogbo ti a fi pamo ni yio farahan. Fifi otito pamo dabi ki a fi oyun pamo Bi omo se n dagba ni inu ni otito yio fi ara re han wipe oyun ni nse. Bibeli so ninu Timoti kini 5;24-25,’’Ese awon elomiran a ma han gbangba, a maa lo saju si idajo, ti awon elomiran pelu a si maa tele won., Be gege pelu ni ise rere wa ti nwon han gbangba, awon iru miran ko si le farasin’’. Ko ni i se bi o huwa to dara tabi buburu,yio farahan. Mase gbe igbe-aye olojumeji. b. Agabagebe sise ro mo iberu- Luku 12;4-5 Agabagebe farape iberu gidigidi. Awon enia a maa fi nnkan pamo nitori iberu ohun ti enikan yoo ro nipa won,nitori naa won a maa fi iboju bo oju ki won le wun enia dipo ki a ri bi won ti ri laisi iboju. Jesu wi ni ese karuu-un ’’Emi o si so eni ti enyin yio beru fun yin; e beru eniti o lagbara lehin ti o ba pani tan lati wo`ni lo si orun apadi.’’ Iberu enia ko gbodo je ohun ti nti wa gogo lati huwa agabagebe. 2. Ona abayo si ese agabagebe, Luku 12:6-7 Agabagebe dabi egungun ti nse afihan ohun ti ko je. Ko si idi lati fi ara wa pamo. Olorun mo wa bi a ti ri, O feran wa beeni O n bu ola fun wa. Bi a ba n gbe inu Kristi,ko ye ki a maa firawa pamo nipa sise afarawe elomiran. Ohun ti a nilo ni ki a saapon lati le se daradara bi Olorun ti fe ki a se. Koko Inu eko 1. O ko le fi iru eni ti o je pamo Ko se e se lati fi ara re pamo. Jesu wipe ohun gbogbo ti a ba fi pamo yio farahan. Apeere pataki ni Adamu ati Efa ni ogba Edeni, won je eso ti Olorun pase ki won ma je, won si fi ara won pamo niwaju Olorun. Nigba ti Olorun se ibewo won bi o ti maa n se, o pe Adamu wipe ‘’nibo lo wa’’. Olorun fe ki o jewo ese re. Nigba miiran, Olorun a maa se bee si wa, a beere wipe” omokunrin/omobinrin nibo lo wa ati pe kini ohun ti iwo n se ?”. Ki i se pe Olorun ko mo ibi ti o gbe wa tabi ohun ti o nse. O fe ki o mo ipo ti o fi ara re si, ki o si se atunse ati pada to Oun wa. Fun anfaani ara wa ni Olorun se eyi,ki i se fun ara Re. 2. Mase se aniyan ohun ti eniyan nro nipa re. Gbongbo agabagebe ni iberu ohun ti awon enia yio so tabi ro nipa wa. Iwo yio kunna,bi ipinnu igbe-aye re ba da lori iyin eniyan. Idi ni wipe igbakugba ni oro iyin won le yipada eyi to da lori awon ohun ini re, aso ti o nwo, ohun ti o nse,abbl. ohun ti Olorun so nipa re nikan ni ko le yi pada, eyi ti o tona lati tele. Olorun ri o gege bi eniyan pataki ti yio se ise takun-takun ninu ijoba Re. Amulo Eko Agabagebe je ese buburu laarin eya ara Kristi loni, o maa nmu ki awon eniyan maa tan ara won je. Awon miiran a tile maa n toro aso wo nigbati won ba fe lo waasu tabi korin. Awon miran a tun ma soro bi alawo-funfun, won a fe korin bi eniti won ri lori ero amohun-maworan. O nilati mo pe eni ti iwo je ninu Kristi Jesu ni iwo i se. Oluso-agutan kan nilati lo ya oko-ayokele nitori ko fe fi ese rin tabi wo alupupu lo waasu. O se ni lanu wipe awon janduku ji oko naa gbe lo ninu ogba ti o gbee si ki o to pari iwaasu re, eyi ti o muu so otito jade. Mase je alagabagebe nitori o fe ki awon eniyan ri o gege bi eniyan pataki. Apeere iboju agabagebe miiran ni ki eniyan lo oruko elomiran nitori ati janfaani kan, ogooro lo n fi iwe–eri ojo-ibi ti ki n se ti won sise, opo n lo ijoba-ibile ti ki n se tiwon fun igbaniwole si ile-eko, awon miiran si nlo iwe-irina re oke-okun ti kin se ti won. Gbogbo nnkan bayi je iwukara Farisi, a nilati jawo ninu awon ihuwa bayi bi a ti n woju Olorun fun idagbasoke si ipele didi aworan omo Olorun. |
Ose Ketalelogoji: June 26th-2nd July Akori Eko Bibeli: Sisakoso Idojuko ati itako Ese Bibeli: Luku 11:14-32 Ese Bibeli lekunrere: 14 O si nlé ?mi è?u kan jade, ti o si yadi. O si ?e, nigbati ?mi è?u na jade, odi s?r?; ?nu si yà ij? enia. 15 ?ugb?n aw?n ?lomiran ninu w?n wipe, Nipa Beelsebubu olori aw?n ?mi è?u li o fi nlé aw?n ?mi è?u jade. 16 Aw?n ?lomiran si ndan a wò, nw?n f? àmi l?d? r?? lati ?run wá. 17 ?ugb?n on m?? ìro inu w?n, o wi fun w?n pe, Gbogbo ij?ba ti o yà ara r?? ni ipa, a s? ? di ahoro; ile ti o si yà ara r?? ni ipa, a wó. 18 Bi Satani si yàpa si ara r??, ij?ba r?? yio ha ?e duro? nitori ?nyin wipe, Nipa Beelsebubu li emi fi nle aw?n ?mi è?u jade. 19 Bi o ba si ?epe nipa Beelsebubu li emi fi nlé aw?n ?mi è?u jade, nipa tali aw?n ?m? nyin fi nlé w?n jade? nitorina aw?n ni yio ?e onidaj? nyin. 20 ?ugb?n bi o ba ?epe ika ?l?run li emi fi nlé aw?n ?mi è?u jade, kò si aniani, ij?ba ?l?run de ba nyin. 21 Nigbati ?kunrin alagbara ti o ham?ra ba n?? afin r??, ?rù r?? a wà li alãfia: 22 ?ugb?n nigbati ?niti o li agbara jù u ba k?lù u, t??gun r??, a gbà gbogbo iham?ra r?? ti o gb?k?le l?w? r??, a si pín ikogun r??. 23 ?niti kò ba wà p?lu mi, o lodi si mi: ?niti kò ba si bá mi kop??, o nfunká. 24 Nigbati ?mi aim?? ba jade kuro lara enia, ama rìn kiri ni ibi gbigb?, ama wá ibi isimi; nigbati ko ba si ri, a wipe, Emi o pada l? si ile mi nibiti mo gbé ti jade wá. 25 Nigbati o si de, o bá a, a gbá a, a si ?e e li ????. 26 Nigbana li o l?, o si mu ?mi meje miran ti o buru jù on tikarar?? l?; nw?n w?le, nw?n si joko nib??: igb?hin ?kunrin na si buru jù i?aju r?? l?. 27 O si ?e, bi o ti ns? nkan w?nyi, obinrin kan nahùn ninu ij?, o si wi fun u pe, Ibukun ni fun inu ti o bí ?, ati ?mú ti iw? mu. 28 ?ugb?n on wipe, Nitõt?, ki a kuku wipe, Ibukun ni fun aw?n ti ngb?? ??r? ?l?run, ti nw?n si pa a m?? 29 Nigbati ij? enia si ?ùj? si ?d? r?? o b??r? si iwipe, Iran buburu li eyi: nw?n nwá àmi; a kì yio si fi àmi kan fun u, biko?e àmi Jona woli. 30 Nitori bi Jona ti j? àmi fun aw?n ara Ninefe, g?g? b?? li ?m?-enia yio ?e àmi fun iran yi. 31 ?babirin gusù yio dide li ?j? idaj? p?lu aw?n enia iran yi, yio si da w?n l?bi: nitoriti o ti iha ip?kun aiye wá lati gb?? ?gb??n Solomoni: si kiyesi i, ?niti o p??ju Solomoni l? mb? nihinyi. 32 Aw?n ara Ninefe yio dide li ?j? idaj? p?lu iran yi, nw?n o si da a l?bi: nitoriti nw?n ronupiwada nipa iwasu Jona; si kiyesi i, ?niti o p??ju Jona l? mb? nihinyi. Ifaara Idi pato ti a fi gbodo dagbasoke ninu bi a ti i se akoso itako ni wipe ki i se gbogbo eniyan ni o n ri nnkan bi awa ti n ri won. Ni opolopo igba,a maa n gbagbo pe o ye ki gbogbo eniyan tele wa, sugbon a gbodo moriri ooto pe Olorun ti fun gbogbo eda Re ni emi lati fe,gbogbo eniyan lo si maa n lo agbara yii. Jesu ni ipin tire ninu itako. A pe E ni orisirisi oruko. A pe E ni "omo-ita", "onijangbon", "wobia", "aselodisi awon Ju" ati bee bee lo. Eko yii yoo pale okan enikookan wa mo lati dojuko itako. Bawo ni a se n huwa si nigba ti a ba wa labe ifun`ni-gbe? Bawo ni ihuwasi wa nigba ti a ba ti sun wa kan ogiri? Idanilekoo: 1 Aigbagbo awon eniyan – Luku 11:14-16 Ninu itan yii, a ri i bi Jesu se wo arakunrin ti o diti ti o si ya odi. Okunfa isoro arakunrin yii je ohunti emi; emi okunkun ni o gbe e wo. Nitori naa Jesu ba idi isoro arakunrin naa wi. O le emi okunkun naa jade. Gbogbo eniyan ti o n be nibe ni won ri i pe okunrin yii gba imularada, nitori o bere si i ni soro lesekese. Nigba ti awon eniyan naa ri ise iyanu yii, won fesi ni ona meji: 1 awon kan ninu won wipe, “o n le emi okunkun jade nipa Beelzebubu, olori awon emi okunkun”. 2 awon miran, lati dan wo, n beere ami lati orun wa lowo Re. Nihin, a ri awon eniyan n pe Jesu nija wipe O le emi okunkun jade pelu Beelzebubu, olori awon emi okunkun. Ni ede miiran, won n pe Jesu ni “Satani ninu awo eniyan”. Won so wipe idi ti o fi le wo aisan san ni wipe Oun funrare ni emi okunkun ti n fa aisan. Won ri agbara Olorun loju ise sibe won se e. Awon eniyan keji so wipe awon nilo ami lati orun wa fun won lati gbagbo ninu Jesu. Awon esi mejeeji yii je tii aigbagbo. 2 Idahun Jesu si awon alatako Re akoko – Luku 11:17-26 Jesu dahun nipa fifi idi ti won ko fi le fi esun kan An pe Satani ni han won. O wipe “?ugb?n on m?? ìro inu w?n, o wi fun w?n pe, Gbogbo ij?ba ti o yà ara r?? ni ipa, a s? ? di ahoro; ile ti o si yà ara r?? ni ipa, a wó.Bi Satani si yàpa si ara r??, ij?ba r?? yio ha ?e duro? nitori ?nyin wipe, Nipa Beelsebubu li emi fi nle aw?n ?mi è?u jade.” (Luku ori kokanla ese ketadinlogun de ikejidinlogun). Nigba ti iyapa ba wa ninu ijoba kan , ijoba naa yoo wo lule ni. Jesu ti wa lenu ki O maa le emi okunkun jade ati ki o ma gbogun ti esu. Bi o ba je wipe o n ba Satani ja ni, a je pe o han gbangba pe ko le wa ni iha ti Satani ki O si tun gba agbara lowo Satani. Leekeji, O wipe “ Bi o ba si ?epe nipa Beelsebubu li emi fi nlé aw?n ?mi è?u jade, nipa tali aw?n ?m? nyin fi nlé w?n jade? nitorina aw?n ni yio ?e onidaj? nyin.” (Luku ori kokanla ese kokandinlogun). Jesu ko pe ina sokale lati orun ki o jo won nitori won ko gbagbo ninu ise-iranse Re ti o ti tan ka gbogbo agbaye, ti o ti ni ipa ni ibi gbogbo ti O lo. O farabale, o huwa eni ti o dagbasoke, O fi itara Re si abe akoso, o si ri si eyi ti n se okodoro oro dipo ki o maa takuro so pelu won. Bayi ni Kristiani ti o n dagbasoke se maa n fesi si idojuko lori aye won ati ise-iranse won. 3 Idahun Jesu si atako keji – Luku 11:29-32 Ninu Luku ori kankanla ese kerinla de ikerindinlogun, a ri ifaraya otooto awon eniyan. Awon apa kan fi esun kan Jesu wipe o n le emi okunkun jade pelu agbara Satani. Awon ida keji so pe awon nilo ami miiran. Jesu dahun O wipe “Nigbati ij? enia si ?ùj? si ?d? r?? o b??r? si iwipe, Iran buburu li eyi: nw?n nwá àmi; a kì yio si fi àmi kan fun u, biko?e àmi Jona woli. Nitori bi Jona ti j? àmi fun aw?n ara Ninefe, g?g? b?? li ?m?-enia yio ?e àmi fun iran yi.” (Luku ori kankanla ese kankandinlogbon de ogbon). Jona je wooli ti o wa ninu eerinmi okun fun ojo meta. Olorun fun-un ni ise kan lati se o si salo. Olorun ran erinmi okun naa lati mu u pada. Ami Jona ni ami iku, isinku ati ajinde Jesu. Koko inu eko: 1 Se akoso itara re Ojise Jesu nitooto ni arakunrin tabi arabinrin ti o le se akoso ohun ti ara re n fe tabi imolara re nigbakuugba lai ni i se pelu iru ohun ti o n dojuko. Wipe awon eniyan soro si o tabi won dojuko iwaasu re lojukoroju ko fun o ni aye lati fesi tabi gbe ohun re soke. Ni kete ti o ba ti n huwa ti o lodi nigba ti idojuko tabi itako ba de, ailera de ba ise-iranse re ati pe ipa re yoo di yepere. Paulu so ninu Korinti keji ori keerin ese kejo – “ A n p?n wa loju niha gbogbo, ?ugb?n ara kò ní wa: a ndãmú wa, ?ugb?n a kò s? ireti nù.”. Eefun yoo wa sugbon a gbodo wa ni ipo atise akoso re ni gbogbo igba. A ko gbodo dojuko idari tabi ki a gbiyanju lati fihan pe a jare oran kan. Imulo Eko A gbodo duro sinsin fun Jesu, ko si aye ni aarin. Bi a ba je omo-leyin tooto fun Jesu, a oo ni iriri idojuko. Esu yoo gbiyanju lati so eri wa di asan, pa eri wa lenu mo ati lati so wa di yepere. Sugbon a ko le fi aye sile ki ise-iranse wa maa dinku nitori edun wa. TACEF gege bi ise-iranse ti la saa itako ati ikosile re koja. A ti pe TACEF ni orisirisi oruko ni igba otooto ni ibere pepe. Awon kan wipe ipejopo naa yoo yapa kuro ninu ijo lapapo,awon kan fi esun kan awon adari pe alagbere ni won, awon kan wipe aiyederu ati ohun ti a ko ni ifedefo ti o maa n farahan ninu awon ipade wa. Awon esun yii je ohun iyalenu, sibe awon adari nipa irele ati suuru Kristi tesiwaju lati maa fesi pelu ohun ti o kun fun oore ofe. Kii se nipa idojuko, kii se nipa aiteriba, kii se nipa iyapa. Lonii, opo ninu awon alatako yii ni o ti n je anfaani ise-iranse TACEF ti awon kan ninu won je eni ti o n fi itara tele Jesu ati akinileyin gidi fun ise isoji.
Week 42: 26th June to 2nd July, 2016 Bible Study Title: Managing Opposition and Criticism Bible Study Text: Luke 11:14-32 Full Bible reference: 14 And, He was casting out a demon and it was mute. So it was, when the demon had gone out, that the mute spoke; and the multitudes marveled. 15 But some of them said, "He casts out demons by Beelzebub, the ruler of the demons." 16 Others, testing Him, sought from Him a sign from heaven. 17 But He, knowing their thoughts, said to them: "Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and a house divided against a house falls. 18 "If Satan also is divided against himself, how will his kingdom stand? Because you say I cast out demons by Beelzebub. 19 "And if I cast out demons by Beelzebub, by whom do your sons cast them out? Therefore they will be your judges. 20 "But if I cast out demons with the finger of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you. 21 "When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own palace, his goods are in peace. 22 "But when a stronger than he comes upon him and overcomes him, he takes from him all his armor in which he trusted, and divides his spoils. 23 "He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters. 24 "When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places, seeking rest; and finding none, he says, 'I will return to my house from which I came.' 25 "And when he comes, he finds it swept and put in order. 26 "Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of that man is worse than the first." 27 And it happened, as He spoke these things, that a certain woman from the crowd raised her voice and said to Him, "Blessed is the womb that bore You, and the breasts which nursed You!" 28 But He said, "More than that, blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it!" 29 And while the crowds were thickly gathered together, He began to say, "This is an evil generation. It seeks a sign, and no sign will be given to it except the sign of Jonah the prophet. 30 "For as Jonah became a sign to the Ninevites, so also the Son of Man will be to this generation. 31 "The queen of the South will rise up in the judgment with the men of this generation and condemn them, for she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and indeed a greater than Solomon is here. 32 "The men of Nineveh will rise up in the judgment with this generation and condemn it, for they repented at the preaching of Jonah; and indeed a greater than Jonah is here. Introduction The principal reason why we must mature in how we manage criticism is that everyone will never see things the way we see them. Oftentimes, we believe everyone should just follow us, but we must respect the fact that God has given every creature a free will and this power must be exercised by everyone. Jesus had his fair share of criticism. He was labelled and given all kinds of names. He was tagged as “area boy”, “trouble maker”, “glutton”, and “anti-Jew”, etc. This study will prepare each of us on how to face confrontations. How do you respond when you are under pressure? How do you react when you are pushed to the wall? Teachings: 1. The People's Unbelief - Luke 11:14-16 In this story, we see how Jesus healed a man that was deaf and dumb. The cause of this man's problems was spiritual; he was possessed by a demon. Jesus, therefore, addressed the man's problem from the root. He cast out the demon. Everyone present could see that the man was healed, because he started talking immediately. When the people saw the miracle, they responded in two ways: 1. Some of them said, "He casts out demons by beelzebub, the ruler of the demons." 2. Others, to test Him, were demanding of Him a sign from heaven Here, we see the people challenging Jesus for casting out demons by Beelzebul, the ruler of the demons. In order words, they were calling Jesus "Satan in the flesh". They said He is only able to heal diseases because He himself is the demon of diseases. They saw the power of God at work and yet they denied it. The second group of people said they need a sign from heaven for them to believe in Jesus. These two responses were that of unbelief. 2. Jesus' response to His first critics - Luke 11:17-26 Jesus responded by showing them reasons why they cannot charge Him as being Satan. He said, " any kingdom divided against itself is laid waste; and a house divided against itself falls. And if Satan also is divided against himself, how shall his kingdom stand? (Lk 11:17-18). When there is division in a kingdom it falls. Jesus had been involved in casting out demons and waging war against the devil. If He was fighting Satan, then it is obvious that he cannot be on Satan's side and received His power from Satan. Secondly, He said "And if I by Beelzebul cast out demons, by whom do your sons cast them out? Consequently they shall be your judges (Lk 11:19). Jesus did not call down fire from heaven to consume them for not believing in His ministry, which left an impact everywhere He went. He was calm, mature, in control of His emotion and communicated with facts rather than join issues with them. This is how maturing Christian responds to attacks on their person and ministry. 3. Jesus' response to the second criticism - Luke 11:29-32. In Luke 11:14-16, we saw different reactions of the people. One group accused Jesus of casting out demons with the power of Satan. The second group said they needed to see another sign. Jesus responded and said "No sign shall be given to it but the sign of Jonah": For just as Jonah became a sign to the Ninevites, so shall the Son of Man be to this generation (Lk 11:29-30). Jonah was the prophet that stayed in the belly of a whale for three days. God gave him an assignment to do and he ran. God sent the whale to bring him back. The sign of Jonah is the sign of death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. Key Lessons: 1. Be in control of your emotion A true minister of Jesus is a man or woman who can control how he/she feels at any time, no matter what trials, struggles, or pressures he or she is facing. The fact that men talk at you or frontally oppose your message does not warrant you to respond or raise your voice. Your ministry is weakened and its impact is diluted as soon as you begin to act negatively when opposition and criticism comes. Paul said in 2 Cor 4 vs 8-“We are hard - pressed on every side”. Pressure will come but we must always be in charge. We must not confront leadership or try to prove our point. Practical Application We must take our stand for Jesus, there is no way in-between in our walk with Him. We can never be lukewarm; we must be hot at all times. If we are true followers of Jesus, we will experience confrontation. The devil will try to neutralise our witness, silence our testimony and undermine our credibility. But we cannot afford to diminish our ministry by reason of our emotional lapses. TACEF, as a ministry went through its season of criticism and rejection. TACEF was called different names at different times in its evolution. Some said the fellowship will break away from the main church; some accused the leaders of being fornicators, some said that the speaking in tongues that characterised each meeting were fake and learned. Accusations were absurd and unbelievable, yet the leadership through the humility and patience of Christ continued to provide answers with the tonality of grace. No confrontation, no disrespect, no breaking away. Today, many of these critics are beneficiaries of TACEF ministry and some of them are passionate followers of Jesus and strong supporters of the work of revival. |
Ose Kokanlelogoji: 12th - 18th June, 2016 Akori Eko Bibeli: Didagba soke ninu ikaanu ti awujo: Okan ara Samaria Ese Bibeli : Luku 10:25-37 Ese Bibeli lekunrere: 25 Si kiyesi i, amofin kan dide, o ndán a wò, o ni, Oluk?ni, kili emi o ?e ki emi ki o le jogún iyè ainip?kun? 26 O si bi i pe, Kili a k? sinu iwe ofin? bi iw? ti kà a? 27 O si dahùn wipe, Ki iw? ki o fi gbogbo àiya r?, ati gbogbo ?kàn r?, ati gbogbo agbara r?, ati gbogbo inu r? f? Oluwa ?l?run r?; ati ?nikeji r? bi ara r?. 28 O si wi fun u pe, Iw? dahùn rere: ?e eyi, iw? o si yè. 29 ?ugb?n o nf? lati dá ara r?? lare, o wi fun Jesu pe, Tani ha si li ?nikeji mi? 30 Jesu si dahùn o wipe, ?kunrin kan nti Jerusalemu s?kal? l? si Jeriko, o si b? si ?w?? aw?n ?l??à, ti nw?n gbà a li a??, nw?n ?á a l?gb?, nw?n si fi i sil? l? li aipa li apatan. 31 Ni alabapade, alufa kan si ns?kal? l? l?na na: nigbati o si ri i, o k?ja l? niha keji. 32 B??na si ni ?m? Lefi kan p?lu, nigbati o de ib??, ti o si ri i, o k?ja l? niha keji. 33 ?ugb?n ara Samaria kan, bi o ti nrè àjo, o de ibi ti o gbé wà: nigbati o si ri i, ãnu ?e e, 34 O si t?? ? l?, o si dì i l?gb?, o da oróro on ?ti-waini si i, o si gbé e le ori ?ranko ti on tikalar??, o si mu u wá si ile-èro, o si n?e it?ju r??. 35 Nigbati o si l? ni ij? keji, o fi owo id? meji fun olori ile-ero, o si wi fun u pe, Mã t?ju r??; ohunkohun ti iw? ba si ná kun u, nigbati mo ba pada de, emi ó san a fun ?. 36 Ninu aw?n m?t?ta w?nyi, tani iw? rò pe i?e ?nikeji ?niti o b? si ?w?? aw?n ?l??à? 37 O si dahùn wipe, ?niti o ?ãnu fun u ni. Jesu si wi fun u pe, L?, ki iw? ki o si ?e b?? g?g?. Ifaara: Orun ni ile ikeyin wa sugbon a si maa gbe ninu aye yii titi di asiko ti o ba wu Oluwa lati mu wa rele, yala nipa iku nigba ti o ba ya tabi nipa igbasoke awon ayanfe. Ki o to to akoko yii, a gbodo gbe pelu awon eniyan ni ayika wa, eri iri wa si wa ninu bi a ti n mu ife Kristi jade nipa bi a se n bawon eniyan layika wag be po. Jesu waasu lori ojuse wa lawujo gege bi i Kristiani ti o ti dagba, ninu bi a ti n gbe po pelu awon eniyan ni ayika wa – yala onigbagbo tabi alaigbagbo. Eyi n mole eko ti a ti ko ni ose kokandinlogun ti o nii se pelu ikaanu. Ninu eko yii, a oo sagbeyewo owe Jesu nipa ara Samaria naa ati agbekale Olorun fun didagbasoke wa: gege bi asoju ti o n sise fun iyipada ni ona ti o to nibikibi ti a ba ti ba ara wa. Idanilekoo 1 Tani enikeji mi? – Luku 10:29igb Agbejoro ti o to Jesu wa, na ti o ti kuna awon ohun ti ofin beere fun, gbiyanju lati mu ara re to nipa bibeere ohun miiran lowo Jesu – “…tani enikeji mi?” O beere ibeere yii ki o ba le se igekuru kuru iye awon eni ti yoo je enikeji re. O rorun lati fe eniti o ti feran tele, o si je ohun ti o nira lati feran eni ti o korira. O ni ohun kan lokan, o si n fe alaye ti o maa ba a mu ti o si te e lorun. Jesu ko wo inu ariyanjiyan lo pelu agbejero yii. Jesu daa lohun nipa owe ti ara Samaria rere, eyi ti o safihan bi a se le fi ife han ni ibasepo pelu awon eniyan miiran, yala won ni igbagbo kan naa pelu wa, awo kan naa, eya kan naa, ipile kan naa ati bee bee lo. Arakunrin ti o wa ninu owe yii n rin irn-ajo lati Jerusalemu lo si Jericho. Ona lati Jerusalemu si Jericho je iyana ti o mu. O je ona tooro ti o si kun fun apata pelu opolopo igun, ona ti o maa n da nigba gbogbo ni. Awon jaguda maa n sapamo si eyin awon apata tabi iho lati ja awon arinrinajo lole. Ni ona irin-ajo arakunrin yii ni a ti dojuko o, ti won na a ti awon ole sii ja a. Won fi sile ni ese kan aye, ese kan orun, o si nilo lati ye. Bi o ti n ku lo, awon eniyan meji koja lo legbe re, eni akoko je alufa, ti o n bo lati tempili. O ti pari ise isin osoose re ti o si n lo ile re. O see se ki o maa kanju lo is ile tabi pe eru n ba a nitori ewu ti o maa n wa li ona naa, o le ti ro o wipe elomiran yoo ran eni ti ijanba de ba yii lowo. Paapaa ta ni o le mo wipe o fi ise re sile lai se. Arakunrin keji je Lefi. O n sise ninu ati layika tempili ni Jerusalemu. Arakunri yii dabi diakoni kan ninu agbekale ijo toni - irufe Adari tabi Osise Ipago ni TACEF. Oun naa se bi alufa nni se se - o rin gba egbe okunrin ti o wa laarin ese kan aye-ese kan orun yii koja. Iru iwa yii ko si ni ibamu pelu ojuse ipo awon adari ninu esin mejeeji wonyi. Ojuse alufa ni lati je gege bi eni ti o n ru inira awon eniyan nigba ti awon Lefi aa maa pin owo fun awon otosi ati alaini. Sugbon ki ni won se? Won gba ona miiran koja, ko si ikinni kankan, ko si oro iyanju kankan,won ko naani re. Sugbon,arakunrin ara Samaria wa lenu irin-ajo kan, o de ibi ti arakunrin yii wa o si kaanu re. E jowo a ni lati se akiyesi wipe ni akoko yii, awon ara Ju ati awon ara Samaria kii ba ara won se po. A ri awon ara Samaria gege bi awon omo lati inu irugbin aimo ti isota yii si wa fun igba ti o pe. Awon ara Ju a maa dana sun tempili awon ara Samaria, awon Samaria bakan naa a si maa se ohun irira si tempili awon ara Ju. Opolopo igba ni eleyi sele. Siwaju sii, a ri awon ara Samaria gege bi eni ti ilana esin won ko to. Won ko gba gbogbo ohun ti o wa ninu iwe Majemu lae-lae won si tun die ninu re ko eyi ti o te won lorun. Sugbon ninu ohun ti a n gbe yewo yii, ti o nii se pelu eda-eniyan, arakunrin Samaria gbagbe patapata nipa isota si ara Ju ati awon ilana esin, o si fi ife han si arin-rin ajo ara Ju ni. Ara Samaria fi ikaanu han fun arin-rin ajo ara Ju yii. Isesi ife ati ikaanu ti o fihan yii na a ni akoko ati owo re. O we ogbe re, o gbe e, o si te e si ookan aya re bi o ti n wo inu ile-itura kekere kan lo. O fi owo-ise ojo meji sile fun eni ti o ba ni ile itura naa lati se itoju re pelu idaniloju lati tun san owo ti o ba ku nigba ti oun ba pada de. 3 koko ti o wa ninu owe ara Samaria rere – Luku 10:36-37 Nigba ti Jesu pari owe yii, o yipada o si beere lowo agbejoro nni “...ninu awon meteeta wonyi tani iwo ro pe o n se enikeji eniti o bo si owo awon olosa? Agbejoro naa dahun o si wipe “...eni ti o saanu fun ni. Jesu si wi fun pe, lo ki iwo ki o se bee gege. Loro kan, Jesu so fun agbejoro n ni – ohun ti o wa n le kii se tani enikeji re, sugbon boya oo gba lati se ojuse re si gbogbo aye ti Olorun ti fi le o lowo layika re, titi kan awon ti ko to ninu ohun ti emi. Ife kii beere ohun ti o le ri gba sugbon ohun ti o le fun`ni. Ife a maa se ti enikeji re. Eniyan kan se isonisoki owe yii bayii:
Ewo ninu ofin meteeta yii ni o n huwa ni ibamu pelu? Koko inu eko 1 Maa fe lati ni ipa ninu igbesi aye awon elomiran Ninu itan arakunrin Samaria rere ni, a ri bi ara Samaria lasan, eni ti ipo re kere ninu ohun temi se n fe lati na akoko ati owo re lati toju elomiran. A le maa so ese bibeli mesan-mewa ki a si maa gbadura nigbogbo igba lai danu duro, sugbon ayafi bi a ba setan ti a si n fe lati ni ipa ninu igbesi aye awon elomiran ki a si fi ife han, a ko i tii bere irin-ajo didagbasoke si ipo omo ti o gbonju. Ijo ti padanu opolopo awon ti o ye ko je eni irapada nitori ihuwasi wa ni adugbo wa. Opolopo wa ni a ti mo gege bi onijangban ni agbegbe wa tabi ti a ti mo si “elemi” ti kii ki enikeni tabi ka awon ti o ku si. Opolopo wa la n gbe ninu ile aladani ti o je wipe a ko tile mo pe ara ile wa bi omo tuntun deepo pe a oo ki won ni ojo isomoloruko ki a si fi anfaani yii gbadura ni ilana ti Jesu. Opolopo wa ni a jinna rere si awon ti a jo n gbe ni ile awon oniyara ti o koju wa ti won ko le ko omo won ti wa nigba ti won ba fe jade. A je eni ti o maa n di, ti kii banise, ti ko si jasi nnkan ni awujo ninu fifi aanu Jesu han. Ojuse wa lawujo yii beere pe ki a fihan awon ebi wa, abanisise po wa, ara ijo/ipejopo wa, ati bee bee lo. Opolopo wa ni a o ti ba awon ti o tan mo wa soro fun awon osu to ti pe, bi o tile je pe ki a pe won lori ero ibanisoro, a si wa ro wipe ti a ba waasu fun won, won yoo gbo. 2 Je oninurere bii Oluwa ti n pese Ara Samaria ko mo igba ti arakunrin ti o sese yii yoo gbadun, sugbon o n fe lati san gbogbo owo re. o ni lati gba arakunrin yii ni akoko ti o pe ga-ann nitori bibeli so wipe ese kan aye-ese kan orun ni o wa. Sibesibe, arakunrin Samaria naa setan fun ohunkohun. O wulo lawujo, o si n se ike bi Oluwa ti pese fun. Amulo Eko A ri ninu owe yii, pe ara Samaria yii fi opolopo nnkan ji lati le ran arakunrin ti a na ti o si n ku lo yii lowo. O lo awon ohun ini re lati toju ogbe re. O lo owo re lati sanwo fun eni ti o ni ile-itura kekere naa. O lo akoko pupo lati fi ran-an lowo, o si seleri lati fi opolopo akoko sile fun-un siwaju sii. Eyi ni ipe wa si idagbasoke ninu ojuse lawujo ati iwulo fun aladugbo wa. Arakunrin Samaria ti fi ife tooto ati ikaanu han si eni ti o wa ninu isoro. Awon onimo ninu ofin ti gbe oju si apakan. Wipe a mo ohun ti ofin so nikan ko to. Jesu ni oju-ise Ife Olorun. Itan arakunrin Kristiani kan wa loni ti o di oloro fun ijoba Olorun nigba ti o n bo lati ibi ipago kan ti ibe maa n saaba da lona Eko/Ibadan. O n duro de oko leba ona nigba ti eniyan kan ti won na, ti eje ti bo o ti o mura bi musulumi to o wa fun iranlowo. O ni aadota naira lowo, arakunrin yii si beere re lowo re ki oun le fi wo oko nitori idojuko awon olosa ti o ba pade nitosi ibe. O kaanu re, o roo pe oun si ni okun lati rin pada si ipago lati lo wa owo, sugbon arakunrin yii ti eje bo nilati kuro nibe lo fun itoju ti o peye ni ode. O se ohun ti opolopo wa ko nii se. arakunrin ti eje bo yii je onisowo kan ti o ni oro pupo, o fun-un ni kaadi pelebe re kan eyi si ni o je ikorita igbesoke lati oke wa fun-un. Arakunrin musulumi yii di atunbi nitori ihuwasi ikaanu arakunrin naa. Ki Olorun ran wa lowo lati fi ife Jesu han fun agbaye. A nilo lati dagba sii ninu ihuwasi wa pelu awon aladugbo wa,ti a n sa gbogbo ipa wa lati gbe ninu ife pelu gbogbo eniyan ki a ma si di alainikan-an-se si awon ti o wa ni ayika wa. A nilo lati ri bi a ti n wa oko di oju-ona pa lasiko awon ipade wa. Ki i se pe a maa fi oko ara wa dina ara wa nikan, a maa n je ki o soro fun awon elomiiran ti won n lo ona yii kan naa lati koja. Ihuwasi Kristiani wa ko gbodo mu ki aye nira fun awon elomiran. |
Week 41: 12th to 18th June, 2016 Bible Study Title: Maturing in social compassion: the heart of the Samaritan Bible Study Text: Luke 10:25-37 Full Bible reference: 25 And behold, a certain lawyer stood up and tested Him, saying, "Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?" 26 He said to him, "What is written in the law? What is your reading of it?" 27 So he answered and said," 'You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind,' and 'your neighbor as yourself.'" 28 And He said to him, "You have answered rightly; do this and you will live." 29 But he, wanting to justify himself, said to Jesus, "And who is my neighbor?"30 Then Jesus answered and said: "A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, who stripped him of his clothing, wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead. 31 "Now by chance a certain priest came down that road. And when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. 32 "Likewise a Levite, when he arrived at the place, came and looked, and passed by on the other side. 33 "But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was. And when he saw him, he had compassion. 34 "So he went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine; and he set him on his own animal, brought him to an inn, and took care of him. 35 "On the next day, when he departed, he took out two denarii, gave them to the innkeeper, and said to him, 'Take care of him; and whatever more you spend, when I come again, I will repay you.' 36 "So which of these three do you think was neighbor to him who fell among the thieves?" 37 And he said, "He who showed mercy on him." Then Jesus said to him, "Go and do likewise." Introduction Heaven is our final home but we will continue to live in this world until it pleases the Lord to take us home – which will happen when we die or the rapture happens, whichever comes first. Before this time, we must live with the people around us and the proof of our nature is seen in how we bring forth the love of Christ in how we relate with people around us. Jesus preached about the social responsibility that mature believers have in how we relate with people around us - whether they are believers or unbelievers. This is building on the study we focused on in Week 19 on the issue of compassion. In this study, we will look at Jesus parable of the Samaritan and God’s maturity standard for us: as socially active agents of positive change wherever we find ourselves. Teaching
The lawyer, who came to Jesus, having fell short of the demands of the law, tried to justify himself by asking Jesus another question- "...who is my neighbour?” He asked the question in order to limit who his neighbour might be. Remember, it is easy to love someone you already like, but it can be difficult to love someone you hate. He had a mindset and was seeking an interpretation that he was already comfortable with. Jesus did not engage in unending debate with the lawyer. Jesus replied by narrating the parable of the Good Samaritan, which shows how to express love in relationship with other people, irrespective of whether they are of the same faith, colour, race, and background, etc. The man in this parable was traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho. The road from Jerusalem to Jericho had a sharp descent. It was narrow and rocky with many turns. It was always deserted. Robbers often hid behind rocks or in caves to attack travelers. While traveling on the road, this man was attacked, beaten and robbed by the robbers. He was left almost dead and needed help badly in order to survive. While he was dying, two people walked by. The first man was a priest, who was on his way down from the temple. He had finished his weekly service and was on his way home. Probably because he was in a hurry to go home or he was afraid of the dangers on the road, he must have thought that someone else will help the victim. After all, no one would know of his neglect of duty. The second man was a Levi. He was serving in and around the Temple in Jerusalem. This man was like a deacon in today's church setting- a type of TACEF fellowship executive or convention worker. He also responded the same way as the priest - he walked past the dying man. This act does not agree with the statutory role of these two religious offices. A priest was to serve as the carriers of peoples’ burden and the Levi distributes money to the poor and the needy. But what did they do? They passed by on the other side. No greeting, no words of encouragement, they just ignored the man. However, a certain Samaritan who was on a journey, came to where the man was and had compassion on him. Please note that at this time, Samaritans and Jews are not in good terms. Samaritans are seen as children from impure seed and this enmity exist for a very long time. The Jews burnt down the temple of the Samaritans and the Samaritans in turn defile the Jerusalem temple. This was done several times. Also, the Samaritans were considered to be doctrinally incorrect. They did not accept all of the Old Testament books and they rewrote some of the portions of the bible that they accepted. As this moment, when humanity was called to question, the Samaritan forgot about the hatred towards the Jews and the doctrinal issues and showed love to the Jewish traveler. The Samaritan showed the Jewish traveler act of compassion. This act of love and show of mercy costed him his time and money. He treated his wounds. He carried him and laid him on his chest while he walked on to an inn. He deposited two day's wages with the inn keeper for the man's care with an assurance to repay any extra expense when he returned that way.
When Jesus finished the parable, he turned and asked the lawyer"...which of these three do you think proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell into the robber's hands? The lawyer replied and said "...the one who showed mercy toward him". Jesus told the lawyer to go and "do the same". In essence, Jesus told the lawyer - the question here is not who is your neighbour, but whether you will act responsibly to all the lives that God placed around you, even those that did not measure up to your “spiritual” standard. Love does not ask what it can get but what it can give. Love acts in the other person's interests. This parable was summarised by someone as follows:
Which of these three rules are you practicing? Key lessons
In the story of the Good Samaritan, we saw how an ordinary Samaritan, who was supposedly “lower” in the world than other (based on his nationality), was willing to sow his time and money into another person to make sure that another man had a chance to get healed. We may quote scriptures and pray 24 hours non-stop, but unless we are ready and willing to get involved in the lives of others and show them love, we have not yet started maturing unto sonship. The church has lost many would-be converts because of how we relate to others in our neighbourhood. Many of us are known to be trouble-makers in our communities and some are considered “spiritual gurus”, who do not greet or regard other people. Many of us live in flat apartment where we do not even know our neighbour had a new baby, let alone go and greet them during naming ceremony and even use the opportunity to pray and if possible, extend the message of the love of Christ. Many of us are so distant that our neighbours in face-me-i-face-you apartments cannot trust their children with us when they are not around. We are so insular, disconnected and socially valueless in transmitting the compassion of Jesus. The demands of social responsibility, extends to our extended family, colleagues at work, and even, our members in church/fellowship, etc. Many of us have not spoken to our immediate family in months, not even taking the time to make a phone call but, you think that when you preach to them, they will listen to your message? Of course not, we must be relational.
The Samaritan did not know how long it would take the injured man to be well again, but he was willing to foot the bill. It probably took the man a long time, because the scriptures said that he was half - dead. However, the Good Samaritan was ready to help him no matter how long it took. He was generous with his money. He was socially responsible and went out to care for others as much as the Lord provided for him. Practical Application This parable taught that the Samaritan made a lot of personal sacrifices to help the man who had been beaten and was dying. He used his own resources to treat his wounds. He used his own money to pay the innkeeper. He took a lot of time to help him, and promised to devote even more time to him later. This is our call to mature in both social responsibility and accountable neighbourliness. The Samaritan had shown real love and compassion to someone in need. The experts in the law had looked the other way. Knowing what the law says is not enough. Jesus is God’s love in action. There is a story about a Christian billionaire who became wealthy for the kingdom when he was coming from a retreat around a lonely and deserted camp on the Lagos/Ibadan axis. He was waiting for a bus by the road side when a bleeding, very badly beaten man, who wore a Moslem outfit, came to him and asked him for help. He had N50 with him and this man asked for it to transport himself to a safe place, having been attacked by robbers only a few miles from there. He had compassion, he thought that he still had strength to walk back to the retreat camp and look for money, whereas this attacked man need to get out of the lonely place to the city for proper medical treatment. He did what many of us will not do. This attacked man, who incidentally was a rich businessman, gave him his complimentary card and that was the point of divine lifting for him. The Moslem man became born again by reason of this man’s act of compassion. May the Lord help us to touch our world with the love of Jesus at all times. We also need to mature in our accountable neighbourhood behaviour, where we can make every effort to live at peace with all men and not become a nuisance to others around us. You need to see how we park our cars on the road during programmes. We go beyond blocking ourselves and even made the journey of ordinary people who ply the same road tougher. Our practice of Christianity must not make life inconvenient for others. |
Ose Kokandinlogoji ati Ogoji: May 29th –11th June, 2016. Eko Bibeli: Awon Alagbase ti o ni oye fun ikore igba ikeyin Ese Bibeli: Luku 10:1-11 Ese Bibeli Lekunrere: 1. Lehin nkan wonyi, oluwa si yan aadorin omo ehin miran pelu, o si ran won ni mejimeji lo saju re, si gbogbo ilu ati ibi ti on tikarare yio gbe de. 2. o si wi fun won pe, ikore po, sugbon awon alagbase ko to nkan: nitorina, e be oluwa ikore, ki o le ran awon alagbase si inu ikore re. 3. e mu ona yin pon: sa a woo o, emi ran yin lo bi odo aguntan saarin ikooko. 4. e ma se mu asuwon, e mase mu apo,tabi bata: e ma si se ki enikeni li ona. 5. ni ilekile ti eyin ba wo, ki e ko wi pe Alafia fun ile yi. 6. bi omo Alafia ba si n be nibe, Alafia yin yi o ba le e: sugbon ti ko ba si, yi o tun pada sodo yin. 7. ni ile kan na ni ki eyin ki o si gbe, ki e ma je, ki e si ma mu ohunkohun ti won ba fi fun yin, nitori oya alagbase to si i. E mase si lati ile de ile. 8. ati ni ilu kilu ti e yin ba wo, ti won ba si gba yin, e je ohunkohun ti won ba gbe ka iwaju yin. 9. e si mu awon alaisan ti n be ninu re lara da, ki e si wi fun won pe, ijoba olorun ku deede si yin. 10. sugbon ni ilukilu ti eyin ba si wo, ti won ko si gba yin, nigbati eyin ba si jade si igboro ilu na, ki eyin ki o si wipe, 11. ekuru iyekuru ilu yin ti o ku si wa lara, a gbon on sile fun yin: sugbon e mo eyi pe, ijoba olorun ku dede si yin. Ifaara Ise ihinrere je eyi ti o n goke si i ti o si n tesiwaju. A oo ranti pe, Jesu ran awon Aposteli mejila jade fun ihinrere olojo ranpe lo si Galili ni ibeere Ihninrere Luku ori keesan. Beeni, eleyi se gboogi fun awonomo-eyin fun igbaradi lenu ise (ikekoo) lati ri i wipe ihinrere de gbogbo ilu ati awon igberiko. Ni akoko yii, awon ohun elo ti po si i , O si yan aadorin omo-eyin lati maa lo pese aaye sile de E ni gbogbo ibi ti Oun naa yoo si lo i wasu. O pase fun won bi O ti se fun awon Aposeteli mejila nigbati o ran won jade. Oruko awon aadorin okunrin yii ni a ko se akosile re. O ye ki a se akiyesi bi ipojopo onigbagbo se le dagba ninu ihinrere ati ise ijere-okan. Lati omo-eyin mejila si aadorin, eyi dabi ilopo mefa laarin igba die. Ilepa wa gbodo je gbigbe awon odomokunrin ati odo mobinrin dide ti Oluwa le lo bi ohun-elo lati bukun aye, ki i se lati ko aafin tabi ijoba nibi ti awon eniyan yoo ti wa ni oju kan lai dagbasoke. Eko yii yoo si oju wa si pataki nini awon alagbase ti o ti gbonju ti yio le sise fun Oluwa ninu ikore igba ikeyin ti ijoba Olorun. 1. Pataki awon alagbase. Luku 10:1-3 Nigbati agbe kan ba gbin awon ire re, yoo dagba, oun a si kore re. Bee gege, ire ihinrere ni a ti inu awon eko Johanu onitebomi ,iwasu Jesu ati ti awon Aposteli mejila gbin. Akoko ti wa to fun ikore opoloplo. Jesu pe fun awon eniyan lati gbadura fun awon olukore lati wa seranwo ikore okan awon eniyan si ijoba Olorun. O yan awon aadorin okunrin lati lo i wasu ni gbogbo ilu. Oro ikore ti o ti setan ati awon olukore ti ko ti mura tan je ohun ti o n ko ijoba Olorun lominu. Nigba ti awon eniyan ba setan fun Olorun, ti ko si si awon oniwasu ti yoo wasu, nigba ti a ba n fi ikore sofo. Fun gbogbo ohun-ogbin, akoko “ogbin de ikore wa”. Awon akosemose nipa eto ogbin si je ka mo pe, a gbodo ko ire ni igba kan lai jebe, a oo fi ire naa sofo ni. Adura wa ni pe a ko nii fi ilakaka Olorun lori okan awon eniyan sofo nitori ti a ko lati jade. A o si kiyesi pe, Jesu ran won lo ni meji-meji si awon igberiko Perea ati Judia nibi ti Oun tikarare yoo lo, eleyi fi aaye gba atileyin ti o peye ati igbaradi ninu ijere okan. Jesu so ninu ihinrere ti Matiu 18: 16 “sugbon bi ko ba gbo tire, nigba naa ni ki iwo ki o mu enikan tabi meji pelu ara re, ki gbogbo oro lati enu eleri meji tabi meta ba le fi idi mule”. Ikore okan awon okunrin ati obinrin si ijoba Olorun po jojo, sugbon iye awon olukore pelu oro Olorun ti o ye koro, itara-okan, ati mimu ikore wa si ojuse kere pupo. Opolopo lo ti wo inu ikore pelu awon ohun elo ti ko to, won si ti ba ikore je. Ko ya`ni lenu pe iru awon alagbase ti a nilo yii, adura ni a le fi bi won, idi eyi ni Jesu fi gba awon omo eyin Re niyanju lati gbadura kikan-kikan si Oluwa ikore ki o gbe awon alagbase tooto dide ki O si ran won jade. 2. Awon ikilo fun awon alagbase- Luku 10:4-8 Awon ikilo ti Jesu fun awon aadorin okunrin naa fi ara pe eyi ti O fun awon aposteli mejila, bi o tile je pe otooto ni akoko won. Awon ikilo naa niwonyi: a. “… e mase mu asuwon, e mase mu apo, tabi bata (10:4) awon alagbase yii ko gbodo mu awon nnkan ti ara won dani,tori pe irin-ajo ihinrere olojo die ni. A ko gba won laaye lati kowo jo tabi gbe apamo miiran. Won gbodo gba Olorun gbo fun gbogbo aini won. b. “ …. E mase ki enikeni li ona” (10:4) Ikilo yii fi pataki ise ihinrere yii han. Eleyi safihan bi ise naa se gbodo je sise ni kiakia. Kii se nipa bibowo fun eniyan, bee si ni a ki wa nilo lati kiyesara nitori opolopo ni yoo fe si wa lona. Paulu so ninu iwe Efesu 5:15-16 pe “… nitorina, e kiyesi ara lati ma rin ni pipe, ki i se bi awon alailogbon, sugbon bi awon ologbon, e ma ra igba pada, nitori buburu ni ojo gbogbo”. Akoko die la ni lati se eyi. d. “…ni ile kan na ni ki eyin ki o si gbe, ki e maa je, ki e si maa mu ohunkohun ti won ba fi fun yin, nitori oya alagbase to si i”. (10:7). Ikilo yii wa fun awon ti a ranse si. Won gbodo maa pese fun awon omo-eyin. Awon omo-eyin gbodo gba atileyin lodo awon ti o gbo ti won si gba oro Olorun. Sibesibe, Olorun le je ki omi Keriti yii gbe ki a le gbeke le E fun awon ona ipese miran. e. “…ati ni ilu kilu ti e yin ba wo, ti won ba si gba yin, e je ohunkohun ti won ba gbe ka iwaju yin” (10:8) A kilo fun awon omo-eyin lati je ohunkohun ti a ba gbe si iwaju won.Ju ni won,ounje ti awon Ju pese si ti mo won lara ni jije. Sugbon nisinsiyi, won gbodo waasu fun awon alaikola ki won si je ohunkohun ti won ba gbe si iwaju won. Eleyi le ma rorun, sugbon won gbodo se nitori ihinrere . Eyi ta ko asa igbalode ninu eyi ti awon oniwasu yoo ti so irufe oko ofurufu, oko ayokele, ile itura ati irufe ounje abbl, ti a gbodo seto fun won ki won to le wa waasu bi a ba pe won. e. “….. e si mu awon alaisan ti nbe ninu re larada,ki e si wi fun won pe, ijoba Olorun ku dede si yin”. (10:8) Awon omo ehin gbodo wo alaisan san,won si gbodo wasu ihinrere. Eleyi ni ihinrere ojulowo ti yoo ba ara, okan ati emi eniyan pade. Ko si iwaasu ayafi igba ti a ba fowo kan okunrin pipe ni. Ihinrere ju iwaasu lo, o ni i se pelu fifi agbara Olorun han fun iran alaigbagbo yii. 2. Kiko awon alagbase sile- Luku 10:10-12 Nisinsinyi, awon ikilo oke yii wa fun awon ti yoo gba ihinrere. Jesu tesiwaju nipa sise alaye fun won nipa bi won se le se si awon ti o ba ko ihinrere ijoba orun. Awon omo ehin gbodo waasu ihinrere kan naa fun awon ti yio gbagbo ati awon ti ki yio gba.- ijoba olorun ku si deede. Nisinsinyi, ijoba Olorun ko da lori boya awon eniyan gba tabi ko ihinrere, o nii se pelu Olorun. Boya won fe tabi won ko, ijoba Olorun yio de. Yoo je ibukun fun awon ti o gbagbo, ati egun fun awon ti ko gbagbo. Luku 10:13-16. 3. Awon alagbase pada de lati oko. Luku 10:17-20 Awon aadorin okunrin yii lo leyin ti won ti gba ikilo latodo Jesu, o seese ki won lo igba die ninu ogba ajara, nigba ti won si pada de, inu won dun si bi ise-iranse won se fi agba han isakoso ijoba okunkun. Won so fun Jesu “Oluwa, awon emi esu n foribale fun wa ni oruko re”. jesu si da won lohun pe, “ mo ri esu ti o subu bi monamona lati orun wa”. Isegun ti awon aadorin okunrin yii ni mu isubu ba esu. O si fun won ni agbara si i lori awon ota. “ Kiyesi,emi ti fun yin ni ase lati te ejo ati akeeke mole, ati lori gbogbo agbara ota, ko si si ohun kan bi o ti wu ki o se, ti yio pa yin lara”. Luku (10:19). Oluwa n fi n da awon omo ehin loju pe Oun setan lati pa won mo ninu gbogbo idojuko ota ti o le dojuko won ni gbogbo ona won. Koko Idanileko 1 Iwasu Ihin rere mu ki Ijoba esu wo lule Nigbakugba ti o ba waasu ihin rere ni ibi ise re,agbegbe okowo re,iyara eko re ati bee bee lo, ijoba esu maa n wo lule ni. Nigbkuigba ti enikan ba fi aye re fun Kristi nipase iwaasu re, Satani maa n ja bo is ile lati orun wa bi mona-mona. Bi ijo tii n se olododo ninu wiwasuihin rere is gbogbo agbaye, a n fa tu enu ona orun apadi. Okan lara awon oro isagbaso ni ibeere TACEF ni - "a pe wa lati je ki ijoba Olorun gbooro ki ijoba orun apadi is jooro" 2 O koja ise iyanu - O je nipa Orun Jesu kilo fun won pe "?ugb?n ki ? má?e y?? si eyi, pe, aw?n ?mi nforibal? fun nyin; ?ugb?n ? kuku y??, pe, a k?we oruk? nyin li ?run." (Johannu ori kewa ese ogun). O se pataki lati mo ohun ti a mu lokunkundun ninu ijoba Olorun. Kii se nipa iye awon eniyan ti o subu labe ifamioro yan, o je nipa awon oruko ti a ko sinu iwe iye. Gbogbo ise iyanu gbodo kin ayeraye ni Orun lehin. A o gbodo padanu "ifiranse pataki" lati yo - pe a ko oruko won is orun". Amulo Eko Jesu se akawe agbegbe ti o n ran awon Aadorin na lo gege bi Oko ikore. Jesu fe ki awon omo ehin re ri ohun ni ti o ga ju. Eda omo araye ni gbogbo orile ede ti pon fun ikore, won n duro fun awon osise ti yio mu won wa sinu ijoba Olorun. Ile aye yi n duro de wa ni otito a o is gbodo je ki awon ikore ti o ti po yi kee nitoriwipe a o jade lo. Loni, eekaderi wonyi ni lati pe okan wa ni ija lati jade lo fun Jesu
Week 39 & 40: 29th May to 11th June, 2016 Bible Study Title: Matured labourers for the End – Time Harvest Bible Study Text: Luke 10:1-11 Full Bible reference: 1 After these things, the Lord appointed seventy others also, and sent them two by two before His face into every city and place where He Himself was about to go. 2 Then He said to them, "The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest. 3 "Go your way; behold, I send you out as lambs among wolves. 4 "Carry neither money bag, knapsack, nor sandals; and greet no one along the road. 5 "But whatever house you enter, first say, 'Peace to this house.' 6 "And if a son of peace is there, your peace will rest on it; if not, it will return to you. 7 "And remain in the same house, eating and drinking such things as they give, for the laborer is worthy of his wages. Do not go from house to house. 8 "Whatever city you enter, and they receive you, eat such things as are set before you. 9 "And heal the sick there, and say to them, 'The kingdom of God has come near to you.' 10 "But whatever city you enter, and they do not receive you, go out into its streets and say, 11 'The very dust of your city which clings to us we wipe off against you. Nevertheless, know this: the kingdom of God has come near you.' Introduction Our call as ministers is a lifetime call - continuous and progressive. You will recall that Jesus sent out 12 apostles on a short mission trip throughout Galilee at the beginning of Luke 9. Of course, this was necessary for the disciples’ on-the-job training and to ensure that the gospel reached all the towns and villages. Eventually, the number of vessels had increased and He chose to send seventy men out who would be His forerunners to every city He was going to preach in. He gave them the instruction like the one He gave to the twelve apostles while He was sending them out. These seventy men's names were not mentioned. It is important to note how fellowship must mature in missions and evangelical thrust. From 12 disciples to 70, that is almost times 6 within a short period. Our focus must be to raise men and women that the Lord can use as vessels to bless the world and not build an empire where people are kept on the same spot of immaturity. This teaching will teach us about the need for matured labourers to go out for the Lord in the end time harvest for the kingdom. 1. The need for Labourers - Luke 10:1-3 When a farmer plants his seeds, it grows and he harvests the crops. Likewise, the seed of the gospel was planted by the teachings of John the Baptist, Jesus' preaching and miracles and the preaching of the twelve apostles. It is now time for the mass harvest. Jesus called for men to pray for labourers to help in harvesting the souls of men to the kingdom of God. He chose 70 men to go and preach the gospel in every city. The issue of ready harvest and unready harvesters is a serious kingdom concern. When men are ready for God and there are no preachers to reach out, then, we are wasting the harvest. For every plant, “there is a planting-to-harvesting cycle” and agriculturists will tell us that harvest must be done at certain time or they will be wasted. We should always labour for the Lord, so that the souls of men do not perish, simply because we fail to go out. You will also observe that Jesus sent them two by two into the towns of Perea and Judea where He was about to go. This afforded mutual support and reinforcement in their witness. Jesus said in Matt.18:16, "But if he will not hear, take with you one or two more, that 'by the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established". The harvest of men and women to be won to the kingdom of God is huge, but the number of labourers with the right message, right burden, and the right implement of harvest is very small. Many have gone into the harvest with the wrong tools and have made worse the harvest. It is no surprise that the kind of labourers we need can only be birthed in prayer, hence Jesus encouraged his disciples to pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to raise up and send out true labourers 2. A set of instructions for the Labourers - Luke 10:4-8 The instructions Jesus gave to the Seventy is similar to those given to the twelve apostles, however they are for different occasions. The set of instructions are: a. "...Carry no purse, no bag, no shoes (10:4) These labourers were not to go with personal belongings because it was a short term mission trip. They were not allowed to raise money or carry extra bags. They were to depend upon God's provision. b. "...greet no one on the way" (10.4) This instruction shows the priority of the mission. There is a sense of urgency attached to the mission. This is not about showing respect for people, also a warning not to be distracted as many will call our attention on the way. Paul speaking in Ephesians 5:15-16 said "... be careful how you walk, not as unwise men, but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil". We have limited time to achieve this goal. c. "...stay in that house, eating and drinking what they give you; for the labourer is worthy of his wages" (10:7). This instruction concerns the people to whom the message is been delivered. They were to provide for the disciples. The disciples are to be supported by those who hears and receives the word of God. However, God can also make the brook of Cherith to dry to make us trust Him the more for other channels. d. "Whatever city you enter, and they receive you, eat what is set before you" (10:8). The disciples usually ate anything that was set before them and they would only eat food prepared by fellow Jews. However, when they began ministering to Gentile, they had to eat their food, as well. This did not seem convenient for them, but they were supposed to do it for the sake of the gospel. This is at variance to the current trend where ministers specify the kind of flight, car, hotel, food etc. that must be arranged for their ministerial visitation. e. "Heal those in it who are sick and say to them, ‘The kingdom of God has come near to you’" (10:8). The disciples were sent to heal the sick as well as preach the gospel. This is the total gospel that will minister to the total man - body, soul, and spirit. Change does not happen until the total man is touched. The gospel includes more than just preaching, it involves the demonstration of the power of God to the unbelieving world. 2. The rejection of the labourer - Luke 10:10-12 Now, the aforementioned instructions were for those who accept the gospel. Jesus continued by instructing them on how to handle those who reject the gospel of Jesus. The disciples were to preach the same message to those who receive or rejects it - the kingdom of God is at hand. Now, the kingdom of God does not depend on whether people accept or rejects the message. It depends on God. Whether they like it or not, the kingdom of God will come. It will be a blessing unto those who believe and a curse to those who do not. Luke 10:13-16 3. The labourers return from the mission field - Luke 10:17-20 The seventy disciples left after they finished receiving instructions from Jesus. They probably spent some time on the field and when they returned, they were happy about the way their ministry manifested its domination over the realm of the devil. They told Jesus, "Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name." and Jesus replied saying "I was watching Satan fall from heaven like lightning". The victory the seventy disciples experienced brought about the fall of Satan. He then reinforced their authority over the power of the enemy. "Behold, I have given you authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall injure you." (Luke 10:19). The Lord is letting His disciples know that He is ready to protect them from the attacks of the enemy that may come their way. Key Lessons 1. The preaching of the gospel leads to the fall of Satan's kingdom When you preach the gospel in your workplace, business premises, or classroom etc., the Kingdom of the devil crumbles. When someone gives his or her life to Christ through your preaching, Satan falls from heaven like lightening. As the church is faithful in preaching the gospel to the world, the gates of hell are pulled down. One of the popular quote in the early days of TACEF was –“we are called to populate heaven and depopulate hell”. 2. It is beyond the miracles- it is about heaven Jesus warned them not to "not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are recorded in heaven" (10:20). It is important to know what we prioritise in the kingdom. Remember, it is not about the number of people that fall under the anointing, it is about names written in the book of life. Every miraculous event must reinforce the issue of spending eternity in heaven with Jesus. We must not miss the “important message” to rejoice - that their names are written in heaven" Practical Application Jesus described the region into which He sent the seventy disciples into as a harvest field. Jesus wanted His disciples to see the big picture. Humanity in all nations of the heart is the ripe harvest, waiting for workers to bring them into the Kingdom of God. The world is truly waiting for us and we must not allow the ripe harvest to be damaged simply because we are choosing not to go out. Today, the statistics below should burden your heart of why we must go out for Jesus
Week 36 & 37: 15th to 28th May, 2016 Bible Study Title: Maturity in Kingdom humility Bible Study Text: Luke 9:46-48 Full Bible reference: 46 Then, a dispute arose among them as to which of them would be greatest. 47 And Jesus, perceiving the thought of their heart, took a little child and set him by Him, 48 and said to them, "Whoever receives this little child in My name receives Me; and whoever receives Me receives Him who sent Me. For he who is least among you all will be great." Introduction Our world wants to see true leaders arise, who have been humbled by the reality of their relationship with Jesus. Jesus’ practice of leadership is from the bottom-up and not from the top-down – remember, Christianity is an inside-out kingdom. Humility is the true path to spirituality maturity. Peter, John, and James were the disciples Jesus took to the mountain who witnessed the Transfiguration. These were the same disciples arguing about who will be the greatest in the kingdom. Peradventure, the transfiguration experience had inflated their ego. Leaders have their own set of strengths and weaknesses, pride can be one of these. It is only when pride is surrendered to Jesus that leaders can really be servants of the Lord. In this study, we shall learn how Jesus taught His disciples the path of humility. Teachings 1. Who is the greatest? - Luke 9:46-48 The disciples started an argument amongst themselves, they wanted to know who would be the greatest. They wanted to know the greatest in rank and dignity, of importance and status. The disciples were not pursuing excellence as a minister of Christ. They were comparing themselves - wanting to know who is greater than, better than, or more recognised than others etc. Pride is competitive. It is self-seeking. Many are proud of being richer or better looking than others are. Even in our fellowship, some claim to be more spiritual. It is this act of comparison that makes one proud, the desire and good feeling of being above others. Jesus knew what they were thinking and deflated their sense of worth by bringing a little child to stand beside Him. In those days, children were not considered responsible members of the community until they get to age 12 or 13 – they had no status. "Then He said to them, 'Whoever welcomes this little child in My name welcomes Me; and whoever welcomes Me welcomes the One Who sent Me.' “(Lk 9:48a) “To receive a person” is to believe in him and to welcome and honour such as a guest. To receive Jesus, in the name of the Father, means believing that the Father sent Him. To receive a disciple in Jesus' name means believing and accepting the One Who sent Him. However, it takes humility to see Christ in a small child. Jesus was actually asking them -"do you have enough humility to take a child seriously for my sake? We are supposed to consider others more than ourselves; this way, we will be like Christ. The humble person is the greatest person. There is no place in the kingdom for those who want to be above others. We are not to compare ourselves with someone else (2 Cor. 10:12). 2. The least among you is the greatest - Luke 9:48b Jesus used the child to illustrate the fact that - in His kingdom - humility and servanthood are the signs of maturity. Jesus demonstrated this fact when He washed the disciples’ feet, taking a place lower than a servant (John 13:1-17). It is a fact that Jesus is equal with God the Father as far as divinity is concerned, however, He still humbled Himself to become a man and then, die a shameful death on the cross for our sins (Phil. 2:5-11). Key lessons 1. Humility - the only way to greatness Greatness is not possible without a humble heart. Jesus proved this to us when He came to earth as a servant, He humbled Himself to the point of death on the cross and God highly exalted Him. The scripture said in Luke 14:11, "for whoever exalts himself will be humbled and he who humbles himself will be exalted". If you desire to be great in the Kingdom of God, humble yourself and serve other people around you.
2. We need to nip pride in the bud Pride is a dangerous sin that must be nipped in the bud before it grows. Everyone has desires, of course, but they should not be desires that will encourage you to go against the will of God. One of the most notable examples of this is Eve in the book of Genesis. The devil promised her that once she ate the fruit, she would become like God. She wanted to be like God and she worked towards it, bringing her husband with her. They ate of it and sinned against God. The result of that disobedience is there for us all to see today. Once you notice any appearances of pride in your heart, you should quickly confess it before the Lord and do away with the thought before it grows Practical Application Pride is a sin that we must avoid in our walk with the Lord. It is very subtle and not easily noticeable at the onset of it. The disciples did not know or understand the importance of their statement until Jesus taught them humility. The way to greatness is always through humility. We must always check our hearts to be sure that our academic qualification, spiritual adventure, parental background, exposure, and oratorical ability, etc., are not becoming a source of pride in our walk with the Lord. |
Ose Ketadinlogoji ati kejidinlogoji: 15th-28th May, 2016 Akori Eko Bibeli: Didagba ninu irele ijoba orun Ese Bibeli:Luku 9:46-48 Ese Bibeli Lekunrere: 46. Eniyan kan si dide laarin won ni ti eni ti yi o je olori. 47. Nigbati Jesu si mo iro okan won, o mu omode kan, o gbe e joko lodo re, 48. O si wi fun won pe, enikeni ti o ba gba omode yi nitori oruko mi, o gba mi: ati enikeni ti o ba gba mi, o gba eni ti o ran mi: nitori eni ti o ba keere ju ninu gbogbo yin, on na ni yi o po.” Ifaara Aye ti a wa yii n wa awon adari tooto ti a ti re sile nipa ibasepo won pelu Jesu. Igbe aye ti Jesu gbe gege bi adari je lati isale si oke, ki i se lati oke si isale eleyi si ni ona bi a se le dagba ninu irele tooto. Peteru, Johannu ati Jakobu ni awon omo eyin ti Jesu mu lo sori oke ti won si ni iriir iparada. Awon wonyi pelu ni o n se ariyanjiyan ta ni o ga ju ni ijoba Olorun. Boya, iriri ori oke ti mu igberaga ba won. Awon adari paapaa ni okun ati ailokun ti won,igberaga le je okan ninu awon nnkan wonyi.Bi a ba jowo igberaga wa fun Jesu ni awon adari to le di iranse Oluwa. Ninu eko yii, a oo maa ko bi Jesu ti ko awon omo ehin Re ni ona irele. Idanileko 1. Ta ni o ga ju Luku 9: 46-48 Awon omo ehin bere arinyanjinyan laarin ara won, won n fe mo tani o ga ju laarin won. Won fe mo eni ti o ga ju ni ipo, ola, aaye, ati tani o se Pataki ninu won. Awon omo ehin ko lati lepa titayo ninu wiwasu Jesu, won n fi ara won we ara won , won si fe mo tani o ga ju, ti o dara ju ti o si gbajumo ju. Igberaga maa n mu ifigagbaga wa. O kun fun imotara-eni-nikan. Opolopo ni won n gberaga pe won ni owo ju, tabi pe won rewa ju awon elomiran lo. Beeni ninu awon ipojopo wa, opolopo lo n se faari pe awon mo Olorun ju. Irufe awon afiwe wonyi lo n fa igberaga, ife inu ati inudidun nipa jiju elomiran lo. Jesu mo ero won, O si re ero giga won sile nipa mimu omo kekere kan wa lati duro si egbe Re. Ni akoko yi, a ko ka omode si pataki laarin ilu, afi bi won ba ti to omo odun mejila si metala ki won ko to ja mo nkankan. “ O si wi fun won pe, enikeni ti o ba gba omode yi ni oruko mi, o gba mi, ati enikeni ti o ba gba mi, o gba eni ti o ran mi.” (Luku 9:48a) “Lati gba eni kan” tumo si pe ki eniyan gbagbo ninu re, ki a si gba irufe eniyan bee, ki a si bu ola fun-un gege bi alejo. Gigba Jesu ni oruko baba tumo si pe, ki a gbagbo pe baba ni o ran-An. Gbigba omo ehin ni oruko Jesu si tumo si pe, ki a gbagbo ninu Eni ti o ran-an,. Sugbon a nilo irele lati ri Jesu ninu omode. Jesu tile n bi won “n je e ni irele to lati ka omode yii si nitori temi”? A gbodo maa ri awon elomiran bii pe won dara ju wa lo, nipa sise eyi, a oo dabi Kristi. Onirele eniyan ni o ga ju; ko si aaye ni ijoba orun fun awon to n fe gaa ju awon elomiran lo. A ko gbodo maa fi ara wa we awon elomiran. (korintin keji 10:12). 2. Eniti o kere ju ninu yin ni o tobi ju-Luku 9:48b Jesu lo omo kekere lati se akawe koko yii pe – ninu ijoba Re, irele, ati jije iranse ni ami idagbasoke.Jesu se apeere yii nigba ti o we ese awon omo-eyin Re, O si yan ipo ti o rele ju iranse lo. (johannu 13:1-17). Otito ti o fese mule ni pe Jesu ati Baba je okan ninu metalokan, sibesibe, O re ara Re sile lati di eniyan, O si ku iku esin fun wa lori agbelebu nitori ese wa. (Pilipi 2:5-11). Koko Inu Idanilekoo 1. Irele – Ona kanso si igbega Igbega ko se e se lai ni okan irele. Jesu fi idi re mule fun wa nigba ti O wa si aye ni iri iranse, O re ara Re sile de oju iku lori agbelebu beeni Olorun si gbe E ga gidigidi. Bibeli so ninu Luku 14:11 ”enikeni ti o ba gbe ara re ga ni a o re sile, ati eni ti o ba re ara re sile ni a o gbe ga” Ti o ba fe di eni giga ni ijoba Olorun, re ara re sile ki o si sin awon elomiran ni ayika re. 2. A nilo lati kan igberaga lapa Igberaga je eka ti a gbodo ge ki o to dagba, gbogbo wa la ni ife okan. Sugbon won ko gbodo je eyi ti yoo mu wa tapa si ife Olorun. Apeere ti o farahan ju ni ti Efa ninu iwe Genesisi. Esu se ileri fun-un pe bi o ba le je eso yii yio dabi Olorun. O fe dabi Olorun o si lepa re, o si tun mu oko re kose pelu. Won je e nitooto won si se si olorun. Atubotan aigboran won si wa fun gbogbo eniyan lati ri titi di oni. Bi o ba ti kofiri igberaga ninu okan re, tete jewo re niwaju Oluwa ki o si mu ero naa kuro ki o to dagba. Amulo Eko Igberaga je ese ti a gbodo yago fun ninu irin wa pelu Oluwa. Ko rorun lati ri i ni ibere pepe, o si je alarekereke. Awon omo-eyin ko tile mo pataki oro enu won afi igba ti Jesu to o ko won ni irele. Irele ni ona si igbega. A gbodo maa ye okan wa wo lati rii pe awon oye ti a gba ninu eko, iriri emi ti a ni, omo eni ti a je, olaju ti a ni, ati bi a se mo oro i so si abbl ko di gbongbo igberaga ninu irin wa pelu Oluwa. |
Ose Kerindinlogoji - 8th -14th May,2016 Akori Eko Bibeli: Sise amulo awon iriri ori oke ninu igbe aye ojojumo wa Ese Bibeli: Luku 9:37-45 Ese Bibeli Lekunrere: 37. O si se, ni ijo keji, nigbati won sokale lati ori oke wa, awon opo eniyan wa i pade re. 38 Si kiyesi i, okunrin kan ninu ijo kigbe soke, wipe, olukoni, mo be o, wo o omo mi; nitori omo mi kansoso na ni. 39 Si kiyesi i, emi esu a ma mu u, a si ma kigbe lojiji, a si ma a na tantan titi yio o fi yo ifofo li enu, a ma a pa lara, a ti le fere ma fi i sile lo. 40 Mo si be awon omo-ehin re lati le e jade, won ko si le e se. 41 Jesu si dahun wipe, iran alaigbagbo ati arekereke, emi o ti ba yin gbe pe to? Emi yio si ti se suuru fun yin pe to? Fa omo re wa nihinyi. 42 Bi o si ti n bo, emi esu gbe e sanle, o si na a tantan. Jesu si ba emi aimo na wi, o si mu omo na lara da. O si fa le baba re lowo. 43 Enu si ya gbogbo won si ise nla olanla olorun. Sugbon nigbati haa si n se gbogbo won si ohun gbogbo ti Jesu se, o wi fun awon omo ehin re pe, 44 E je ki oro wonyi ki o ri si yin ni eti, nitori a o fi omo eniyan enia lowo. 45 sugbon oro na a ko ye won, o sis u won li oju, beeni wok o si mo o: eru si n ba won lati bere idi oro. Ifaara Ninu eko ti o koja, a ri meta ninu awon omo- ehin Re – Peteru, Johanu ati Jakobu ti o ni iriri iparada lori oke nigba ti won lo sibe lo i gbadura. A rii bi iri Jesu ti yipada, ti ogo Re si tan jade bi oorun funfun gboo. Beeni, ohun olorun fohun jade ti o si wipe “ Eyi i ni ayanfe omo mi, e maa gbo tire”. Eleyi ni a n pe ni “ iriri ori oke” sibe sibe, o ni lo lati sokale lati ori oke yii. A le fi we …. lilo si ipago olodoodun, awe gbigba tabi iriri ma`ni-gbagbe pelu Olorun ati beebe lo, gbogbo iwonyi yio wa sopin. O si gbodo pada si ile ki o si tesiwaju lati maa gbe igbe aye re ojoojumo. A oo gba pelu mi pe ni iru akoko bayi, oo ni imolara Olorun, o ko si nii fe sokale mo. Oo se awon ipinu gbogi ati ifara-eni-jin, inu re a si dun rekoja. Sugbon sa, igbe aye wa n tesiwaju ni. Ninu eko yii, a oo maa se agbeyewo orisirisi ona ti a le gba fi maa je anfaani awon iriri ori-oke, bi o tile je pe a n gbe igbe aye ojoojumo wa.
Idanilekoo 1. Iwosan omokunrin ti emi esu gbe wo Luku 9: 38-42 Ni ojo keji, nigbati Jesu ati awon omo ehin re ti ori oke sokale, opo enia yi won ka, okan ninu won ni baba omodekunrin ti emi esu gbe wo yii. Baba yii diidi mu omo re wa fun awon omo ehin fun iwosan ni, sugbon won ko le se ohunkohun lati ran-an lowo. Won gbinyanju lati le emi esu naa jade, sugbon ko se e se. Igbagbo awon omo ehin ninu Olorun lati sise ninu won ti le ye. Awon omo ehin kan naa yii ni a ti ran jade pelu eri nla. Ki lo wa sele si iriri ori oke won? Ki lo din igboya won lati gbe igbese igbagbo ku? Jesu gbo ohun ti o sele, inu re ko si dun si awon omo ehin re. inu Olorun a maa dun nigba ti a ba mu igbagbo wa wa si oju ise. Lai si igbagbo, ko seese lati wu Olorun (Heb 11:6). Jesu sunmo omokunrin ti o ni emi esu yii, emi aimo naa si gbe omo na subu lule, o mu u ta giri,o si dabi i pe ipo omo naa si buru si nigba ti Jesu de. Sugbon, Jesu soro, agbara ninu oro Re si se ise iyanu naa. O ba emi okunkun naa wi, a si wo omo naa san. 2. Isesi opo ero ati esi Jesu Nigba ti ijo eniyan ri i pe a wo omokunrin ti o ni emi esu naa san, enu ya won si titobi Olorun sugbon isesi Jesu yato. O so fun awon omo ehin Re pe “E je ki oro wonyi ki o ri si yin ni eti, nitori a o fi omo eniyan le awon enia lowo”. O n kilo fun won nipa irin ajo Re lo si ori agbelebu ati bi awon eniyan yio ti se beere fun iku Re. Sibe sibe, oro wonyi ko ye awon omo ehin Re, aya won si n ja lati bi I leere fun ekunrere alaye. Ojo buruku ni ojo yi fun awon omo ehin, won kuna lati le emi esu jade lara omokunrin naa, oye oro Jesu ko si ye won, won ko si tun le e bi Jesu fun alaye lekunrere. Koko Inu Idanilekoo 1. Olorun korira aigbagbo: A ri iha ti Jesu ko si bi awon omo ehin re ko se le le emi esu jade. Bi a ba fi aigbagbo han, ki i dun mo Olorun ninu. Bibeli so ninu iwe Heberu 11:6: “Laisi igbagbo, ko seese lati wu olorun, nitori eni ti o ba to Olorun wa gbodo gbagbo pe o wa, ati pe oun ni olusesan fun awon ti o ba farabale wa a”. Laisi igbagbo, ko seese lati wu Olorun, igbagbo ki i se lilo si ile isin ni gbogbo igba, o ju bee lo. O nii se pelu gbigba Olorun gbo fun gbogbo aini wa yato si igbekele ara eni. 2. Aile pa awon idaniloju emi wa mo Ajalu ti o tobi ju laye onigbagbo ni ki a maa daku daji nigba ti oore-ofe ba wa ni ojuse tabi bi ko ba si ni ojuse. Nigba ti awon oore-ofe tabi ebun Olorun ba n poora bi pe a ko tile fi ami ororo yan irufe eniyan be tele ri. Jesu ko won ni asiri kan lehin ijihninreere akoko nipa mimu won lo lati tun okun emi won se. Ibeere nla ti o jeyo nihinyi ni pe, bawo ni won se n pa awon iriri yii mo ni gbogbo igba gege bi enikookan? Looto, o dara ki a kora jo po lati so ara wa ji gege bi egbe, sugbon lopo igba, a ma a ni lo opolopo akoko itunramu gege bi eyo enikan, eleyi si ni se pelu irin wa pelu Olorun. A gbodo ko bi a se n pa awon iriri ori oke mo nigba ti a ba tile wa ni afonifoji aye wa. Opolopo wa ni a je alagbara nigbati a ba wa ni ipejopo pelu awon ara, sugbon a maa n rewesi nigbati a ba da wa nile. A gbodo ko bi a ti se n ni okun inu nipa sise igbaradi ti emi lorekoore. O le je iso oru olosoose tabi yiya ara wa soto fun ibapade pelu Olorun losoosu. Amulo Eko O je ohun ti o dara lati ma mu awon iriri ori oke wa sinu igbe aye ojojumo wa. A ko da wa lati maa gbe ni ori oke titi lae. Igba die ni awon iriri ori oke wa fun, bee si ni a gbodo mu awon iriri yii wa si ojuse ninu igbe-aye ojoojumo wa. Awon ilana wonyi yoo ran wa lowo lati se e: 1. Ranti awon ise ateyinwa Ki i se ese lati ranti awon iriri ori oke. Peteru je okan lara awon omo ehin ti o je eleri si iparada Jesu,odun die leyin eyi, o ko nipa bi o se se pataki to lati maa ranti ninu Peteru keji 1:16-18. Nigbakugba ti a ba n dan wa wo lati siyemeji nipa Olorun, o gbodo le ranti awon ohun ti O se ninu aye re lateyinwa. Nigbati ise iranse Tacef wa ninu idunkoko to le, awon iriri ojukoju ati iranti ibere pepe lo gbe awon ti o bere ise iranse yii ati awon adari ro, nigbati idojuko to le wa lode ati ninu. 2. Maa se aisemele ninu irin re isinsinyi “Nitori na eyin ara, e tubo ma se aisinmi lati so ipe ati yiyan yin di dajudaju, nitori bi eyin ba n se nkan wonyi, e ki yio kose lae”. (Peteru keji:1:10). Gbagbe awon asise ateyinwa ko si ohun ti o le se lati yi i pada, sugbon o le je ki oni re yato. O je ohun ti o dara lati wo eyin wo agbelebu, ki a si wo iwaju fun bibo Jesu leekeji, sugbon a ko gbodo dagunla si isinsinyi. 3. Maa woju Olorun fun ola “nitori nipa sise eyi, ni a o se pese fun yin lopolopo lati wo ijoba olorun”(Peteru keji 1:11). Awon iriri ori oke ti oni je ifojusona fun awon ohun ti o n bo. A ti fi iwe pe wa si ibi igbeyawo odo aguntan, awa ni iyawo, a si n pelu Olorun lati fi iwe ipe ranse. Irufe awon iriri patakiyowu u ti o le ni pelu Olorun, a ko le fi se akawe awon ohun ti n bo. A gbodo sora lati maa ko ago fun” awon iranti ateyinwa” bii pe awon wonyi nikan la le ri tabi ni ninu Olorun. Ohun ti o dara si n bo. |
Week 36: 8th to 14th May, 2016 Bible Study Title: Bringing the mountain experience to our everyday living Bible Study Text: Luke 9:37-45 Full Bible reference: 37 Now it happened on the next day, when they had come down from the mountain, that a great multitude met Him. 38 Suddenly a man from the multitude cried out, saying, "Teacher, I implore You, look on my son, for he is my only child. 39 "And behold, a spirit seizes him, and he suddenly cries out; it convulses him so that he foams at the mouth, and it departs from him with great difficulty, bruising him. 40 "So I implored Your disciples to cast it out, but they could not." 41 Then Jesus answered and said, "O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you and bear with you? Bring your son here." 42 And as he was still coming, the demon threw him down and convulsed him. Then Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit, healed the child, and gave him back to his father. 43 And they were all amazed at the majesty of God. But while everyone marveled at all the things which Jesus did, He said to His disciples, 44 "Let these words sink down into your ears, for the Son of Man is about to be betrayed into the hands of men." 45 But they did not understand this saying, and it was hidden from them so that they did not perceive it; and they were afraid to ask Him about this saying.
Introduction In the previous study, we saw how Jesus and His three disciples - Peter, John, and James had the Transfiguration experience on the mountain, when they went there to pray. We saw how Jesus' appearance changed and His glory busted forth in a blinding whiteness. Then, the voice of God sounded and declared "This is my beloved son, listen to Him". This is what is called a "Mountaintop" Experience. However, you have to come down from the mountain at the end of the day. It is like going for a retreat, convention, fasting, or break-out experience, etc. All these will come to an end and you have to go home and live your everyday life. You will agree with me that at such moments, you feel the presence of the Lord and you don't feel like coming down. You make great decisions and consecrations and just feel on top of the world. However, life must go on. In this study, we will look at the different ways we can continue to enjoy the mountain top experience, even in our daily living. Teaching: 1. The healing of a demon-possessed boy - Luke 9:38-42 The next day after Jesus and His disciples came down from the mountain, a crowd of people gathered round about Him. Among them was a father who had a demon-possessed son. The father actually brought his son to the disciples for healing, but they could not do anything to help the boy. They tried to cast out the demon and it did not work. The disciples may have wavered in their confidence in God's power to work through them. These were the same disciples who had been sent out and had great testimony. What has happened to their mountain-top experience? What had deflated their previous confidence to act in faith? Jesus heard what happened and He was not happy with His disciples. God is pleased when we demonstrate our faith. Without faith, it is impossible to please God. (Heb.11:6). Jesus approached the demon possessed boy, and the demon threw the boy to the ground, making him to have more convulsions. The boy's condition seems to get worse when Jesus showed up. However, Jesus spoke and the power in His words did the miracle. He rebuked the unclean spirit and the boy was healed. 2. The multitude's reaction and Jesus' remark - Luke 9:43-45 When the crowd saw that the demon-possessed boy was healed, they were amazed. They were amazed at the greatness of God. But Jesus' reaction was different. He told His disciples "...Let these words sink into your ears; for the Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of men." He warned them of His journey to the cross and how the same crowd will clamour for His death. However, the disciples did not understand the statement and they were afraid to ask Jesus for explanation. This was not a good day for the disciples. They were unable to cast out the demon from the boy, they did not understand Jesus' statement and they failed to ask Jesus for explanation. Key Lessons 1. God hates unbelief We saw how Jesus reacted when the disciples couldn't drive out the demons. When we demonstrate lack of faith or unbelief, it displeases the Lord. The bible says in Hebrews 11:6 "And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him." It is impossible to please God without faith. Faith is not attending church all the time, it is far more than that. It involves trusting God for your needs, instead of depending on yourself. 2. Inability to sustain repeated spiritual conviction The biggest disaster in the life of a Christian is to turn into an ON and OFF model where the grace is activated or deactivated. When grace and God’s gifting disappear or become absent as if these lives were never anointed before. Jesus taught them a secret after the first outreach by taking them for a retreat. The big question here is how were they sustaining this reality on a continuous basis as an individual? A collective retreat is good but we often need a lot of personal moment of refreshment, which deepens our walk with the Lord. Learn to sustain mountain tops even in the valley of life. Many of us are strong only when we are in a group meeting and weaken out when we are home alone. Learn the path of building inner energy through regular personal retreat. It can be weekly vigil or monthly break-out session. Practical Application It is a good thing to bring our mountain top experience to our everyday lives. We were not designed to live on a mountain forever. Mountain experiences are just for a short time and the experience should be incorporated into our everyday lifestyle. The following principles will help you achieve that: 1. Remember the reality of the Past It is not a sin to remember your experience on the mountain. Peter was one of the apostles that witnessed the transfiguration and some years later he wrote about the importance of remembering in 2 Peter 1:16-18. Whenever you are tempted to doubt God, remember the reality of what He did in your life in the past. When the mandate of TACEF was under serious threat, it was the reality and the memorial of the beginning that sustained the pioneers and the leaders, even when all opposition came within and without. 2. Be diligent in your walk in the Present "Therefore, brethren, be all the more diligent to make certain about His calling and choosing you; for as long as you practice these things, you will never stumble". (2 Peter 1:10). Forget about the failures of the past. There is nothing you can do to change them. But you can make a difference today. It is a good thing to look back at the cross and look forward to the Second Coming of the Lord, but we should not ignore the present. 3. Look up to God in the Future "For in this way, the entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will be abundantly supplied to you." (2 Peter 1:11). The mountain experience you had with the Lord is a preview of things to come. We have been invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb of God, we are the bride and we are helping Him send out wedding invitations. Whatever special experience you've had with the Lord, it cannot be compared with what lies ahead. We must avoid building tabernacles around “past memorials” as if that is all we can see or experience in God. The best is yet to come. |
Ose Karundinlogoji: 1st-7th May, 2016 Akori Eko Bibeli: Didagba si ipo omo nipase ifihan Jesu ti o ga Ese Bibeli: Luku 9:27-36 Ese Bibeli Lekunrere: "27. Sugbon emi wi fu nyin nitooto, elomiran duro nihinyi ti ki yio ri iku, titi nwon o fi ri ijoba olorun. 28. O si se bi iwon ijo kejo lehin oro wonyi, o mu Peteru ati Johaanu ati Jakobu, o gun ori oke lo lati gbadura. 29. Bi o si ti ngbadura, awo oju re yipada, aso re si fun lawu, o njo fofo. 30. Si kiyesi i awon okunrin meji, ti ise Mose oun Elijah, nwon mba a soro: 31. Ti nwon fi ara han ninu ogo, nwon si nsoro iku re, ti oun o se pari ni Jerusalemu. 32. Sugbon oju Peteru ati ti awon ti mbe lodo re wuwo fun oorun. Nigbati nwon si taji, nwon ri ogo re ati ti awon okunrin mejeji ti o ba a duro. 33. O si se nigbati nwon lo kuro lodo re, Peteru wi fun Jesu pe, olukoni, o dara fun wa ki a maa gbe ihinyi: je ki awa ki o pa ago meta; okan fun siwo, ati okan Elijah: ko mo eyi ti o nwi. 34. Bi o ti nso bayi, ikuukuu kan wa, o siji bo won eru si ba won nigbati nwon wo inu ikuukuu lo. 35. Ohun kan si ti inu ikuukuu wa, o ni eyiyi li ayanfe omo mi: e maa gbo tire. 36. Nigbati ohun naa si dake, Jesu ni kansoso ni a ri. Nwon si pa a mo, nwon ko si so ohunkohun ti n nwon ri fun enikeni ni ijo wonni Ifaara Nigbati Jesu so fun awon omo-ehin re wipe won oo ri ijoba olorun (Luku 9:27) awon kan ninu won ro pe ijoba orun yio wa ni ipadabo Jesu lekeji. Sugbon, Jesu so fun won wipe Ijoba orun yio wa ni loju aye won ati wipe awon kan ninu won yio ri. Iyipada ni ifarahan ijoba olorun. Ifihan ogo olorun yi ni a fi fa Jesu kale ati wipe oun ni iriri ti o mu irinaajo didagba si ipo oba awon omo-ehin meta yen ya, awon ti asiko ise logo yi se oju won. Leyin ogbon odun ti isele yi ti sele, Peteru so iriri lori itansan ogo yi."Nitori ki ise bi eniti ntoka itan lasan lehin ti a fi ogbonkogbon la sile, li awa fi agbara ati wiwa Jesu Kristi Oluwa wa han nyin, sugbon "eleri ola nla re li awa ise.17. Nitori ti o gba ola oun ogo lati odo olorun. Baba, nigbati iru ohun ni to si I lati inu ogo nla naa wa pe Eyi li ayanfe omo mi, eniti inu mi dun si jojo. 18. Ohun yi ti o ti orun wa li awa si gbo nigbati awa mbe pelu re lori oke mimo naa."(2 Peteru 1:16-18). Ninu eko yii, a ri iriri iparada fawon omo-eyin ati afihan Jesu atu ohun ti o tumo si fun wa ninu irin-ajo wa.
Idanilekoo 1.Ifarahan ogo ti Jesu ti orun- Luku 9:28-31 Jesu yan awon omo-ehin meta lati tele E lo si ori-oke lati gbadura. Awon ni Peteru, Johaanu ati Jakobu. Awon aposteli yi se gbogi ninu ise iranse Jesu. Peteru ni eni ti a ko ijo olorun le lori, oun ni o si a ko ijo olorun le lori, oun ni o si ilekun ijoba olorun fun awon keferi. Johaanu ko awon iwe Ihinrere ati episteli Johaanu ati iwe ifihan, ti o pese oju-inu sile fun wa lori ojo iwaju to nbo. Jakobu ku fun igbagbo ninu Jesu Kristi, oun si ni ajeriku akoko. Ni asiko iriri iyipada, oju re bere si yi pada beni aso re nyan bi oorun. Imole kan tan yoo lati ibikan wa o si bere si lagbara si ni titan re.Jesu wa ninu ogo.O gbe awo re ti o wa ni orun wo nigbati oun fun rara re wa laye. 2. Bi awon omo-ehin se se si isele naa-Luku 9:32-33. Peteru ati awon omo-ehin meji toku ti n sare ninu irinaajo won lo si ori-oke, o ti su won beeni oorun ti n kun won. Itansan imole ti o tan naa ni o ji won. Nwon si gboju soke won ri Jesu ninu ogo re pelu awon okunrin meji ti o duro ti. Awon ni Mose oun Elijah. Awon woli meji yii tumo si ipa kan gbogi ti o duro fun majemu lailai:ofin ati awon woli. Mose ni eni ti o mu ofin wa nigbati Elijah je eni ti o ga ju ninu awon Woli. Ona ti a gba mu lo ko wopo rara. Elijah ko te ti le ku ni tire, a gba soke orun ni(Awon Oba keji 2:11).Olorun fun ra re ni o sin Mose(Deut.34:6). Awon woli meji yi nsoro nipa ipadabo Jesu ati bi yio se pari ise re laye. Won soro nipa oju-iwo orun nipa iku re.Nigbati won pari oro wonyi, ti awon woli naa ti lo tan, o ku Jesu nikan pelu won. Nigbanaa ni Peteru beere lowo re,"oluwa wa, o dara fun wa ki a maa gbe ihinyi: je ki awa ki o pa ago meta ; okan fun iwo, okan fun Mos ati okan fun Elijah? Luku 9:32-33. Peteru ni erongba rere fun isele ti o sele yii. O fe pa ago meta ki o si ni ijo ti won le ti le maa waasu. Jesu,Eljah ati Mose yoo si maa waasu nikookan. Bi o si ti n so eyi, ikuuku kan wa, o si bo won mole. Leyinna, ohun kan ti inu ikuukuu naa wa wipe,"Eyi yi ni ayanfe omo mi, e ma gbo tire" Olorun ni lati da oro naa mo Peteru lenu. Nitori eleyi ki ise ero tire rara. Peteru soro nipa pipa ago sugbon olorun wipe ,Emi pese ago kan sile, oruko re si ni Jesu beeni oro naa si di ara, o si pa ago ti wa..."(Johannu 1:14). Olorun fi Jesu han won. O wipe, Eyi yi ni ayanfe omo mi" ko si elomiran. Eleyi ni kan ni o no one ifaramo mi. Mo si ti mu awon eleri meji lati inu eeto ti atijo lati fi idi eyi mule. Asiko yi je asiko Iran ti o jinle fun awon omo-ehin yi. O je ikorita manigbagbe bi won nse mu ipe won se. Ninu irinaajo igbagbo wa, a nilo Iran orun ti yio pese okan sile fun irinaajo to jinna pelu olorun. 3. Ere-idi fun ifihan Jesu Ki ni idi ti olorun fi fi Jesu han fun awon omo-ehin yi? Ki ni idi ri iriri iyipada yi se sele? Idi naa ni wipe isele yi ni yio sa laaye lekunrere wipe Jesu ni Kristi naa, omo olorun alaye. Siwaju, Jesu ti beere lowo awon omo-ehin," ki ni awon eniyan nfi mi pe naa? Nwon da lohun wipe, " awon eniyan kan ni Johaanu onitebomi, Elijah ati wipe awon miran ko ti le mo eni ti ise. Oun beere lowo won "... sugbon tani enyin tikalarayin leso wipe mo je?" Peteru dahun wipe," Iwo ni Kristi naa" lehinna, olorun je ki iriri isele iyipada yi ki o sele ki o le fi han won ni gbangba eni ti Jesu Kristi oluwa wa je. Opolopo odun lehin isele yi, Johaanu wehin wo o ni "Eyiti ...ti awa ti gbo, ti awa ti fi oju wa ri, ti awa si ti tejumo, ti owo wa si ti di mu eniti oro iye." (Johaanu kini ori kinni ese kinni). Koko inu Eko
Iyipada yi ko wa wipe Jesu ni Kristi naa. Jesu beere lowo omo-ehin re eni ti won ro pe oun nse, Peteru si dahun wipe" Iwo ni Kristi naa ti olorun." Olorun fidi otito yi mule leekan sii nigbati o wipe"...Eyi ni omo mi" Jesu je eniyan oto,O si ju awon woli lo. 2. A gbodo maa gbo ti Jesu. Iriri iyipada yii tun ko wa wipe Jesu ni Kristi naa ti olorun, ki ise woli miran, a gbodo maa gbo oro re. Oun ni igbese eto olorun ti o keyin ati wipe ninu re ni gbogbo woli ati ofin di mimuse. Imulo Eko Iyipada yi je isele eyi ti o yato, eleyi ti olorun fun Peteru, Johannu ati Jakobu lati ri. O je iriri emi ti a fun ni lanfani lati ri, eleyi ti o ye ki o fi okun fun igbagbo won ninu ipenija ti yio dojuko won. A le fun wa ni anfani lati ri irubo iriri yi ninu irinaajo wa pelu olorun nigbati olorun ba si oju emi wa si ijinle otito olorun. Eleyi a ma sele bi a se n dagba ninu igbagbo. Sugbon a gbodo kiyesi ara nitori satani ni aiyederu Iran yi lowo. Opolopo ni a ti fun ni anfani lati ri Iran orun. Omobinrin kan, eniti ko ti pe omo odun mejo ni TACEF ri iran orun, nibiti olorun ti fi awon ohun ti bibeli so nipa bi orun se ri han-an. O da mi loju pe eleyi ti mu imoriri re nipa ayeraye jinle si i ati wipe ninu okan re, okun-ife si orun ti o le dan-in -dan-in wa nibe. Adari ninu ile-ise iranse yii paapaa ti ri awon angeli loju ise ninu ipade wa kan ri beeni elomiran ewe ti ri iran igbasoke awon ayanfe ri- ninu eleyi ti oun gan an ko ni anfaani lati lo ninu iran naa, eleyi ti o mu u ni ipinnu otun fun iyasoto. Awon eleyii je iran die-die si ayo ti o wa lorun ki won ki o le pese wa sile bi a se n dojuko ipenija aye, lati ran wa lowo lati ni okun loju ona naa ki o si mu wa leyin-o-reyin wa sinu ayo ailopin orun. |
Week 35: 1st to 7th May, 2016 Bible Study Title: Maturity through higher revelation of Jesus Bible Study Text: Luke 9:27-36 Full Bible reference: 27 "But I tell you truly, there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the kingdom of God." 28 Now it came to pass, about eight days after these sayings, that He took Peter, John, and James and went up on the mountain to pray. 29 As He prayed, the appearance of His face was altered, and His robe became white and glistening. 30 And behold, two men talked with Him, who were Moses and Elijah, 31 who appeared in glory and spoke of His decease which He was about to accomplish at Jerusalem. 32 But Peter and those with him were heavy with sleep; and when they were fully awake, they saw His glory and the two men who stood with Him. 33 Then it happened, as they were parting from Him, that Peter said to Jesus, "Master, it is good for us to be here; and let us make three tabernacles: one for You, one for Moses, and one for Elijah" --not knowing what he said. 34 While he was saying this, a cloud came and overshadowed them; and they were fearful as they entered the cloud. 35 And a voice came out of the cloud, saying, "This is My beloved Son. Hear Him!" 36 When the voice had ceased, Jesus was found alone. But they kept quiet, and told no one in those days any of the things they had seen. Introduction When Jesus told His disciples that they will see the kingdom of God (Luke 9:27). Some of them thought the Kingdom will come at the second coming of Jesus. But, Jesus said that the kingdom will come in their lifetime and some of them will see it. Transfiguration is the manifestation of the Kingdom of God. The revelation of God's glory was an endorsement to Christ and a personal experience that catalysed the maturity journey of the three disciples, who witnessed the moment of glory. More than thirty years later, Peter gave his testimony about the transfiguration. "For we did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of His majesty. For when he received honor and glory from God the father and the voice was borne to him by the Majestic glory, 'This is my beloved son, with whom I am well pleased, ' we heard this voice borne from heaven, for we were with Him on the holy mountain" (2 Pet. 1:16-18). In this study, we see the transfiguration experience for the disciples and the revelation of Jesus and what it means to us in our journey. Teaching: 1. The manifestation of Jesus' heavenly glory - Luke 9:28-31 Jesus chose three of His disciples to accompany him to the mountain to pray. They were Peter, John, and James. These three apostles were key to the ministry of Jesus. Peter was the one on whom the church was built, he opened the doors of the Kingdom to the Gentiles. John wrote the gospels and epistles of John and the book of Revelation, providing the complete insight into the future that is to come. James died for the faith in Jesus Christ and was the first martyr. During this Transfiguration experience, Jesus face started changing and His cloth glowing with gleaming whiteness. A light showed up from another direction and it began to grow in intensity. Jesus was in glory. He took on His heavenly Image, even while on earth. 2. The Reaction of the Disciples - Luke 9:32-33 Peter and the other two disciples were tired from their journey to the mountain and were already feeling exhausted and sleepy. They were awakened by the bright light and they looked up and saw Jesus in His glory with the two men standing with Him. They were Moses and Elijah. These two prophets represented the two principal components of the Old Testament: the Law and the Prophets. Moses was the giver of the Law, and Elijah was considered the greatest of the prophets. The way they died was unusual. Elijah did not die but was taken into heaven (2 Kgs. 2:11). Moses was buried by God (Deut. 34:6). The two prophets spoke about Jesus' departure, and how He will complete His assignment on earth. They discussed heaven's viewpoint on His death.
When they finished the discussion and the prophets left, it remained only Jesus. Then, Peter asked Him "Master, it is good for us to be here; and let us make three tabernacles: one for You, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah” Luke 9:32-33. Peter had a good plan for what has just taken place. He wanted them to build three tabernacles and then start a church where they can be preaching. Jesus, Elijah and Moses can take turns to preach. As he was saying that, suddenly, there was a cloud and it enfolds them. Then a voice came out of the cloud, saying, "This is My Son, My Chosen One; listen to Him". God had to interrupt Peter's plan, because that was not His plan. Peter spoke about building tabernacles and God said "I have already prepared a tabernacle and His name is Jesus and the Word became flesh and tabernacled among us...” John 1:14. God revealed Jesus Christ to them. He said, "This is My Beloved Son!” There are no others. This is the only one that has my seal of approval and I have brought two witnesses from the old order to confirm this. This was a moment of deeper revelation for these disciples and it formed a critical milestone as they went on in their calling. In our walk of faith, we need heavenly revelation that will prepare our hearts for a long haul with the Lord. 3. The reason for the revelation of Jesus Why did God reveal Jesus to the disciples? Why did the Transfiguration experience take place? The reason for this event is to prove that Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God. Earlier on, Jesus had asked them "...Who do people say that I am?” They replied Him and said people calls Him John the Baptist, Elijah and others don't even know His identity. He then asked them "...but who do you say that I am?" Peter replied and said"...you are the Christ". Sometime later, God allowed the Transfiguration experience to occur so He could openly reveal the Lord Jesus Christ to them. Many years after this event, John looked back and testified " That…which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled”. (1 John 1 vs 1)
Key Lessons: 1. Jesus is Christ and the son of God The transfiguration teaches us that Jesus is the Christ. Jesus asked His disciples who they think He is and Peter answered "You are the Christ of God". God reaffirmed that truth when He proclaimed "...this is my son". Jesus is a unique person and He is much more than the prophets. 2. We must listen to Jesus The transfiguration experience teaches us that because Jesus is the Christ of God and not another prophet, we must listen to His words. He is the final lap in the agenda of God and all prophets and law are fulfilled in Him. Practical Application The Transfiguration was a special event which God permitted Peter, John, and James to experience. It’s a privileged spiritual experience that was meant to strengthen their faith for the challenges they would later face. We may be privileged to see these milestones in our journey with God, when the Lord opens our spiritual eyes to the deeper truth of God. This comes as we grow and mature in faith. We must, however, be careful because the devil always has counterfeit revelation. Many have been privileged to see revelations of heaven. A young under-eight sister in TACEF had a vision of heaven, where God showed her things that were biblically accurate about how heaven looks like. I am sure this has deepened her appreciation of eternity and somewhere in her mind, there is a strong bond. A leader in the ministry had seen angels in action at a programme and someone also had a vision of rapture – which he missed in the revelation and thus, provoked a new level of consecration. These were only momentary glimpses of the joy of heaven to keep us as we face the challenges of life, to help strengthen us on the path and ultimately bring us into the infinite and endless joy of heaven. |
Week 34: 24th to 30th April, 2016 Bible Study Title: Maturing in the path of discipleship Bible Study Text: Luke 9:18-27 Full Bible reference: 18 And it happened, as He was alone praying, that His disciples joined Him, and He asked them, saying, "Who do the crowds say that I am?" 19 So they answered and said, "John the Baptist, but some say Elijah; and others say that one of the old prophets has risen again." 20 He said to them, "But who do you say that I am?" Peter answered and said, "The Christ of God." 21 And He strictly warned and commanded them to tell this to no one, 22 saying, "The Son of Man must suffer many things, and be rejected by the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised the third day." 23 Then He said to them all, "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me. 24 "For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it. 25 "For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and is himself destroyed or lost? 26 "For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words, of him the Son of Man will be ashamed when He comes in His own glory, and in His Father's, and of the holy angels. 27 "But I tell you truly, there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the kingdom of God." Introduction Jesus taught His disciples a very important subject in this lesson – the cross. He told them about His journey to the cross and the type of death that awaits Him. This is the first of three times that Jesus told His disciples about His impending death. This study open us up to the central key that opens the door of maturity and confirms our sonship –i.e., the Cross and self-denial. Teaching 1. The call of the disciples to the way of the cross - Luke 9:23-27. In the verses of scripture above, Jesus told His disciples to deny themselves, take up their cross daily and follow Him. This is call to discipleship. The call to discipleship is a call to death. When Jesus call a man, He calls him to come and die to himself and take up a new life, which is Jesus life. But, Jesus said that whoever loses their life for His sake will save their life. Does this imply that only people who are killed for the sake of the gospel are saved? No, it does not literally mean you must be nailed to the cross or killed before you can save your life. It means that you must be ready to renounce all your former ways of life to become all that God has called you to be. In 1Co. 15:31, Paul said, “I protest by your rejoicing which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily." Paul is saying because he is in Christ, he was dead to the affection of the world. He is dead to the taste and passion of the world.
2. The relationship between the disciple's cross and the cross of Jesus Christ. There are consequences of following Jesus. Some of them are rejection and suffering. When you choose to follow Jesus, you have a cross to bear. Jesus speaking to His disciples said "They hated me; they will also hate you. They crucified me, they will also seek to crucify you. "If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you. 19 If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. 20 Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A slave is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you" (John 15:18-20a). The treatment that was given to Jesus will also be given to His disciples. This is the correlation between the cross of Jesus and that of His disciples. People who love Jesus will also love His disciples and people who hate Jesus will also hate His disciples.
3. The disciple's cross entails death to self - Luke 9:23 The cross of the disciple of Christ is more than external persecution and martyrdom. It includes death to self-will, self-interest and self-seeking. Jesus speaking on this issue said "...If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow Me.” Luke 9:23. In other words, a disciple must be ready to deny himself and let go of his own personal goals, ambitions, dreams, attitude, and taste. The way of the cross is the way of death to personal interests. Jesus is our example in this, He set aside His glory in heaven in order to come to earth and bear His cross. Likewise, we are called to do the same. You have to be ready to die to yourself every day. How? By allowing your circumstances to help you become more like Christ. Anytime you feel the pain of an insult, disappointment, suffering, or physical challenge, you can use it as an opportunity for your flesh to die to your sins of pride, ego, and sin, so that you become immune from everyday forces of self-living. This process is the daily reality of maturity, when we consciously see the self and its affection die and of none effect in our choices, aspirations, desire, living and mindset. 4. Maturity is a daily demand –take your cross everyday Taking up the cross daily means living a life of self-denial. We simply have to deny ourselves the desires that offer temporary pleasure but eternal pain. We deny the temptation to sin daily; we refuse to settle for anything less that the best of God - His good, pleasing, and perfect will. Taking up the cross daily also means the readiness to suffer temporary pain for eternal gain. Athletes torture their bodies to practice and attain the best height in their career. Thinkers torture their minds. Any great achievement in life requires pain. Therefore, you must be ready to suffer temporary pain for eternal gain - after all no pain, no gain. The life of a disciple includes living the life of Christ daily. Not once in a while when you feel like. It is a daily living. We must take on the life of Jesus. The scripture speaking in the book of Galatians 2:20 and 5:24 said," I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. (Galatians 2:20). And those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. (Galatians 5:24). We have been crucified with Christ Jesus. The old nature is gone with its passions and desires. We now live a daily life of following the Lord Jesus. Key Lessons: We must be willing to take up our cross: The cross was an instrument of death. What Jesus is referring to is commitment to Him, even unto death—obedience to the extreme measure and willingness to die in pursuit of obedience. Death on a cross was not pleasant. It was painful and humiliating. The implication is that even if obedience is painful and humiliating, we should be willing to endure it for Christ. Practical application In the study above, we learnt about how to follow Jesus as His disciples. It is only through one way - the cross. The cross doesn't necessarily mean actual death – although some will die as martyrs, for sure. It means self-denial. We should be willing to go to death, or suffer anything rather than deny Him. Many times the temptation is more subtle. For most of us, there comes a point in our lives where we are faced with a choice—Jesus or the comforts of this life—and which one we choose speaks volumes about our love for Him. We have seen a life that was at the peak of his career, becoming a Ph.D at the age of 26 and looking forward to breaking records in his field of research. He was a Christian, actually a fellowship president, who was also a first-class student and was on many scholarships. The Lord wanted to work through his life and demanded him to take on a missionary work in an unknown village in the North, where no one could speak English. It was a moment of decision and pain, as the Lord used this experience to groom him. It was in this experience that he realised that he has so much confidence in himself – his background, exposure, academic credentials etc. The Lord broke him down, filtered away all form of self-glory and made him fit for higher use. The Lord took him out of this village after 5 years, and posted him to a world-class organisation outside Nigeria where he committed his life to research and intercession for nations. True vessels that God can trust must be broken and passed through the cross to be worthy of heaven’s endorsement. Answer the following questions: Are you willing to follow Jesus even if it means losing your closest friends? Are you willing to follow Jesus even if it means separation from your family? Are you willing to follow Jesus even if it means the loss of your popularity? Are you willing to follow Jesus even if it means losing your job? Are you willing to follow Jesus even Jesus if it means losing your life? Your answer to the above questions will show how much you love Him and how far you intend to mature as a son in whom He will be well - pleased. |
Ose Kerinlelogbon: 24th-30th April, 2016 Akori Eko Bibeli: Didagba loju ona jije omo ehin Ese Bibeli: Luku 9:18-27 Ese Bibeli Lekunrere: 18. O si se, nigbati o ku oun nikan, o n gbadura, awon omo-ehin re si wa lodo re: o si bi won pe, Tali awon eniyan nfi emi pe? 19. Nwon si dahun wipe, Johaanu Baptisi; sugbon elomiran ni Elijah ni ati awon elomiran wipe okan ninu awon woli atijo li o jinde. 20. O si bi won pe, sugbon tali enyin nfi emi pe? Peteru si dahun, wipe, Kristi ti olorun. 21. O si kilo fun won, o si pase fun won pe ki nwon ki o mase so ohun naa fun enikan; 22. O si wipe, "omo eniyan ko le saima jiya ohun pipo, a o si ko o lati odo awon agbagba lati odo awon olori alufa, ati lati odo awon akowe wa, a o si pa a, ni ijo keta, a o si ji I dide. 23. O si wi fun gbogbo won pe, Bi enikan ba nfe lati maa to mi lehin, ki o se ara re, ki o si gbe agbelebu re ni ijo gbogbo, ki o si maa to mi lehin. 24. Nitori enikeni ti o ba fe gba emi re la yio so o nu: sugbon enikeni ti o ba so emi re nu nitori mi, oun naa ni yio si gba a la. 25. Nitoripe, ere kili fun eniyan bi o Jere gbogbo aye, ti o si so emi re nu tabi ki o fi ara re sofo? 26. Nitori enikeni ti o ba tiju mi ati oro mi, oju re li omo eniyan yio si ti, nigbati o ba de inu ogo tire ati ti baba re ati ti awon angeli mimo. 27. Sugbon emi wi fun nyin nitooto elomiran duro nihinyi, ti ki yio ri iku, titi nwon o fi ri ijoba olorun. Ifaara Jesu ko awon omo-ehin re ni akori pataki ninu eko yi-agbelebu ni. O soro nipa irinaajo re de ibi agbelebu ati iru iku ti o nduro de. Eleyi ni igba akoko ninu igba meta ti Jesu soro lori iku ti yio pa A. Eko yii salaye lori kokoro ti o si ilekun didagba ti o si fidi re mule wipe a je omo- eleyi ti o tumo si agbelebu ati sise ara eni. Idanilekoo 1.Ipe awon omo-ehin si ojuona agbelebu-Luku 9:23-27. Ninu ese Bibeli ti a wo yii, Jesu so fun awon omo-ehin re lati se ara won, ki won gbe agbelebu won lojojumo, ki won si te le e. Eleyi ni ipe si jije omo-ehin. Ipe si jije omo-ehin je ipe si iku. Nigbati Jesu ba pe eniyan, o pe lati wa ki o si ku si ara oun tikalara re, ki o gbe aye titun eleyi ti se igbeaye Jesu. Sugbon, Jesu wipe enikeni ti o ba so emi re nu fun oun yio gba aye re la.Nje eleyi tumo si wipe ki ki awon ti a pa nitori Ihinrere ni yio la? Rara o, eleyi ko tumo si ki a kan wa mo agbelebu tabi ki a ku ki a to le gba aye wa la. Eleyi tumo si wipe o gbodo setan lati ko ona igbeaye atijo sile ki o si oun ti olorun pe o si. Ninu 1 kor.15:31, Paulu wipe, " Mo so nipa ayo ti mo ni lori nyin ninu Kristi Jesu Oluwa wa pe, emi nku lojojumo? Paulu nwipe nitori o wa ninu Kristi, o ti di oku si ifekufe aye.O di oku si adun ati itaara aye yi.
Titele Jesu ni awon ayorisi. Ara won ni ikosile ati ijeni-niya. Nigbati o ba yan lati tele Jesu, o ni agbelebu kan lati gbe.Jesu nba awon omo-ehin soro, o wipe :"Nwon korira mi, nwon o korira yin bakanna. Nwon kan mi mo agbelebu, nwon o kan yin mo agbelebu bakanna. Bi aye ba korira yin, e mo pe o ti korira mi saaju nyin. 19. Iba se pe enyin nse ti aye yi, aye iba fe awon tire;sugbon nitori ti enyin ki ise ti aye,sugbon emi ti yan nyin kuro ninu aye nitori eyi li aye se korira nyin.20. E ranti oro ti mo ti so fun nyin pe(omo odo ko tobi ju oluwa re lo. Bi nwon ba ti se inunibini si mi, nwon o se inunibini si nyin pelu"(Johaanu 15:18-20a). Iru itoju ti a fun Jesu naa ni a o fun awon omo enyin. Eleyi ni irepo ti o wa ti o wa laarin agbelebu Jesu ati awon omo enyin re. Awon ti o feran Jesu yio feran awon omo enyin re bakanna beni awon ti o korira Jesu yio korira awon omo enyin re bakanna.
Agbelebu ti awon omo-eyin ju idojuko ti ode ati pipani nitori igbagbo eni lo. O ni i se pelu didi oku si ife-ara-eni. Lori eyi, Jesu wipe…” Bi enikan ba nfe lati maa to mi lehin, ki o se ara re, ki o si gbe agbelebu re ni ijo gbogbo, ki o si maa to mi lehin.” Luke 9:23. Eyi tumo si pe omo-eyin gbodo setan lati se ara re ki o si jowo ilepa,ife-okan,ala, ise ati ero re gbogbo. Ona agbelebu je ona iku si ife ara-eni. Jesu ni apeere wa ninu eyi, O bo ogo Re sile lorun lati wa si aye lati gbe agbelebu Re. A pe awa pelu lati se bee. O nilati setan lojoojumo lati di oku si ara re. Bawo? Nipa gbigba ohunkohun to n sele si o laaye lati maa dabi i Jesu sii lojoojumo. Nigbakigba ti o ba ni imolara edun okan nitori abuku, ijakule,ijiya tabi idojuko,o le lo o gege bi anfaani lati mu ki eran-ara re di oku si ese igberaga,ijora-eni-loju ati ese gbogbo,ki o le maa duro tiiri lodi si ipa gbigbe igbe-aye ara. Ilana yii je okodoro igbese idagbasoke ojoojumo, bi a ti n diidi gbe igbese lati ri i pe eran-ara ati ife re n ku lai nipa mo lori ohun ti a n yan,ilepa,ife igbe-aye ati ero wa. 4. Didagba je gbesei ojojojumo -gbe agbelebu re lojojumo. Gbigbe agbelebu lojojumo tumo si gbigbe aye isera eni. A gbodo sera wa si awon ife okan wa ti o fun wa ni igbadun die sugbon irora ayeraye. A o ma se idanwo a ti se lojojumo; a ko la ti fi ara bale fun ohun ti o kere si eeto olorun ti o dara ju- Ife re ti o dara, ti o dunmo ni ati eyi ti o pe. Gbigbe agbelebu ojojojumo bakanna tumo si ipinnu lati jiya irora igba die nitori ere ainipekun. Awon ti o n sare, nwon a maa je ago-ara won ni Iya lakaka de ipele ti o gaju ninu ise ti won yan laayo. Awon ironu a maa je okan won ni ya.Gbogbo aseyori laye ni n maa mu irora da ni- nitori laisi irora, kosi ere. Igbeaye omo-ehin ni ise pelu gbigbe igbeaye Kristi lojojumo. A gbodo gbe igbeaye Jesu. Iwe mimo nsoro ninu iwe Galatia 2:20 ati 5:24 wipe,"A ti kan mi mo agbelebu pelu Kristi: sugbon mo wa laaye ninu igbagbo omo olorun, eni ti o fe mi, ti o si fi oun tikarare fun mi (Gal.2:20) Awon ti ise ti Kristi Jesu ti kan ara won mo agbelebu ti oun ti ife ati ifekufe re(Gal.5:24). A ti ka wa mo agbelebu pelu Kristi Jesu. Iwa atijo ti koja pelu ife ati ifekufe re. A wa n gbe igbeaye titele Jesu Oluwa lojojumo. Koko Inu Eko A gbodo setan lati gbe agbelebu wa lojojumo-Agbelebu je ohun eelo iku. Oun ti Jesu ntoka si ni ifaraenijin fun oun.Paapaa ti ti de oju iku-igboran si osuwon ti o tobi ju ati sise tan lati ku ninu Ilepa ti igboran. Iku ori igi agbelebu ko rogbo. O mu inira ari irenisile lowo. Ohun eleyi tumo si ni wipe botile je wipe igboran nira ti o si ni irenisile, a gbodo setan lati faya ran fun Kristi. Imulo Eko Ninu eko yi, a ko lati ma tele Jesu gegebi omo-ehin re.Eleyi yio se se nipa ona kansoso-ona agbelebu. Agbelebu ko tumo si iku gan an ni pato- bi o ti le je wipe awon kan yio ku gegebi ajeriiku dajudaju. O tumo si isera eni. A gbodo se tan la ti ku tabi jiya ohunkohun dipo ki a se e. Ni opolopo igba, idanwo yi a ma gbonju wa lo. Fun opolopo wa, a maa n de ikorita kan ninu aye wa nigbati a ni lati yan-Jesu tabi itura inu aye ati wipe eyi ti a ba yan ni yio se atoka bi ife wa fun in se po to.A ri igbeaye ti o de ipele ti o ga ju ninu ise ti a yan laayo ti o di Dokita a kawe gboye omo odun merindinlogbon, ti o si nfi oju sona lati se aseyori ti enikan o se ri ninu ise iwadi re. O je Kristeni olori ipejopo awon omo olorun kan, o je omowe ti o kekoo ninu ipele eko re akoko ti o si je akekoo ife. Olorun fe sise ninu aye re, olorun si ko si lati yan ise ajere okan layo ni abule kan ti awon eniyan o fi taratara mo ni ile gusu, nibi ti enikan o ti gbo ede geesi. O si je asiko ipinnu ati inira, bi olorun se lo iriri yi lati ko o.Nitori iriri yi ni o ti sakiyesi wipe oun ni ijoareeniloju ninu ara re-idile ti o ti jade, iriri ti o ti ni awon iwe eri ja -nkan -ja -nkan ati bebe lo.Oluwa wo pale, o si jo ogo ara re danu, o si pese re lele fun ilo ti o ga. Olorun mu kuro ni abule yi leyin odun marun, o si ran lo si ajo ile-ise ti o n fi Igagbaga ni agbaye leyin odi ile Naijiria nibi ti o ti fi ara rw jin fun iwadi ati isipe fun awon orileede. Awon ohun eelo ti olorun le gbekele je eyi ti a le wo pa le ki a si mu won gba ibi agbelebu koja lati je ohun eelo ti o ye ti orun fi owo si. Dahun awon ibeere yi: Nje o setan lati tele Jesu koda bi yoo ba mu o padanu ore timotimo re bi? Nje o setan lati tele Jesu bi yoo ba tile fa iyapa kuro lodo awon ebi re bi? Nje o setan lati tele Jesu bi yoo ba mu o padanu gbajumo re? Nje o setan lati tele Jesu koda bi yoo ba mu oipadanu ise re bi? Nje o setan lati tele Jesu bi yoo ba tile mu o padanu emi re bi? Idahun si awon ibeere yii ni yoo so bi o se feran Re to ati ibi ti o fe lati dagba de gege bi omo ti inu re yoo dun si gidigidi. |
Week 33: 17th to 23rd April, 2016 Bible Study Title: The all-sufficient God of Abundance Bible Study Text: Luke 9:10-17 Full Bible reference: 10 And the apostles, when they had returned, told Him all that they had done. Then He took them and went aside privately into a deserted place belonging to the city called Bethsaida. 11 But when the multitudes knew it, they followed Him; and He received them and spoke to them about the kingdom of God, and healed those who had need of healing. 12 When the day began to wear away, the twelve came and said to Him, "Send the multitude away, that they may go into the surrounding towns and country, and lodge and get provisions; for we are in a deserted place here." 13 But He said to them, "You give them something to eat." And they said, "We have no more than five loaves and two fish, unless we go and buy food for all these people." 14 For there were about five thousand men. Then He said to His disciples, "Make them sit down in groups of fifty." 15 And they did so, and made them all sit down. 16 Then He took the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven, He blessed and broke them, and gave them to the disciples to set before the multitude. 17 So they all ate and were filled, and twelve baskets of the leftover fragments were taken up by them. Introduction When the Apostles returned from the mission field, Jesus took them to Bethsaida for a retreat. Bethsaida was a small town on the northeastern shore of the Sea of Galilee. It was there that a popular miracle happened - feeding of the five thousand. This is one of the important miracles reported in all the four gospel accounts (Mathew, Luke, Mark and John). The miraculous feeding of the large crowd showed Jesus' deity, and it was used by Jesus as a basis for teaching that He was the Bread of life. In this study, we will learn about our all-sufficient God, who is able to meet and exceed our needs at all times, anywhere. Teaching: 1. Jesus ministered to the multitudes - Luke 9:11-14 When Jesus and His apostles left for Bethsaida, a lot of people were aware of it and they followed Him. He saw the crowd and felt compassion for them because they were like sheep without a shepherd (Mark 6:32-34). By the time Jesus finished teaching, it was getting late; the people and the disciples are tired and hungry. So the disciples came to Jesus with a request. They told Him to disperse the crowd so that they can go to the surrounding areas to find what to eat. But, Jesus said "...You give them something to eat!" Jesus was a responsible leader who felt He must meet the need of the people He has gathered. How many of us care enough to make sufficient provision for people that we invite for a programme? The burden to think ahead and effectively plan is on the organiser to go the extra mile to provide and not on the people invited. If we value and have Jesus’ kind of compassion, we will go the extra mile to get all it takes to keep people in God’s presence. 2. The miracle of abundant provision - Luke 9:14-16 The disciples searched and could only find five loaves of bread and two fish. Jesus told His disciples "...Have them recline to eat in groups of about fifty each." 15 And they did so and had them all recline. 16 And He took the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven, He blessed them, and broke them, and kept giving them to the disciples to set before the multitude.” The disciples obeyed the words of Jesus. They divided the people into smaller groups to make it easy for them to share the food. The disciples were looking to see where the food will come from. The heavens did not open, trumpets did not sound and yet there was food. Jesus looked up into heaven and gave the blessing. This was a normal routine for Jesus before meals. He normally gave thanks. Do you give thanks to God for the provision of the food you eat daily? God deserves our thanks for all He has done for us, giving us strength to get money to buy food to eat. Jesus gave the food to the apostles and they simply started sharing the food and it kept increasing more and more. The people had a full meal and were satisfied. 3. The result of the Miracle - Abundance - Luke 9:17 When people finished eating, the disciples cleaned up the place. Wow! What an act of responsibility! They got twelve baskets of left over foods. Jesus is not only sufficient for our needs, he is abundantly sufficient. The disciples were being taught a lesson here - it is to know that Jesus is sufficient for their needs. When we learn to give Jesus what we have, He simply turns it around to provide much more for us. Holding unto what we have, will not increase it. In fact, it will diminish in value. Giving it to the Lord will bring it back again - in many folds. Key Lessons: 1. Having a little of something does not mean we cannot use it In the study above, we saw what the Apostles were able to get from the crowd - five loaves of bread and two fishes. This is too small to feed a large crowd, however, Jesus turned things around and it was more than enough. Having a little money does not mean you cannot help people who are in need. You can serve God with the little you have and then watch Him provide for that service. God delights in the little we have to do great things. He uses the shepherd staff of Moses to divide the red sea and to conquer Pharaoh of Egypt. He uses the little stone of a shepherd boy to bring down Goliath. He is ready to use your little things. Will you give them to Him? 2. God wants to use you We can see from the study above that Jesus used the disciples to share the food. He did not share it by Himself. God wants to feed a spiritually hungry world through us. He has got the resources, but He wants our involvement. It is not our ability that He needs, but our availability. This also shows delegation of authority and principle of committing people into small tasks like we do with our subgroup system. Leaders or Executives must not get to a point where they want to do everything; we must learn how to pour into the vessels around us to get the work done. Practical application We saw the miracle Jesus performed in this study. It was meant for the benefit of the disciples. Jesus could have created bread with a word. He did not need the help of the disciples to feed the people. But the disciples needed to learn some important principles in ministry. Our resources are not sufficient enough to meet our needs. We are to bring them to Jesus and place them in His hands to do what He wishes with them and in the process, release the control to Him. Jesus will bless, multiply, make them more powerful, and put them back into our hands. This is called faith. Most often, we are overwhelmed by the greatness of our needs and we give up. Or we look at our resources as being small and we hold it back from the Lord and selfishly hang on to them because that is all we know and all we have. We must release our resources to God in trust. We see God use this same principle with Gideon. He reduced the number of his armies to 300 to make him know that it is not in the number of the armies but in God who gives victory. We must also note the closing line that says, “twelve baskets of the leftover fragments were taken up by them” God hates wastages Leadership accountability demands that at each program, we consciously pick things to keep, reuse, dispose etc. It is bad to leave God’s things anyhow to a point that we spend money another year to purchase what we bought less than a year before- all because no one took the responsibility of taking up the remnants of the programme. How many programme banners can we account for? How many electrical materials have we treasured as God’s resources? May the Lord forgive us of wastages in Jesus name. |
Ose ketalelogbon: 17th-23rd April, 2016 Akori Eko Bibeli: Olorun anito ati aniseku Ese Bibeli:Luku 9:10-17 Ese Bibeli Lekunrere "10. Nigbati awon aposteli si pada de, nwon rohin ohun gbogbo fun un ti nwon ti se. O si mu won, o si lo si apakan nibi iju si ilu ti a npe ni Betsaida. 11. Nigbati opo eniyan si mo, nwon tele e: o si gba won, o si soro ijoba olorun fun won; awon ti o fe imularada li o si mu larada. 12. Nigbati ojo bere si irele awon mejila wa,nwon si wi fun un pe,tu ijo eniyan ka, ki won ki o le lo si ileri ati si ilu yika, ki won ki o le wo, ki won ki o le wa ounje: nibi iju li awa sa gbe wa nihinyi. 13. Sugbon o wi fun won pe E fi ounje fun won je. Nwon si wi fun un pe, Awa ko ni ju isu akara marun lo pelu eja meji: bikosepe awa lo ira ounje fun gbogbo awon eniyan wonyi. 14. Nitori awon omo okunrin to iwon eegbeedogbon eniyan. O si wi fun awon omo ehin re pe, ki won ki o mu won joko ni egbe-egbe li araadota. 15. Nwon se bee, nwon si mu gbogbo won joko. 16. Nigba naa li o mu isubu akara marun ati eja meji naa, nigbati o gbe oju soke, o sure si I, o si by u, o si fi fun awon omo-ehin re, ki nwon ki o gbe e kale niwaju awon eniyan. 17. Nwon si je, gbogbo won si yo: nwon si sa agbon mejila jo ninu ajeku ti o ku fun won. Ifaara Nigbati awon aposteli pada de lati irinaajo wiwaasu Ihinrere ti won lo, Jesu mu won lo si Betsaida fun iyara-eni-soto isodotun okun emi. Betsaida je ilu kekere ni ese odo ila- oorun ariwa okun Galili. Nibe ni ise iyanu ilumooka nni ti sele-bibo egbeedogbon eniyan. Eleyi je ise iyanu pataki ti a ko sile ninu iwe Ihinrere mereerin( Matiu,Luku, Marku ati Johaanu). Fifun awon eniyan ni ounje je lona iyanu yii ni o fi Jesu han gegebi Olorun beeni Jesu si lo anfaani yii lati k` ni wipe Oun gan an ni ounje iye. Ninu eko yii, a oo maa kekoo nipa Olorun anito ni gbogbo ona , Eniti o lagbara ba gbogbo aini wa pade ati lati pese ju ohun ti a nilo lo. Idanileko
Nigbati Jesu ati awon aposteli lo si Betsaida, opolopo awon eniyan ni o mo ti nwon si tele E. O ri opo eniyan, aanu won si se E nitori won dabi agutan ti ko ni oluso (Marku 6:32-34). Nigbati Jesu pari ikoni yii, ile ti n su beeni o ti n re ijo eniyan ati awon omo ehin pelu ,ebi si n pa won. Nigba naa ni awon omo-eyin to Jesu wa pelu ebe kan. Nwon so fun-Un pe ki O ran ijo eniyan lo ki won le lo si ayika lati lo ra ounje. Sugbon Jesu wipe," E fun won ni ounjje" Jesu je olori ti n se ojuse Re. Eni ti o woye pe Oun gbodo ba aini awon ti o kojo pade. Melo ninu wa la n se itoju gbogbo awon ti a pe funwa sibi eto kan tabi omiran nipa pipese fun gbogbo won pata ? Awon to sagbekale eto ni ojuse lati ronu jinle saaju ki won si pese ohun gbogbo ti awon eeyan yoo nilo nibi eto bee saaju akoko ti eto yoo bere.. Ki i se awon ti a pe ni yoo maa se eyi. Ti awon eniyan ba Jo wa loju ti a si ni iru aanu ti Jesu ni, a oo rin irinaajo inira lati pese fun ohunkohun ti awon eniyan ti o wa si iwaju Oluwa yoo nilo. 2.Ise Iyanu Ipese opolopo- Luku9:16-18. Awon omo-ehin wa kiri sugbon ohun ti won le ri ko ju isu akara marun ati eja meji. Jesu so fun awon omo-ehin re"... Ki nwon ki o mu won joko li araadota.15.Nwon se bee , nwon si gbogbo won joko.Nigba naa li o mu isu akara marun ati eja meji naa, nigbati o gbe oju soke, o sure si I ,o si bu u, o si fi fun awon omo-ehin re ki won ki o gbe e kale niwaju awon eniyan" Awon omo-ehin gboran si oro Jesu. Won pin won si egbe-egbe lati muu rorun fun won lati pin ounje yii fun won. Awon omo-ehin n reti ibi ti ounje yio ti wa. Orun ko si si sile. A ko gbo ohun fere sibesibe ounje wa. Jesu wo oju orun o si sure. Eleyi ti di asa Jesu lati maa dupe ki O to jeun. Nje o n dupe lowo Olorun fun ipese ounje ti o nje lojojumo bi? Ope lo ye fun olorun fun ohun gbogbo ti o ti se fun wa, ti o fun wa ni okun lati ri owo lati ra ounje je. Jesu fi ounje fun awon aposteli,won si bere si pin beeni ounje naa npo si bi won ti n pin in. Awon eniyan je, won si yo. 3. Ayorisi Ise Iyanu yii- opo repete. Luku 9:17 Nigbati awon eniyan jeun yo tan, awon omo-ehin se atunse ibe. Kasa! Iru sise ojuse eni wo re e? Won ko apere ajeku meji Jesu ko to lati ba aini won pade nikan, o to lopolopo. A ko awon omo ehin leko kan- oun naa ni wipe Jesu to fun gbogbo aini won. Nigbati ti a ba ko lati fun Jesu ni ohun ti a ni, oun a ma yi po lati pese siwaju fun wa si. Ka fun owo mo ohun ti a ni ko le je ki o po si, ko da gan an won a tun dinku ni Fifi fun oluwa yio tun mu pada to wa wa ni ilopo pupo.
Koko inu eko
Ninu eko ti a gbeyewo tan yii, a ri ohun ti awon omo-ehin ri gba lowo ijo eniyan, akara marun ati eja meji. Eleyi kere lati fun opolopo eniyan yii ni ounje, sugbon, Jesu yi ohun gbogbo pada beeni o to, o si seku. O ni owo die lowo ko so wipe o ko le ran awon ti ko ni lowo. O le sin olorun pelu die ti o ni ki o si maa fiyesi bi yio se maa pese fun ise-isin naa. Inu olorun ma n dun fun si die ti a lo lati se ohun nla. O lo opa darandaran Mose lati pin okun pupa niya ati lati segun Farao ni Egypti. O lo okuta kekere omo kekere darandaran lati mu Goliati bale. Oun a maa lo awon ohun kekere. Nje o fi won fu-Unn bi? 2. Olorun fe lo o A le ri ninu eko yi pe olorun lo awon omo-ehin lati pin ounje naa. Oun ko pin fun ra re. Olorun fe fun gbogbo aye ti eebi ounje emi npa lounje lati owo wa. O ti ri ohun ti yio lo sugbon o ni lo awa gan fun ra wa. Oun ko nilo agbara lati se nkan bikose ki a jowo ara wa sile fun un. Eleyi bakanna se afihan bi a sele gbe ise ran awon eniyan fun wa ki a si pa ase fun won ati lilo. Ki a fi ise kekeke le awon eniyan lowo bi a se nse ni eka ti a boju to kookan. Awon olori tabi Oga ko gbodo de ipo ti nwon a fe se ohun gbogbo. A gbodo fi kun awon ohun eelo ayika wa lati je ki ise naa di sise. Imulo Eko A ri ise Iyanu ti Jesu se ninu eko yi, Eleyi wa fun anfani awon omo-ehin ni Jesu le pese akara nipa siso oro kan. Oun ko nilo iranlowo awon omo-ehin lati fun won lounje sugbon awon omo-ehin nilo lati kekoo awon ilana pataki ninu ise iranse. Oun ti a ni ko to fun aini wa, a ni lati mu to Jesu wa ki a si fi le lowo ki ohun ki o se oun ti o ba fe pelu won ati wipe ninu igbese yi, ki a fi akoso ohun gbogbo fun. Jesu yio bukun fun so di pupo, ki o si fun won lagbarasi oun a si fi le wa lowo pada. Eleyi ni an pe ni igbagbo. Ni opolopo igba, a maa ngba bi aini wa se tobi to laye la ti ni ipa lori wa a o si so ireti nu. Tabi ki a ma wo ohun ti a ni loju gegebi ohun ti o kere ki a si won wun wo mo laifun olorun nitori a gbagbo wipe gbogbo ohun ti a ni niyen. A gbodo fun olorun ni ohun ti a ni ninu igbagbo. A ri bi olorun so lo ilana naa pelu Gideoni bakanna. A di awon jagunjagun re si edegbeji ki oun ki o le mo wipe ko ise bi jagunjagun se poto ni o se pataki bikose olorun ti fun un ni isegun. Bakanna ni a gbodo kiyesi ese ti o gbehin ti o wipe,"...nwon sa agbon mejila ninu ajeku ti o ku fun won." Olorun korira Fifi nkan sofo. Ninu okan jinjin ohun ti a fun wa gegebi olori ni wipe nibi gbogbo eeto, a gbodo sa awon ohun ti a le toju tabi tunlo tabi dawon nu ati be be lo. A ko gbodo lo ohun eelo olorun ti a ra lodun tokoja ba je de ibi ti a ko le run ri lo ni odun miran, nitoripe ko si labe itoju eni kankan lati fi eyi ti o ku pamo fun eeto miran. Awon asia eeto meloo la le e salaye bi a se lo won le lori. Awon ohun eelo ina monamona melo ni o Jewa logun gegebi ohun eelo olorun. Ki olorun dari gbogbo ese fifi nkan sofo ji gbogbo wa ni oruko Jesu. |
Week 31: 10th to 16th April, 2016 Bible Study Title: Maturing in service and ministry to God Bible Study Text: Luke 9:1-10 Full Bible reference: 1 Then, He called His twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority over all demons, and to cure diseases. 2 He sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick. 3 And He said to them, "Take nothing for the journey, neither staffs nor bag nor bread nor money; and do not have two tunics apiece. 4 "Whatever house you enter, stay there, and from there depart. 5 "And whoever will not receive you, when you go out of that city, shake off the very dust from your feet as a testimony against them." 6 So they departed and went through the towns, preaching the gospel and healing everywhere. 7 Now Herod the tetrarch heard of all that was done by Him; and he was perplexed, because it was said by some that John had risen from the dead, 8 and by some that Elijah had appeared, and by others that one of the old prophets had risen again. 9 Herod said, "John I have beheaded, but who is this of whom I hear such things?" So he sought to see Him. 10 And the apostles, when they had returned, told Him all that they had done. Then He took them and went aside privately into a deserted place belonging to the city called Bethsaida. Introduction Every child of God has a special mandate and this may be in form of a ministry or a service to the body of Christ. We are saved to serve and it takes maturity to understand what we are called to do and to commit to the demand of being a “sent one”. In this study, we will see how the Lord mobilised His apostles, through whom He would reach the entire world. After all, the word Apostles means - "one who is sent". We shall review how he trained the disciples. Though he had called them, He did not send them out immediately. He allowed them to understudy Him while He preached, taught and healed. Now, it was the turn of the Apostles to practice it. This was a chance for them to have “on the job training". Teaching
Jesus called the twelve apostles together and gave them instructions. He started by providing them the most important tool they will need to carry out their assignment "... and gave them power and authority...” They were equipped with both power and authority. Power means the strength to do something while authority designates the right to exercise the power. This means that they have the legal right to do the work for which they are commissioned and they also have the practical ability and power to do that work. This is the double fold grace that must back any ministry or service. It is not enough to have legitimate power without the eternal endowment of grace – this is what we call the unction to function. Someone may be chosen as an executive with the legitimate power but if he fails to have divine endowment from on High, he or she has failed. Jesus commissioned the apostles with instructions to teach and to minister on His behalf to the souls and bodies of men. They were to teach and preach on the Kingdom of God. There was clear boundary on the message to be preached. They cannot preach what they like or turn the pulpit to share the story they just watched on African Magic television shows. REMEMBER, PULPIT IS A SERIOUS BUSINESS TO COMMUNICATE THE INTENT OF GOD ONLY. WHEN WE ARE NOT SURE, WE SHOULD BE SILENT. Jesus also told them "...Take nothing for your journey, neither a staff, nor a bag, nor bread, nor money; and do not even have two tunics apiece". He told them to travel light so they could go as far and as light as necessary. They were not to take money for the journey because "the labourer is worthy of his food" (Matt. 10:10). They were not to build their ministry on money. They were not sent to go and raise money for the ministry. Instead they were to rely on God for their upkeep. He does not want them to be entangled with the things of this world. This is one of the reasons why TACEF, as a fellowship, does not do any launching or donation ceremonies for kingdom work. The Biblical standard is that every VISION has a release of provision from God. Jesus continued by saying "And whatever house you enter, stay there, and take your leave from there. 5 And as for those who do not receive you, as you go out from that city, shake off the dust from your feet as a testimony against them." They were not supposed to waste time moving from house – to - house searching for a better accommodation. They were to stay in the home hospitable enough for them. This implies that the supplies for ministry are provided on the field- as you do the work, and not receive-before-you-go. A minister of the gospel should not be bothered about where his next meal will come from. God in His infinite mercy will touch the hearts of men to minister to his needs.
The Apostles went out and did exactly what Jesus asked them to do. First, they preached the gospel. The word Gospel means "good news Secondly, they healed the sick everywhere. This gift was to serve as the Apostles’ credentials. They have obtained their degrees from Jesus. This will show the world that they have been with Jesus and it will be easier for everyone to believe.
The Apostles proclaimed the good news of the kingdom and it quickly reached Herod the Tetrarch. It must be taken that this effort had great impact. Herod killed John the Baptist and must have been surprised to see a renewed impact. He killed one - John, now in place of that, there were twelve preachers going around in Galilee speaking the words of God. This really troubled Herod. He was troubled because of what He did to John. He feared that John the Baptist might be returning to haunt him. The bible says in the book of Proverbs, "the wicked flee when no one is pursuing" (Proverbs 28:1).
Please note that after this great impact, Jesus took them on a retreat in a deserted place, like our retreat centers, which are far from city distraction. He showed them that for every major “out-reach”, you must have an “in-reach”. Every outward manifestation must be complemented with an inward renewal. We must learn when to step back for a moment of reflection, thanksgiving and refilling. A consciousness that our source is God will always make us to come back to Him always. It is a disaster to continue preaching and preaching, running multiple ministerial program without a personal moment of renewal. Before you know it, you run low on spiritual energy, weaken your spiritual immunity and expose yourself to the attacks of the enemies. Key Lesson
When Jesus was sending out the twelve apostles, the bible says He gave them power and authority. God never calls anyone without giving them the power to do the task. When Jesus was ascending to heaven, He gave a final commission to His disciples and told them to wait for the power of the Holy Spirit. Whatever God is calling you to do for Him, He will also provide the power to do it.
Sending out apostles was most beneficial to the apostles. It helped them to learn and to grow. They were able to manage challenges on their own and thus learn to believe the efficacy of what they carried, even when Jesus did not follow them. When we do the work of the ministry, we are the one that benefits the most, because it helps us to mature and take a right footing in the things of God. Practical Application We saw God's method of maturing men for ministry here. We must be in the field to get mature in our calling and service to God. It is not an academic training – it’s a daily practical calling. We must go out to prove our calling by doing what the master has called us to do. We must always be cautioned to ONLY preach “His message”. There is a boundary as we saw in this study. We must not be carried away by what Paul called “another gospel” in Gal 1 vs 8, speaking to the sensuality and excitement of our audience. Now, the church has given itself to the excesses of motivational speaking, business school trainings, academic theology of the Greek order, and comedy shows and has forgotten the main message of “total salvation, deliverance from sin, and consecration for their heavenly home”. We must also learn the principle of spiritual refreshment. The time you need a retreat most is not just before you go for a ministration, it is also when you are back. TACEF Fellowships are known to organize regular retreats before and after every major programmes and this culture must be sustained at fellowship and individual level. |
Ose Kejilelogbon: 10th-16th April, 2016. Akori Eko Bibeli: Didagba ninu isin ati ise iranse si olorun. Ese Bibeli: Luku 9:1-10 Ese Bibeli Lekunrere "1. O si pe awon omo-ehin re mejila Jo, o si fun won li agbara oun ase lori awon emi esu gbogbo, ati lati wo arun san. 2. O si ran won lo iwaasu ijoba olorun, ati lati mu awon olokunrun larada. 3. O si wi fun won pe, E mase mu nkan lo fun ajo nyin, opa tabi akara, tabi owo; beeni ki enyin ki o ma si se ni toro meji. 4. Ni ilekile ti enyin ba si wo, nibe ni ki enyin ki o gbe, lati ibe ni ki enyin ki o si ti jade. 5. Iye awon ti ko si gba nyin nigbati ti enyin ba jade kuro ni ilu naa, e gbon ekuru ese nyin fun eri si won. 6. Nwon si jade, nwon nla ileto lo nwon si nwaasu Ihinrere, nwon si nmu eniyan larada nibi gbogbo. 7. Herodu tetraki si gbo nkan gbogbo ti nse lati odo re wa: o si daamu nitori ti awon elomiran nwipe Johannu ni o jinde kuro ninu oku. 8. Awon elomiran si wipe Elijah li o farahan; ati awon elomiran pe okan ninu awon woli atijo li o jinde. 9. Herodu si wipe, Johaanu ni mo ti be lori sugbon tali eyi, ti emi ngbo iru nkan wonyi si? O si nfe lati ri i .10. Nigbati awon aposteli si pada de, nwon rohin ohun gbogbo fun un ti nwon ti se. O si mu won, o si lo si apakan nibi iju si iku ti a n pe ni Betsaida." Ifaara Omo Olorun kookan lo ni ise pataki ti a fi ran-an lati odo olorun wa, eleyi ti o le je ipa ti ise iranse tabi ise isin si ara Kristi. A gba wa la sin o si nilo ki a dagba ki a to le ni oye ohun ti a pe wa lati se ati lati fi ara jin si ti a n reti latodo "eni ti a ran". Ninu eko yi, a o se akiyesi bi oluwa se pe awon aposteli ti I se ipase awon ti yio gba fowo to gbogbo aye pelu iwaasu won. Nigbati o kuku je wipe Aposteli tumo si " eni ti a ran". A o ma se atunyewo bi o se ko awon aposteli yi. Bi o ti je wipe o ti pe won, oun ko ran won jade lojuese.O faaye gba won lati ma wo ise re nigbati o nwaasu, se ikoni ti o si n mu ni larada . Ni asiko yi, o yi kan awon aposteli lati se bee. Eleyi je anfani fun won lati "keko lenu ise". Idanileko 1. Bi Jesu se ran awon aposteli lo ti O si fun won ni itoni-Luku 9:1-6 Jesu pe awon aposteli mejila yi papo o si fun won ni itoni. O bere nipa pipese ohun elo ti o se pataki ti won nilo lati se ise ti o fi ran won"...O si fun won li agbara oun ase..." A wo won ni agbara ati ase. Agbara tumo si okun lati se nkan nigbati ase fi wa si ipo lati lo agbara.Eyi tumo sip e won ni eto lati se ise ti a gbe le won lowo ati pe won ni ipa ati agbara lati se ise naa. Eleyi tumo si isepo meji ore-ofe ti o gbodo ti ise iranse tabi ise-isin enikeni leyin. Ko dara to lati ni agbara eto laini ore-ofe ayeraye ti o kin leyin- eyi ni a npe ni ifamiororoyan lati sise. A le yan enikan si ipo ase ki a si fun ni agbara ipo naa sugbon ti o ko ba gba ase lati oke wa, irufe eni be ti kuna na. Jesu gbe ise le awon aposteli lowo pelu ase lati ma ko ni ki won si maa se ise iranse si okan ati ara eniyan loruko Re. Tiwon ni lati koni ki won si waasu lori ijoba olorun. A pa ala ti ko runiloju fun won lori iwaasu ti won gbodo fun awon eniyan. Won ko gbodo waasu ohun ti won ba fe tabi ki won so itan ijapa ati iyannibo tabi ohun ti won sese wo lori ikanni African Magic lori ero amohunmawaron won.RANTI WIPE AGA IWAASU JE ORI PEPELE TI A TI N SO ERO OLORUN NIKAN FUN AWON ENIYAN. TI A KO BA NI IDANILOJU OHUN TI A FE SO, KI A KUKU DAKE. Bakanna ni Jesu so fun won "... E mase mu nkan lo fun ajo nyin, opa tabi apo tabi akara tabi owo;beni ki enyin ki o ma si se ni toro meji." O so fun won lati rinrin ajo ti o fuye ki won ba le rin jinna bi imole. Won ko gbodo mu owo dani fun irinaajo naa nitori wipe"oya alagbase to si i"(Matiu 10:10). Won ko gbodo ko ise iranse lori owo wiwa. A Ko ran won lo lati lo maa wa owo ipa fun ise iranse. Dipo eleyi, won gbodo gbekele Olorun fun ibapade aini won. Oun ko fe ki won fi ohun aye yii di ara won lowo. Idi niyi ti TACEF gegebi ipejopo awon omo olorun, ki fi nse ikowojo tabi itore owos fun ise ijoba orun yii. Agbekale bibeli ni wipe gbogbo Iran lati odo olorun wa lo gbodo ri ipese lati odo olorun gba. Jesu tesiwaju ninu oro re wipe"Ni ilekile ti enyin ba si wo, nibe ni ki enyin ki o gbe, lati ibe ni ki enyin ki o si ti jade. 5. Iye awon ti ko ba si gba nyin, nigbati enyin ba jade kuro ni ilu naa, e gbon ekuru ese nyin fun eri si won" Won ko gbodo fi akoko won sofo nipa rinrin lati ojule de ojule ki won maa wa ile ti o daraju. Nwon gbodo duro si inu ile ti a ba ti gba won lalejo.Eleyi tumo si wipe ipese fun ise iranse a ma wa nibi ti a ti n sise-bi a se n sise naa ki I se"ki a maa gba owo ki a to o lo." Iranse Olorun ko gbodo ma ro ibi ti ounje ti yio je yio ti wa. Olorun ninu opo aanu Re yio fi owo to okan awon eniyan lati ba aini re pada. 2. Ise iranse a maa dagba bi awon aposteli se ntele itoni ti a fun won-Luku9:6 Awon aposteli lo won si se ohun ti Jesu pa lase fun won lati se. Ikinni, won waasu Ihinrere. Oro "Ihinrere tumo si iroyin rere. Ekeji, won se dida ara awon olokunrun nibi gbogbo. Ebun yii ni yio dabi iwe eri awon aposteli. Won ti kekoo gba oye lati odo Jesu beeni yio si rorun fun awon eniyan lati gbawon gbo. 3. Ise iranse a maa fa ijoba sun mo wa-Luku 9:7-9 . Awon aposteli waasu iroyin Ihinrere ijoba olorun, iroyin si sure de odo Herodu tetraki. A gbodo mo pe awon ise yi ni ipa to lagbara. Herodu pa Johanu Onitebomi. Yio si ya a lenu wipe ise Ihinrere naa ti ni ipa otun. O pa enikan-Johannu , dipo re, awon oniwaasu mejila lo kaakiri Galili ti won si nsoro olorun. Eleyi da Herodu laamu. Okan re daru nitori ohun ti o se si Johaanu. Oun beru wipe Johaanu onitebomi yio pada wa lati wa mu oun bale. Bibeli so ninu iwe owe wipe,"eniyan buburu sa nigbati enikan ko le e..." ( Iwe owe 28:1) 4. Iyara-eni soto fun okun otun lehin ise ijade-lo jihin rere-Luku 9:10-"O si mu won o si lo si apakan nibi iju..." E joko e sakiyesi pe lehin ise nla yi, Jesu mu won lo si ipago ninu iju, gegebi awon ibi ipago wa eleyi ti o jinna si idiwo inu igbooro. O fi han wipe fun gbogbo ise iranse ita gbangba ti a ba se, a gbodo ni asiko ti a ya soto lati ba olorun pade ni awa nikan. Gbogbo ifarahan ti a ba le ri lode lo gbodo ni asepe isodotun okun ati agbara wa ni ibi ikoko. A gbodo ko lati fi akoko idase pada sile lati ronupada lori aye wa, dupe ati itunki bi ibon. Ironu wa wipe olorun ni orisun wa yio mu wa pada to o wa nigbagbogbo. O lewu fun wa lati maa waasu kiri ki a si ma ni opolopo eto ise iranse ti o tele ara won laisi asiko ibapade fun agbara otun pelu olorun. Ki o to mo ohun to n sele, okun emi re yio ti dinku, amure emi yio si maa tu die die debi ti a o ui ara wa sile fun ogun awon ota. Koko inu eko 1. Olorun a maa fun awon eniyan Re lohun ti won nilo. Nigbati Jesu nran awon aposteli mejila jade, bibeli wipe o fun won ni agbara ati ase. Olorun ki I pe eniyan lai fun-un ni agbara lati se ise ti o ran-an. Nigbati Jesu ngoke pada si orun, o fun awon omo enyin re nise to keyin o si wi fun won pe ki won duro de agbara emi mimo. Ohunkohun ti olorun ba pe o si lati se fun oun, yio pese agbara lati see. 2. Sise ise iranse fun awon eniyan lere pupo. Riran ti a ran awon aposteli jade lo se won ni anfani to poju. O fi aaye gba won lati kekoo ki won si dagba sii. Won le se akoso ipenija fun ara won beeni won ko lati gbagbo ninu ogidi agbara ti won ni, paapaa nigbati Jesu ko tele won lo. Nigbati a ba se ise iranse, awa ni a lanfaani ti o poju nibe nitori o n ran wa lowo lati dagba ki a si ni iduro sinsin ninu aawon ohun ti Olorun. Imulo Eko A ti ri ona ti olorun n gba mu awon eniyan dagba fun ise iranse re bayi. A gbodo jade lo sise naa lati dagba ninu ipe wa ati ise is in wa fun olorun. Kii ise eko-iwe- ipe ojoojumo ti ki I se segesege ni. A gbodo jade lati se afihan ipe wa nipa sise ohun ti oga wa pe wa lati se. A gbodo kiyesara nigba gbogbo lati waasu oro re"nikan" Ala wa, gegebi a ti rii ninu eko yii. A ko gbodo je ki"Ihinrere miran" bi Paulu ti pe e ko gbe wa lo gegebi a ti ri i ninu Galatia 1:8, nigbati o n soro lori ohun ti o ni itumo ati ayo ninu fawon olugbo wa.Lakoko yii, ijo ti fi ara re sile fun awon asoro dundun, awon ile-eko eto okoowo ati awon ile-eko alufa gegebi eto awon griki ati eto apanilerin orisirisi nigbati a si ti gbagbe iwaasu ti o so nipa igbala patapata, itusile kuro lowo ese ati iyasoto fun "ile wa lorun" Beeni a gbodo ko ilana itura emi Ki I se igbati a ba fe lo waasu nikan ni a nilo iyara-eni-soto lati gba okun sugbon nigba ti a ba pada de bakan ana. Ipejopo awon omo olorun TACEF maa n sagbekale eto iyara-eni-soto siaaju ati leyin awon eto Pataki-pataki wa ati wipe asa wa yii gbodo tesiwaju nipele ti enikookan ati ti ipejopo kookan. |
Week 31: 3rd to 9th April, 2016 Bible Study Title: Divine power over death and sickness Bible Study Text: Luke 8:40-56 Full Bible reference: 40 So it was, when Jesus returned, that the multitude welcomed Him, for they were all waiting for Him. 41 And behold, there came a man named Jairus, and he was a ruler of the synagogue. And he fell down at Jesus' feet and begged Him to come to his house, 42 for he had an only daughter about twelve years of age, and she was dying. But as He went, the multitudes thronged Him. 43 Now a woman, having a flow of blood for twelve years, who had spent all her livelihood on physicians and could not be healed by any, 44 came from behind and touched the border of His garment. And immediately her flow of blood stopped. 45 And Jesus said, "Who touched Me?" When all denied it, Peter and those with him said, "Master, the multitudes throng and press You, and You say, 'Who touched Me?'" 46 But Jesus said, "Somebody touched Me, for I perceived power going out from Me." 47 Now when the woman saw that she was not hidden, she came trembling; and falling down before Him, she declared to Him in the presence of all the people the reason she had touched Him and how she was healed immediately. 48 And He said to her, "Daughter, be of good cheer; your faith has made you well. Go in peace." 49 While He was still speaking, someone came from the ruler of the synagogue's house, saying to him, "Your daughter is dead. Do not trouble the Teacher." 50 But when Jesus heard it, He answered him, saying, "Do not be afraid; only believe, and she will be made well." 51 When He came into the house, He permitted no one to go in except Peter, James, and John, and the father and mother of the girl. 52 Now all wept and mourned for her; but He said, "Do not weep; she is not dead, but sleeping." 53 And they ridiculed Him, knowing that she was dead. 54 But He put them all outside, took her by the hand and called, saying, "Little girl, arise." 55 Then, her spirit returned and she arose immediately. And He commanded that she be given something to eat. 56 And her parents were astonished, but He charged them to tell no one what had happened. Introduction Since the fall in the Garden of Eden, sickness, sorrow, and death have taken over the world. It was promised in the Old Testament that, when Jesus comes in glory, the effects of the curse will be destroyed. Isaiah 25:8 says, "He will swallow up death for all time, and the Lord God will wipe tears away from all faces, and He will remove the reproach of His people from all the earth; for the Lord has spoken". Jesus fulfilled this promise by healing the sick, opening blind eyes, and raising the dead. He destroyed sickness and diseases. In this study, we will look at the healing of the woman with the issue of blood and the resurrection of Jairus’ daughter from death. Teaching 1. Jairus met Jesus - Luke 8:41-22 As Jesus left the country of the Gadarenes, he was welcomed by a group of people who had been waiting for Him. Among them was a man named Jairus, an official of the synagogue. He supervised the synagogue worship including the selection of those who would lead in prayer, read the scripture, and preach. He was a minister in his own right. This position commanded respect in Jewish community. Jairus no doubt has heard of Jesus' miracles, perhaps even had witnessed some of them. Jairus showed his faith and respect for Jesus as he came and fell at Jesus' feet, pleading with Him to come to his house. He had a serious crisis. His only daughter who was twelve years old "was dying". Immediately, Jesus followed Jairus to his house. They couldn't walk fast, as there were a lot of people pressing around Jesus. 2. A woman with the issue of blood healed - Luke 8:43-48 Among the crowd that was surrounding Jesus was a woman in the crowd who had a need. She was bleeding and needed healing. She wanted to be healed without anyone noticing her. Under the ceremonial laws, she was considered to be unclean. Anything and anyone she touched around her would be unclean. She has spent a lot of money seeing doctors, but her condition grew worse. She had probably heard of Jesus' miracles and her faith led her to work her way through the crowd until she was behind Jesus. When she came close enough, she touched the helm of his robe. She came behind Him and touched His clothes. The woman had concluded in her heart that when she touched Jesus' clothes, she would be healed and it happened to her according to her faith. God honoured her faith. Faith is the magnet that attracts divine miracle to our life. It brings our miracle so close, even in the midst of a crowd. It sets us aside for instant intervention beyond the noise of the multitude. Jesus sensed the touch and the healing immediately and he stopped to ask "who is the one who touched me?” He was aware that something special had happened. He knew someone had touched Him and power had gone from Him to the person. It was a deliberate touch, not an accidental one. He wanted to lead the woman to publicly declare her faith so He could publicly announce her cure. Jesus said to the woman, "Daughter, your faith has made you well". Jesus declared that it was her faith in Him, not the touch of the garment that healed her. This is a big lesson for many of us who focus on physical emblem and not the actual act of faith. Now, people carry water, handkerchief, oranges, and anointing oil, in replacement to a true act of faith in Christ Jesus. Paul prayer was that “our faith might not rest in the wisdom of men but in the power of God” I Cor. 2 vs 5. We must be careful not to focus on the shadow and miss the substance which is true faith in the personality and reality of who Jesus is. 3. Jairus' daughter was resurrected -Luke 8:49-53 Jairus was waiting for Jesus to finish with the woman, so they could proceed to his house. The miraculous healing of the woman may have strengthened his faith in Jesus. As Jesus was talking to the woman who was healed, a message came to Jairus that his daughter had died and that he should not trouble Jesus anymore. It is a thing to heal the sick and another thing to raise the dead, however, Jesus is the master physician who has power over sickness and death. So Jesus reassured Jairus "Do not be afraid any longer, only believe." Just as Jesus reassured the woman who was healed of hemorrhage, he also encouraged Jairus to have faith. Jairus had just witnessed a miracle of faith. It is now up to him to believe in Jesus or trust the news that was just broken to him about his daughter’s death. In this situation, faith will be the basis for Jairus daughter's restoration to life and health. Jesus left the scene with His followers to Jairus house. As they got to the front of the house, they saw a lot of commotion going on. In the culture of the ancient world, it is normal to see loud commotion at the death of a loved one. For those who are rich, they could even hire professional mourners. Yes, they hire expert weepers to cry. The same loud commotion was going on when Jesus arrived at Jairus' house. Jesus said to them "stop weeping, for she has not died, but is asleep". Is this statement confusing? No, not at all. Jesus view death differently from the way we see it. We see death as permanent, while He sees it as temporary. To Him, it is like falling asleep, so it is reversible. When the crowd heard Jesus' statement, they laughed at Him. Jesus then entered the house and went to the bed where the daughter was laid and took her by the hand, called her and said, "Child, arise!" Immediately, the girl received her healing. Life returned to her lifeless body and the girl got up and walked. The parents of the girl were shocked to see the miracle. Jesus instructed them to tell no one what had happened. Jairus and the woman with the issue of blood knew who could help them. They went to Jesus for help. Jairus was not too proud to ask for help, even with his position as a ruler in the synagogue. The woman was not ashamed to go for help. When you are in trouble who do you run to? We must continually go to Jesus and not go to herbalist or seek after other gods. Key Lessons 1. God sometimes interrupts our agenda We saw how the woman with the issue of blood interrupted Jesus' journey to Jairus house. In like manner, God sometimes interrupts our agenda. He allows something to happen to us while we are planning something else. There are divine interruptions in life that we cannot avoid, if we must work with God. A brother had planned to start practicing medicine after attending medical school. However, God interrupted him and called him into a full time ministry. He obeyed God and He is now a great minister of God in Nigeria. We must open our plans to the Lord to interrupt as He desires. 2. Faith for healing Are you suffering from one sickness or the other? There is power in Jesus that overcomes any form of sickness and diseases. All you need to do is have faith in the healing power of Jesus, just like the woman with the issue of blood. Your healing will surely manifest. You only need to touch Jesus with faith in your heart. 3. Jesus is our only help in times of trouble Both the woman with the issue of blood and Jairus knew that Jesus was their ever - present help in times of trouble. They looked for Him and they received their miracles. Jesus is willing and ready to help us. Practical Application The study above shows us that Jesus has power over sickness and death. Jesus can raise the dead and also heal the sick. He gave us the mandate to heal the sick and raise the dead also. This is the right of every son in Christ and we must mature in this consciousness. There was a woman who was near to death due to fibromyalgia and a host of allergic problems that had her in constant pain. She was so weak that she couldn't go to the restroom by herself. She was totally dependent on her mother for everything. Remember, Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Ose Kokanlelogbon: 3rd -9th April, 2016 Akori Eko: Agbara atokewa lori iku ati aisan Ese Bibeli: Luku 8:40-56 Ese Bibeli Lekunrere: 40 O si ?e, nigbati Jesu pada l?, aw?n enia t?w?gbà a: nitoriti gbogbo nw?n ti nreti r??.41 Si kiyesi i, ?kunrin kan ti a npè ni Jairu, ?kan ninu aw?n olori sinagogu, o wá: o si wol? l?ba ?s? Jesu, o b?? ? pe, ki o má?ai wá si ile on:42 Nitori o ni ?m?binrin kan?o?o, ?m? ìw?n ?dún mejila, o nkú l?. Bi o si ti nl? aw?n enia nhá a li àye.43 Obinrin kan ti o si ni isun ??j? lati igba ?dún mejila, ti o ná ohun gbogbo ti o ni fun aw?n oni?egun, b??ni a ko le mu u larada lati ?w?? ?nikan wá,44 O wá l?hin r??, o fi ?w?? t?? i??ti a?? r??: l?gan ni isun ??j? r?? si ti gb?.45 Jesu si wipe, Tali o fi ?w?? t?? mi? Nigbati gbogbo w?n s??, Peteru ati aw?n ti mb? l?d? r?? wipe, Oluk?ni, aw?n enia nhá ? li àye, nw?n si mbilù ?, iw? si wipe, Tali o fi ?w?? kàn mi?46 Jesu si wipe, ?nikan fi ?w?? kàn mi: nitoriti emi m?? pe a?? jade lara mi.47 Nigbati obinrin na si m?? pe on ko farasin, o warìri, o wá, o si wol? niwaju r??, o si s? fun u li oju aw?n enia gbogbo nitori ohun ti o ?e, ti on fi fi ?w?? t?? ?, ati bi a ti mu on larada lojukanna.48 O si wi fun u pe, ?m?binrin, tújuka: igbagb?? r? mu ? larada; mã l? li alafia.49 Bi o si ti ns??r? li ?nu, ?nikan ti ile olori sinagogu wá, o wi fun u pe, ?m?binrin r? kú; má y? oluk?ni l?nu m?.50Sugb?n nigbati Jesu gb??, o da a li ohùn, wipe, Má b??ru: gbagb?? nikan ?a, a o si mu u larada.51 Nigbati Jesu si w?? ile, kò j? ki ?nik?ni w?le, biko?e Peteru, ati Jak?bu, ati Johanu, ati baba on iya ?m?binrin na52 Gbogbo nw?n si s?kun, nw?n pohùnrere ?kún r??: o si wi fun w?n pe, ? má s?kun m??; kò kú, sisùn li o sùn.53 Nw?n si fi i ???f?, nw?n sa m?? pe o kú.54 Nigbati o si sé gbogbo w?n m?? ode, o mu u li ?w??, o si wipe, ?m?binrin, dide.55 ?mí r?? si pada b??, o si dide l?gan: o ni ki nw?n ki o fun u li onj?.56 ?nu si yà aw?n õbi r??: ?ugb?n o kil? fun w?n pe, ki nw?n ki o má?e wi fun ?nikan li ohun ti a ?e.
Ifaara Lati igba ti eniyan ti subu ninu ogba edeni, aisan, ibanuje ati iku ti gba akoso aye. A se ileri ninu majemu laelae wipe, nigba ti Jesu ba de sinu ogo, gbogbo agbara egun ni a oo parun. Isaiah 25 :8 wipe, ‘’On o gbe iku mi titi lae; Oluwa Jehovah yoo nu omije nu kuro li oju gbogbo enia; yi o si mu egan awon enia re kuro ni gbogbo aiye: nitori Oluwa ti wii’’. Jesu mu ileri naa se nipa wiwo alaarun isun eje san ati jiji omobinrin Jairu dide ninu oku.
BI Jesu se kuro ni orile-ede awon ara Gadara, opolopo awon eniyan ti won ti n duro de E ni won wa lati kii. Lara won ni arakunrin kan ti a n pe ni Jairu, ara awon ijoye sinagogu. O je adari ninu sinagogu a si maa yan awon ti yi o dari adura, ka bibeli ati waasu ninu sinsgogu. O je iranse Olorun ni aye tire. Awon eniyan bowo fun ipo yi laarin awon Juu lopolopo. Jairu yoo ti gbo nipa opo iseyanu Jesu, boya opolopo tile ti soju re. Jairu fi igbagbo ati owo fun jesu bi o se wa ti o si wole lese re, o si n bee ki o wa si ile ohun. O ni isoro nla. Omobinrin re kansoso ti o je omo odun mejila n ku u lo. Lojukanna, Jesu tele Jairu lo ile re. Won ko le rin kiakia, nitori opolopo eniyan n ti Jesu lotun. 2. Obinrin onisun eje gba iwosan -Luku 8:43-48 Laarin awon ero ti won yi Jesu ka ni obirin kan wa ti o ni aini kan. O ni isun eje o si nilo iwosan. O fe gba iwosan. O fe gba iwosan lai fe ki enikeni mo. Labe ofin iwenumo, o je alaimo. Ohunkohun tabi enikeni ti o ba fowokan yoo di alaimo.O ti na opolopo owo lati ri awon onisegun sugbon n se ni o n le koko si. O seese ki o ti gbo nipa awon ise iyanu Jesu, igbagbo re si mu ki o wa ona laaarin awon ero lati de odo Jesu, tit ti o fi de eyin Re. Nigbati o sun mo o, o fi owo kan iseti aso Re. O wa si eyin re o si fowo kan aso re. Obinrin yii ti pinnu ni okan re wipe ti oun ba fowo kan aso re, oun yoo gba iwosan , o si ri fun un gegebi igbagbo re. Olorun si bu ola fun igbagbo re. Igbagbo ni emu ti o n fa awon ise-iyanu lati oke was i inu aye wa. O maa n mu awon ise iyanu wa sunmo, laarin awon ero. O maa n ya wa soto fun abewo kiakia yato si ariwo awon ero. Jesu ni imolara ifowoto ati iwosan ni kiakia o si duro lati beere ‘’tani eniti o fi owo kan mi?’’ o ni oye wipe ohun Pataki kan ti sele. O mo wipe eniyan kan ti fowo kan Oun ati wipe agbara ti lo lati ara Oun si odo eni naa. O je ifowokan ti a moo mo se, kii se lojiji. O fe je ki obinrin naa polongo igbagbo re ni gbangba ki Oun le kede iwosan re ni gbangba bakan naa.
Jesu so fun obinrin naa , ‘’Omobinrin, igbagbo re mu o larada’’. Jesu so fun un wipe igbagbo re ninu oun ni,ki ise ifowokan aso naa lo mu u larada. Eyi je eko nla fun opo awa ti o n wo awon ohun amulo ti ara sugbon ti kii se ise igbagbo tooto. Nisisiyi, awon eniyan a gbe omi, aso inuju, osan, ororo, lati fi dipo ise igbagbo tooto ninu Kristi Jesu. Adura Paulu ni wipe ‘’igbagbo wa ko gbodo je ninu ogbon eniyan sugbon ninu agbara Olorun’’1.Kor. 2:5. A nilati kiyesara lati mase tejumo ojiji ki a si kuna okodoro tii se igbagbo ninu eni ati iriri eni ti Jesu n se.
3..Omo Jairu ji dide -Luku 8:49-53 Jairu n duro fun Jesu lati setan pelu obinrin naa, ki won le jo maa lo si ile re. Iwosan arabinrin yii a tun ti ran igbagbo re lowo sii ninu Jesu. Bi Jesu se n ba obinrin ti a wosan soro, a ranse si Jairu wipe omo re ti ku ati wipe ki o ma wule daamu Jesu mo. O je ohun kan lati wo alaisan san, ohun miiran si ni lati ji oku dide, sibesibe, Jesu je onisegun nla ti o ni agbara lori aisan ati iku. Nitorinaa, Jesu fi okan Jairu bale ‘’mase beru mo, saa gbagbo’’. Bi Jesu se fi okan obinrin onisun eje bale, bakan naa ni o so fun Jairu wipe ki o ni igbagbo. Jairu sese ri ise-iyanu igbagbo tan ni. O wa ku fun un yala lati gba Jesu gbo tabi gba iroyin iku omo re gbo. Ninu ipo yi, igbagbo ni yoo je ipile fun imupadabosipo omo Jairu si ilera pipe ati iye. Jesu kuro ni ibi ti o wa pelu awon ti o tele E lati lo si ile Jairu. Bi won ti de iwaju ile naa, won ri opolopo rukerudo ti o n lo. Ninu asa won ni igba naa, awon eniyan a maa po ni ibi ti eni ti won feran ba ti ku. Fun awon ti o ni owo, won ti le le fi owo be awon ti o nsofo lowe. Beeni, won maa n fi owo pe awon abanisofo. Ariwo ekun nla naa ni o gbode kan nigbati Jesu de ile Jairu. Jesu so fun won wipe’’e mase sokun mo, nitori oun ko ku, sugbon o sun’’. Se gbolohun mu idarudapo dani ni ? Rara o, beeko. Oju ti Jesu fi n wo iku yato si tiwa patapata. Awa ri iku bi ohun ti o wa titi sugbon Jesu rii gegebi oorun lasan, nitori naa, o se e yipada. Nigbati awon ero naa gbo oro Jesu, won fi I rerin eleya. Jesu wo inu ile naa, o si lo taara si ibusun ti a te omo naa si, o si n aowo si , o si wipe, ‘’omobinrin, dide !’’ Lojukannaa, omobinrin naa gba iwosan re. Iye pada si ara re, omo naa si dide lati maa rin. O ya awon obi omo naa lenu lati ri ise iyanu. Jesu so fun won wipe ki won mase so fun enikeni. Jairu ati obinrin onisun eje mo eni ti o le ran won lowo. Won to Jesu lo lati ran won lowo. Jairu ko ni emi ijora eni loju ati igberaga lati ma le beere iranlowo, bi o tile je wipe olori i sinagogu ni. Obinrin naa ko tiju lati lo beere fun iranlowo. Bi o ba wa ninu iponju, tani o maa n sa to ? a nilati maa sa to Jesu lo ki a ma si sato babalawo tabi awon Olorun miiran lo. Koko Inu Idanilekoo Olorun a maa yi ero wa pada nigba miiran A ri i bi obinrin onisun eje se di irin ajo Jesu lowo lona ile Jairu. Bakannaa, Olorun a maa digba di wa lowo ninu awon eto wa fun aye wa. A gba ohun kan laaye lati sele si wa nigba ti a ba n gbimo ohun miran. Awon idaduro lati oke miran wa ti a ko le sa fun, ti a ba fe ba Olorun rin. Arakunrin kan ti pinnu lati kawe gboye gege bii dokita oyinbo. Ewe, Olorun daa lekun, o si pee sinu ise-iranse ni kikun. O gboran si ase Olorun,nibayii, o ti di okan lara awon ilumooka iranse Olorun ni orile-ede yi. A nilati si eroungba okan wa payas si Olorun lati da sii bi o ti wu u.
Boya arun kan tabi omiran n pon o loju,agbara wa ninu Jesu ti o n bori aisan ati arun gbogbo. Ohun ti o nilo lati se ni ki o ni igbagbo ninu agbara Jesu lati wosan, gege bi obirin onisun eje ti se. Iwosan re yio farahan nitooto. O ni lati fowokan Jesu pelu igbagbo ni okan re. 2. Jesu nikan ni oluranlowo wa nigba iponju Obinrin onisun eje ati Jairu mo wipe Jesu ni lowolowo iranlowo ni igba iponju.Won wa A, won si gba ise iyanu won. Jesu n fe, o si setan lati ran wa lowo. Amulo Eko Eko ti a ko yii ko wa wipe Jesu ni agbara lori aisan ati iku. Jesu le ji oku dide bakan naa ni o le wo nisan. O fun wa ni ise lati wo alaisan san ati lati ji oku dide bakan naa,eyi je eto gbogbo omo ninu Kristi beeni a nislati dagba ninu oye yii. Obinrin kan wa ti o de oju iku nitori aisan nla kan ati opolopo arun kekeke miran ti o je ki o ni .irora ti o po. O re e debi wipe ko le da lo si ile igbonse funra re. O gbekele iya a re fun ohun gbogbo. Arun yii wa nipa ori ti o fi sese ninu ijamba oko nigba ti won n lo si ile lati soosi. Won gba Olorun gbo fun iwosan beeni o si n so fun gbogbo eniyan wipe ohun yoo gba iwosan. Won lo si ile ijosin lojo kan, olusoaguntan n waasu lati inu 1Peteru 2 :24, ti o wipe, ‘’nipa ina a re ni a ti mu wa larada’’. Olusoaguntan gbadura fun un, o si gba iwosan re ni kiakia. Eyi ya dokita re lenu, nitori ti o mo pe akoko iku re ti sunmo. Ranti pe, Jesu, okan naa lanaa ,lonii ati titi lae. |
Week 30: 27th March to April 2nd, 2016 Bible Study Title: Understanding deliverance and Christian power over demons Bible Study Text: Luke 8:26-39 Full Bible reference: 26 Then they sailed to the country of the Gadarenes, which is opposite Galilee. 27 And when He stepped out on the land, there met Him a certain man from the city who had demons for a long time. And he wore no clothes, nor did he live in a house but in the tombs. 28 When he saw Jesus, he cried out, fell down before Him, and with a loud voice said, "What have I to do with You, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I beg You, do not torment me!" 29 For He had commanded the unclean spirit to come out of the man. For it had often seized him, and he was kept under guard, bound with chains and shackles; and he broke the bonds and was driven by the demon into the wilderness. 30 Jesus asked him, saying, "What is your name?" And he said, "Legion," because many demons had entered him. 31 And they begged Him that He would not command them to go out into the abyss. 32 Now a herd of many swine was feeding there on the mountain. So they begged Him that He would permit them to enter them. And He permitted them. 33 Then the demons went out of the man and entered the swine, and the herd ran violently down the steep place into the lake and drowned. 34 When those who fed them saw what had happened, they fled and told it in the city and in the country. 35 Then they went out to see what had happened, and came to Jesus, and found the man from whom the demons had departed, sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed and in his right mind. And they were afraid. 36 They also who had seen it told them by what means he who had been demon-possessed was healed. 37 Then the whole multitude of the surrounding region of the Gadarenes asked Him to depart from them, for they were seized with great fear. And He got into the boat and returned. 38 Now the man from whom the demons had departed begged Him that he might be with Him. But Jesus sent him away, saying, 39 "Return to your own house, and tell what great things God has done for you." And he went his way and proclaimed throughout the whole city what great things Jesus had done for him. Introduction Some people deny the fact that demons are real. Others have turned everything around them to demon. These are both extremes and both untrue. The fact is that we should know that the devil, demons, and evil spirits do exist and work in opposition to God but we should always know convincingly that the God we serve have given us authority over them. Luke recorded four cases where Jesus cast demons out of people who were possessed. Jesus is the Messiah God sent to save humanity from their sins and also dethrone the devil. The bible said in the book of 1 John 3:8 "...The Son of Man appeared for this purpose, that He might destroy the works of the devil". (1 John 3:8) In this study, we shall see how Jesus continued His mission to destroy the works of the devil. The devil started his works in the Garden of Eden, where he tempted Adam and Eve to sin against God. Jesus came to save men from their sins and also to destroy his works. As a Christian on the path of maturity, we share in the authority of Christ and thus have power over demons and their manipulations. Teachings
Gadara was a city located about 30 miles southeast of the Sea of Galilee. This event took place on the eastern side of the lake. It was an area settled mostly by Gentiles. Jesus and His disciples came by boat to the shore. When He stepped out of the boat to the land, He met with "a man from the city who was possessed with demons". The possessed man was from the city, but he left because he was possessed with demons and he lived in the tombs. As soon as he saw Jesus, he fell before Him and asked Jesus "What business do we have with each other, Jesus, Son of the Most High God?" It is clear here that the demons recognised Jesus for who He is and asked him to leave them alone. The people of Gadarenes did not recognize Jesus. But the demons knew who he was. What a spiritual blindness for the Gentiles who have eyes but cannot see! Jesus, being the sovereign Lord over all things, ordered the demon to come out of the man. Jesus asked him "what is your name"? He wanted the demons to identify themselves and they spoke through the man saying "...Legion", for many demons had entered him." A legion is a section of the Roman army consisting of 3,000 to 6,000 infantry troops. Therefore, we can say that the possessed man had 3,000 - 6,000 demons in him. How terrible it is for anyone who has no indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit.
When the herdsmen who were looking after the pig saw what had happened, they ran away to report it in the city and out in the country. The Gadarenes cherished pigs just like the Jews cherished lambs. The herdsmen told everyone what Jesus did to their pigs. The news brought a large crowd of people to where Jesus was standing. The people saw the man who was possessed sitting instead of being restless and wild, clothed instead of naked, in his right mind instead of raging and terrorising people. Seeing such a great transformation caused them to be afraid in the presence of God’s supernatural power. They were afraid that Jesus would kill more of their pigs. They were not even concerned about the man that had been delivered; they were more interested in preserving their business interest, so they sent Jesus away. They thought they would be better off without Jesus. Sadly many people foolishly think the same way today. They don't want to have anything to do with Jesus. They are more concerned about their merchandise and how they can exploit. They know that when the full revelation of Jesus is present, their grip breaks.
The man who was healed wanted to follow Jesus, unlike his people who wanted Jesus to leave their territory. But, Jesus declined his request. However, He gave him a commission. He would serve Jesus in his own home and be a witness to his own people. His witness to Jesus' power to save would be more powerful and effective in his home area because of the undeniable change that was evident in his life which would be obvious to them. The man obeyed and spread the good-news of the kingdom to the people in his community. Personal testimonies can be very effective in sharing the good-news with unbelievers. It will show them what great things God can do in the life of a person that trust in Him. They will know that God is meeting the needs of His people. Luke does not record the end of the story, but, if you continue to read it in the book of Mark, it was narrated that the man became a missionary to the entire cities in Decapolis (10 cities in total). Jesus also returned to that city and great crowd gathered to hear His teachings. Many received their healing. The people glorified God, and Jesus fed the 4,000 (Matthew 15:29-38). This must have been the result of the witnessing carried out by the man that was freed from the demons. Key Lessons:
We saw in the lesson, how the people in the town went out to tell others about what Jesus did in the region. The man who was healed also went out to share the gospel of the kingdom to his people. This is a natural reaction to witnessing the power of God. The reason why so many of us are not witnessing is because we have not really experienced the power of God in our lives, and so we have nothing to talk about. May the Lord work in our life to make us a living witness about the reality of God.
There is a popular quote that says that our allocation in the scheme of heaven is tied to our location in purpose. Jesus taught the healed man a lesson by encouraging him to find his place in God’s purpose rather than just follow the crowd or the hype of the moment. It would have been better to follow Jesus’ crowd, at least then he could join Jesus’ ministerial crew to give testimonies at every outreach, like many would do today. Many prefer the ambience of large mega churches where everything seems working, but Jesus wanted this new convert to stay in his small place and build it for Him with transformational testimony. Are you a crowd follower or a foundation builder? Many just want an already-made platform, whereas Jesus may be calling us to build from the scratch like the healed man was instructed. This is why TACEF vision is different. We don’t have to be a mega fellowship on campus, we are called to build from the scratch as a discipleship-based fellowship, where our focus is not the crowd but “genuine vision carriers with transformational testimony, one at a time”. This kind of calling takes someone who is genuinely persuaded to labour for the Lord – they will not be moved by the crowd. Practical application It is a fact that there is power in Jesus and demons bowed to it. We saw in the study, how Jesus healed the demon possessed man. The demons were afraid of Jesus. Jesus has delegated the same power and authority to us. We are to cast out demons as instructed by Jesus in the book of Mark 16:17 "And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues;" Jesus has given us power over demons, so we can cast them out. Peter cast out demons from a slave girl. It was the hour of prayer and the Apostles went to pray, they met a slave girl who was possessed with a spirit of divination. She was making money for her masters by telling people about their life (fortune-telling). The girl followed Paul and cried after him saying "These men are the servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to us the way of salvation". (Acts 16:17). She continued with this practice for days and Paul was annoyed. He turned to the slave girl and commanded the spirit to come out of her and it did that very hour. God has given us the same authority and power over demons and we should exercise it and not be afraid of them. Mature followers of Christ know how to exercise this authority and dominate their world with the influence of Jesus
Ose Ogbon: 27TH March -2ND April, 2016. Akori Eko Bibeli: Nini oye itusile ati agbara Kristeni lori awon emi Esu Ese Bibeli: Luku 8:26-39 Ese Bibeli Lekunrere 26 Nw?n si gúnl? ni il? aw?n ara Gadara, ti o k?ju si Galili.27 Nigbati o si s?kal?, ?kunrin kan pade r?? li ?hin ilu na, ti o ti ni aw?n ?mi è?u fun igba pip?, ti kì iw?? a??, b??ni kì ijoko ni ile kan, biko?e ni ìboji.28 Nigbati o ri Jesu, o ke, o wol? niwaju r??, o wi li ohùn rara, pe, Kini ?e temi tir? Jesu, iw? ?m? ?l?run ?gá-ogo? emi b?? ? má?e da mi loró.29 (Nitoriti o ti wi fun ?mi aim?? na pe, ki o jade kuro lara ?kunrin na. Nigbakugba ni isá ma mu u: a si fi ??w?n ati ??k???k? dè e; o si da gbogbo ìde na, ?mi è?u na si dari r?? si ijù.30 Jesu si bi i pe, Oruk? r?? o si dahùn pe, Legioni: nitoriti ?mi e?u pip? w?? ? lara l?.31 Nw?n si b?? ? pe, ki o má?e rán w?n l? sinu ibu.32 Agbo ?l?d? pip? si mb? nib?? ti nj? li ori òke: nw?n si b?? ? ki o j? ki aw?n w?? inu w?n l?. O si j?w? w?n.33 Nigbati aw?n ?mi è?u si jade kuro lara ?kunrin na, nw?n si w?? inu aw?n ?l?d? l?: agbo ?l?d? si tu p? nw?n si sure l? si ibi bèbe sinu adagun, nw?n si rì sinu omi.34 Nigbati aw?n ti mb?? w?n ri ohun ti o ?e, nw?n sá, nw?n si l?, nw?n si ròhin ni ilu ati ni il? na.35 Nigbana ni nw?n jade l? iwò ohun na ti o ?e; nw?n si t?? Jesu wá, nw?n si ri ?kunrin na, lara ?niti aw?n ?mi è?u ti jade l?, o joko l?ba ?s? Jesu, o w???, iyè r?? si b?? si ipò: ??ru si ba w?n.36 Aw?n ti o ri i si ròhin fun w?n bi o ti ?e ti a fi mu ?niti o li ?mi è?u larada.37 Nigbana ni gbogbo enia lati il? Gadara yiká b?? ? pe, ki o l? kuro l?d? w?n; ??ru sá ba w?n gidigidi: o si b? sinu ?k??, o pada s?hin.38 Nj? ?kunrin na ti ?mi è?u jade kuro lara r??, o b?? ? ki on ki o le ma bá a gbé: ?ugb?n Jesu rán a l?, wipe,39 Pada l? ile r?, ki o si s? ohun ti ?l?run ?e fun ? bi o ti p?? to. O si l?, o si nròhin já gbogbo ilu na bi Jesu ti ?e ohun nla fun on to. Ifaara Awon eniyan kan ko gba wipe awon emi esu wa, awon miiran si ti so ohun gbogbo layika won di emi esu. Irufe awon meejeeji je igbagbo odi ati ohun ti kii se otito. Otito ibe ni wipe o ye ki a mo pe esu, awon emi-esu ati awon emi buburu gbogbo wa beeni won si n tako Olorun, sugbon o ye ki a mo daju wipe Olorun ti a n sin ti fun wa ni ase lori won. Luku se akosile merin nibi ti Jesu ti le awon emi esu jade kuro lara awon eniyan ti o ni won. Jesu ni Messiah ti Olorun ran lati gba awon eniyan kuro ninu ese won ati lati ro satani loye. Bibeli so ninu iwe 1Johannu3:8 ‘’…..Nitori idi eyi ni omo Olorun se farahan lati pa ise esu run’’. Ninu eko yii, a o ri bi Jesu se tesiwaju ninu ise iranse Re lati pa ise esu run. Esu bere ise re ninu ogba Edeni, nibiti o ti tan Adamu ati Efa lati dese si Olorun. Jesu wa lati gba awon eniyan la ati lati pa ise esu run. Gege bi onigbagbo ti o wa ni oju ona idagbasoke, a je alabapin ninu ase Kristi bakan naa ni a ni agbara lori awon emi-esu ati gbogbo arekereke won. Idanilekoo
Gadara je ilu ti a tedo si bii ogbon maili ni gusu-ila oorun si okun Galili. Isele yii sele ni apa ila-oorun adagun naa. O je agbegbe ti awon keferi po si ju. Jesu ati awon omo-ehin wa si ebute yii nipa oko oju-omi. Nigba ti O jade si ori ile lati inu oko naa, O se alabapade ‘’okunrin kan ni eyin ilu naa ti o ti ni awon emi esu fun igba pipe’’. Okunrin elemi esu naa wa lati inu ilu yii, sugbon o kuro ninu ilu nitori o ni emi esu, o si n gbe ni iboji. Logan bi o ti ri Jesu, o wole niwaju Re, o si beere wipe ‘’kinni se temi tire Jesu, omo Olorun Oga Ogo ?’’. o daju nibi yii pe awon emi-esu da eniti Jesu n se mo, won si bee wipe ki o fi won sile. Awon ara Gadara ko da Jesu mo. Sugbon awon emi esu da A mo. Eyi je ifoju emi fun awon keferi ti won loju sugbon won ko fi riran! Jesu , ti o je oba lori ohun gbogbo, pase fun awon emi-esu naa ki won jade lara okunrin naa, Jesu beere lowo re wipe ‘’kinni oruko re’’ ? O fe je ki awon emi-esu naa se afihan ara won, won si gba enu okunrin naa soro wipe ‘’….Legioni’’, nitori opolopo emi-esu ti wo inu u re. Legioni kan je abala kan ninu awon jagunjagun Roomu ti o ni egberun meta si egberun mefa awon oje-wewe jagun jagun. Nitori naa, a lee so pe okunrin elemi esu naa ni egberun meta si mefa awon emi esu ninu re. Bawo ni o se buru jai fun enikeni ti ko ni iwalaaye emi-mimo ninu re.
Nigbati awon ti won n bo agbo elede ri ohun ti o sele, won sare lo si ilu lati royin re. Awon ara Gadara feran elede gege bi awon ara Juu ti feran awon aguntan. Awon darandaran naa so fun gbogbo enia ohun ti Jesu se fun awon elede. Iroyin yii mu ogooro enia wa si ibi ti Jesu wa. Awon eniyan ri eni ti o ti ni emi-esu tele naa ti o joko dipo ki o ma se jagidijagan, ti a daso bo o dipo ki o wa ni ihoho, ti di eni to ni iye pipe dipo ki o maa dunkoko mo awon eniyan. Riri ayipada nla ninu aye okunrin yii je ki eru ba awon eniyan niwaju agbara nla Olorun. Eru ba won wipe Jesu yoo pa lara awon elede won sii. Won ko tile bikita nipa okunrin ti a tu sile; sugbon won n fe daabo bo ise won, nitori naa won le Jesu lo. Won ro o wipe yoo dara fun awon si i laini Jesu. O ba ni ninu je wipe opolopo eniyan ni won n ronu bi omugo bayii. Won ko fe ni ohunkohun se pelu Jesu. Won n ro nipa ise won ati bi won yoo se re`ni je. Won mo wipe ti ifihan Jesu ni kikun ba de, igbamu won yoo baje. Isesi okunrin ti a wo san -Luku 8:38-39 Okunrin ti a wosan naa fe lati tele Jesu, yato si awon eniyan re ti won fe ki Jesu kuro ni agbegbe won. Sugbon Jesu ko gba fun un. Ewe, o fun-un ni ise lati se. Yoo ma sin Jesu ni ile re, yoo si maa jeri re fun awon eeyan re. Ijeri re si agbara Jesu lati gbala yoo joju, yoo si sise lagbegbe re nitori ayipada ti o daju ti ko se bu enu ate lu ni gbogbo won yoo fi oju ri. Okunrin yi gboran, o si n polongo ihinrere ijoba orun fun awon eniyan agbegbe re. Ijeri eleni kookan le se ise ara nigba ti a ba n waasu fun awon alaigbagbo. Yoo fi ise nla ti Olorun le se ninu aye eniyan ti o gbekele e han won . Won a si mo wipe Olorun n ba aini awon eniyan re pade, Luku ko so opin itan naa, sugbon, ti a ba n ka iwe Marku siwaju sii, a ko o nibe pe okunrin naa di ajihinrere si gbogbo ilu naa ni dekapoli (ilu mewaa lapapo). Jesu pada si ilu naa, opo enia si pejo po lati gbo ikoni Re. Opolopo eniyan ni won gba iwosan. Awon enia naa fi ogo fun Olorun, Jesu, bo egbaaji okunrin (Mathew15 :29-38). O daju pe eyi je esi ijeri okunrin ti a tu sile lowo emi esu naa. Koko Inu Idanilekoo :
A ri i ninu eko naa, bi awon eniyan ilu naa se jade lati lo royin ohun ti Jesu se fun won lagbegbe naa. Okunrin taa wosan naa jade lati lo waasu ijoba orun fun awon eniyan. Idi ti opolopo wa ko se n waasu Jesu ni pe a ko i ti ni iriri agbara Olorun ninu aye wa, nitori naa, a ko ni oro lati so. Ki Olorun ki o sise ninu wa lati se wa ni eleri iwalaaye Olorun.
Asayan oro kan wa to wipe ipese wa ninu eto orun ni i se pelu ibudo wa ninu ipinnu Olorun. Jesu ko okunrin ti a wosan naa lekoo nipa gbigba a niyanju lati se awari ipo re ninu ipinnu Olorun dipo ki o kan ma tele awon eniyan lai ni ifojusun.I ba ti dara lati tele awon ero Jesu, yoo le maa fi ijeri re jere okan fun Jesu ninu awon isoji re bi opolopo yoo ti se lonii. Opolopo ni o maa n fe wa ni ijo elero yanturu nibi ti gbogbo re ti n dun yungba, sugbon Jesu fe ki awon ti o sese di atunbi wa nibi kekere Oun ki won le ko ibe dagba nipa opo oro eri. Se eni ti n wo tele ero ni o ni tabi eni ti n mo ipinle ? opolopo wa ni o fe wa nibi ti ohun gbogbo ti wa ni sisepe,sugbon Jesu le maa pe wa lati bere lati ibi pelebe gege bi a ti gba okunrin ti a wosan naa lamoran. Idi niyi ti iran TACEF fi yato. A ko fe je ipejopo elero lasan ati ti igbalode ni awon ile-iwe giga, a pe wa lati mo lati ipile nipa awon eko isoni-domo-eyin, ifojusun wa kii se lori opo ero rara sugbon “awon ti o ni okan fun iran tooto pelu awon eri ti n se iyipada, ni igba gbogbo’’. Eni ti o da loju lati sise fun Olorun ni Iru ipe yii wa fun –oro ogooro ero ko nii je won logun. Amulo Eko O je otito wipe agbara wa ninu Jesu, awon emi-esu si terbia fun-Un. A ri i ninu eko naa, bi Jesu se wo okunrin elemi esu naa san. Awon emi-esu naa beru Jesu. Jesu ti fi iru agbara ati ase bee fun wa. A ni agbara lati le emi-esu bi Jesu se so ninu iwe Marku 16:17 ’’Ami wonyi ni yio si maa ba awon ti won ba gbagbo lo: ni oruko mi ni won yoo ma le awon emi esu jade; won yoo si masa fi ede tuntun soro’’ ; Jesu ti fun wa ni agbara lori awon emi-esu, ki a ba le le won jade. Peteru le awon emi-esu jade ninu eru-binrin kan. Ni wakati adura, awon Aposteli si jade lati lo gbadura, won ri eru-birin ti o ni emi afose. O maa n pawo fun awon oga re nipa fifi afose sotele fun awon eniyan nipa ojo ola won (Aworawo). Odobinrin naa tele Paulu, o si n kigbe lehin re wipe ‘’ Awon okunrin wonyi ni iranse Olorun oga ogo, ti n kede ona igbala fun yin’’.(Ise A. Aposteli16 :17). O tesiwaju ninu ise yii fun opo ojo, inu si bi Paulu. O yipada si eru-birin naa, o si pase fun emi naa lati jade ninu u re, o si gbo ni wakati kan naa. Olorun ti fun wa ni agbara ati ase lori awon emi-esu, a si gbodo lo o lai si iberu kankan. Awon omo-leyin Jesu to mori duro mo bi a ti n lo ase yii lati joba lori aye pelu u atileyin Jesu. |
Week 29: 20th to 26th March, 2016 Bible Study Title: Maturing and overcoming life's daily storm Bible Study Text: Luke 8:22-25 Full Bible reference: 22 Now, it happened, on a certain day, that He got into a boat with His disciples. And He said to them, "Let us cross over to the other side of the lake." And they launched out. 23 But as they sailed He fell asleep. And a windstorm came down on the lake, and they were filling with water, and were in jeopardy. 24 And they came to Him and awoke Him, saying, "Master, Master, we are perishing!" Then He arose and rebuked the wind and the raging of the water. And they ceased, and there was a calm. 25 But He said to them, "Where is your faith?" And they were afraid, and marveled, saying to one another, "Who can this be? For He commands even the winds and water, and they obey Him!" Teachings One of the daily realities that will prove that we are on the path of maturity is how we react to the storms in our lives. It is a key learning that we must master and understand as we adjust to the demand of conforming to the pattern son. This study explores how Jesus comes to our help when life throws its weight against us. The story demonstrates the majesty of the master and presented a Jesus that is closer than we can ever imagine. It teaches us that we can go to Him anytime we face the storms of this life and be comforted by His ever guaranteed presence.
Jesus and His disciples were sailing in a boat, when a wind storm arose. It was in the evening and Jesus apparently fell asleep, tired from the demands of the ministry to the multitude. He had a busy day full of activities. Jesus' humanity was real. He grew tired, thirsty and sleepy just like anyone of us. While Jesus was sleeping in the boat, there arose a great storm, literally, a whirlwind. The waves were so great that the boat was hidden between the waves. Water started entering the boat and it began to sink. The disciples became afraid. So, they cried to Jesus "...Master, Master, we are perishing!” Remember that it was Jesus' idea to cross to the other side of the sea. Now, when the storm arose, the disciples forgot the fact that they were obeying Jesus' instruction and so did not need to be worried about the happenings around them. Jesus relaxed, even in the midst of the storm. He was not pacing the deck or biting His nails. He was simply relaxing. This should be our attitude when we face major problems in life. We should be rest assured that Jesus is with us and there is no need to panic. He said in His words that He will never leave nor forsake us.
The disciples were so afraid that they had to go and wake Jesus up from His sleep. He got up and rebuked the storm and it seized. He is the one who made the land and the sea and so it is easy for Him to rebuke His creation. In Psalm 107: 23-30, we read, “Those who go down to the sea in ships, who do business on great waters; 24 they have seen the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep. For He spoke and raised up a stormy wind, which lifted up the waves of the sea. They rose up to the heavens, they went down to the depths; their soul melted away in their misery. They reeled and staggered like a drunken man, and were at their wits’ end. Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and He brought them out of their distresses. He caused the storm to be still, so that the waves of the sea were hushed. Then they were glad because they were quiet; so He guided them to their desired haven.” It was the Lord - the God of Israel - Who stilled the storm in the passage above. This shows the deity of Jesus Christ. It is Jesus - the Creator Who spoke to the storm and it obeyed Him right away. 3. Faith in the midst of the storm - Luke 8:25 Jesus asked His disciples "Where is your faith?” In other words, there was no reason to be afraid. If you understand that God is always with you, then you can pass through any storm in life and come out unhurt. The disciples had witnessed a lot of miracles and seen the power of God at work. Yet, they still did not have faith. No wonder we sometimes forget that God is with us when we pass through troubled times. We also see a dimension here. At first, the disciples were afraid of the storm, but after Jesus took care of it, they became fearful. This is the usual response to the presence of the supernatural (Isa 6:5). The disciples were filled with reverence and a growing understanding of Jesus' divine nature, and they said to each other "who then is this,” The psalmist answers his question in Psalm 89:8, 9 with, "O LORD God of hosts, Who is mighty like You, O LORD? Your faithfulness also surrounds You. 9 You rule the raging of the sea; whenits waves rise, You still them". This is the proof of a true miraculous is an awesome connection with the reality of God in genuine fear and holy recognition. Key Lessons:
Practical Application As long as we are still alive in this world, there will always be one issue or the other. These are the ingredients that strengthen our faith in the Lord. Without trials, we can never mature. The disciples ended their lives as martyrs; they always went through troubled time for the sake of their relationship with Jesus. We must, therefore, see storms of life as another test to prove us and when we pass, we see another dimension of God. This is the process of maturation- a continuous experience of the multi-dimensional nature of God through our everyday challenges and limitations. |
Ose kokandinlogbon: 20th-26th March, 2016 AKORI EKO: Didagba ati bibori iji aye ojoojumo Ese Bibeli: Luku 8:22-25 Ese Bibeli Lekunrere 22 O si ?e ni ij? kan, o si w?? ?k?? kan l? ti on ti aw?n ?m?-?hin r??: o si wi fun w?n pe, ? j? ki awa ki o rek?ja l? si ìha keji adagun. Nw?n si ?ik?? l?.23 Bi nw?n si ti nl?, o sùn; iji nla si de, o nf? li oju adagun; nw?n si kún fun omi, nw?n si wà ninu ewu.24 Nw?n si t?? ? wá, nw?n si jí i, wipe, Oluk?ni, Oluk?ni, awa gbé. Nigbana li o dide, o si ba ?fufu on riru omi wi: nw?n si da, idak?-r?r? si de.25 O si wi fun w?n pe, Igbagb?? nyin dà? Bi ??ru ti mba gbogbo w?n, ti hà si n?e w?n, nw?n mbi ara w?n pe, irú ?kunrin kili eyi! nitori o ba ?fufu on riru omi wi, nw?n si gb?? tir??. Idanilekoo: Ara awon idaniloju ojooojumo ti yio fihan gbangba wipe a wa lona idagbasoke ni iha ti a ko si iji aye. O je eko pataki ti oye re nilati ye wa ki a si gba a mu gidigidi bi a se n parada di awokose omo. Eko yii se alaye bi Jesu se maa n dide fun iranlowo wa nigbati eru aye ba wuwo lori wa. Itan yii safihan olanla Oluwa wa, o si fi Jesu ti o sunmo wa pekipeki ju bi a se ro lo fun wa. O ko wa wipe a le toO lo nigbakugba ti a ba n dojuko iji aye yii, ki a le tu wa ninu nipa iwaalaye re ti o daju.
Jesu ati awon omo-ehin re n rin irin ajo ninu oko oju omi, nigbati iji sowo odi si won. Asale ni, Jesu si ti sun, nitori o ti re E nitori wahala ise-iranse si awon ero. Akoko Re kun akitiyan orisirisi. O daju wipe eniyan eleran ara ni Jesu. O re E, orungbe gbe E, oorun si n kun-Un , bi o ti n se eni kookan wa. Nigbati Jesu n sun ninu oko, iji omi okun nla se lodi si oko naa. Afefe iji naa le to bee ti o fere gbe oko naa mi.Omi bere si wo inu oko naa, oko naa si bere si nii ri. Eru ba awon omo-ehin, won si pariwo si Jesu wipe ‘’olukoni, olukoni, awa gbe’’ Ranti wipe Jesu lo daba pe ki won koja si apa keji okun naa.nigba ti iji omi de, ko bere si i beru tabi ki o ge ika je, sugbon o n sinmi. Eyi ni o ye ki o je iwa wa nigbati a ba n dojuko oke-isoro ni aye. O ye ki a ni idaniloju wipe Jesu wa pelu wa, a ko si nilo lati beru. O so ninu oro Re wipe Oun ko ni fi wa sile, beeni ko ni ko wa sile. 2. Jesu ba iji wi-Luku 8:24 Eru ba awon omo-ehin to bee ge ti won nilati ji Jesu loju orun Re. O dide, O si ba iji omi okun wi, o si dake roro. Oun ni o da ile ati okun, nitori naa, o rorun fun-Un lati ba ise owo Re soro. Ninu iwe Orin-Dafidi 107 : 23-30 ‘’23 Awon ti n sokale lo si okun ninu oko ti won nsise ninu omi nla ; 24awon wonyi ri ise Oluwa ati ise iyanu re ninu ibu ; 25Niitori ti o pase,o si mu iji fe, ti o gbe riru re soke ; 26Nwon goke lo si orun, nwon si tun sokale lo si inu ibu ; okan won di omi nitori iponju ; 27 Won ta gbongbon sihin sohun, nwon nta gbongbon bi omuti eniyan, ogbon won si de opin ; 28 Nigbana ni won ki gbe pe Oluwa ninu iponju won, o si yo won ninu iponju won ; 29 O so iji di idakeroro, beni riru omi re duro jee ; 30 Nigbana ni won yo, nitori ti ara won bale ; beli o mu won wa si ebute ife won. Oun ni Oluwa- Olorun Israeli- Ti o pase ti iji si dake roro ninu ese Bibeli oke yii. Eyi fihan wa iru eni ti Jesu je. Jesu- Eleda ti o ba iji wi, iji si gbo ohun re loju kannaa. Igbagbo laarin iji -Luku 8 :25 Jesu beere lowo awon omo-ehin re ‘’Igbagbo yin da’’, eyi tumo si pe, ko si idi lati beru. Bi o ba ye o wipe Olorun wa pelu re nigbagbogbo, nigba naa ni iwo yoo le la iji aye koja lai farapa’. Awon omo-ehin ti ri oniruuru ise-iyanu Olorun ati agbara Olorun loju ise. Sibe, won ko ni igbagbo. Abajo ti a maa n gbagbe wipe Olorun wa pelu wa nigba ti a ba n la igba iponju koja. Bakannaa ni a tun ri ipele kan ni ibi yii. Ni ibere, awon omo -ehin beru iji naa, sugbon, Jesu da sii, eru si ba won. Eyi je bi awon eniyan se maa n si ra si ifarahan orun. Awon omo-ehin beru won si bu ola fun Jesu nigba ti won ni oye iru eni ti o je, won si wi fun ara won wipe ‘’iru eniyan won wo ni eyi’’, onipsalmu dahun ibeere yii ninu Orin Dafidi89 :8,9, ‘’8 Oluwa, Olorun awon omo ogun, tani Oluwa alagbara bi iwo ?tabi bi otito re ti o yi o ka ; 9 Iwo li o joba ibinu okun : nigbati riru omi re dide, iwo muu pa roro’’ Eleyi ni eri ise-iyanu tooto ti o ni ibasopo pelu idaniloju ninu eru ati ifihan mimo Koko Inu Idanilekoo : Fokanbale laarin iji : Ohun ti o se pataki julo ti o le mu o fehinti nigba ti o ba nla isoro koja ni bi o ba mo wipe Olorun wa pelu u re ati wipe o n tele Jesu. Eleyi tumo si pe ninu gbogbo idojuko laye, niwon igba ti o ba n to Jesu Oluwa leyin, abo re daju. Sugbon bi o ko ba tele Oluwa, o ko ni i le fokanbale, beeni okan re yoo poruru. Idi ti a fi nilo igbagbo laarin iji : Ni opo igba, bi iponju ba de a maa n gbagbe lati gbekele Oluwa. A oo maa gbiyanju funra wa lati yanju awon isoro wa nipa agbara ati ohun ini wa, bi o ba ba wa bo sori, a oo wa pada si odo Olorun. Awon omo-eyin lo ji Jesu loju orun won si so fun-Un nipa ohun ti o sele. Won kepe Oluwa ni kiakia lai tiju. Ni opo igba, Jesu ninu igbeyawo, ise, ati owo wa ti sun bi iji aye se n bi lu wa. A ti so igbe aye adura wa nu ati ifarajin wa. Akoko to lati ji Jesu loju oorun ki a si ni isoji, bi beeko, a oo ri sinu ese ati aye. Amulo Eko Niwon igba ti a ba si wa laaye ninu aye yii, awon ohun kan tabi omiran a maa sele. Awon ohun wonyii ni ohun elo ti o n fi okun fun igbagbo wa ninu Oluwa. Laisi idanwo, a ko le dagba. Awon omo-ehin pari igbesi aye won gege bi ajeriku: won maa n la igba iponju koja nitori ajosepo won pelu Jesu. Nitori naa, a nilati ri iji aye gege bi idanwo, ti a ba si yege, a o ri ipele Olorun miiran. Eyi ni igbese idagbasoke- iriri itesiwaju niti eya Olorun ti ko lounka ninu awon idojuko ati igekuru ojoojumo . |
Ose Kejidinlogbon: 13th-19th March, 2016 Akori Eko: Awon ipele Idagbasoke: Orisi irugbin merin, afurugbin kan, orisirisi ikore Ese Bibeli: Luku 8:1-15 Ese Bibeli Lekunrere 1 O si ?e l?hinna, ti o nlà gbogbo ilu ati iletò l?, o nwasu, o nrò ìhin ay?? ij?ba ?l?run: aw?n mejila si mb? l?d? r??.2 Ati aw?n obinrin kan, ti a ti mu larada kuro l?w? aw?n ?mi buburu, ati ninu ailera w?n, Maria ti a npè ni Magdalene, lara ?niti ?mi è?u meje ti jade kuro,3 Ati Joanna aya Kusa ti i?e iriju Herodu, ati Susanna, ati aw?n pip? miran, ti nw?n n?e iran?? fun u ninu ohun ini w?n.4 Nigbati ??p? ij? enia pej? p??, lati ilu gbogbo si t?? ? wá, o fi owe ba w?n s??r? pe:5 Afunrugbin kan jade l? lati fun irugbin r??: bi o si ti nfunrugbin, di? b?? si ?ba ??na; a si t?? ? m?l?, aw?n ?iy? oju ?run si ?à a j?.6 Omiran si b?? sori apata; bi o si ti hù jade, o gb? nitoriti kò ni irinl? omi.7 Omiran si b?? sinu ?gún; ?gún si ba a rú soke, o si fun u pa.8 Omiran si b?? si il? rere, o si rú soke, o si so eso ?r?run. Nigbati o si wi nkan w?nyi tan, o nahùn wipe, ?niti o ba li etí lati fi gb??, ki o gb??.9 Aw?n ?m?-?hin r?? si bi i l?re, wipe, Kili a le m?? owe yi si?10 O si wi fun w?n pe, ?nyin li a fifun lati m?? ??r? ijinl? ij?ba ?l?run: ?ugb?n fun aw?n miran li owe; pe ni riri, ki nw?n ki o má le ri, ati ni gbigb? ki o má le yé w?n.11 Nj? owe na li eyi: Irugbin li ??r? ?l?run.12 Aw?n ti ?ba ??na li aw?n ti o gb??; nigbana li È?u wá o si mu ??r? na kuro li ?kàn w?n, ki nw?n ki o má ba gbagb??, ki a ma ?e gbà w?n là13 Aw?n ti ori apata li aw?n, nigbati nw?n gb??, nw?n fi ay?? gbà ??r? na; aw?n w?nyi kò si ni gbòngbo, nw?n a gbagb? fun sã di?; nigba idanwò, nw?n a pada s?hin.14 Aw?n ti o b? sinu ?gún li aw?n, nigbati nw?n gb?? tan, nw?n l?, nw?n a si fi it?ju ati ?r?? ati ir?ra aiye fun u pa, nw?n kò si le so eso asogbo.15 ?ugb?n ti il? rere li aw?n, ti nw?n fi ?kàn otit? ati rere gb? ?r? na, nw?n di i mu ?in?in, nw?n si fi s?ru so eso.
Ifaara Jesu se afihan awon ohun ijinle ijoba orun pelu owe. Owe akoko ti Luku se afihan re ni owe irugbin-ohun ti o wa laaye ti o se apejuwe awon ohun ti a nilo lati bomirin ati lati mu idagbasoke ba awon ohun ti Olorun furugbin sinu aye wa. Luku lo owe “irugbin-ati-afurugbin” gege bi akawe lori awon oro idagbasoke labe ese Re ati ninu eto Re. Koko Inu Idanilekoo:
Jesu so nipa owe irugbin. O bere nipa siso pe afurugbin kan jade lati furugbin sori ile. O furugbin naa si ori orisi ile merin-eba-ona, ori-apata, aarin-egun ati ile rere. Se akiyesi wipe ‘’awon irugbin’’ naa dogba, iyato won ni ile ti a furugbin si. Agbekale yii je ki o ye wa wipe gbogbo wa ni a ni eya Kristi kanna sugbon a n dagba ni ipele otooto nitori a gbin ara wa si ori ile otooto. Irugbin ti a gbin si eba ona ko ni aabo, ipa ona ti a n rin ti o si le ni ipa-ona ti won bo si. Awon irugbin yii ni awon eniyan te mole ni eba ona, awon eye oju orun si fi je pelu. Awon irugbin ori apata ko le fi gbongbo won mule , o si gbe, o si ku. Ile ori apata ko tumo si wipe awon okuta tabi awon apata kekeke ni o kun ori ile naa.Ile pata naa ni awon afoku apata labe iyepe feerefe ile naa. Irugbin naa dagba kiakia, gbongbo re si n dagba sugbon gbongbo naa fori so apata ko si le wale jin lati ri omi, oorun gbigbonaa jojo si je ki o ro, gbe, ki o si ku. Awon irugbin ti a furugbin si aarin egun dagba fun saa die, sugbon awon egun tete dagba kiakia ju awon irugbin naa lo, won si n gba opolopo ounje ile, won si fun awon eweko naa pa. Ni akotan, awon irugbin ti a gbin si ori ile rere n dagba gege bi ile olora yii se n fun won ni ounje ati alumoni ile lati dagba. Eleyi je ki o see se fun eweko naa lati pese ikore ti o po daradara. O so ogboogbon, ogotoota ati ogoroorun. Jesu ni afurugbin ninu owe yii, oro Re si ni irugbin. Awon ile naa ni awon okan awon eniyan ti won n gbo awon eko Re. Koko inu owe yii ni pe afurugbin sise tire, irugbin naa dara o si ni ilera, sugbon esi naa nii se pelu ori ile ti irugbin naa bo si. Ipo okan wa ni yio so bi ohun ti Olorun yoo mu jade ninu aye wa yoo ti dara to.
Awon omo ehin n teti si owe Jesu, sugbon oye re ko ye won. Nisisiyi, yio se o ni kayefi idi ti Jesu yoo fi maa pa owe ti oye re ko ye awon eniyan. Pataki sise akaye oro ni lati mu ki o ye awon eniyan. Sibe, ohun ti Jesu se niyii. Awon omo ehin fi igboya sunmo o lati beere itumo owe yii ati idi ti Jesu ko fi so itumo re fun awon eniyan.
Jesu dahun, o si wi fun won pe ‘’Eyin li a fifun lati mo oro ijinle ijoba orun…..’’. Eyi jasi wipe owe yii wa fun awon omo-ehin re ti won gbagbo ti won setan lati keko. O tu asiri otito ti o ti farasin, ti yoo si maa farasin si awon ti won ki n se omo-ehin Re. Oye otito yi ko le han si enikeni bikosepe olorun fi han an.
Itumo owe ni ‘’lati ju nkan soke legbe ara won’’. O je itan ti aye ti o ni itumo ohun ti orun ti a n koni. Bi o tile je pe owe naa se afihan otito, bakan naa ni o tun fi i pamo. Awon ara aye a maa gbo awon owe naa, sugbon oye re ko ye won. Jesu ko fi oye ijinle oro Re ye awon ero lasan nitori won ko ni i gba oro naa.
Owe yii se afihan awon koko merin ti o ye ki a gbeyewo.
d) Irugbin ti o bo si aarin egun : O so nipa okunrin ti o gbo oro naa, ti o fe gbaa, sugbon ohun kan di i lowo. O ni anfaani fun idagbasoke ti emi ti o duro tiiri, sugbon a maa fi opolopo ohun kun okan re to bee ti ko ni i si aaye fun Jesu. Ninu Marku 4 :19 ‘’Aniyan aye, ati itanje oro, ati ifekufe ohun miran si bo sinu won, nwon fun oro naa pa, beli o si je alaileso’’. O je oniye meji okunrin, bibeli wipe iru won ko le duro loju kan. O fe gbe igbesi aye re fun Olorun sugbon aniyan aye ko gba fun-un. Ohunkohun ti o ba ti se pataki ju Jesu lo je egun, a si gbodo yera fun won. Bi a ba ti feran ise, owo, awon omo wa, ilepa, boolu, ife-okan abbl, ju ibasepo wa pelu Olorun lo de`bi wipe a ko ni aaye lati ka oro Olorun tabi gbadura, awon ohun wonyi ti di egun lori ile aye wa. Won le fun igbesi aye emi wa pa, a ko si gbodo fi aaye gba won bi a ko ba fe je rara ninu emi. e)Irugbin ti o bo si ile rere: eyi se apejuwe onigbagbo ti o gbo oro Olorun, ti o ye e, o gba a,o si di i mu sinsin pelu gbogbo okan re. okan re fe lati mo ati lati se otito. A maa fi oro Olorun se ounje, o ni ifarada nipa siso eso iwa bi Olorun gege bi ife Olorun (Ise.A.Aposteli 17:11, Gal. 5:22-23).Eyi se apejuwe bi idagbasoke Kristieni se wa ni ipele. Ni Johanu 14:23, Jesu wipe ‘’bi enikeni ba feran mi, yoo pa oro mi mo, baba mi yio si feran re, awa o si too wa, a o si se ibugbe wa pelu re’’. A se eda Kristi ninu re(Gal. 4 :19) o si ni okan Kristi (Phil. 2:5). O gba oro naa gbo, aye re si yipada nipase re. Esi aye ti o yipada yii ni pe yoo maa so eso. Gbogbo wa ni a mo ohun ti eso je. O je idagba ti ode fun eweko ti o wa laaye. Eso ti emi je ijejade iwalaye Emi-mimo ninu aye e onigbagbo ati eri idagbasoke. Amulo Eko A ko ninu eko naa wipe afurugbin fun irugbin naa si ibi gbogbo. A fun wa ni ise lati furugbin si ibi gbogbo ki a si gbe omo-eyin dide fun Kristi. Bakan naa ni a rii wipe siso eso irugbin ni i se pelu ipo ti okan kaluku wa. Owe naa so itesiwaju irin-ajo emi Kristieni. Bi o ba gbo oro Olorun, ipele akoko ni lati gba oro naa(o le gba a tabi ki o ko o). Ni ikorita yii, o le duro tabi ki o subu. Ekeji ni ipele ti gbongbo, ti gbongbo re ko ba rinle daradara, a re danu laipe ojo. Ipele keta ni ti aniyan aye; nigbati oro ati idaamu aye ba de. Nibi yii, a nilati rii daju pe a ko fi aaye gba idaamu ati oro aye yii lati gba okan wa kuro ni ijoba orun. Ipele ti o gbeyin ni ti eyi ti o n so eso,nigba ti a n lo irugbin Olorun lori aye wa daradara lati jere ayeraye ti yio fi ogo fun Olorun. Fun ipele ti o gbeyin ninu siso eso, a tun ri orisi ipele esi-ogbon, ogota ati ogorun. A ri iru oore-ofe kan naa sugbon esi ti o yato, ti o tumo si pe ki a lo ebun Olorun lori aye wa daadaa nipa ise-isin pipe . Paulu so iriri re ni 1Cor.15 :10 ‘’…sugbon mo sise lopolopo ju gbogbo won lo : sugbon kii se emi, bikose ore-ofeOlorun ti o wa pelu mi’’. Ki aye wa ki o maa dagba ki o si so eso rere fun Oluwa ni oruko Jesu. Amin |
Week 27:13th to 19th March, 2016 Bible Study Title: Dimensions of maturity: Four types of seed, one sower, different harvest Bible Study Text: Luke 8:1-15 Full Bible reference: 1 Now it came to pass, afterward, that He went through every city and village, preaching and bringing the glad tidings of the kingdom of God. And the twelve were with Him, 2 and certain women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities--Mary called Magdalene, out of whom had come seven demons, 3 and Joanna the wife of Chuza, Herod's steward, and Susanna, and many others who provided for Him from their substance. 4 And when a great multitude had gathered, and they had come to Him from every city, He spoke by a parable: 5 "A sower went out to sow his seed. And as he sowed, some fell by the wayside; and it was trampled down, and the birds of the air devoured it. 6 "Some fell on rock; and as soon as it sprang up, it withered away because it lacked moisture. 7 "And some fell among thorns, and the thorns sprang up with it and choked it. 8 "But others fell on good ground, sprang up, and yielded a crop a hundredfold." When He had said these things He cried, "He who has ears to hear, let him hear!" 9 Then His disciples asked Him, saying, "What does this parable mean?" 10 And He said, "To you it has been given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God, but to the rest it is given in parables, that 'Seeing they may not see, And hearing they may not understand.' 11 "Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God. 12 "Those by the wayside are the ones who hear; then the devil comes and takes away the word out of their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved. 13 "But the ones on the rock are those who, when they hear, receive the word with joy; and these have no root, who believe for a while and in time of temptation fall away. 14 "Now the ones that fell among thorns are those who, when they have heard, go out and are choked with cares, riches, and pleasures of life, and bring no fruit to maturity. 15 "But the ones that fell on the good ground are those who, having heard the word with a noble and good heart, keep it and bear fruit with patience. Introduction Jesus expressed the mysteries of the kingdom in parables. The first that Luke shared was on the seed – a living entity that describes the conditions required for the nurturing and maturity of the investment of God in us. Luke used the “seed – and - sower” parable as a relevant parallel on the issues of maturing at His feet and in His purpose. Teachings:
Jesus spoke about the parable of the seed. He started by saying a farmer went out to sow his seed upon the ground. He sowed the seeds in four places - besides the road, on rocky ground, among thorns and in a good soil. Notice here that the “seeds” are all the same, the difference lies in the soil in which it was sown. This concept is a proof that we all have the same image of Christ but will mature at different paces because we immerse ourselves in different “soils” The seed beside the road was not protected and the path is a hardened walkway. The seeds were walked on by those passing by and eaten by the birds. The seed on the rocky ground couldn't establish its roots and so it withered and died. The rocky ground does not mean that the ground is filled with stones or rocks in it. The rock was a shelf of rock underlying a thin layer of soil. The seed quickly germinated and started to grow but the roots hit the rock and could not get down to moisture, so the hot sun caused the plant to wilt, wither and die. The seed sown among thorns grew for some time, but the thorns grew faster than the plants, taking up most of the nourishment from the soil, choked it up. Lastly, the seed sown on the good soil grew as the rich, fertile ground provided moisture and nourishment. This enabled the plant to produce an abundant harvest. It yielded thirty fold, sixty fold, and hundred fold. One grain of seed produced by a hundred grains. Jesus is the farmer in this story and His word is the seed. The grounds are the hearts of men who were listening to His teachings. The point of this story is that the farmer did its job and the seed is sufficient and healthy, but the result depends on the ground on which it fell. The state of our heart will determine the quality of output that God will bring forth in our lives.
The disciples were listening to the parable of Jesus when He was teaching but they could not understand its meaning. Now, you would wonder why Jesus will teach parables that people did not understand. After all, illustrations are meant to be understood and shed more light on the topic being discussed. Yet, that was what Jesus did. So, the disciples mustered up courage to ask for the meaning of the parable and why He did not reveal the meaning. Jesus replied and said "...To you has been given the mystery of the kingdom of God..." This implies that the parable is only meant for His believing and teachable disciples to understand. It reveals hidden truth that had been previously hidden and will continue to be to those who are not His disciples. This truth cannot be understood by any man himself, except God revealed them so that man can know it. The word Parable means "to throw up alongside". It is an earthly story alongside a heavenly truth that is been taught. Although, the parable illustrated the truth, it also hid it. The worldly-minded people only heard the parables, they did not understand the meaning. Jesus did not provide a fuller revelation of His spiritual message to the multitudes because of their willful rejection of His messages. 4 Dimensions of Maturity - Luke 8:11-15 This Parable represents four major points of consideration.
Anything that is important more than Jesus Christ is a thorn and we must do away with it. When we value our work, business, children, pursuit, football clubs, passions etc., more than our relationship with God, to the extent that we don't have time to pray or study the word of God, those things have become thorns on our soil. They can slowly and gradually choke up our spiritual life and thus must be avoided if we do not want a stunted maturity. 4. The seed sown in the good soil: This represents a Christian who hears the Word of God, understands it, accepts it, and holds fast to it ,along with total commitment and consecration. His heart is interested in knowing and obeying the truth. Daily, he feeds on the Word of God, and endures by producing fruit of godly living according to the will of God (Acts 17:11, Gal. 5:22-23). This represents how Christian maturity is a growth process. In John 14:23, Jesus said "If a man loves me, he will keep my word, and my father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him". Christ is formed in Him (Gal. 4:19) and he has the mind of Christ (Phil. 2:5). He believed the word and his life was changed by it. The result of this changed life is that he bears fruit. We all know what a fruit is. It is the natural outgrowth of a living plant. The fruit of the spirit is the supernatural outgrowth of the presence of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer and a proof of maturity. Lessons/Practical application We learnt in the study that the sower sowed his seed everywhere. We are been given the commission to sow the seed everywhere and make disciples for Christ. We can also see that the fruitfulness of the seed strongly depend on the state of the heart of every life. The parable also showed the progression of every Christian spiritual journey. As you hear the word, the first stage is the acceptance of the word (you can accept or reject it). At this point, you can either fall away or stand. The second is the root stage, if you allow your root to be shallow; it will wither away with time. The third stage is the life pressure mode; when the worry and riches of life come. Here, we must be careful not to allow the cares and riches of this world to distract us from the kingdom. The last stage is the fruitful stage, when we maximize the investment of God to produce eternal result that brings glory to God. For the last stage of fruitfulness, we also see different levels of results – 30, 60, and 100. We see here same grace but different result, which indicate a need to maximize God’s investment through total sense of service. Paul shared his personal experience in 1 Cor. 15 vs 10 –“but I laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me” May our lives mature and yield maximum fruit for the Lord in Jesus name. Amen. |
Ose Ketadinlogbon: 6th-12th March, 2016 Akori Eko Bibelli: Mimoriri eda Olorun: Awon Farisi ati Obinrin elese naa Ese Bibeli: Luku 7 :36-50 Ese Bibeli Lekunrere 36 Farisi kan si r?? ? ki o wá ba on j?un. O si w?? ile Farisi na l? o si joko lati j?un.37 Si kiyesi i, obinrin kan wà ni ilu na, ?niti i?e ?l???, nigbati o m?? pe Jesu joko nj?un ni ile Farisi, o mu oruba alabastar ororo ikunra wá,O si duro tì i l?ba ?s? r?? l?hin, o ns?kun, o si b??r? si ifi omije w?? ? li ?s?, o si nfi irun ori r?? nù u nù, o si nfi ?nu kò o li ?s?, o si nfi ororo kùn w?n.39 Nigbati Farisi ti o pè e si ri i, o wi ninu ara r?? pe, ?kunrin yi iba ?e woli, iba m?? ?ni ati irú ?niti obinrin yi i?e ti nfi ?w?? kan a: nitori ?l??? ni.40 Jesu si dahùn wi fun u pe, Simoni, Mo ni ohun kan is? fun ?. O si dahùn wipe, Oluk?ni, mã wa41Onigbese kan wà ti o ni ajigbese meji: ?kan j? ? ni ?d?gb?ta owo id?, ekeji si j? ? ni ad?ta.42 Nigbati nw?n kò si ni ti nw?n o san, o darijì aw?n mejeji. Wi, ninu aw?n mejeji tani yio f? ? jù?43 Simoni dahùn o si wipe, mo ?ebi ?niti o darijì jù ni. O si wi fun u pe, O wi i 're.44 O si yipada si obinrin na, o wi fun Simoni pe, Iw? ri obinrin yi? Emi w?? ile r?, omi wiw?? ?s? iw? kò fifun mi: ?ugb?n on, omije li o fi nr?jo si mi li ?s?, irun ori r?? li o fi nnù w?n nù.45 If?nukonu iw? kò fi fun mi: ?ugb?n on, nigbati mo ti w?? ile, ko dab?? ?nu ifi kò mi li ?s?.46 Iw? kò fi oróro pa mi li ori: ?ugb?n on ti fi ororo pa mi li ?s47 Nj? mo wi fun ?, A dari ???? r?? ti o p?? jì i; nitoriti o ni if? pip?: ?niti a si dari di? jì, on na li o ni if? di?48 O si wi fun u pe, A dari ???? r? jì ?.49Aw?n ti o bá a joko nj?un si b??r? si irò ninu ara w?n pe, Tali eyi ti ndari ???? jì-ni p?lu?50 O si dahùn wi fun obinrin na pe, Igbagb?? r? gbà ? là; mã l? li alafia. Ifaara Jesu jeun pelu awon ti a bowo fun lawujo. O n lo gbogbo anfaani ti o ni lati fi owo kan aye igba tire si rere ati mu irohin igbala to won wa. Ninu eko yii, a ri bi Jesu se je ipe eni eye kan ni awujo, ti a n pe ni Simoni-Farisi. O je asa ni akoko naa lati pe awon olukoni ti won rinrin-ajo wa si ile eni. Simoni n laka lati mo iru eni ti Jesu je ni o se pe E wa si ile re fun ase. Nibe ni Jesu ti se alabapade obinrin kan ti o je elese ti o si da ororo ikunra alabastar si I ni ese. A oo maa ko nipa eda Idariji Olorun ati bi o se nii se pelu ipa ona idagbasoke wa. Idanilekoo
Simoni je ara Heberu, o si di gbogbo asa awon Juu nipa Rabbi mu sinsin. O ni akanse aga ninu sinagogu, o maa n gbadura leemejilojumo, o maa n ka awon oro awon woli beeniko si fi ajosepo awon keferi ba ara re je,abbl. Ni ojo kan, Simoni-Farisi gbo wipe Jesu wa ninu ilu. O ti gbo nipa awon eko ati oniruuru ise iyanu ti Jesu ti se. Nitorinaa, o roo lati pe Jesu wa si ile re fun ase asale. O fe mo sii nipa Jesu, o si fe baa foro jomitoro oro Jesu gba ipe Simoni, o siwa si ile re.
Bi won ti joko yi tabili ounje ka ti won gbadun awon ounje adidun ti o wa niwaju won, lojiji ni obinrin kan ba jawole. Gbogbo eniyan ni o mo obinrin yi gege bi elese paraku. O gbe igbesi aye ti o kun fun ese ati iwa eeri. Opolopo tile gbagbo wipe asewo ni, nitori eleyi, won kii je ki o wo inu sinagogu be si ni won kii je ki o darapo mo won ni ibi ariya tabi lawujo, sugbon ni odo ikun re lohun, o n pohungbe, o si n lakaka fun ayipada bi o si ti gbo wipe Jesu wa ninu ilu, ko jafara lati wa ba Jesu pade bi o tile je wipe eyi lodi si asa ile naa Nigba ti o wo ile Simoni, o lo taara si ibi ti Jesu wa, o si se awari ese Jesu. Ni orilede yi, awon okunrin ma n dubule yi tabili ka ni ibi ase, ese won yoo si wa leyin won, ko to Jesu wa taara, o lo si ibi ti ese Jesu wa gege bi omo-odo. O wa pelu oruba alabastar ororo ikunra. Oruko igo ororo naa ni a mu jade lati ara okuta alabastar, ninu okuta yii ni a si ti se ororo naa. Awon igo ororo ti a se lati inu okuta alabastar yii ni won dara ju ni igba naa. Ororo ikunra yii se iyebiye lopolopo. Bi o ti pinnu lati fi ororo yi kun ese Re, okan re gbogbe, omije oju re si n kan si Jesu lese. O tu irun ori re ni ita gbangba, o si n fi nu omije re nu kuro lese Jesu. Apoti Alabastar naa duro fun ohun ti o dara ju ni aye obinrin yii ti o si fi tokan-tokan jowo re lese Jesu, o n wa ayipada nitooto ati iriri igbala. O ni okan irele ti o gbogbe fun ironupiwada.
Jesu dari ese obirin naa jii o si tewo gba okan irele re. Sugbon Simoni ko naani oun ti obirin yi n se lese Jesu. O wi ninu ara re wipe, ‘’okunrin yii iba se woli, iba mo eni ati iru eniti obirin yi i se ti o n fi owo kan a, nitori elese ni. O roo wipe ki Jesu to le je ki obirin yii fowo kan Oun, ko mo igbesi aye re, o si le maa je wolii. O ro o wipe ko si wolii tooto ti yio gba ki elese dojuti ohun ni gba n gba. Simoni ko ni oye ise-iranse Jesu lati mu elese wa si ironupiwada. Jesu, je arinurode, olumoran okan, o mo ohun ti o n lo lokan Simoni, Jesu wi fun un pe Oun ni oro lati ba a so. Simoni si dahun pe, ‘’maa wi, Olukoni’’. Jesu so owe ajigbese meji fun un. Awon meji yii je ajigbese ponbele. Won ya owo lowo olowo kan , okan je eedegbeta owo ide, ekeji si jee ni aadota (owo ide kere sugbon o ni ye lori), o je owo ise oojo fun alagbase kan. Bi o ba wo owo ti won n je, ti okan fi ilopo mewa po ju t i enikeji lo, sibesibe, ododo ibe ni wipe awon mejeeji n je gbese, won ko si rii san. Nigba ti awon okunrin yii ko le san gbese won, onigbese yii dariji won. O dari gbogbo igbese won ji won patapata lai beere ohunkohun. Jesu yipada si Simoni o si beere lowo re wipe ‘’ninu awon mejeeji, tani yi o fe e ju?(7:42). Simony si dahun o si wi fun un pe ‘’eniti o dariji ju ni’’ Itan yi so nipa emi imoore eni ti a dariji-eniti o ni oye wipe igbese oun ni o poju yii o dupe ju eniti o ro wipe igbese oun ko to nnkan . Simoni-Farisi ko ni oye igbese nla ti o je. O ro wipe oun dara ju obirin elese yii lo. Paapaa julo, Farisi ni, o si ni oye ilana esin daradara, a maa gbawe leemeji lose, a maa da ore ninu tempili abbl. Obinrin yii ni tire mo wipe elese ni oun, a si ti le e jade ninu sinagogu. Ko ni iruju nipa ipo re niwaju Olorun. O se alaini nipa ti emi, o si n pohungbe gidigidi fun ododo ti ko ni.
Jesu se afiwe ti o gbooro laarin Farisi onigberaga yii ati obinrin ti o ronupiwada yii. Bi o tile je pe alejo ti a fiwe pe ni Jesu, o olugbalejo Oun ko pese awon ohun amuye igbalejo. Simoni ko bikita lati pese omi lati fo ese nigbati Jesu de. (Gen18 :4), sugbon obinrin yii ti fi omije re fo ese Jesu. Simoni ko fi ifenukonu kii, sugbon obinrin yii fi enu ko O ni ese. Simoni ko tile lo ororo olowo kekere lati kun ori Jesu(Orin Dafidi23 :5), sugbon obinrin yii lo ororo ikunra olowo iyebiye lati kun ese Jesu. Afiwe yii ba iye awa ti a ti fi tokan-tokan jowo eyi ti o dara ju fun Jesu wi, lai naani alumo-koro-yi ti a n se nipa iyasoto wa. Olorun le e se ayewo okan wa lati mo boya eyi ti o dara ju ni a fi sile. Eniyan mimo ti o n dagba soke ninu emi a maa mu eyi ti o dara ju ninu aye won wa fun Oluwa re wa gege bi obinrin yii ; ti o mu gbogbo igbesi ayee re wa ninu idiyele apoti alabastar naa Obinrin yii kuro ninu ile Simoni pelu apoti alabastar ti o sofo sugbon pelu okan ti o kun fun ayo ati alaafia. Koko Inu Idanilekoo :
Gege bi awon okunrin meji ti won je gbese ninu itan Jesu, gbogbo wa ni a ri bee. Opolopo wa ni a ni lati fi opolopo ese ji, nigbati ese awon elomiran kere. Sugbon ninu osuwon Olorun, elese ni elese n je, nitori gbogbo eniyan ni o saa ti se. A ko le gberaga wipe ese wa kere ju ti awon elomiran lo
Se nitooto ni o nife Olorun? Se aye re n se afihan ipo ti okan re wa fun idariji awon ese re ? Bi a ba ti dari ji o lopolopo, o ye ki o le nife Olorun lopolopo. Ko ya`ni lenu pe awon igaara olosa ti won ba di atunbi maa n lo gbogbo akoko ati agbara won fun Olorun, paapaa julo ninu ijere okan fun Kristi nitori won ni imolara ibukun idariji, won yoo si fi ife won han nipase ojuse ijihin-rere ti o loorin. Bawo ni o se moriri idariji ese ati igbala re si nipa fifi ife Olorun han si awon elese ni agbegbe re ? Ibasepo wa laarin igbagbo ati ife re. ko se e se lati gbeke re le Olorun lai nife Re, bakan naa ni a ko le nife Olorun, lai gbekele Etabi gba Agbo, ati sise alabapin ise rere re pelu awon elomiran. Amulo Eko O je eda Olorun lati dari gbogbo ese waji wa, yala o tobi tabi o kere, a maa fi oju kan naa wo ese John Newton- Arakunrin ti o ko orin ‘Amazing Grace’ gbe ni ilu England ni 1700. O je odomokunrin ti oburu jai. O di adari oko oju omi ti o maa n gbe awon eru lati ilu Africa lo si awon orile-ede miiran, a si maa pon awon eru naa loju jojo, ko si bikita ohunkohun. Sugbon ni ojo kan, iji sowo odi si oko John Newton,eru iku si ba a. O gbadura si Olorun ki O gba oun la ati fun idariji ese gbogbo iwa buburu re. Igbesi aye John gba ayipada otun.O mo oore lopolopo, inu re si dun nitori pe Olorun dari gbogbo iwa buburu re ji i. O bere si ni sin Olorun, o si n ran awon elomiran lowo. John di oniwaasu nla ni ilu oba. O ko opolopo orin ti o so nipa ayo ti o wa ninu idariji ese. Orin ti o gbajumo ju ninu won ni ‘’Amazing Grace’’. |
Week 27: 6th to 12th March, 2016 Bible Study Title: Appreciating God's nature: The Pharisee and the sinful woman Bible Study Text: Luke 7:36-50 Full Bible reference: 36 Then, one of the Pharisees asked Him to eat with him. And He went to the Pharisee's house, and sat down to eat. 37 And behold, a woman in the city who was a sinner, when she knew that Jesus sat at the table in the Pharisee's house, brought an alabaster flask of fragrant oil, 38 and stood at His feet behind Him weeping; and she began to wash His feet with her tears, and wiped them with the hair of her head; and she kissed His feet and anointed them with the fragrant oil. 39 Now when the Pharisee who had invited Him saw this, he spoke to himself, saying, "This man, if He were a prophet, would know who and what manner of woman this is who is touching Him, for she is a sinner." 40 And Jesus answered and said to him, "Simon, I have something to say to you." So he said, "Teacher, say it." 41 "There was a certain creditor who had two debtors. One owed five hundred denarii, and the other fifty. 42 "And when they had nothing with which to repay, he freely forgave them both. Tell Me, therefore, which of them will love him more?" 43 Simon answered and said, "I suppose the one whom he forgave more." And He said to him, "You have rightly judged." 44 Then He turned to the woman and said to Simon, "Do you see this woman? I entered your house; you gave Me no water for My feet, but she has washed My feet with her tears and wiped them with the hair of her head. 45 "You gave Me no kiss, but this woman has not ceased to kiss My feet since the time I came in. 46 "You did not anoint My head with oil, but this woman has anointed My feet with fragrant oil. 47 "Therefore I say to you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much. But to whom little is forgiven, the same loves little." 48 Then He said to her, "Your sins are forgiven." 49 And those who sat at the table with Him began to say to themselves, "Who is this who even forgives sins?" 50 Then He said to the woman, "Your faith has saved you. Go in peace." Introduction to Study Jesus dined with those who were respected in the community. He was using all the opportunities available to touch His world and bring the message of His salvation. In this study, we see Jesus accepting the invitation of a respected member of the community called Simon - a Pharisee. It was customary to invite travelling teachers to one's home. Simon was curious and he wanted to observe Jesus closely and he invited Him to a meal in his home. It was here Jesus met with a woman who was a sinner who poured alabaster oil on his feet. We shall learn the forgiving nature of God and how it relates to our path of maturity. Teachings:
Simon was a Hebrew and he held tightly to all of the Jewish traditions of the rabbis. He had a seat in the synagogue, he prayed twice a day, he read the words of the prophets, and he did not defile himself through association with the Gentiles, etc. One day, Simon - the Pharisee - heard that Jesus was in town. He had heard about Jesus' teachings and miracles. So, he thought of inviting Him over to his house for dinner. He wanted to know more about Jesus and have a discussion with Him. Jesus accepted Simon's dinner invitation and went to his house.
As they were at the table reclining and enjoying their dinner, a woman suddenly interrupted them. This woman was known by everyone to be a sinner. She lived an immoral lifestyle. Some assumed she was a prostitute because of this, she was prevented from entering the synagogue. She was not allowed to participate in any social activities in the city, but, deep down in her heart, there was a yearning and genuine desire for a change and hearing that Jesus was in town, she did not hesitate to step forward, against the tradition to have an encounter with Jesus. When she entered Simon's house, she came to where Jesus was reclining and located His feet. In that country, men would lie on couches around the table as they ate. Their feet would be behind them. She did not approach Jesus directly; she went straight to His feet, taking the position of a servant. She came with alabaster oil - a perfume. The container derived its name from the alabaster stone of which it was usually made. The containers made of alabaster were the best. It was a very expensive perfume. As she planned to anoint His feet with the perfume, she was overcome with emotion and her tears fell on His feet. She unloosened her hair in public, use it to wipe the tears from Jesus' feet. The alabaster box represents all the best of her life, which she willingly threw down at the feet of Jesus, seeking for a true change and experience of salvation. She was broken and has a contrite spirit
Jesus forgave the woman and accepted her humble show of gratitude. But, Simon was not moved by what the woman was doing at the feet of Jesus. He said to himself, "if this man knew what kind of woman she is, he wouldn't allow her to touch him". He thought that for Jesus to allow this woman to touch him shows that he did not know her lifestyle and He may not be a prophet. He concluded that no true prophet would allow himself to be disgraced by contact with such a sinner. Simon did not understand the mission of Jesus in bringing sinners to repentance. Jesus could read Simon's thoughts. Jesus told Simon that He had something to tell him. Simon said "Say on, Teacher". Jesus then told him a parable of the two debtors. These two people were neck deep in debt. They borrowed money from a moneylender. One owed five hundred denarii while the second man owed fifty denarii (A denarii is a little but valuable coin). It was considered to be a day's wage for a labourer. If you look at the amount they owed, one was 10 times higher than the other one. However, the similarity between these two men is that they owed money but couldn't pay their debt. When these men couldn't pay their debt, the moneylender forgave them. He forgave the entire debt with no conditions attached. Jesus turned to Simon and asked him “which of them therefore will love him more" (7:42). Simon answered him and said "...I suppose the one whom he forgave more". This story addressed the gratitude of the forgiven - the person who is aware that his debt his higher will be more grateful than the one who feels his debt is not that bad. Simon the Pharisee was not aware of the great debt he owed. He thought, he is far above the sinful woman. After all, he is a Pharisee, he is doctrinally correct, fasts twice a week, gives offering in the temple etc. Whereas, this woman knew she had lived a sinful lifestyle and barred from the synagogue. She doesn't have illusions over her position before God. She is spiritually broke and hungers and thirsts for the righteousness she did not have.
Jesus drew a bold contrast between the proud Pharisee and the repentant woman. Even though Jesus was an invited guest, He mentioned that His host had not offered the usual expressions of hospitality. Simon had not provided water for foot-washing when Jesus arrived. (Gen. 18:4). But the woman had wet His feet with her tears. Simon did not greet Him with a kiss (Gen. 45:15), but the woman had kissed His feet. Simon did not use cheap oil to anoint Jesus' head (Psa. 23:5), but the woman used a very expensive perfumed ointment to anoint His feet. This comparison speaks to how many of us have genuinely given our best to Jesus, irrespective of the camouflage of our consecration. God can evaluate the depth of our consecration to see if they are really our best. A maturing saint brings his or her best to the master like this woman; who brought her whole life represented in the cost of the alabaster box. The woman left Simon's house with an empty box of alabaster oil, but a heart full of joy and peace. Key Lessons:
Just like the two men who owed debt in Jesus' story, we were all like that. Some of us had to be forgiven for a lot of sins, while others' sins were little. But on God’s weighting a sinner is a sinner because all have sinned. We cannot take pride that we are less of sinner than someone else.
Do you really love the Lord? Does your life reflect your heart’s desire to repenta for the forgiveness of your sins? If you have been forgiven much, then it is natural that you will also love the Lord much. No wonder, armed robbers who became Christians go the extra mile for Jesus because they just feel the blessing of forgiveness and will show their love through radical evangelism. How much do you appreciate your forgiveness and salvation through your act of showing God’s love to sinners around you? There is a relationship between your faith and your love. You cannot trust in the Lord without loving Him and you cannot love the Lord without trusting or believing in Him and also, sharing His goodness to others. Practical Application It is the nature of God to forgive all our sins whether big or small. He treats sin the same way. John Newton - the man who wrote the hymn "Amazing Grace" - lived in England in the 1700s. He was a very wicked young man. He became the captain of a ship which carried slaves from Africa to other countries. He was cruel to the slaves and didn’t care how much he did wrong. Then, one day John Newton’s ship was in a storm. He was afraid he might die. He prayed and asked God to save him and forgive him of all his wickedness. John’s life was completely changed. He was so thankful and happy because God forgave him all of his sins. He began to serve God and help others. John became a great preacher in England. He wrote many songs that expressed the joy of being forgiven. The most well-known song he ever wrote was “Amazing Grace.” |
Week 26: 28th February to 5th March, 2016 Bible Study Title: The closure of John’s Ministry: God's principle of order and timing Bible Study Text: Luke 7:17-28 Full Bible reference: 17 And this report about Him went throughout all Judea and all the of the surrounding regions. 18 Then the disciples of John reported to him concerning all these things. 19 And John, calling two of his disciples to him, sent them to Jesus, saying, "Are You the Coming One, or do we look for another?" 20 When the men had come to Him, they said, "John the Baptist has sent us to You, saying, 'Are You the Coming One, or do we look for another?'" 21 And that very hour He cured many of infirmities, afflictions, and evil spirits; and to many blind He gave sight. 22 Jesus answered and said to them, "Go and tell John the things you have seen and heard: that the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, the poor have the gospel preached to them. 23 "And blessed is he who is not offended because of Me." 24 When the messengers of John had departed, He began to speak to the multitudes concerning John: "What did you go out into the wilderness to see? A reed shaken by the wind? 25 "But what did you go out to see? A man clothed in soft garments? Indeed those who are gorgeously appareled and live in luxury are in kings' courts. 26 "But what did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I say to you, and more than a prophet. 27 "This is he of whom it is written: 'Behold, I send My messenger before Your face, Who will prepare Your way before You.' 28 "For I say to you, among those born of women there is not a greater prophet than John the Baptist; but he who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he." Introduction to Study This is the second study that explores the uniqueness of the ministry of John and to understand how God must mature us in submission to order and divine rules. Every man has his path in ministry and God determines the phases of each person. It takes an heart of maturity to start and to handover to someone else, because we must realise that God has a master plan and we may have a part to play in it, which we must do and allow the next person to proceed. We have seen how John began his ministry in a great way. He showed up on the scene and declared the kingdom of heaven was at hand and people gathered around him to hear his teachings and to be baptized by him. When Jesus went to the Jordan River, John showed Him to the people as the Messiah, the Lamb of God who comes to take away the sins of the world. As Jesus' ministry progressed, John's ministry was beginning to decline. What a reality of the divine order! In this study, we will learn about John's ministry and its end, especially the emotional trauma and confusion that came with it, as key learning points for us on the path of maturity. Teaching: 1. John's doubt about the Kingdom - Luke 7:17-20 John was arrested by Herod Antipas for condemning his sinful lifestyle. While in prison, he started having doubts about Jesus. He had declared that the kingdom of God is at hand and he had been waiting for weeks and months, and there seems to be no kingdom. Things looked dark from inside of the prison, so he couldn't fathom what was going on. He started asking questions - Why is the kingdom delaying? Could he have made a mistake? Didn't Isaiah promised that the Messiah will release the prisoners and free the captives? Why are things not happening the way I had seen it in revelation? Why is revival tarrying? Oftentimes, this is the same pain that many, who were told of a coming great revival in The African Church in the past may be passing through today. Some are now full time ministers, missionaries and some even left reputable roles in the established Pentecostal churches to join this great move and are now at a stage of confusion because things are not at the optimal level of manifestation. In this study, John did not realise that this prophecy would be fulfilled at the second coming of the Lord Jesus. He had not seen the present and the future in true perspective. Prophets were given a message but their revelation often did not include an understanding of how the prediction would be fulfilled. This is why Paul said-“we know in part and we prophesy in part”. 1 Cor 13:9 2. Jesus' Response to John's Question - Luke 7:21-23) When the disciples of John got to Jesus and told Him what John said, Jesus replied "... go and report to John what you have seen and heard: the blind receive sight, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, the poor have the gospel preached to them. 23 Blessed is he who does not take offence in Me." Jesus did not get angry at John because he doubted Him. He did not say "tell John that I am personally disappointed in Him”. He did not pour out curses and lamentations on John like many pastors do these days when people genuinely expressed natural doubt and sincere concern. Jesus did not say “was he not the one who prophesied my coming and even witnessed God's affirmation of me during my baptism at the Jordan River”? He did not speak like our modern day prophets, who will say “Tell him he needs repentance, I curse him with my calling which he saw when heaven opened and a voice came that I am the beloved son”. No, no no. Jesus never did these. He did not rebuke John. He identified with the reality of John in prison and simply told him to look at the miracles and judge for himself. 3. John's Declining Ministry - Luke 7:24-28 Even while John’s ministry was declining, Jesus continued to affirm it and He even celebrated John to the high heavens. Remember, He is not one of those who are glad about the downfall or pain of others. He asserted that the people must have seen something unique in John. John was a prophet about whom other prophets had prophesied. "This is the one about whom it is written, ‘Behold, I send My messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way before you.’" (Luke 7:27). Jesus gladly told the people about the greatness of John. "I say to you, among those born of women there is no one greater than John. Yet, he who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he" (7:28). Meaning, there has never been anyone greater than John the Baptist. However, when it comes to the spiritual realm, the least person here is greater than the greatest person in the earthly realm. The greatness of John did not rest in his personality but rather in His unique role as forerunner of the Messiah. He was privileged to be identified with the Messiah. Because of this, he was the greatest of the whole human race before Christ established His kingdom. The establishment of the kingdom of Jesus Christ is the dividing line of human history. John had a place of greatness in the era of preparation but even the least in Christ's kingdom has greater benefits. Key Lessons: Doubts must not take a root As Christians, like John, we sometimes doubt the promises of God for our lives, especially when it is taking long for it to be fulfilled. It is permissible to doubt as humans, but it is wrong when it persists and take hold on our lives to a point of hopelessness and utter disappointment. It is therefore a right attitude to genuinely communicate our doubts and concerns with our brethren and leaders. God knows how we feel and He still cares for us all the same. The bible says in 2 Tim. 2:13, "If we are faithless, He remains faithful; for He cannot deny Himself". Practical application In our study above, it is clear that John was going through emotional trauma that often happens when things do not happen the way we had anticipated them to happen. This is the reality for many business people, who had a great idea (which they thought no one else in the world has ever thought about) and had imagined that as soon as they start, money will start rolling in. The reality get dawn when they start and things continued on a slow pace, especially the combined frustration of a start-up, rejection by people, inability to pay bills, demand of government etc. It is a normal cycle and we have to be strong, especially when the Lord has given a word before we went ahead. Moments of doubt will creep in but it is the assurance we have in God that proves our maturity and strengthens us by faith. Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, to everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: Everything in life has timing and purpose. A reputable man of God was called of God to start his ministry in Lagos. After some years, the ministry grew and they had a lot of members. The Lord spoke to him that his work in that ministry is over in Lagos. He told him to relocate to the East to start another ministry. The pastor was not happy with the direction as he was just starting to enjoy the reward of ministry. However, he sought for counsel and he relocated. Everything has timing. Everyone that God brings into our lives have been placed there for a season and a purpose. If we don't recognise it, then, it becomes harder to move on in life. Many missionaries, who chose to leave great careers to pursue God in unknown places, also get to a stage of doubt and sometimes regret. Their lamentation often is that “as soon as I get to this village, a great revival will break forth.” No, we are not God and we do not know His timetable. Whatever He had promised to do, He will do at His own time and not when we think; based on our limited interpretation of the vision and prophesies that went ahead of us. May the Lord mature us to stand with God in times like these, even when things are not going the way we expect, especially on matters where we have heard the Lord speak expressly in Jesus name. |
Week 25: 21st to 27th February, 2016 Bible Study Title: Maturing in compassion Bible Study Text: Luke 7:11-17 Full Bible reference: 11 Now it happened, the day after, that He went into a city called Nain; and many of His disciples went with Him and a large crowd. 12 And when He came near the gate of the city, behold, a dead man was being carried out, the only son of his mother; and she was a widow. And a large crowd from the city was with her. 13 When the Lord saw her, He had compassion on her and said to her, "Do not weep." 14 Then, He came and touched the open coffin, and those who carried him stood still. And He said, "Young man, I say to you, arise." 15 So he who was dead sat up and began to speak. And He presented him to his mother. 16 Then fear came upon all, and they glorified God, saying, "A great prophet has risen up among us"; and, "God has visited His people." 17 And this report about Him went throughout all Judea and all the surrounding region.
Introduction to Study We now live in a world where we all seem to be losing our sense of feeling. We hear news about death and it does not touch our hearts in any way. We seem to be turning into a frigid, cold, and emotionless people, who care less about what happens around. The sign of pain and suffering do not leave any impact on our sense of being. The pattern Son, Jesus, lived a life of compassion – He felt the suffering, pain, and troubles of the people around Him and He responded positively with the warmth of God. One of the main marks of maturity is the depth of compassion that we show in relation to the world around us. In this study, we will explore how Jesus left the house of the Centurion to continue on His journey. He was going to Nain -a city located about 25 miles from Capernaum. He was coming with a crowd of people who were happy because of what happened to the Centurion's servant. As they approached the gate of the city, they saw a crowd of people who were accompanying a widow, who was on her way to bury her son. This widow had an encounter with Jesus that changed her life forever. Teaching
Jesus met the widow woman on her way to the burial ground. She was going to bury her only son and she was in deep agony. This woman had lost her husband and her only son. That means that she had lost everything she had. This woman did not solicit for Jesus' help. It was Jesus that reached out to help her because He felt compassion for her. She had a deep need and He moved to fill that need. This is Christianity in action: when we rise to meet the need of others before they make a demand on us. Jesus Christ had genuine pity and loving concern for the lowly and the needy. His words and deeds showed God’s merciful and gracious nature in action. Jesus compassion was a daily activation of love in motion as He moved from one place to another 1. Jesus raised the widow's son from death - Luke 7:14-15 Jesus moved to where the coffin was and touched it. This action was not in line with the traditions of the Jews. Anyone who touches a coffin is declared ceremonially unclean, yet, Jesus defiled tradition to help a widow and bring back her son from the dead. His heart of maturity comes through, when we break protocol to reach out to the dying world. He touched the coffin and addressed the dead man to get up. Jesus did not demand any specific evidence of faith, He simply commanded the young man to come back to life. He is the Lord of life and death and needed only to speak a word to raise the dead. The young man was instantly healed and he sat up. Jesus gave the young man back to his mother. 2. The people became fearful and they glorified God - Luke 7:16-17 Before this event, Jesus had been performing miracles, but had not raised the dead. This was the first dead man that He brought back to life. We know of about three people who Jesus had risen during His ministry on earth (of course, it could have been more since John 21:25 says He had done so many miracles that the whole world could not be filled with all the books. Jesus resurrected the widow's son, Lazarus, and the daughter of Jairus, as well. When the people saw what Jesus did, they were afraid. They were afraid because they realised that Jesus was a different person. They knew that the supernatural was at work in ways they could not explain. After the centuries of silence, the people finally witnessed a miracle and saw a greater prophet than the Old Testament prophets in their midst. This was a great blessing from God. The news travelled fast and soon the whole area had heard of this miracle. True miraculous manifestation must bring godly fear to the beneficiaries and the people around. It is not for show or entertainment, miracles are channels to draw the reality of God closer to people. Key lessons Compassion for the needy We saw how Jesus intervened in the widow's situation because He had so much compassion for her. There is a popular saying which goes thus: “People do not care how much you know, until they know how much you care.” There are so many people who are knowledgeable in the things of God today, unfortunately, the world is not looking for knowledge, they are looking for someone who cares for them, who feels their pain and can relate with their struggles in life. As Christians, we need compassion to be able to relate with the needy in our world today. There are so many of them around us and they may not have the courage to approach us for help. We need to spot out those people and try as much as possible to meet their needs. This is a demand of maturity and it is incumbent on us to live like our Lord and Saviour. This is the eternal characteristics of God. God is “a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness” (Psalm 86:15). Like all of God’s attributes, His compassion is endless and eternal. His compassions never fail; they are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23). When Jesus saw His friends weeping at the grave of Lazarus, He felt compassion for them and wept alongside them (John 11:33-35). When Jesus saw the large crowds as sheep without a shepherd, His compassion led Him to teach them the things the false shepherds of Israel had abandoned. Practical application This study shows that Jesus cared for everyone and still cares. He is proactive to reach out and not waiting to be called on. He felt the pain, heart cry, brokenness, disappointment, and frustrations of the people around Him and He brought hope with the message of salvation. He was a burden-lifter and pain-buster, who took away distress and brought peace to many, who did not ask or even have faith for it. He was true to the reality of the people He was sent to. Can we not proclaim: “I will show compassion to others, because my Savior first showed compassion to me” (1 John 4:19)? We are all beneficiaries of His compassion on daily basis. When we are confused and desperately need someone to lead us, He came to our rescue even before we utter any word of prayer. True ministry to the world comes with compassion - a genuine emotional connection with the people we are sent to. You cannot fulfill your ministry when you are walking based on what you heard or was said to you – you must feel something, a sense of urgency and action must propel you to get out of your comfort zone and commit to reaching out to millions, who are on the path into a Christless eternity every day. A popular missionary/revivalist was quoted with saying, “yes, God wants you to do signs and wonders. But the love of God manifested through you is what people really need. So you first must see His face. You must become so close to His very heartbeat that you can feel what others feel”. Roland Allen further spoke of true compassion – “Missionary zeal does not grow out of intellectual beliefs, nor out of theological arguments, but out of love”. No wonder Paul said "Christ's love compels us... He died...that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for Him who died for them and was raised again" (2 Corinthians 5:14, 15) For many of us, who are serving the Lord in the African church, we are like missionaries and we must show compassion as we genuinely connect with the inner desire of the people that God has sent us to. Our true calling is shown by genuinely connecting with the inner burden of that old mummy in our local parish, who comes for vigil every week, attends early morning prayers as early as 6am every day, comes for revival and midweek services, pays her class fees, actively involved in all church activities and yet has not personally had an encounter with Jesus. It takes true compassion to mature in our calling to raise an army with a vision of revival. |
Week 23: 14th to 20th February, 2016 Bible Study Title: Mature experience of faith and spiritual authority Bible Study Text: Luke 7:1-10 Full Bible reference: 1 Now when He concluded all His sayings in the hearing of the people, He entered Capernaum. 2 And a certain centurion's servant, who was dear to him, was sick and ready to die. 3 So when he heard about Jesus, he sent elders of the Jews to Him, pleading with Him to come and heal his servant. 4 And when they came to Jesus, they begged Him earnestly, saying that the one for whom He should do this was deserving, 5 "for he loves our nation, and has built us a synagogue." 6 Then Jesus went with them. And when He was already not far from the house, the centurion sent friends to Him, saying to Him, "Lord, do not trouble Yourself, for I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof. 7 "Therefore I did not even think myself worthy to come to You. But say the word, and my servant will be healed. 8 "For I also am a man placed under authority, having soldiers under me. And I say to one, 'Go,' and he goes; and to another, 'Come,' and he comes; and to my servant, 'Do this,' and he does it." 9 When Jesus heard these things, He marveled at him, and turned around and said to the crowd that followed Him, "I say to you, I have not found such great faith, not even in Israel!" 10 And those who were sent, returning to the house, found the servant well who had been sick. Introduction to Study Jesus completed His Sermon on the Mount and came down to Capernaum with His newly appointed disciples. While He was there, a message was sent to Him by a centurion. A centurion is a commander of a centuria - an army of 100 men. He was an outstanding example of humility and faith- true quality of maturity that each of us must covet and live by. In this study, we will be looking at how the Centurion valued the Lord’s authority and had faith for his servant to be healed. Teachings: 1. The Centurion's Message to Jesus - Luke 7:2-5 The centurion was not only a commander of soldiers but he also had personal slaves and servants. One of the slaves was sick. The slave was in great distress and would have died if not for the intervention of Jesus. In the Roman law, a slave was defined as a living tool. He had no rights and a master is free to ill-treat him, if he chose. But the centurion was not like that. This is a serious message for many of us who have house helps, junior unlearned staff etc. The true nature of maturity is shown in the way we manage people who are lower than us in status and social reckoning. It is like a rich man arranging a chartered air ambulance to fly a “common house help” to USA for treatment, in the same way he will do to his own children. The centurion heard that Jesus was able to heal people. So, the centurion engaged the Jewish elders to help him to get in touch with Jesus. He took this step because he was a Gentile, who statutorily do not have dealings with the Jews. Again, he reasoned that when Jesus sees the elders who have been meeting with Him in the temple, He will grant his request. The elders got there and told Jesus"...He is worthy for You to grant this to him; 5 for he loves our nation, and it was he who built for us our synagogue" (7:4-5). The Centurion had done many things for the Jews, including building a synagogue for them. Therefore, they told Jesus that he was worthy to receive help from Him. This is great reputation at that time because these acts of favour to Jews could have costed the centurion his job. He risked his life for the Jews and thus, deserved the intervention of God as an indirect believer in the covenant of the Jewish nation. The question that comes true here is what are we doing to help people in our community, offices, business places, schools, and even in the church? What testimonies of help can be linked to you? 2. The Centurion recognised Jesus' Authority - Luke 7:6-8 Jesus accepted the Jewish elders' request to go and heal the centurion's servant. They set out to the house of the centurion and as they were approaching the house, the centurion sent some men with a message to Jesus. The men said "..., "Lord, do not trouble yourself further, for I am not worthy for You to come under my roof; 7 for this reason I did not even consider myself worthy to come to You, but just say the word, and my servant will be healed. 8 For I, too, am a man under authority, with soldiers under me; and I say to this one, ‘Go!’ and he goes; and to another, ‘Come!’ and he comes; and to my slave, ‘Do this!’ and he does it." In as much as the centurion had built many synagogues, he realised that those actions did not qualify him for a one-on-one interaction with Jesus. Many people are deceived these days by thinking that being a chief launcher and the biggest donors qualify them for special position in the bosom of Jesus. Many may recognise us but heaven is not touched, if our hearts have not been genuinely submitted unto Jesus in genuine salvation. God is not seeking for a temple built with hands, but He desires the temple of our body to live in. The attitude of centurion showed genuineness and lowering of self (I am not worthy). This is the statement that comes from anyone that desires Jesus in their lives. They come to a point where they know that all their good works and religious activities are not sufficient to make them fit for divine touch. He sincerely deemed himself unworthy to receive God's grace. The centurion also accorded Jesus the true honour of His person by recognising His authority from God. This is an understanding that he had, which the elders of Israel couldn’t grasp. As a soldier, he understood rules, governance, and power. A centurion, he was under the authority of his commanding officer, he knew there are forces that Jesus control and that Jesus influence is beyond location. He understands that when an order is issued, layers of men will quickly obey. He acknowledged this authority, which elevated Jesus as the Commander of the earth, a true revelation that explains how much the centurion adored and respected the Christ. He told Jesus to just "...say the word and my servant will be healed". He understands and confirms that the word of Jesus is a proof of who He is and wherever His word goes, it goes with power. He understood that the word of Jesus can travel distances with speed. This indicates the matured state of the heart of this centurion. 3. The Centurion's faith brought healing to his slave - Luke 7:9 When Jesus heard the message, he was amazed. He said "...I say to you, not even in Israel have I found such great faith" (Luke 7:9). Jesus was surprised because the centurion asked Him to speak the word only. It takes someone who understands the person of Jesus to acknowledge the dominant power inherent in the word He utters. He was also surprised because the centurion was not even a Jew, he was a Gentile and yet, he recognised the person, greatness, and glory of Jesus more than most of the people in Israel did. Jesus had not found anyone who believed He could heal at a distance by just speaking a word, like a remote control, as it were. He commended the faith of the centurion because he had the kind of trust that Jesus wanted in His followers. This is how a matured mind sees the Lord. He saw Him as the Lord over the air, the sea, and the oceans- Whose word transversed geographies, spaces, and places. He understood God as the Ruler of all things and Whose word shapes our world. There is nothing in this world that is not subject to His sovereignty. For He is the Creator of all things and everything is subject to Him – at all times, for all eternity. When the centurion’s friends and elders return to his house, they found the slave in good health. This account reminds us not to be quick in labelling or classifying men. Just because the centurion was a Gentile does not mean he shared the same value system as someone like the Pilate. The centurion is an example of a maturing saint in how he cared for others, his humility, and his faith. He showed concern for an “ordinary” slave and went all out for his servant. His humility can be seen in his deference to the elders. Not only was he under the authority of others, but he submitted to the authority of Jesus in faith. Key Lessons 1. Faith and authority in Jesus Faith is a requirement if we seek to have access to God. When we have faith in God, we are simply telling God that we can do nothing of our own to win His approval. There are so many errors going on in the body of Christ today. We have heard of pastors who ask their congregation to give God money so He can give them the desires of their hearts. They have turned God to “kalokalo”. Give God N5,000 and you will get N500,000…Aha! This is not how God works. Giving is a good thing, but when it is used to bribe God for a miracle, then, it will not work. 2. There is no barrier in the spirit We saw in the study how the centurion implored Jesus to speak the word without coming in to his house to heal the servant. This shows us that there is no barrier in the spirit. Jesus died and went to heaven, but we can still access His healing power. We can feel His presence around us. Practical application The centurion's faith in Jesus was amazing. This man was not even a Jew, although he might have heard of Jesus and the miracles and may even have been one of the secret converts of those days like Nicodemus and Joseph of Aremathea. Yet, he believed that Jesus could heal his servant by His words only. We must also understand and appreciate the dominant influence of the God we serve over all things. This will help us focus better on how we take charge of the world we live in for the glory of God. |
Week 23: 7th to 13th February, 2016 Bible Study Title: Maturing in the love of Christ Bible Study Text: Luke 6:27-35 Full Bible reference: 27 "But I say to you who hear: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 "bless those who curse you, and pray for those who spitefully use you. 29 "To him who strikes you on the one cheek, offer the other also. And from him who takes away your cloak, do not withhold your tunic either. 30 "Give to everyone who asks of you. And from him who takes away your goods do not ask them back. 31 "And just as you want men to do to you, you also do to them likewise. 32 "But if you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them. 33 "And if you do good to those who do good to you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners do the same. 34 "And if you lend to those from whom you hope to receive back, what credit is that to you? For even sinners lend to sinners to receive as much back. 35 "But love your enemies, do good, and lend, hoping for nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High. For He is kind to the unthankful and evil. Introduction to Study This is the second part of the study we started last week under a different heading focusing on how we should mature in the love of Christ. Jesus continued the teaching on how we mature by living a life that is full of the love of God. The word for “love” in the Bible language is to act in the best interests of others. It acts in unselfish ways towards others regardless of how they respond. Love sees a person as an individual made in God's image, worthwhile to God. It cares for the welfare of everybody. a. Loving the unlovable - Luke 6:27-28 Jesus is asking us to love our enemies. The enemies are those who hate, curse, abuse, mistreats, attacks, and takes advantage of us. They are opposed to our wellbeing. In the eyes of the world, these are the ones we should hate the most. But Jesus said that these are the people we are to love and serve. It is a difficult pill to swallow. This teaching is contrary to the popular thinking of "love your neighbour and hate your enemy". This is wrong - we are to love everyone in the same way. Don't only love those who love you, love your enemies as well. We are to act in the best interest of our enemies. The Bible does not support prayer points like – “All my enemies, fall down and die”. If these enemies die, who will accept Jesus? Note that you too could have died from this kind of prayer, before you gave your life to Christ. Yet, He kept you alive. b. Do not retaliate personal insults - Luke 6:29-30 Jesus taught us not to retaliate when we are being insulted. It is better to suffer wrong rather than return wrong - I Cor. 6:7 "Now therefore, it is already an utter failure for you that you go to law against one another. Why do you not rather accept wrong? Why do you not rather let yourselves be cheated?" c. Love as you want to be loved - Luke 6:31-34 Everybody loves people who loves them. We should love people as we want them to love us. We should behave towards other people exactly the way we, with the standard of Christ would want them to act toward us in the same situation. This idea is very practical because it can guide our conduct in all of our personal relationships. The Spirit of God, Who is within us, can enable us to practice this guideline for life. To love only those who love us, will not bring special grace of credit. If non-Christians are kind to those who are kind to them, then more is expected of a follower of Christ. Our treatment of others must not depend on their position, prestige or power, but based on the fact that they are persons made in God's image. Christ calls us to be unselfish in loving not only our friends but also the unlovely and the hateful. Practical application The study above teaches us the lifestyle expected of a maturing saint and God's kind of blessings that comes when we show God’s kind of love. People are seeking for love in all of the wrong places these days. We, as believers, should show the love of Christ to everyone around us. Do you know someone who needs help? Render help to them in your own capacity. Show the love of Jesus to the fatherless, homeless, widow, and sick, etc. Whatever you do for anyone of this is done for Jesus and you will receive the reward. |
Week 22: 31st January to 6th February, 2016 Bible Study Title: Blessings for maturing characters Bible Study Text: Luke 6:17-22 Full Bible reference: 17 And He came down with them and stood on a level place with a crowd of His disciples and a great multitude of people from all Judea and Jerusalem, and from the seacoast of Tyre and Sidon, who came to hear Him and be healed of their diseases, 18 as well as those who were tormented with unclean spirits. And they were healed. 19 And the whole multitude sought to touch Him, for power went out from Him and healed them all. 20 Then He lifted up His eyes toward His disciples, and said: "Blessed are you poor, For yours is the kingdom of God. 21 Blessed are you who hunger now, For you shall be filled. Blessed are you who weep now, For you shall laugh. 22 Blessed are you when men hate you, And when they exclude you, And revile you, and cast out your name as evil, For the Son of Man's sake. Introduction to Study In our last study, we saw how Jesus went to the Mountain to pray at night and it was then that He chose His Apostles. These were the people He would send out with a special message. Now, Jesus came down and found crowd waiting. They came to hear Jesus teachings and to be healed of diseases. Jesus instructed them and set forth the lifestyle standards of the righteousness of God. This is the everyday lifestyle that must guide a maturing Christian. Teachings: God's Blessings - Luke 6:20 a. Blessed are you who are poor (Luke 6:20) In the book of Matthew 5:3, the same verse is rendered as, "blessed are the poor in spirit". This phrase is not included in Luke, but it is implied. Therefore, we can say Luke is referring to been poor in the spirit. The word blessed describes a spiritual well-being that is not dependent on circumstances. It is divine enablement for success irrespective of situation. Here, Jesus is referring to someone who is spiritually broke and destitute. Jesus is saying that blessed is a person who is not impressed with his self-importance nor filled with self-sufficiency or self-righteousness. The humble person, who realises his spiritual need and inadequacy, is the person who will submit all that they are to the rule of Christ in their life. People who are ready to cast themselves on the grace of God, knowing fully well that they cannot handle life's situation on their own. It is in feeling spiritually insufficient and limited that you can grow in maturity. When you think that you have it all, you don't seem to deserve help. b. Blessed are you who hunger now - Luke 6:21 In the book of Matthew 5:6, this verse is rendered as, " blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be satisfied". This concerns the longing or desires of the hearts. What do you desire most in life? So, Jesus is saying, "blessed are you when you hunger and thirsts for the spiritual quality that is lacking in your life". Blessed are you when you know that a selfish life, grabbing all the pleasure and power this world has to offer, does not satisfy. The person who longs to know God, to have His favour, to walk in His will, is the person who will find the true, lasting satisfaction.
c. Blessed are you who weep now - Luke 6:21 Jesus said in this verse that "...blessed are the one who is weeping now, for he will eventually laugh". This verse is not speaking about crying for the natural things you don't have. It suggests weeping over one's spiritual condition.
It is the Godly kind of sorrow over sin that brings us to the point where we turn to God and accept His forgiveness. It is a weeping that brings comfort in the arms of the Savior. The believer who weeps over His spiritual condition does not remain in that attitude. Sorrow is soon turned to joy in the light of forgiveness and Jesus described this condition as being blessed. Do you feel a sense of weeping when you fall into sin mistakenly? This is the heart of a maturing son.
d. Blessed are you when men hate you - Luke 6:22 We are still focusing upon spiritual qualities and in Luke 6:22, Jesus said, “22 blessed are you when men hate you, and when they exclude you, and revile you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of Man's sake. Therefore, we can conclusively say that the hatred mentioned here arise as a result of you standing for the cause of Christ, "for righteousness’ sake". No man will walk into oath of maturity without being hated by people who cannot fathom your sense of sacrifice. Jesus promised each and every one of his followers this kind of persecution. It is part of the package "If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you." (John 15:18-19). The world will hate those who are in Christ. This is because we are filled with the Spirit of God and we manifest God's righteousness in a world filled with sin. The bible said in the book of 1 Peter 4:12-14 "If you are reviled for the name of Christ, you are blessed [happy], because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you". This implies that we can be happy when we are persecuted and hated for the sake of Christ. Why should you be happy instead of sad and angry? Because it shows that we are being identified with Jesus! Blessed [happy] is the man who perseveres under trial, for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life, which the Lord has promised to those who love Him (James 1:12). Did you notice that the above verse mentioned the crown of life as a reward? If you know you are spiritually broke, you will hunger and thirst after righteousness and weep over your lost condition. In all these of blessings mentioned above, we can see that we are only blessed and happy when we are in unity and relationship with Christ Jesus. |
Bible Study Title: Divine Selection for service: The call of the 12 (Part 2) Bible Study Text: Luke 6:12-16 Full Bible reference: 12 Now it came to pass in those days that He went out to the mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God. 13 And when it was day, He called His disciples to Himself; and from them He chose twelve whom He also named apostles: 14 Simon, whom He also named Peter, and Andrew his brother; James and John; Philip and Bartholomew; 15 Matthew and Thomas; James the son of Alphaeus, and Simon called the Zealot; 16 Judas the son of James, and Judas Iscariot who also became a traitor. Introduction to Study In this study, which is Part 2 of what we studied last week, we shall continue with the descriptive profile of Jesus disciple. We continue with Nathaniel also known as Bartholomew Continuation of the Descriptive profile of Jesus disciple
He was very prejudiced. When Philip introduced Jesus of Nazareth as Messiah, he could not reconcile it. Nazareth is a little too close to home. He might be willing to believe in a Messiah that came from some exotic location, but he could not accept one that came from Nazareth.
Thomas was low on faith, but he was high on loyalty. He thought that Jesus would be killed if He came near Jerusalem, but that did not deter Thomas. He said that he would follow Jesus and he meant it, even if it meant following Him to the death.
Judas became a cheap crook. He was willing to sell out Jesus for a relatively small sum of money. There is a principle here. When greed is your challenge, the amount doesn’t matter – it will win you, unless you choose to fight it. Remember, the bible says that no man can serve two masters – which master will you serve? Jesus or mammon? Key Lessons 1. Praying in the Night Night prayers are fast disappearing in our fellowships today. When they exist, we do more praises and less of prayer or we turn all the prayers into selfish demand hour and not genuine intercession for the kingdom. Personal night vigils too are very rare. These are things we need to bring back in our lives. Praying during the day may be distracting, especially if you are working, schooling or in your business premises. At night, you have the liberty of praying and studying the word of God. It is also a conscious denial of self and taking charge of your body i.e. when to sleep, how long to sleep etc. Sleep denial follows the same principle of food denial in fasting, as both help to subject our bodies. When last did you observe a personal vigil? 2. Varieties of personalities, yet, only One Lord: When we look at the character of each of these disciples, one will see how gracious our God is and this is a parallel of the fact that everyone irrespective of who they are qualifies to be Jesus disciple. We must never close our mind on anyone. We also see some amazing sense of godly humility. Even though, it was Andrew that was the first to know Jesus and actually brought Peter, yet his brother became No 1 while he remained a behind-the-scene person. Kingdom rule is not about first-to-come must become an exco or leader. No. How do we feel and react when your convert or a junior person that you brought into the fellowship become a leader or an executive while we remained a member. Appreciate the gifting and calling in everyone and always know that everyone has his or her path in God and you will not compare yourself with anyone but will gladly serve the Lord in spirit and in truth. Andrew remained very busy as an unknown agent. He introduced many people to Jesus. Although his circumstances placed him in a position where it would have been easy for him to become jealous and offended, he was optimistic and quite content with being unknown. He accepted that his purpose was to bring others to the Master. Practical Application We saw the way Jesus prayed before He moved to choose His disciples. Some of us even wondered why He had to do that as the Son of God. He should have chosen the men He liked and believed God that they will be the right choice of men to work with Him. No.! Jesus took His time in prayer all night to choose His disciples. This is the same principle in marriage; you cannot pick a brother or sister and expect God to change that person for you. Pray first and let God choose. Don’t put the cart before the horse. It is ironic that many don't pray in the church of the living God today before they choose men to lead. We now choose men that have certificates, money, and physical properties to lead. We have exalted degrees more than divine decree. No wonder, we have chaos when it comes to decision making in the church. We need to repent and follow in the footsteps of the Lord. |
Week 20: 17th to 23rd January, 2016 Bible Study Title: Divine Selection for service: The call of the 12 (Part 1) Bible Study Text: Luke 6:12-16 Full Bible reference: 12 Now it came to pass in those days that He went out to the mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God. 13 And when it was day, He called His disciples to Himself; and from them He chose twelve whom He also named apostles: 14 Simon, whom He also named Peter, and Andrew his brother; James and John; Philip and Bartholomew; 15 Matthew and Thomas; James the son of Alphaeus, and Simon called the Zealot; 16 Judas the son of James, and Judas Iscariot who also became a traitor. Introduction to Study As a maturing fellowship, one of the demands of running an effective ministry is God-inspired allocation of resources, where right vessels are put in the right place of service and calling. It takes maturity to select trusted partners in God’s service and any error can destroy the work. We must understand Jesus’ approach on how to select people into various positions, subgroups, and departments. This study reviews how Jesus chose His disciples from the multitude that were following Him. Teachings: 1. Jesus prayed before He called His disciples - Luke 6:12 Jesus knew the weight of the work that will be carried out by the disciples and He did not want to make mistakes of choosing wrong men. Therefore, He decided to consult God to help Him choose His men. To do this, He spent all night in prayer. He had to find a time of the day when full attention is guaranteed and there would not be any form of distraction. We must learn to consciously invest in a dedicated and focused time of prayers every time we are taking a major decision or step in life. We need God's guidance and direction all of the time. 2. Jesus called out His Apostles (Luke 6:13) After Jesus finished praying and receiving direction from God, He called all his disciples to him and then chose twelve of them and called them apostles. Jesus had a lot of followers (people who he called to follow him) and He chose twelve of them to be apostles. We need to learn the principle of divine choice from here. Jesus called many and he picked only 12. This means that anyone who is privileged to have been chosen for service amongst others must feel humble to have been counted worthy of an invitation by Jesus. We must walk in the consciousness of this sense of privilege and not turn our choice as an occasion for pride or to lord it over God’s people. Please note that a disciple remained a follower and learner at the feet of Jesus and the basis for this calling is hinged on this. Whenever any disciple fails in following Jesus, he or she is disqualified and cannot be a vessel for Him to use. 3. Descriptive profile of Jesus disciple - Luke 6:14-16 In order to appreciate the fact that Jesus is set to save all men, we can see the variety of behavior, background, personality, temperament etc. in His 12 disciples with the basic intro per person below
If you had been called to pick the most qualified candidate on which to build the church of Jesus Christ, Peter wouldn’t even have been in the running. There was nothing in his background to suggest that he could succeed in fulfilling the commission that Jesus gave him. He had received no formal seminary training. He had no management background. He was only a simple fisherman. The fact that Peter was a disciple of Jesus teaches us something about the kind of man God uses.
Andrew was one of those behind-the-scenes people. He was not always speaking up. He was not the one who would stand up on the day of Pentecost and preach to the multitude. But he was doing something equally important. He was bringing people to Jesus.
He went on to serve the Lord in Ephesus for many years, taking care of Mary, the mother of Jesus. He was finally banished to the island of Patmos, a slave-labor camp and he was the only disciple that died a natural death after many efforts to kill him failed. He wrote the Gospel of John, I John, II John, III John and Revelation
Bible Study Title: Maturing beyond the tradition of men Bible Study Text: Luke 6:1-7 Full Bible reference: 1 Now it happened on the second Sabbath after the first that He went through the grainfields. And His disciples plucked the heads of grain and ate them, rubbing them in their hands. 2 And some of the Pharisees said to them, "Why are you doing what is not lawful to do on the Sabbath?" 3 But Jesus answering them said, "Have you not even read this, what David did when he was hungry, he and those who were with him: 4 "how he went into the house of God, took and ate the showbread, and also gave some to those with him, which is not lawful for any but the priests to eat?" 5 And He said to them, "The Son of Man is also Lord of the Sabbath." 6 Now it happened on another Sabbath, also, that He entered the synagogue and taught. And a man was there whose right hand was withered. 7 So the scribes and Pharisees watched Him closely, whether He would heal on the Sabbath, that they might find an accusation against Him. Introduction to Study On the path of maturity, tradition will try to trap you into religious patterns that are not of God. Traditions are popularly-held beliefs and established systems that challenge our desire to progress in our walk with God. As we grow in spiritual maturity, we must learn how to manage traditions and their effect in our path of faith. In this study, we see that the Jews treasured and observed the Sabbath. Sabbath in Hebrew connotes "rest". God instructed Moses to observe the seventh day of the week as a day of rest to remember the day God rested from His work of creation. The Sabbath day was supposed to be a day that everyone would not work and instead take time to meditate on the Lord. However, the Pharisees in those days took this sacred practice to the extreme. They wanted to safeguard the law and so they built a lot of philosophy around the Sabbath. They brought up a lot of laws surrounding the Sabbath, in ways that made life difficult for the people. Jesus came to make all things right. He did not teach men to break the Sabbath but to keep to the fundamentals of the practice and not take it to the extreme. This is the hallmark of maturity – the ability to strike a godly balance. We live in the world of extremity and wisdom is required in our spiritual journey. This study looks at the keeping of the Sabbath and how Jesus encouraged His disciples and followers to live and mature beyond the traditions of men. Teachings Working on the Sabbath day - Luke 6:1-5 During the harvest season, Jesus and His disciples were walking through one of the grain fields and His disciples decided to eat some of the grain. It was legal to do it because it is allowed in the Mosaic Law. As long as they did not pack the grain with them to their houses or use equipment to harvest the grains. "When you enter your neighbor’s standing grain, then you may pluck the heads with your hand, but you shall not wield a sickle in your neighbor’s standing grain". (Deuteronomy 23:25). They are allowed to pick and eat it as they go along the way. This was God’s way of meeting the needs of everyone. It is like social security system where people who cannot genuinely work have access to their basic needs like food free of charge. Farmers were instructed not to harvest all the grains in their field. They were required to keep some of the grains for people who may be hungry and needy. Do we remember the poor and the needy in our budget? Do we spend all our salary on ourselves and family alone? We should remember the poor and the needy and share with them. We have discussed this in TACEF financial guidelines on 5 layers of how to spend God’s inflow. You can read further in the 2014 Manual. a. Beware of extremities - Luke 6:2 The Pharisees accused Jesus' disciples of eating grains on the Sabbath day. They considered harvesting and threshing of grains as working on the Sabbath day. However, the disciples did not thresh the grains with equipment, which would make it “work”, they simply rubbed it on their hands to eat. The Pharisees had gone ahead to add many rules to Sabbath that were outside of the original in their quest to find relevance. Some of these outrageous examples are below
b. Jesus responded with a biblical precedence - Luke 6:3-4 Jesus responded to their accusation by reminding them of the incidence that happened in 1 Samuel 21:1-6. David and his group of men were running away from King Saul. They did not carry any food with them and so they became hungry. It was in this state that they came into one of the cities of the priests of Israel and decided to ask for food. There was no food except the shewbread in the tabernacle of the Lord. It was not an ordinary bread as it was set apart for a special purpose, hence called the 'bread of the presence' and no one was allowed to eat of the bread except Aaron's descendants as instructed in the law of God. However, David and his men were given the bread to eat. They ate of the priests' food, because they were hungry. If David had a right to dismiss a divinely ordained, ceremonial provision when it was necessary, then would not Jesus "have the right, under similar conditions of need, to set aside an unwarranted, man-made rule about the Sabbath?" Jesus knew that the Pharisees had issues with the keeping of the Sabbath and so He asked a question "... is it lawful to do good or do harm on the Sabbath, to save a life or to destroy it? Key Lessons: 1. Keeping of Obsolete Rules There are so many inherited rules that have become hindrances to many souls who want to serve Jesus. We must be careful when we set rules for ourselves, especially when we import cultural rules into the church. Ethnic-based traditional beliefs, traditions, and rules must be avoided in church. It is strange to hear that brethren refuse the will of God in marriage because of the prevailing tradition that certain ethnic groups do not marry. This is anti-gospel and we must check these excesses as they do not advance the cause of spiritual maturity. 2. The issue of worshipping on Sundays Some of us believe that Sunday should be the only day of worship as specified in the scripture. Yes, we are very right. But what do you do when you find yourself in a country where Sunday is a working day? Will you still go to church? For example, in Dubai, Friday is the day of worship for both Christians and Muslims. If you are in such a place, will you still go to church? In as much as we have established way of doing things, we need to open our minds to instances when we may need to adjust to face the reality of where we are without denying our faith or lowering God’s standard. Practical Application There are so many traditions of men that are still being observed in Christendom today. Some of them are unnecessary and are in fact cultural and ethnic rules imported into the church. Many of our celebrations today are direct importation of established and popular culture. In modern Christianity, we have brought soccer worship into the church with thanksgiving Sunday dedicated to football clubs. We must be watchful not to mix old and emerging traditions into our walk of faith. |
Bible Study Title: Maturity in top-level relationship: The Call of Levi Bible Study Text: Luke 5:27-32 Full Bible reference: 27 ¶ After these things He went out and saw a tax collector named Levi, sitting at the tax office. And He said to him, "Follow Me." 28 So he left all, rose up, and followed Him. 29 Then Levi gave Him a great feast in his own house. And there were a great number of tax collectors and others who sat down with them. 30 And their scribes and the Pharisees complained against His disciples, saying, "Why do You eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?" 31 Jesus answered and said to them, "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. 32 "I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance." Introduction There was a time when Christians believed some people could never be born – again no matter what. They believed that the rich, senior executives, captains of industries, world-class celebrities, and politicians, etc. couldn’t become saved. These Christians would avoid having any contact with these kinds of people – they wouldn’t even preach to them about Jesus. This study explores Jesus’ encounter with a leading chartered accountant, tax consultant and a celebrated financial guru of that time, Levi, who even threw a party for Jesus. Salvation is for all men and Jesus is seeking these kind of people in His kingdom. Jesus died for all men and thus salvation must be extended to all kind of people. Christianity is for all kinds of bad, worse and worst people, who have come to understand that they cannot approach a good God on their own merit. To appreciate the nature of Levi, a tax collector, who was known for overcharging people on their taxes, taking bribes and extorting money from the poor. He can be seen in the same light as some people may view our custom officers, Internal revenue service workers, etc. These attributes makes everyone hate them. Teaching: 1. The call of Levi - Luke 5:27-28 Jesus went out and saw Levi sitting by a booth. He was a tax collector - an agent of the Romans. He bought a franchise from the Roman government, so he could collect taxes in his district. He pays a flat rate to Roman government and he is left to collect as much as he can to recoup his investment. He was to collect specific amount of taxes on imports and exports, on anything bought and sold, on roads, bridges and harbours. He even had the power to invent taxes as he pleases. His friends were other tax collectors and prostitutes. He may even have brutal agents like the “areas boys” who will help him to get his return through harassment and uncomfortable enforcement. He is someone that will not go near the synagogue and the temple, nor could he speak in a court of law. You can imagine how gracious Jesus is to have associated with such kind of a man. What an amazing grace! It would have been expected that if Jesus was looking for a man to follow Him, He could have searched the temple or the synagogue to pick up somebody that was acquainted with God and His Word. No, He did not do that, He called Levi – who, in that culture, was considered one of the worst kinds of sinners. Jesus changed the status quo by calling such a man to follow Him. Even Levi himself was surprised that this holy man called Jesus, called him to follow Him. 2. Levi's instant response to the call - Luke 5:28 Levi was surprised that Jesus could call him, by reason of his lifestyle and the popular beliefs held about tax collectors. The most surprising thing is that Levi accepted His invitation with speed and high sense of readiness. The bible said, "So he left all, rose up, and followed Him. v.28 This response actually showed the state of the heart of Levi. He must have been a man who was just waiting for that change which he had not seen throughout his life. He must be a man who was tired of the life he was living and just needed the right message to encourage his decision for a complete turnaround. This is the reason why we cannot profile anyone by face, because God searches the heart. We must align to this truth as we reach out to our world for Jesus. There are many rich businessman and celebrated professionals who are tired of the life they live. They just want someone to be kind enough to share the love of God with them. We must never discriminate. His response also showed some deep-level consecration. He left a successful business empire and a notable career instantly to follow Jesus. He did not even ask Jesus how he was going to eat and get money, if he followed Him. He did not care what becomes of the franchise or personal reputation he will lose. He simply obeyed; he closed down his business and followed him. He did not count the cost of what he stands to lose. He just followed. 3. Levi threw a Party for his new life - Luke 5:29-32 The bible said there is jubilation and celebration in heaven when a soul repents. Luke 15:7 "I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance. The same thing happened to Levi. He was so happy with his new life that he threw a party and invited Jesus to be the guest of honor. He also invited all his friends. Key Lessons 1. Jesus welcomes everyone and anyone Jesus does not have favourites. He did not come to save the righteous, but the unrighteous. He died for the sinners. He calls everyone to serve Him. Don't be afraid to engage anyone no matter how big they appear. There is a small baby inside them seeking for Jesus- they only need you to talk and they will listen. Be ready to share the love of God with the chief of sinners in your community, school environment, business places etc. as the Lord will lead and guide you. Sometimes, we tend to think that someone's sin is so great that Jesus cannot save or reach out to them. That is not true! The same Jesus has saved armed robbers, prostitutes and now we have testimonies of kings who are now born again. 2. The call comes with a cost : Everyone is called and each one must pay the sacrifice of dropping their sin to follow Jesus. The fact that everyone is called does not mean it is an all-comer affair. In leading the rich people to Christ, we must not fail to guide them through total discipleship; so that they know the cost of following Jesus. One of the worst things about the modern-church is that a lot of celebrities in our churches are not discipled. Pastors even use them to attract people to their church and failed to help these people have full journey of maturity. Any church, which is filled with rich, powerful, and influential people without genuine salvation experiences, is a dead Church. It is very wrong for a popular ex-musician who gave his life yesterday to start ministering in the church today. The fact that we have caught a big fish does not take away the demand of taking them through discipleship – they must know God before they sing for Him. The talent they have is good but the basis for service in the church is God’s calling. Practical application Some years ago, there was an armed robber, who was very popular in south-west of Nigeria in the 1990s. He stole, killed, and was invincible whenever the police wanted to arrest him. He was released from prison after he served for eleven years in Ibadan. He said he had an encounter with the late Prophet T.O. Obadare, which changed his life. He repented and he is now preaching the gospel. What a mighty God we serve! This explains why TACEF continues to trust God with platforms such as, Easter Monday outreaches, London conventions, Mother’s fellowships, and evening revival services, etc as platforms to draw many to Jesus irrespective of their social status and societal reputation. The God of the mandate of revival wants ALL men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of truth (1 Tim 2 vs 4) |
Bible Study Title: Maturing in right friendship Bible Study Text: Luke 5:17-26 Full Bible reference: 17 Now it happened on a certain day, as He was teaching, that there were Pharisees and teachers of the law sitting by, who had come out of every town of Galilee, Judea, and Jerusalem. And the power of the Lord was present to heal them. 18 Then behold, men brought on a bed a man who was paralyzed, whom they sought to bring in and lay before Him. 19 And when they could not find how they might bring him in, because of the crowd, they went up on the housetop and let him down with his bed through the tiling into the midst before Jesus. 20 When He saw their faith, He said to him, "Man, your sins are forgiven you." 21 And the scribes and the Pharisees began to reason, saying, "Who is this who speaks blasphemies? Who can forgive sins but God alone?" 22 But when Jesus perceived their thoughts, He answered and said to them, "Why are you reasoning in your hearts? 23 "Which is easier, to say, 'Your sins are forgiven you,' or to say, 'Rise up and walk'? 24 "But that you may know that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins" --He said to the man who was paralyzed, "I say to you, arise, take up your bed, and go to your house." 25 Immediately he rose up before them, took up what he had been lying on, and departed to his own house, glorifying God. 26 And they were all amazed, and they glorified God and were filled with fear, saying, "We have seen strange things today!" Introduction to Study In the previous study, we saw how Jesus healed a leper by His touch. The news of the miracle spread all over the place (Galilee, Judea and Jerusalem) and a lot of people started coming to see Jesus, hear his teachings and also witness a miracle. We must understand that spiritual babies follow Jesus because of the miracles of the body while the maturing saints are serving Him for a continuous miracle of the heart. In this study, we will see some friends passing through the roof of a house to get a paralyzed man to Jesus for healing. The walk of maturity in our quest to touch Jesus often require the right kind of friends who will go the extra mile for us. Teachings 1. Men that will go the extra mile for you - Luke 5:18-19 Jesus was in the house teaching the people when a group of friends (four of them) were bringing in a man who was paralyzed for healing. They got to the place where Jesus was, but they couldn't get access to Him. A lot of people had gathered to hear Jesus' teachings. The four men looked for a way out but there was none. Finally, they decided to do something outrageous. They went to the roof of the house and removed it, so they could lower their friend before Jesus. This action was completely strange. The right thing for them to do was to have waited for Jesus until the crowd dispersed. The most surprising thing is that Jesus did not rebuke them for passing through the roof or for interrupting his message. The desperate act of these friends is driven by the love they have for their friend. There was nothing they could not do to get their brother healed. In our journey of maturity, we need genuine friends who can go the extra mile for us. When was the last time that four (or any number) of you in the fellowship gathered to “carry” a brother or sister who has become spiritually paralysed by backsliding, immorality, and failures etc. in genuine heart-felt prayers to Jesus for an intervention? We would rather gossip than carry them in prayer or break the “roof” of grace for divine intervention. These friends did not just carry their friend; they carried him with his bed. They carried him in prayer and also his liabilities. They were fully responsible. They were genuine friends who reached out spiritually and also carried the responsibility of his bills. How responsible are we to our friends? Do you even have trusted friends that can go this length for you or you have turned yourself into a one-man army that no one can genuinely associate with? True friends of maturing disciples are those that stick with you during the hard times. Trials and adversity can usually separate true friends from those who are just fair-weather friends. Why? Because, “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity” (Prov 17:17). Jonathan and David had one of the greatest friendships ever known. So much so that, “Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as himself” (I Sam. 18:3). As you mature into sonship, you will begin to realise that your best friend must be someone that can stand with you in the presence of the Lord like these four men did. Your best friend and closest friends should never be unbelievers (of course ordinary acquaintances, casual and professional friends can be of different faith as required for effective cohabitation). Your inner caucus or covenant friends must be persons of the same faith, same passion, same values, same sense of future etc. If your best friend cannot make you more useful and holy in presence of God, you are a babe and not a maturing son! AN EXAMPLE OF FRIENDSHIP WHEEL Key Lessons: 1. Persistent and unstoppable faith We saw how these friends were persistent with their unstoppable faith for the paralysed man’s healing. They could have given up at the door when they discovered the crowd. But, no, they were persistent and ready to help their friend get better. Persistence works! 2. Faithful friend We see clearly in this study, the attitudes of the four friends of the paralyzed man. He had good company of friends who were there for him when he needed them. They did not abandon him when he needed them. Who are your friends? Are they concern about your life and welfare? The scriptures below provide some description of demands of friendship
In TACEF/TACESF, we encourage brethren to have different layers of meaningful and accountable relationships like the following examples, which are listed below:
Practical application You need the right friends around you, who will go the extra mile for you when you are not there. True and maturing friends who consider their lives fulfilled only when they help others fulfill God’s purpose in their respective lives. Similarly, this also challenges each of us to ask about how committed we are in our friendship to others – do we go the extra mile for others? There is a story about a brother in Christ, who got killed in an Eastern university when he was seen with some cult boys who had thought he must have been a mercenary sent to attack them from another school. The full story was that he travelled to this school and met an old secondary school casual friend, who invited him to his apartment to stay. He was a Christian but not sensitive. He got to this friend’s room and saw very strange things. He saw how girls were coming in and out and as a Christian, he was not troubled by this. This lack of caution led to his untimely death by wrong association. We must be careful who we are identified with. True friends influence our lives daily, encouraging us to pursue a closer walk with God. Every believer should make three basic decisions about friendships:
Bible Study Title: Humility for a healing touch Bible Study Text: Luke 5:12-16 Full Bible reference: 12 And it happened when He was in a certain city, that behold, a man who was full of leprosy saw Jesus; and he fell on his face and implored Him, saying, "Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean." 13 Then He put out His hand and touched him, saying, "I am willing; be cleansed." Immediately the leprosy left him. 14 And He charged him to tell no one, "But go and show yourself to the priest, and make an offering for your cleansing, as a testimony to them, just as Moses commanded." 15 However, the report went around concerning Him all the more; and great multitudes came together to hear, and to be healed by Him of their infirmities. 16 So He Himself often withdrew into the wilderness and prayed. Introduction to Study We live in a time when everybody believes they deserve the miraculous hand of God in their lives. Many modern - day preachers have cheapened this and made this an all-comer affair. There is a path to receiving healing touch that sustainably aligns a man to God and not just a short-term, show-and-tell pulpit miracles. Every maturing believer must understand God’s path to sure healing and we shall understand this, as we explore the healing of a leper in this study. Leprosy is a disease of the nervous system. It makes the fingers and the toes go numb. The sufferer will lose all sensation to the fingers and the toes. Most times, they run their extremities without even realizing it and are thus kept away from people. Jesus was going from one city to another in Galilee, teaching the people the word of God. Out of nowhere, there was a shout of a "dirty Leper" and everyone moved aside, to allow the leprous man passed to see Jesus. The leper disobeyed the Old Testament law by coming to Jesus and to the crowd. The law did not permit a leper to come into a city (Leviticus 13:46). The law required a leper to stay away from healthy people, crying "unclean" in case of accidental touch (Lev. 13:45). However, the leper was desperate to receive his healing and so he disregarded the law in coming to Jesus. In this study, we will learn about the humility of the leper, even while breaking the prevailing laws and the healing touch of Jesus. Teachings 1. The Leper requested for healing in humility - Luke 5:21 The leper came to meet Jesus and he fell upon his face. He had heard of or seen Jesus' healing miracles and believed in the divine power of Jesus to heal an incurable disease. He worshipped Jesus before he asked for healing. He did not lay a demand on Jesus. He said "...Lord, if You are willing, you can make me clean". He did not tell Jesus how he had been suffering from the disease for no just cause. He did not talk about his rights, he only ask Jesus if He was willing to heal him. He appealed to the will of Jesus and not His ability. He knew Jesus can do all things, what he did not know is whether He is willing to do it. It is common to see people who are going through one problem or the other complain. They will tell you how long they have been serving God and how little their blessings are. Such people never get tangible results because of their attitude. Do you remember the Israelites complaint to God? Did you remember what God told them? It is found in the book of Numbers 14:2. In addition to this act of humility, we also saw the appreciation of the Lordship of Christ. Oftentimes, we focus so much on healing that we place less emphasis on the Lordship of Jesus. Exploring the study, we observed that the leper came and fell upon his face. He took a position of worship (Matthew’s account says that he worshiped Jesus). It is popular among certain Christian circles to teach that you need to claim your healing and that, if you have enough faith, without emphasizing the need to submit to the Lordship of Christ. This will not last. What is the essence of receiving a miracle in the body and end up in hell fire when you can also have the miracle of a changed heart and enjoy this world and the world to come? 2. Jesus' healing touch - Luke 5:13 Jesus was moved by this man's humility and He decided to heal him. He, therefore, "stretched out His hand and touched him". This is a very serious act in the Jewish culture. Touching a leper meant you become unclean and will not be allowed to go into the temple to worship. However, Jesus authority supersedes the Law of Moses, since He was the author and the fulfillment of it. There is no danger of contracting or spreading the disease which may be the intention of the law. The leper saw Jesus touching him. It can be assumed that no one has tried to touch him since he became leprous because of the fear of contacting the disease from him. However, Jesus was not afraid to touch him. Jesus had many options of healing this man without having to touch him. After all, He healed a royal official's son from a distance. He could have said the words and this man's leprosy would have been healed. But, He decided to touch him with love. Jesus did not become unclean because He touched the leper. He actually transmitted His nature into this leprous life, like He loves to come to our level and release His nature of holiness into our state of uncleanness. Truly, He is truly our high priest who is "touched with the feeling of our infirmities" (Hebrews 4:15). Lessons 1. Reach out to God in humility Are you seeking answers to your problems from God? Go to Him in humility and worship before His throne. We see the leper went to Jesus and bowed down before Him. He did not ask God why he was in that condition. Most of us are found of doing that. We ask God why? Instead of worshipping Him and believing Him for the answers to our problems. Many times, we focus more on “wanting to receive from Him” rather than wanting to give Him our best. There may be several unanswered questions in our hearts regarding our circumstances; however, the best way to approach God is through humility. If you do that, He will surely answer your prayers. 2. Reach out to the world in Love The world is full of hatred and uncaring people. People are looking for love in the wrong places. It is time for us to stand up and reach out to the world with the love of Jesus. The touching hand of Jesus must represent how we show the love of God everywhere we find ourselves. In our place of work, school or neighbourhood, people must naturally be touched by the atmosphere of the love of Jesus that we carry or does your life make men to hate Christianity because you lack love and compassion? It is painful when Christians use their personal inner challenge to deny the world of feeling the true touch of Jesus love. Practical Application Every maturing follower of Jesus must understand how humility helps us to touch God's heart. We cannot be arrogant because we are believers and think God is committed to do our bidding whether it is His will or not. We must humbly present our request before Him. When we do that, receiving answers to prayers is certain. Do you remember the story of the two people who were praying in the temple: One was a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood and said "... God, I thank You that I am not like other men--extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this tax collector, I fast twice a week; I give tithes of all that I possess". The bible records that the tax collector "...would not so much as raise his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, 'God, be merciful to me a sinner". Which one do you think will receive answers among the two men? We need to be humble before God, no matter who we are and what we need. Humility brings speedy answers from God. |
Bible Study Title: Maturing in Total submission Bible Study Text: Luke 5:1-11 Full Bible reference: 1 ¶ So it was, as the multitude pressed about Him to hear the word of God, that He stood by the Lake of Gennesaret, 2 and saw two boats standing by the lake; but the fishermen had gone from them and were washing their nets. 3 Then He got into one of the boats, which was Simon's, and asked him to put out a little from the land. And He sat down and taught the multitudes from the boat. 4 When He had stopped speaking, He said to Simon, "Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch." 5 But Simon answered and said to Him, "Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net." 6 And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish, and their net was breaking. 7 So they signaled to their partners in the other boat to come and help them. And they came and filled both the boats, so that they began to sink. 8 When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus' knees, saying, "Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord!" 9 For he and all who were with him were astonished at the catch of fish which they had taken; 10 and so also were James and John, the sons of Zebedee, who were partners with Simon. And Jesus said to Simon, "Do not be afraid. From now on you will catch men." 11 So when they had brought their boats to land, they forsook all and followed Him. Introduction to Study The Sea of Galilee is twelve or thirteen miles long and about seven miles wide. Jesus was standing by the edge of the Sea of Galilee teaching the word of God. The people gathered around Him and continued to press themselves together in order to hear the words Jesus was speaking. There was no public address system available in those days and everyone was trying to move closer to hear the word. Jesus, seeing the way the crowd was pressing, decided to use a boat. He got into the boat belonging to Simon Peter and he gladly obliged, not knowing that this simple act of generosity will transform his destiny forever. In this study, we will learn about how Simon Peter yielded and submitted to Jesus' instruction and the miracle he received. Teaching: 1. Jesus' instruction to Simon Peter - Luke 5:4-5 When Jesus had finished teaching the people, He asked Simon Peter to "...put into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch". Peter taught Jesus was joking. He had been fishing in the same water for hours throughout the night without catching anything. He had washed his nets and was in the process of drying for use at a later date. He was tired, probably hungry and discouraged and now Jesus wants him to go back again. How can a carpenter tell an experienced fisherman how to fish? It sounds strange, but Peter never knew he was seeing face to face the man who created fishes! The life of a maturing son is full of instructions and for each, we must submit and yield. 2. Simon yielded to Jesus' instruction - Luke 5:5 Peter explained the condition of the river to Jesus in case He did not know what they went through during the night before. He knew that humanly speaking what Jesus asked was impossible but on the basis of what Jesus said, he would obey and put down the net. He said to Jesus "... at Your bidding, I will let down the nets". In other words, Jesus, because You asked me to do it, I will. This is a statement of a maturing Christian – they always yield to the demands of the Lord, even when they do not make sense or follow popular logic. It’s like a brother who got a dream job when the Lord asked him to go and buy bean-cake to break his long-term fast. What does bean-cake (akara) got to do with getting a job? Lo and behold, he obeyed and the wrapper used to pack the bean-cake had the vacancy which the Lord had prepared for him. Even though the date on the vacancy had expired (as you know they will always use old newspapers as wrappers), he obeyed the Lord and got a dream job in an unexplainable manner! 3. Beyond the fish catch was Peter’s salvation - Luke 5:6-7 Peter obeyed Jesus and cast his net into the sea. Lo and behold, they caught "...a great quantity of fish; and their net began to break...” The net enclosed a large number of fish that the weight of some of the cords began to break. Peter couldn't believe his eyes! They had been fishing all night with the same net, in the same river without catching a single fish. Now, because he obeyed Jesus, he caught much more than he could handle. The fishermen made a sign to their partners in the other boat to come and help them. The weight of the fishes was so great that the boats sat so low in the water and began to sink. The best manifestation here was not the fish that was caught but that a life was won for the Lord. We saw the conviction of sin that came upon Peter and how he felt unworthy to be in the presence of Jesus. He came face to face with the glory, holiness and power of God, he saw his own sinfulness and unworthiness. He became a broken man and this became the basis for God to make a disciple out of him. This is often the missing link in our outreaches – many see the “net of miracles” but these do not translate into conviction of sin. We hear miracles of big houses and great jobs, etc., but there are not a lot of testimonies of salvations occurring . Like Peter’s experience, every genuine revelation of Jesus must cause men to admit their guilt. They must realise that the wages of sin is death. They must see that they are unworthy to be used by God as a result of their sin. And finally, they must recognize the holy character of Jesus and His ability to make them a disciple. It is not just celebrating testimonies of “number of fishes caught” and we have no mention of number of souls saved. This is what differentiates a maturing heart from a baby Christian – they always seek for salvation at every programme beyond the excitement of breakthrough testimonies of finding good jobs, cars, houses, and traveling abroad, etc. Key Lessons 1. Total transformation and call to ministry : Peter changed his work. In the past, he had been a fisherman. Now, he would fish for men. His tools were the net and the boat. But, when he got called to ministry, his tools became the Word of God and Holy Spirit. He had been catching in order to kill. But, after beginning ministry, he caught “fish” (souls) in order to impart eternal life.
Peter and his partners were totally unqualified for the job of catching men. Although there are some similarities between fishing for fish and fishing for men, the two professions are really very different. These men knew all about catching fish. They knew nothing about catching men. They were totally unqualified for the job at hand. This teaches us something about the kind of man that God uses. He uses UNQUALIFIED men. 2. A Complete Commitment: They left everything and followed Him (5:11). The walk of maturity is a journey of complete commitment – there is no half-hearted consecration. The proof that we have truly encountered Jesus is the degree to which we are ready to let go of everything for Him. We must realise the cost involved in following Jesus. It is not cheap like they make it look these days! Christianity is not fun and not the comedy or entertainment shows we see these days when people come to enjoy themselves and go with no commitment. There is a cost involved in becoming one who catches men. For Peter, it cost him everything. He left his boats, his nets, his fish, and, even, his family to follow Jesus. Babies will keep to what they have but mature hearts will let go and let God! There is a cost of discipleship. The cost is the same for every believer. "So therefore, no one of you can be My disciple who does not give up all his own possessions." (Luke 14:33). If you want to follow Jesus, then, you must do so on His terms. He demands nothing less than total commitment to Him. The cost is high. The cost is everything that you have and everything that you are. It involves giving up the person that you are; to become the person that God is going to make you. Practical Application To yield or submit to God, is to obey Him in all ramifications. Peter obeyed the instructions of Jesus and he experienced a tremendous blessing and actually ended up becoming a blessing as a person. A brother had been looking for a job for a long time. Then one day, he heard there was an opening in a prestigious company and he applied. However, he was told the vacancy had been filled. He got back home dejected and frustrated. He prayed and the Holy Spirit asked him to go back to the company again. He was reluctant knowing that he could be embarrassed at the company. Nonetheless, he obeyed and met with the manager. The manager was happy to see him. The man they employed for the job did not show up. That was how this brother got a good job because he obeyed the voice of the Holy Spirit. Obeying the word of God can take you to heights you cannot imagine. Choose to obey God's word today and you will experience the miraculous. |
Bible Study Title: Maturing in the act of managing rejection Bible Study Text: Luke 4:16-30 Full Bible reference: 16 So He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up. And as His custom was, He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read. 17 And He was handed the book of the prophet Isaiah. And when He had opened the book, He found the place where it was written: 18 "The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives And recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed; 19 To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD." 20 Then He closed the book, and gave it back to the attendant and sat down. And the eyes of all who were in the synagogue were fixed on Him. 21 And He began to say to them, "Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing." 22 So all bore witness to Him, and marveled at the gracious words which proceeded out of His mouth. And they said, "Is this not Joseph's son?" 23 He said to them, "You will surely say this proverb to me, 'Physician, heal yourself! Whatever we have heard done in Capernaum, do also here in your country.” 24 Then He said, "Assuredly, I say to you, no prophet is accepted in his own country. Introduction to Study This study explores another critical attribute of a maturing Christian, i.e., managing rejection. In our pursuit in life, even on Godly and right matters, even after we are fully convinced God is leading us, we can suffer rejection. Jesus had just returned to Nazareth in the power of the spirit after His encounter in the wilderness. He was super loaded with grace and unction and He was in a mood to go forth and make impact in His generation. He therefore began to teach in the temple with authority and love. His messages were confirmed with miracles and the people excitedly praised Him. Yet, the response he got was that of rejection. They were just impressed by what they saw. They even got angry on the issues of Jesus being a Messiah sent by God and frontally rejected His message and went even further with an attempt to kill him. This sounds abnormal for a first outing, especially after a careful and conscious preparation. This study explores the rejection that Jesus faced in His hometown and how He was able to manage it. Teachings 1. Jesus taught in the Synagogue - Luke 4:16-21 When Jesus returned to Nazareth, a lot of people were expecting Him. They heard about the miracles and His teachings and expected to see Him display the same in the city. On the Sabbath, a lot of people gathered in the synagogue for the special day. Synagogues were Jewish meeting venues for worship, teaching and community meetings. The Sabbath service consisted of scripture reading, explanation of the scripture texts and prayers. The leaders could invite a visitor to speak on the scripture, so on this occasion, Jesus was invited to read the scripture and then give a word of exhortation. Jesus then stood up and moved to the front. He was handed the book of Isaiah and He started reading it. He read from Isaiah 61. "The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the afflicted; He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and freedom to prisoners; 2 to proclaim the favorable year of the Lord". (Isaiah 61:1-2a). The passage spoke about the Messiah, whom God will send to deliver the poor, release the oppressed from bondage, heal diseases and set free the prisoners. They failed to recognise that this prophesy had been fulfilled in the Person of Jesus. When Jesus got to verse 2 of Isaiah 61, He stopped reading, closed the scroll and gave it back to the attendant. The attendant was an assistant to the head of the synagogue. The attendant took the scriptures from the ark and then returned them after the reading. Jesus then sat down to teach. He started by saying "This Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing" (4:21). He announced that he was the Messiah predicted by the Old Testament prophets. He was convincing of His prophetic destiny. There were three reactions from the people when they heard Jesus' teaching a. They doubted the message - Luke 4:22 When the import of the message dawned on them, they realized what Jesus was trying to say. He was saying prophesy was completely fulfilled in Him. However, they couldn't believe it. They asked "Is this not Joseph's Son?" (Luke 4:22). They knew Him as Son of Joseph, the carpenter, how can He come and tell them that He is now the Messiah, sent by God to save people from their sins. They found it difficult to comprehend. The same way many failed to believe you when God started working out greater manifestation through your life. Jesus knew what they were thinking and why they rejected His message. He knew the people would ask Him to provide evidence that will make them to believe that He is the Messiah. They wanted Him to work the miracles in His own town of Nazareth that they had heard he worked in Capernaum. Jesus did not work miracles on demand to satisfy the curiosity of His audience. He was not a magician, He acted only as led by the spirit. He was not an entertainer-pastor like what we see on television today, with ministers who show off, with intent to prove that they have got some strange power. Jesus, therefore, told them that He knew He would not be accepted in Nazareth. People recognize greatness more quickly in a stranger than in a person with whom they are familiar. He used this to manage his immediate feeling and thus escaped the emotional pain that comes from rejection. He found a compelling reason to avoid the pain or the leftover effect of this confrontation. He used the example of two great Old Testament prophets - Elijah and Elisha as a balm. b. The people openly rejected Jesus - Luke 4:28-30 After Jesus responded to their reaction, the people became angry. They did not like the way Jesus responded to them. They were angry at Jesus for mentioning God's favor on Gentiles, because they hated all Gentiles. They regarded Jesus' words as blasphemy and worthy of death. So, they took him to the height of the hill to throw Him down - "They ... led Him to the brow of the hill... to throw Him down. v.29. Nazareth was nestled in a mountainous section of Galilee. So, they took Jesus to one of these hills. The people did not even attempt to charge Jesus to court for His statements, they took the law in their hands and decided to do away with Jesus. Jesus managed the situation very well, because He is the King of kings. He did not struggle or argue with the people. He simply followed them to the top of the hill. However, the bible records that he ..."...passing through their midst, He went His way. Jesus escaped from their hands without a struggle. They couldn't stop Him, nor were they able to grab Him. Jesus could not be killed because His time had not yet come and no power on earth can take His life from Him until He was ready to lay it down by Himself. How sad to see the Lord from heaven rejected by his own people who had the great opportunity to know Him personally. Lessons 1. People will reject the message of the kingdom The message of the kingdom is not about bread and butter. It is the truth of the Word of God and the bible says that men will hate the truth. They love darkness and hate light. They don't want to know the truth. Men will reject the message because of their unbelief and because they don't want to know the truth. However, that should not stop us from preaching the word of God. An immature Christian will use this as an excuse whereas a maturing Christian will remain resolute and consistent until He sees lives changed for the Lord. 2. God's sure protection over His people As we go about sharing the good news of the Kingdom, God's protection over us is sure. The people couldn't harm Jesus because God was with Him and it was not yet His time to be crucified. The same goes for us, as God's children, He is always with us. He assured us in His Word that He will never leave nor forsake us. Practical Application Rejection is a thing we will have to get familiar with as Christians, unless we don't want to identify with Jesus and the message of the cross. As you share the gospel in your neighbourhood, people may stop greeting or relating with you. Your friends may desert you because you preached the gospel to them. Colleagues at work may label you as Jesus’ mother, if you continue to discourage them from living a life of sin. You may suffer, you may be persecuted, you may have death threats, you may be tortured, and you may even die for Him but, no matter what, we need to emulate Christ Jesus. He did not do anything to those who rejected His message. He simply walked away from them. It is unbiblical for anyone to force the gospel on people or curse people for not accepting our message. Therefore, when you share the gospel with someone and they rejected your message, simply move on to another person, while you pray for the previous person. The call of maturity is full with many moments of rejection. Like Jesus, we may be rejected by our own - immediate family, best friends, business partners, and closest neighbours, etc. Always count it all joy to face rejection because it is a proof that you are maturing. If your”version” of Christianity makes you accepted by all kinds of people, it may be that you are living like a child who is tossed to and fro in a desire to belong to everyone. |
Akori Eko Bibeli: Idewo: idanwo ojojumo fun didagba s’oke-Apa ‘keji Ese Bibeli: Luku 4: 9-13 Ese Bibeli Lekunrere: 9.”O si mu u lo si Jerusalemu, o si gbe e le sonso tempili, o si wi fun u pe,bi iwo ba se omo olorun, be sile fun ara re lati ihinyi lo. 10.A sa ti kowe re pe,yio pase fun awon angeli re nitori re,lati maa se itoju re: 11.Ati pe,li owo won ni won o gbe o s’oke,ki iwo ki o ma baa fi ese re gbun okuta. 12.Jesu dahun, o si wi fun u pe,A ti so pe,iwo ko gbodo dan oluwa olorun re wo. 13.Nigbati esu si pari idanwo naa gbogbo,o fi I sile lo di saa kan” Ifaara: Ose keji niyi ninu eko wa nipa idewo , eyi si ni yio se agbeyewo lori idewo ‘keta ati awon koko pataki lati inu eko ose to koja. d. Idewo ‘keta.---Nini igbekele ninu olorun-Luku 4:9-13 Esu wa mu Jesu lo si Jerusalemu, ni pato,ni ibi sonso tempili.Eyi je okan lara awon ibi to rorun lati ri julo ni jerusalemu.Gbogbo eni to ba wa si tempili lo n rii. Bayi,esu wi fun Jesu , wipe, “Bi iwo ba se omo Olorun, be sile fun ara re lati ihinyi lo, 10.A sa ti kowe re pe,yio pase fun awon angeli re nitori re,lati maa se itoju re 11.Ati pe,li owo won ni won o gbe o soke,ki iwo ki o ma baa fi ese re gbun okuta”(Luku 4:9-11) Esu fe ki Jesu be sile ki awon angeli le gbaa.O fe ki Jesu fi ara re han fun gbogbo aye gege bii messiah.Niwon igba to je wipe Jesu li omo olorun,sise iru ise iyanu nla bayi yio je ki gbogbo eniyan mo o. Ninu awon idewo meji akoko, esu rii wipe Jesu lo oro Olorun lati bori oun,nitori naa, o lo iru ona kanna lati gbe idewo ‘keta kale.Sugbon esu lo oro olorun naa lodi.Eyi ni o maa nse bi o ba fe tan`ni je. Sugbon Jesu da a lohun pelu awon oro wonyi--------“iwo ko gbodo dan Oluwa Olorun re wo”(Luku 4:12).A mu ese oro olorun yii jade lati inu iwe Deuteronmi 6:16. Jesu mo wipe esu ngbiyanju lati dan oun wo ni.Esu nfe lati se awawi lori awon eto olorun ki o ba le mu Jesu huwa lodi si ife olorun; sugbon o pa a lenu mo.O da a lohun, o si segun re patapata nipase ekunrere oro olorun to nsise ninu re. Esu lo oniruuru idewo sugbon o kuna.Jesu ko’ju ija si esu, esu si sa.Esu ko dekun igbiyanju re nibi,sugbn o fi Jesu sile ki o le pada wa ni igba miran.Ijakadi naa tesiwaju ni gbogbo akoko ise iranse Jesu.Oye yi si ni gbogbo onigbagbo to ndagba gbodo ni.Oju ogun la wa ni gbogbo igba, a si nilo lati maa da’abo bo ara wa lojojumo pelu oro olorun ati adura, ki a ba le ni aabo to daju lowo esu ati gbogbo ilakaka re lati fi ogbon ewe tan wa kuro lodo olorun. Koko inu eko: 1.Gbigbe igbese laisi idasi tabi itoni olorun O daju wipe opolopo wa ni oro yii bawi. Lopolopo igba ,a maa nfe gbe igbese laisi itoni olorun. A maa nse ipinnu lai wa oju olorun.A maa nse e sa gege bi ohun to to.Jowo mo wipe,ojo ti o fi aye re fun Jesu ni ojo ti o ti pe E lati maa ba o se’to aye re ati wipe o ko le gbe igbese bi eni wipe iwo lo ni aye e re mo lai gba ase lowo re. Ife wa lati se ohun ti o wu wa maa nmu wa kuro ninu igbekele olorun patapata,bi o tile je wipe olorun nfe ki a gbeke le oun.O fe mo ohun gbogbo nipa wa ati paapaa julo, o nfe ko ipa pataki ninu re----lat’ori I ile iwe ti a yan lati lo,id’okowo ti a nse,iru ise ti a yan ni sise,eni ti a yan lati fe,awon oruko awon omo wa ati igbe aye won,irufe ipe ti a ntele ati paapaa, orile ede ti a ngbe. A gbo itan kan nipa idile onigbsgbo kan.Won n lepa iwe irinna si oke okun nipa tete tita(visa lottery) lai wa oju olorun fun itoni.Won gbagbo pe lilo si oke okun tumo si ibukun tabi aluyo.Won ri iwe irinna naa gba, koda, won se idupe ni ile ijosin.Ojo ti won de ilu oyinbo naa gan ni oko ti won wa ninu re gbina,ti opin si de ba won.A dabi i eja to le wa laaye niwon igba ti o ba wa ninu omi nikan.Laisi olorun, a ko le gbe igba aye tabi wa ni ominira ara wa .A ko nii gbe igbeaye to lodi si eto olorun loruko Jesu. 2. Fifi awon ohun aye yi dipo Olorun Opolopo lo ti so igbagbo won nu nipa titeriba si ife ti aye yi.Paulu nba Timoteu soro ninu Timoteu kinni 1:18—19, “Ase yi ni mo pa fun o,Timoteu omo mi,gege bi isotele wonni to ti saaju lori re,pe nipa won,ki iwo ki o le maa ja ogun rere,maa ni igbagbo ati eri okan rere ,eyi ti awon elomiran tanu kuro lodo won,ti won si ri oko igbagbo won.”.Awon to pa igbagbo won ti nitori ohun ti aye fi fun won ki ise aseyori nigbeyin.Won a padanu eto olorun fun aye e won.A gbodo kiyesara ki a si ri i wipe a ko gba eda ti aye dipo eyi ti o dara ju ti olorun ni nipamo fun wa. 3. Sa ipa lati mo oro olorun Esu lo oro olorun lati le mu ki Jesu se ife re ni akoko idewo ‘keta. Idi niyi ti a fi nilo lati maa ka oro olorun , ki o si ye wa fun ‘ra wa.A gbodo je ki oro olorun maa gbe ninu wa lopolopo ninu ogbon gbogbo.Igbe aye ti ko ni ORO Olorun je ojo ola ti ko JA MO NKANKAN.Jowo ka bibeli lekunrere fun’ra re lati mo ohun ti o so ki o ma si se faramo awon asayan oro ogbon omo eniyan,eyi to le ma fun o ni otito oro olorun lori awon oro to le jeyo.O le darapo mo eto kika bibeli tan ni odun kan ti TACEF lati mu ki eyi sele Kankan.Oro olorun ti o ba mo lo le di ara ninu aye re, ti o si le fun o ni aabo ti emi lowo esu. Amulo Eko: Gege bi omo olorun, a oo dojuko idanwo.Bi Jesu ba le koju idanwo, a oo dan wa wo bakanna.Ohun ti o se pataki ni bi a se koju re ,eyi ti yoo se afihan ipele didagba ti a wa.Jesu ni oye kikun ninu oro naa ,o si fi idahun ti o to, ti o si ni itumo fun esu nigba ti ndan an wo,o si ni isegun to tayo.Bi a ba ntele apeere Jesu, ti a si n lo oro Olorun ni gbogbo igba ,lori gbogbo idewo ti a ba dojuko,a oo di asegun. Apeere arakunrin kan wa ti o koju idewo,ti o si bori.Won gbe e lo si ilu Port Harcourt fun eto agunbaniro, ki o le se ise isinru-ilu.O ba Jesu pade, o si gba A gege bi I oluwa ati olugbala re ni odun naa.Aye re si yi pada.O nfe lati sunmo olorun ninu ohun gbogbo ti o nse.Nigbati o pari eto agunbaniro re, o pada si ilu Eko, nibiti awon ore re ti da ariya sile lati se ajoyo fun aseyori re.Awn ore re fun u ni oti lile lati mu sugbon o wi fun won pe,”N ko le mu u.Ago ara mi je tempili olorun, ko si fe iru ohun bee ninu mi.” O koju idewo nipa siso oro olorun. Idahun ti o daju ,ni kiakia ni o gbodo je idahun wa si idewo.Jesu ko dunadura tabi se awawi,sugbon o wipe “Rara”.Oo ni maa fi egbe oju kan wo awon aworan awon onihoho tabi takuroso lori oro to ni ise pelu ibalopolori ikanni alatagba-facebook, ki o si lero wipe ko ni ohunkohun se si ibasepo re pelu olorun-o n gbe iboji fun’ra re ninu emi ni. Igbe aye adura Jesu fun Un lokun.Adura ati idewo ko le jumo maa gbe po ninu okan wa.Adura maa n so wa po pelu olorun,eni to ni agbara lati bori I oludanwo, bi a ti ngba agbara naa gege bii asegun tooto. |
Bible Study Title: Temptation: the everyday test of maturity 2 Bible Study Text: Luke 4:9-13 Full Bible reference: 9 Then he brought Him to Jerusalem, set Him on the pinnacle of the temple, and said to Him, "If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down from here. 10 "For it is written: 'He shall give His angels charge over you, To keep you,' 11 "and, 'In their hands they shall bear you up, Lest you dash your foot against a stone.'" 12 And Jesus answered and said to him, "It has been said, 'You shall not tempt the LORD your God.'" 13 Now when the devil had ended every temptation, he departed from Him until an opportune time. Introduction : This is week two of our study into the temptation of Jesus and this shall look at the third temptation and the lessons from the previous week. c. The third temptation - Trusting in God: Luke 4:9-13 The devil now took Jesus to the city of Jerusalem. The pinnacle of the temple to be precise. This was one of the most visible places in Jerusalem. Everyone that comes to the temple sees it. Now the devil told Jesus "If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down from here" 10 "For it is written: 'He shall give His angels charge over you, To keep you,' 11 "and, 'In their hands they shall bear you up, Lest you dash your foot against a stone.'" (Lk 4:9-11). The devil wanted Jesus to jump down and the angels will catch him. He wanted Jesus to show himself to the whole world as the Messiah. Since Jesus is the son of God, performing such a fantastic miracle will make everyone to know Him. From the first two temptations, Satan learned that Jesus used the scripture to defeat him, so he used the same strategy to present the third temptation. However, the devil quoted the scripture out of context. This he does when he wants to deceive. However, Jesus responded with these words - "you shall not put the Lord your God to the test" (4:12)" This scripture was taken from the book of Deuteronomy 6:16. Jesus knew that the devil was trying to put him to test. The devil was trying to question the purposes of God, thereby pushing Jesus to act outside the plan of God. So, He shut him up. He gave him the final blow based on the wealth of the word of God that was active in His life. The devil used every kind of temptation, but he did not succeed. Jesus resisted and the devil fled. James 4:7 said "Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you." The devil's attempt did not stop there, he left Jesus to return at other times. The battle continued throughout Jesus' ministry and this is a fact that every maturing Christian must understand. We are in a continuous warfare and we need to daily fortify ourselves with the word of God and prayer, so as to build sufficient immunity against satanic attempts to lure us away from God. Key Lessons 1. Acting independent of God It is certain that most of us will identify with this fact. Sometimes, we are tempted to act independently of God. We make decisions without seeking the mind of God. We just take it for granted that it is a normal sequence. Please note that the day you gave your life to Christ was the day you asked Him to come and run your life for you and you cannot act independently on your own without His approval. Our desire to take matters into our own hands always leads us away from depending on God completely, whereas God wants us to rely upon Him. He wants to know every detail of our life and more importantly He wants to be involved – from the school we choose to attend, investments we make, careers we pursue, who we choose to marry, our children’s’ names and lives, the type of calling we feel led to pursue, and even the country we live in. A story was told of a Christian family who were pursuing Visa lottery without asking God for direction. They believed that going abroad must be a blessing or a breakthrough. They got it and even did thanksgiving in church. The day they arrived US was the same day the vehicle they were inside caught fire and that was the end. We are like a fish that can only survive inside water, outside God we cannot exist or live independently. May we not live outside God’s plan in Jesus name. 2. Replacing God with the things of this world Several people have lost their faith by giving in to the desires of the world. Paul was talking to Timothy in 1 Tim 1. v.18-19 "This charge I commit to you, son Timothy, according to the prophecies previously made concerning you, that by them you may wage the good warfare, having faith and a good conscience, which some having rejected, concerning the faith have suffered shipwreck." People who abandoned their faith because of what the world can offer, don't do well at the end. They missed out on the plan of God for their lives. We must be careful that we are not accepting worldly alternatives for the best that God has in store for us. 3. Get to know the word of God The devil used the word of God to try to convince Jesus to do his bidding during the Lord’s third temptation. This is the reason why we need to read the word and understand it for ourselves. We must make the word of God dwell richly in us in all wisdom. A WORD-less life is a WORTH-less future. Please read the whole bible for yourself to know what it says and do not give in to the era of quotable quotes, which may not fully represent full scriptural position on issue. You can join the TACEF Read- the-Bible in one year to make this happen as a matter of urgency. It is the word of God that you know that becomes flesh in your life and thus, can provide spiritual resistance against the devil. Practical Application As children of God, we will face temptation. If Jesus can be tempted, we will be tempted. However, what matters is the way we respond to it, which indicate our maturity stage. Jesus greatly mastered the word and gave appropriate and relevant responses when he was tempted by the devil, hence, he got an outstanding victory. If we follow in the footsteps of Jesus and use the word of God consistently against any temptation that comes across our way, we shall be victorious. An example is a brother who was able to resist temptation. He was posted to Port Harcourt for his National Youth Service. He met Jesus and accepted Him as his Saviour and Lord during the service year. His life never remained the same. He desired to be close to God in everything he does. When he finished his National Youth Service and returned back to Lagos, his friends threw a party to celebrate his achievement. His friends pressed him to drink some alcohol. But he said to them, "I can't drink that. My body is the temple of God's Holy Spirit. He doesn't want that stuff in me". He resisted the temptation by quoting the scripture. A prompt and definite refusal must be the response to temptation. Jesus did not negotiate or debate with Himself, He simply said " no". You cannot be side-looking at pornography or chatting on sexual issues with someone on Facebook and pretend that it does not matter in your walk with the Lord – you are only digging your own spiritual grave. Jesus' prayer life also gave Him strength. Prayer and temptation cannot stay together in our heart. Prayer unites us with God, Who has the power to overcome the tempter as we draw from that power as a true overcomer. |
Akori Eko Bibeli: Idewo: Idanwo ojojumo fun didagba soke-Apa ‘kinn: Ese Bibeli: Luku 4: 1– 8 Ese Bibeli Lekunrere: 1.Jesu si kun fun emi mimo,o pada ti jodani wa, a si ti owo emi mimo dari re si iju. 2.ogoji ojo li a fi dan a wo lowo esu.ko si je ohunkohun li ojo wonni: nigbati won si pari,lehin naa li ebi wan pa a.3.Esu si wi fun u pe,Bi iwo ba se omo olorun, pase fun okuta li ebi wan pa a.3.Esu si wi fun u pe,Bi iwo ba se omo olorun, pase fun okuta yi ki o di akara.4.Jesu si dahun wi fun u pe,A ti kowe re pe,Eniya ki yoo wa laaye nipa akara nikan, bikose nipa gbogbo oro Olorun. 5.Esu si mu u re ori oke giga,o si fi gbogbo ile oba aye han a ni iseju kan.6.Esu si wi fun u pe,Iwo li emi o fi gbogbo agbara yi ati ogo won fun:gbogbo re li a sa ti fifun mi,enikeni ti o bas i wu mi, emi a fi fun u.7. Nje bi iwo ba f’oribale fun mi, gbogbo re I yoo je tire. 8.Jesu si dahun, o si wi fun u pe,kuro lehin mi satani,nitori ti a kowe re pe,iwo f’oribale fun Oluwa Olorun re,on nikansoso ni ki iwo ki o si maa sin.’’ Ifaara: Didagba soke je ohun ti o ntesiwa,oye re si le ye wa gege bii lilo lati kilaasi kan si omiran.Sugbon ki a to le mo eni to ye fun kilaasi miran, idanwo maa nwaye.Nigbati a ba yege ninu idanwo ni a to fihan wipe a ti gbaradi, a si ti setan fun ipele to kan.Bakan naa lo ri ninu eto Olorun fun didagba soke.Dandan ni fun wa lati dojuko awon idanwo,nigbati a ba si yege ni a to le tesiwaju ninu irin-ajo o didagba soke. Ninu eko yi, a oo se agbeyewo o awokose omo;Jesu, ati bi o se yege ninu idanwo naa nigba ti esu de pelu idewo, eyi ti ise idanwo ojojumo ninu irin ajo wa lati dagba soke.: Idanilekoo:
Idanwo yii wa ni kete leyin iribomi Jesu,nibiti ohun ti ti orun jade ti o si safihan Jesu gege bi ayanfe omo,ti inu Olorun dun si gidigidi.Nitori naa, kinni idi ti Olorun yoo fi mu ki ayanfe omo la iru idanwo yii koja lowo esu?A ti rii lopolopo igba wipe enikeni ti yoo ba yege gege bi omo nitooto gbodo la idanwo koja, ki o si bori,ki a le f’owo so’ya nipa re. Nigbati a ko ba si teriba fun esu ati/tabi idanwo,nigba naa ni a oo ri wa gege bi i ojulowo omo,ti ki ise omo ale. Luku 3:21 – 22:” Nigbati a si baptisi awon eniyan gbogbo tan, o si se a baptisi Jesu pelu, bi o ti ngbadura,orun si sile(22)Emi mimo si sokale si ori re li awo adaba,ohun kan si ti orun wa,ti o wipe “ iwo li ayanfe omo mi,eni ti inu mi dun si gidigidi” A o se akiyesi bakan naa wipe, leyin ikede emi mimo yii ni a dari Jesu lo si aginju nibi ti esu ti dan a wo .Esu gbiyanju lati tan Jesu lori i bi o ti ye ki o lo agbara iyanu re ati bi o ti se le ri ojurere awon eniyan. Awon idanwo yii ni o fi Jesu han ti won si pese re sile fun ise iranse re ni gbangba. 2.Idanwo Jesu-Luku 4:2-12 Jesu lo si ori oke lati gba aawe ati adura fun ogoji ojo, gege bi Mose ati Elija naa ti gbaawe fun ogoji ojo.(Awon oba ikinni 19:8,Deut.9:9).Oun nikansoso lo wa ninu aginju.O ngbaradi fun ise Olorun ti o wa ni’waju re ati bi yoo ti see laseyori.O ni lati gbaawe fun ogoji ojo!Beeni. Igbaradi tooto fun ise iranse maa ngba akoko iya’raenisoto ati ise’raeni fun igbes’oke emi i wa ati jijowo ara wa ati awon ohun aye yii sile fun Un. Bi o tile je pe aawe ko yi Olorun pada, o maa nyi wa pada lati le gba ohun ti o dara ju ti Olorun ni ni’pamo fun wa.Nitori naa, onigbagbo gbodo gbe igbe aye gbigba aawe deedee,gege bi ona ise’raeni ati idagbasoke ninu emi,li ona si didagba. Li akoko yi gan an ni esu pinnu lati dan a wo.Ogbon alummokoroyi ti esu maa nlo ni yi.O maa wa nigba ti a ba ti je anfaani isegun to ga.O se e fun Noa leyin ti o ti jade ninu oko.Ohun kanna lo sele si Abramu,Josua,Elijah,Peteru ati awon omo Israeli.
Ohun ti o ye wa ni wipe ebi yio pa Jesu leyin ti o ti wa laijeun fun iye awon ojo wonyi,sibe, o le k’oju u idewo esu ninu ipo ti ko rorun yii. Esu mo wipe Emi mimo sese kede Jesu gege bi omo Olorun leyin iribomi ni “Iwo li ayanfe omo mi, eni ti inu mi dun si gidigidi”.Nitori ti esu mo wipe omo Olorun ni Jesu ati wipe o ti setan lati se ise Olorun, tori naa,o bere pelu “--------Bi iwo ba se omo Olorun,wi fun okuta yi ki o di akara” Okan lara awon ogbon alumokoroyi ti esu maa nlo lati pe wa ni’ja niyi gege bi omo Olorun.Bi a fi oju lasan woo ,ko si ohun ti o buru ninu ase yii,sugbon bi a ba wo o finnifinni,oye ohun ti esu fe se yoo ye wa.O fe ki Jesu gbe igbese lai gbekele Olorun,lai bikita boya ife Olorun ni tabi beeko.O kan fe ki o lo agbara Olorun lati ri ohun ti o ba nfe. Jesu dahun wipe “a ti ko o wipe, eniyan ki yio wa nipa akara nikan”(Luku4 : 4). Jesu lo Oro Olorun gege bii aabo re.Ranti wipe oro naa ni ohun ija wa – ninu iwe Efesu,nibiti Paulu ti s’alaye awon ohun ija ti emi fawon onigbagbo, o s’alaye nipa oro naa.Oro Olorun ni o pe ni ida a ti emi. Jesu lo ida yii lati segun Satani.Alaye oro yi ni a le ri ninu iwe Deutaronomi 8:3b “----ki o le mu wa mo pe, eniyan ko ti ipa ounje nikan wa laaye,bikose ni’pase gbogbo oro ti o ti enu Oluwa Jade li eniyan wa laye.” Jesu ko lati fi imot’araeni nikan te ife ara re lorun.O toka si oro Olorun.O fi han wipe gbigbeke le ati gbigboran si Olorun se Pataki ju tite ife ara-eni lorun lo.Oro Olorun wi ninu Johannu4 :34 “Jesu wi fun won pe,”Onje mi ni lati se ife eni ti o ran mi ati lati pari ise re.” Bibeli wi bakanna ninu Orin Dafidi 119:9, “Nipa ewo ni odomokunrin yoo fi mu ona re mo? Nipa ikiyesi gege bi oro re.”Ese yio le o jina si Bibeli sugbon bibeli le gba o lowo ese.ENI TI AYE RE YIO NI ISEGUN LORI IDANWO YIO JE ENI TI O NI EKUNRERE ORO OLORUN LOJOJUMO.
Satani tun wa lati fi ijoba aye yii ati ogo re han Jesu. “iwo li emi o fi gbogbo agbara yii ati ogo won fun: gbogbo re li a sa ti fifun mi;enikeni ti o ba si wu mi, emi a fi i fun.” Sugbon ebun yii ki ise ofe,,o ni majemu ti o duro le lori---“…..bi iwo ba f’oribale fun mi,gbogbo re ni yio je tire” Nibi yi, a ri esu ti n fi gbogbo ijoba aye han Jesu.Ni kukuru, o nso fun Jesu pe ki o f’oribale fun oun, ki o si gba ijoba naa;wipe ko nilo lati lo si ori agbelebu.Ebe ti o nbe Jesu ni wipe ki o gba ijoba naa laisi agbelebu------------ko nilo lati la inira Kankan koja. Jesu ko ba esu se aroye,nse lo kan da a lohun pelu ida miran----“kuro lehin mi,satani,nitori a kowe re pe,iwo f’oribale fun oluwa olorun re ,on nikansoso ni ki iwo ki o si maa sin.” A mu oro yi jade lati inu iwe Deuterornomi 6:13 ati 10:20.Jesu ko setan lati dunadura pelu esu lati le jogun ijoba naa nipa igbojege. Waa lero wipe nibiti oro de yii,esu a fi Jesu sile.Sugbon rara,esu ko sinmi,o tun tesiwaju pelu ebun miiran ti o tun ju ti akoko lo. |
Week 12: 22nd to 28th, November, 2015 Bible Study Title: Temptation: the everyday test of maturity 1 Bible Study Text: Luke 4:1-8 Full Bible reference: 1 Then Jesus, being filled with the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, 2 being tempted for forty days by the devil. And in those days He ate nothing, and afterward, when they had ended, He was hungry. 3 And the devil said to Him, "If You are the Son of God, command this stone to become bread." 4 But Jesus answered him, saying, "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.'" 5 Then the devil, taking Him up on a high mountain, showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. 6 And the devil said to Him, "All this authority I will give You, and their glory; for this has been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. 7 "Therefore, if You will worship before me, all will be Yours." 8 And Jesus answered and said to him, "Get behind Me, Satan! For it is written, 'You shall worship the LORD your God, and Him only you shall serve.” Introduction to Study Maturity is progressive and it can be best understood as moving from one class to another. However, in order to determine who is qualified for the next class, there is always an examination or a test. When we pass the test, we prove our readiness for the next class. This is the same approach in God’s school of maturity. We must face temptations or test and it is only when we pass that we sustain our progressive journey of maturity. In this study, we shall be looking at the pattern son, Jesus and how He passed the test when the devil came with temptation, which is an everyday test of our journey of maturity. Teachings:
This temptation came just after the Baptism of Jesus, where a voice came from heaven declaring Jesus as beloved son, in whom God was WELL - PLEASED. So why will God take a beloved son through this trying encounter with the Devil? We have seen consistently that anyone that will qualify for true sonship must be tried, tested, and trusted. When we do not give into the devil and/or temptations, we begin to be seen as sons and not bastards. Luke 3: 21 "When all the people were baptized, it came to pass that Jesus also was baptized; and while He prayed, the heaven was opened. 22 And the Holy Spirit descended in bodily form like a dove upon Him, and a voice came from heaven which said, "You are My beloved Son; in You, I am well pleased." (NKJV). You will also observe again that it was after the declaration by the Holy Spirit that Jesus was led into the wilderness where he was tempted by the devil. The devil made the effort to deceive Jesus in regards to how He should use His miraculous power and how He should gain the admiration of men. These temptations proved Jesus and prepared Him for His public ministry.
Jesus went to the mountain to fast and pray for forty days, just like Moses and Elijah fasted for forty days (I Kgs. 19:8, Deut 9:9). He was completely alone in the wilderness. He was preparing for the work of God before Him and how He will accomplish it. He had to fast for 40 days! Yes! Real preparation for ministry takes a period of separation and conscious self-denial to build up our spirit and subject our flesh and the things of this world to Him. In as much as fasting does not change God, it changes us to be more receptive to the best that God has for us. Christians must therefore maintain a consistent life of fasting as part of self-denial and spiritual development on the path of maturity. It was at this time, that Satan decided to tempt Him. This is the usual tactics of the devil. He comes when we have attained a high spiritual victory. He did it for Noah after he came out of the ark. The same thing happened to Abram, Joshua, Elijah, Peter, and the Israelites. a. The first temptation - Dependence on God- Luke 4:3 It is normal that Jesus would feel hungry for going without food for this number of days, yet Jesus was able to resist the devil's temptation in this unfavorable situation. The devil knew that the Holy Spirit had just declared Jesus as the son of God after the baptism - "...you are My beloved Son; in You, I am well pleased." So the devil really knew that Jesus is the son of God and that He is ready to carry out God's assignment. So he started with "...If You are the Son of God, tell this stone to become bread". This is one of the devil’s main tactics he uses to challenge the basis of our sonship. Ordinarily, there seems to be nothing wrong with this command. But when you examine it closely, you will understand what the devil was set to achieve. He wanted Jesus to act independently of God. It does not matter whether it is God's will or not. He can just use the power of God to get what he wanted. Jesus replied by saying "It is written, 'man shall not live on bread alone" (Luke 4:4). Jesus used the Word of God as His defence. Remember, the Word is our weapon - in the book of Ephesians, where Paul describes the spiritual weapons of believers, he addresses the power of the Word. The Word of God is called the “sword of the spirit”. Jesus used this sword to defeat the devil. The reference for this word can be found in the book of Deut. 8:3b "...He might make you understand that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by everything that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord." Jesus refused to selfishly gratify His bodily desires and needs. He pointed to the word of God. He proved that trusting and obeying the word of God is more important than satisfying bodily desires. The scripture says in John 4:34: 34 "Jesus said to them, "My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work.". The bible also said in Ps 119:9, "Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed thereto according to Thy Word". Sin will keep you from the bible, but the bible can keep you from sin. A LIFE THAT WILL HAVE VICTORY IN TEMPTATION IS A LIFE THAT IS DAILY LOADED IN THE WORD OF GOD. b. The second temptation - Worship only God - Luke 4:5-8 The devil again offer to give Jesus the kingdom of this world and its glory. "I will give you all this domain and its glory; for it has been handed over to me, and I give it to whomever I wish". But this offer is not free, it comes with a condition - "...if You worship before me, it shall all be Yours" Here, we see the devil offering Jesus the entire kingdom of the world. In other words he is telling Jesus to worship him and receive the kingdom. There is no need to go to the cross. The appeal was for Jesus to gain the kingdom without the cross - no sacrifice or suffering was needed. Jesus did not argue with the devil, he simply replied with another sword - "Get behind Me, satan! For it is written, 'You shall worship the LORD your God, and Him only you shall serve.'" This word is taken from the book of Deuteronomy 6:13 and 10:20. Jesus was not ready to make a deal with the devil to gain the kingdom by compromise. You would think the devil will leave Jesus alone at this point. But alas, the devil did not relent, he proceeded with another great offer. |
Akori Eko Bibeli: Rinrin ninu Eto Atorun-wa:Ise-iranse Johanu onitebomi 1 & 2 Ese Bibeli: Luku 3:1-10 Ese Bibeli Lekunrere 1. Li odun keedogun ijoba Tiberiu Kesari, nigbati Pontiu Pilatu je baale Judea, ti Herodu si je tetraki Iturea ati ti Trakoniti, Lisania si je tetraki Abilene, 2. Ti Anna Oun Kaiafa nse olori awon alufa, nigba naa li oro olorun to Johaanu omo Sekariah wa ni oju. 3. O si wa si gbogbo ile iha Jordani O nwaasu baptismu ironupiwa fun imukuro ese. 4. Bi a ti ko o ninu iwe oro woli Isaiah pe ohun eni ti nkigbe ni iku, E tun ona oluwa se, e mu ipaona re to. 5. Gbogbo ogbun li a o kun, gbogbo oke nla ati oke kekere li a o te- beere; wiwo li a o se ni tito ati ona palapala li a o so di kikuna 6. Gbogbo eniyan ni yio si ri igbala olorun. 7. Nigba naa li o wi fun opo awon eniyan ti o wa lati baptisi lodo re pe, Enyin iran paramole, ta li o kilo fun nyin lati sa kuro ninu ibinu ti mbo? 8. Nitori naa ki enyin ki o so eso ti o ye fun ironupiwada, ki e ma si se bere si iwi ninu ara nyin pe awa ni Abrahamu ni baba: ki emi ki o wi fun nyin olorun le gbe omo dide fun Abrahamu ninu okuta wonyi. 9. Ati nisinsinyi pelu, a fi aake le gbogbo igi ti ko ba so eso rere, a kee lule, a si wo o ju sinu ina. 10. Awon eniyan si mbi i pe ki ni ki awa ki o ha se? Ifaara Ohun ti a gbo kehin nipa Johanu ninu awon eko ti a ti ko saaju ni pe o lo sinu iju. Luku1ese80 wipe "Omo naa si dagba, o si le li okan, o si wa ni iju titi o fi di ojo afihan re fun Isreali". Nigba ti o wa ninu iju, o gba oro kan lati odo Olorun. Luku3 ese 2-3 wipe"...oro Olorun to Johanu omo Sekariah wa ni iju.3. O si wa si gbogbo ile iha Jordani, o n waasu baptismu ironupiwada fun imukuro ese" Ise iranse Johanu bere ni odun merindinlogbon lehin ibi Oluwa wa. O je asiko ti o dudu ninu itan, Olorun si ran woli tuntun lati je atona fun awokose omo- Jesu, eleyi ti o je wipe gegebi eko ti a ti ko sehin n se afihan bi o se se pataki si fun Olorun lati mu oro yiyan-n-da awon omo lati se amuse ipinnu ayeraye Re. Olorun gbe ise le Johanu lowo lati waasu gege bi atona ti a fun ni ise pipese awon eniyan sile fun Jesu,o n se imuse ileri Luku 1 ese 14-17 ati ni 1ese 76-79. Ninu eko yii, a oo maa se agbeyewo ise iranse Johanu onitebomi ati bi o ti se tun ona se fun Jesu, awokose omo. Idanileko
Johanu bere iwaasu re ninu iju Judea. O n waasu ni agbegbe odo Jordani, eyi ti o tumo si ibi iribomi, o n waasu nipa idajo Olorun lori orile-ede Isreali, ironupiwada, iribomi, ati ikede nipa ijoba Olorun ti n bo wa. Ninu titun ona se sile fun bibo Jesu, O n gba awon eniyan niyanju lati ni iyipada okan si Olorun. O n pe wipe ki gbogbo eniyan ki o yipada kuro ninu ese ki a si jowo ara eni sile fun igbe-aye igboran si Olorun. Isaiah soro nipa Johanu, lopo odun sehin ki a to bi i saye o wipe Johanu yoo je"ohun ninu iju" ati wipe iwaasu re yoo da lori pipese awon eniyan silefun Oluwa. Johanu ko wa pelu iwaasu igbeyin. Jesu gan-an ni Oro naa, ti Olorun ran si awon eniyan. Johanu ni ohun to n se ikede wiwa Oro naa ati wipe lati ipase iwaasu ironupiwada ati iribomi re, o ti pese awon eniyan lokunrin-lobinrin sile lati gba Jesu gegebi Messia. A le rii bi Olorun se n se gbogbo re leto-leto, to n seto ifarahan gege bi ohun asepe! Johanu lo orisirisi ede (aworan) latinu iriri inu iju, bii apeere, paramole, okuta ati igi alaileso fun afiwe. Ninu Iwaasu Johanu, a ri i mo wipe iribomi nikan ko to lati daabobo `ni lowo idajo nla Olorun to n bo wa. Johanu pe awon eniyan si ironupiwada tooto. Johanu n reti eri ironupiwada ki i se oro lasan to n jewo ironupiwada. 2. Ikilo Johaanu si awon eniyan (Luku3ese7-9) Nigba ti Johanu sakiyesi ona ti awon eniyan n gba huwa, o nilati kilo fun won. Ohun ti won wa se ni pe won wa fihan pea won faramo Johaanu ati ise-iranse re ni. Won ko ni ironupiwada tooto. Nitorina, Johanu gba won niyanju lati"... so eso ti o ye fun ironupiwada"(Luku 3 ese 8) ki won si ye e gbe ara le awon baba nla won"... ki e ma si se bere si i wi ninu ara nyin pe awa ni Abrahamu ni baba" Awon isele abami kan ti de ba jije Kristeni laye ode oni. A maa se ajoyo lori ifarahan “iranse Olorun” titun ti o ba dide sugbon eyi ko mu emi iyasoto jinle si i. A ti di omo-eyin awon eniyan Olorun wonyi nigba ti a si gbagbe ifaraenjin ti “Olorun ti o wa leyin awon ojise Olorun wonyi” n beere fun. Eso ti eniyan ba so ni yio se atoka bi igbeaye Kristeni re se mule to. Igbe-aye ti o ti yipada yio so eso fun gbogbo eniyan lati ri. O wa nira fun eni ti o ti ronupiwada nitooto lati ma le gbe igbeaye eni ti a ti yipada nitoripe nipa eso won ni a oo fi mo won. Koko inu eko 1. Rinrin ninu eto Olorun Johanu je eni ti a ran lati pese ona sile fun Oluwa beeni o si se bee gege bi a se fi ran-an. O gbe ninu iju titi di igba ti oro Oluwa to o wa lati bere ise iranse tiRe. Olorun ni eto fun aye wa. A bi Jesu lati gba araye la o si se eyi. Mose wa saye gege bi olutunisile , o si ni imuse eto Olorun fun aye re. Kin ni eto Olorun fun aye tire gan-an? N je o setan lati mu u se bi? 2. Gbongbo re ninu Kristi ni eri re Ninu oro iyanju Johannu si awon eniyan, o han wipe ipe si siso eso ni osuwon tooto fun ironupiwada. Bi aye kan ba ni ibasepo pelu Jesu tooto, idaniloju kansoso ti a ni ni ohun ti a le ri ninu ninu igbe-aye eni bee lojoojumo. A le so gbangba pe ERI igbala wa a maa fojuhan ninu GBONGBO wa ninu Kristi,ninu eyi ti a ti gba iye Olorun lati gbe irufe igbe-aye Olorun funra Re, paapaa ninu aye ti o ti dorikodo yii. Amulo Eko Olorun ti pe enikookan wa lati se oun kan pato fun Oun. O wa di ojuse wa lati sawari re ki a si rin ni ona re. Ki i se ifigagbaga ati wipe enikookan lo ni ibi ti a pe e si. Ki i se opolopo awon iranse Olorun aye ode-oni ni yio fi ara mo ise iranse iju ti Johanu bi opolopo se maa n fe yi ibi agunbaniro wa pada nitori a ko fe lati gbe abule. Oju-ona ati ipin wa fun enikookan, bi a ti re ara wa sile si lati sin Olorun nibi ti O ti yan fun wa lai se ibi ti o rowa lorun ,ni yoo safihan ipele idagbaoke wa . Jesu, Johanu, Mose ati awon ti o ku ninu iwe mimo ni won sawari ise iranse won, won si fi itara se e. Ara, o ti to akoko fun wa lati rin ni ona ti a ti yan fun wa. Asiko yi gan an ni a oo to ni imuseayo ninu aye wa. Bakanna ni a mo wi pe Johanu tenumo iriri okun ti inu ju ohun ti a fi oju ri lo. Bi o tile je wipe o n se iribomi fun awon eniyan, sibe o tenumo iyipada ti inu eniyan gege bi eyi ti o san ju awon asa igbadegba igbagbo ti a le fi oju ri lo. A gbodo kiyesara ki a ri i daju pe awon akitiyan ti a le foju ri ko gba iyipada ti inu ti Jesu mu wa fun wa ni ibi igbala tooto kuro lowo wa. |
Bible Study Title: Walking in Divine Order: The ministry of John the Baptist 1&2 Bible Study Text: Luke 3:1-10 Full Bible reference: 1 Now, in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, Pontius Pilate being governor of Judea, Herod being tetrarch of Galilee, his brother Philip tetrarch of Iturea and the region of Trachonitis, and Lysanias tetrarch of Abilene, 2 while Annas and Caiaphas were high priests, the word of God came to John the son of Zacharias in the wilderness. 3 And he went into all the region around the Jordan, preaching a baptism of repentance for the remission of sins, 4 as it is written in the book of the words of Isaiah the prophet, saying: "The voice of one crying in the wilderness: 'Prepare the way of the LORD; Make His paths straight. 5 Every valley shall be filled And every mountain and hill brought low; The crooked places shall be made straight And the rough ways smooth; 6 And all flesh shall see the salvation of God.'" 7 Then, he said to the multitudes that came out to be baptized by him, "Brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come? 8 "Therefore bear fruits worthy of repentance, and do not begin to say to yourselves, 'We have Abraham as our father.' For I say to you that God is able to raise up children to Abraham from these stones. 9 "And even now the ax is laid to the root of the trees. Therefore every tree which does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire." 10 So the people asked him, saying, "What shall we do then?" Introduction to Study The last thing we heard about John in our previous studies was that he went to the wilderness. Luke 1:80 says, " so the child grew and became strong in spirit, and was in the deserts till the day of his manifestation to Israel." (NKJV). While he was in the desert, he received a word from the Lord. Luke 3:2-3 says,"... the word of God came to John the son of Zacharias in the wilderness. 3 And he went into all the region around the Jordan, preaching a baptism of repentance for the remission of sins," John's ministry began in A.D 26. It was a dark period in history and God sent a new prophet to be the forerunner for the pattern Son-Jesus, which like we have studied already, showed how important God took the issue of releasing sons to serve His eternal purpose. God commissioned John to preach as the forerunner with the task of preparing people for Jesus, fulfilling the promise of Luke 1:14-17 and 1:76-79. In this study, we will be looking at the ministry of John the Baptist and how He was able to prepare the way for Jesus, the pattern Son. Teachings: 1. The message of John (Luke 3:3-6) John started his preaching in the wilderness of Judea. He preached in the neighbourhood of the Jordan River, which was significant as a place of immersion. He preached about the judgment on the nation of Israel, repentance, baptism, and announcement of the coming Kingdom. In preparing the way for the coming of Jesus, John requested that the people have a change of mind towards God. He advocated that everyone must change and surrender to God's will, i.e., turning away from sin and submitting to a life of obedience unto God. Isaiah spoke about John, many years before he was born. He said John would be “a voice in the desert” and his message was to prepare the people for the Lord. John did not bring the final message. Jesus was the Word, the message of God to man. John was a voice announcing the coming of the Word and through his preaching of repentance and baptism, prepared men and women to receive Jesus as the Messiah. We see how God operates in order – arranging manifestations like a perfect symphony! John used various figures drawn from the wilderness such as vipers, stones and barren trees as illustrations. In John’s message, we saw that baptism, on its own, is not sufficient against the coming of God’s judgment. John called the people to genuine repentance. John demanded to see evidence of repentance and not mere words professing repentance. 2. John's warning to the people - Luke 3:7-9) When John noticed the way the people were behaving, he had to warn them. They were just coming to show their loyalty to John and his ministry. They were not really repenting. So, John admonished them to "... bear fruits in keeping with repentance (Luke 3:8) and to abandon their reliance on their forefathers"...do not begin to say to yourselves, "we have Abraham for our father". There is a disaster occurring in modern - day Christianity. We celebrate the emergence of another “man of God” but this does not translate into increased consecration. We have become followers of men of God and have forgotten the sacrifices required by the “God behind these men” It is the fruit that determines the quality of a Christian. A changed life will produce fruits for everyone to see. It is therefore difficult for anyone that has truly repented not to live a changed life because by their fruit we shall know them. Key Lessons: 1. Walking in God's plan John was sent to prepare the way for the Lord and he did just that. He lived in the desert until the word of the Lord came to him to start his ministry. God has plans for every single one of us. It will do us good to walk in the plan of God for our lives. Jesus was born to save the world and He did it. Moses came as a deliverer and he fulfilled the plan of God for his life. What is God's plan for your life? Are you prepared to fulfill it? 2. Your root in Christ is your proof In John's admonition to the people, it is clear that the call to fruitfulness is the true measure of repentance. If truly a life has a relationship with Jesus, the only evidence is what we see in that life on daily basis. We can safely say that our PROOF of salvation is shown in our ROOT in Christ, wherein, we draw the life of God to live God’s kind of life, even in this perverse generation. Practical Application God has called each and every one of us to do something for Him. The onus lies on us to find it out and walk in that path. It is not a competition and everyone will have his place of calling. Not many modern - day ministers will subscribe to John’s wilderness ministry, like many of us will rather change the place of our NYSC primary assignment because we do not want to live in the village. There is a path and portion for everyone and maturity is shown by our degree of submission to serve God in the place He has chosen and not where it is convenient for us. Jesus, John, Moses, and the rest of them in the scriptures discovered their ministry and they followed it with passion. Brethren, it is time for us to walk in the path that is ordained for us. This is when we will find fulfillment in life. We also that John emphasized inner experience far and above physical symbolism. In as much as he baptized, he laid emphasis on the inner transformation and not the external ritual of faith. We must be careful not to allow external ceremonies to take off the expected inner change that Jesus brings in the place of genuine salvation. |
Akori Eko Bibeli: Didagba ninu ile baba (Apa keji) Ese-Bibeli: Luku 2:51-52 Ese Bibeli Lekunrere 51. O si ba won sokale lo si Nasareti, o si fi ara bale fun won; sugbon Iya re pa gbogbo nkan wonyi mo ninu okan re. 52. Jesu si npo li ogbon, o si ndagba o si wa li ojurere li odo olorun ati eniyan. Ifaara Ninu eko yi, a o maa tesiwaju lati se ayewo idahun Jesu ati bi eyi se se afihan bi Olorun se n reti enikookan wa lati dagba ni ile baba gege bi omo ti o mo ojuse re si awon obi re ati gege bi omo Olorun lokunrin- lobinrin ti o naani ayanmo.. 3. Jesu teriba fun ase-Luku 2: 50-51a Bi o tile je wipe Jesu je omo Olorun, awon obi ti o bi I s'aye ko ni oye ibasepo ara-oto ti O ni pelu Olorun, o si fi ara re si abe ase awon obi re, O si gboran si won lenu. Nigbati awon obi re pari oro, oun" ...si ba won sokale lo si Nasareti, O si fi ara bale fun won" Isipaya nla Re nipa ohun ti Olorun pe E si ko yi iwa irele Re pada si baba ati Iya re ti aye. Opolopo awon majesin ti a fi oye die fun nipa oun ti Olorun fe fi aye won se ni won maa n fi ayo fo o, ti won o si maa rin ninu aigboran si ase awon adari won. Nwon a rin kuro laarin ipejopo awon omo Olorun lati da ile-ise iranse aladani ti ara won sile. Eyi je ohun to bani lokan je pupo. Jesu, ti i se awokose Omo, tesiwaju lati maa teriba ninu igboran si awon obi re. O gboran si awon obi re lenu ninu ohun gbogbo. O je ise fun won, o ba won mu oju to ise gbenagbena won ati beebee lo. O gbe igbe-aye to dara pelu awon obi re . Jesu ni itesiwaju ninu ogbon ati idagbasoke ara re. Koko inu eko 1. Jesu mo eniti Oun n se Jesu mo ipinnu Olorun fun aye re lati igba ewe. Ebun ti o daraju ti eniyan le ni ni ki o mo, ki o ni oye, ki o si di ere-idi ti a fi seda re saye mu sinsin. Nitorina, o rorun fun-UN lati le rinrin ajo Re pelu. Nje o mo eto Olorun fun aye re bi? Ni omo odun mejila, Jesu ti bere si i gbe igbeaye eni ti o mo idi ti a fi da A s'aye. N je o ti se idamo idi ti a fi da o s'aye bi? Bi o ko ba ti i se eyi, ko i tii pe ju fun o lati beere lowo Olorun nipa aye re loni. Yoo fi ohun ti O fe ki o se fun Oun han o, ki o ba le lo aye re ni ibamu pelu eto Olorun fun aye re. Eleyi ni igbe okan eni ti o se tan lati maa gbe aye re gege bi omo. 2. A pe wa si Igboran Jesu gboran si obi re lenu bi o tile je pe O gbadun a ti maa fara mo awon olukoni ti o si ni anfani lati ba won soro Olorun papo. O gboran si won lenu, O si pada pelu won lo si Nasareti. Ko ba won jiyan rara. Gege bi Jesu ti se, a pe wa lati gboran si ase awon alakoso wa. A gbodo gboran si awon adari, awon obi wa, awon alase ile-eko abbl lenu (ayafi ti o ba je wipe won fe mu wa se si Olorun ni) 3. Idagbasoke ni ipa-ona Merin Ninu eko wa, a ko wipe Jesu dagba ni ona merin pataki. O dagba ninu ogbon, o dagba ninu ara, ninu ojurere pelu Olorun ati eniyan. Nibi yii, a ri ohun ti Olorun fe ki enikookan wa se. O fe ki a dagba ni ipele ona merin yii. A nilati dagba ninu ogbon. Ohun kan ti a se akiyesi re ni wipe nigbati Jesu wa ninu tempili, ko si nibe gege bi olukoni sugbon bi akekoo. O jokoo pelu awon olukoni ,O n beere ibeere lowo won. ko se bii pe"Oun gbon tan tabi Oun mo o tan". O je akekoo ti o n bere ibeere bi agbalagba. Awon ibeere ti o se afihan oye ti ara-oto, bi O se n se afihan oye to yani lenu lori ohun ti emi. Didagba wa a maa je jade nipa okan lati kekoo, ki i se kiki ki a koni nikan. Ife okan lati jokoo lati teti si awon ti a lero pe a mo julo. Iwa irele lati teriba nigbati omo ijo lasan ba n koni ni eko oro Olorun ki a si maa ko awon ohun arigbamu inu eko naa sile. O je ohun alebu nigba ti iwo gegebi adari ba n jade sita lori pe" mo ni opolopo nnkan lati se" nigbati o je pe ohun to n se o ni pe o ko fe lati jokoo labe ikoni eni ti o sese gbagbo. Jesu tun dagba ni ojurere pelu eniyan, laipe oro so, O ni ibasepo to dara pelu awon eniyan ni ayika re. Bawo ni awon alabagbe wa se fe teti si oro Ihinrere lodo wa nigbati o je wipe gbogbo igba la maa n ba won ja? Amulo Eko O nira lati woye ohun ti Josefu ati Maria mo lara lehin igba ti won rinrin-ajo lojo pipe naa ki won to mo pe Jesu ko si ninu aye won. Bayii ni oro igbe-aye opolopo Kristeni ri loni, won ti n pada sehin die-die nipase ese ikoko ti won ko si mo wipe Jesu ti kuro ninu aye awon lati opolopo osu sehin. Gbogbo ifasehin je Igbese a si gbodo kiyesara lati maa sona ki a si maa ye aye wa wo nigba gbogbo pelu idaniloju wipe a si ngbe ninu Kristi. Idi kan pataki ti a se akiyesi re ninu eko yi ni "ero nipa ogooro eniyan"- Josefu ati Maria ro pe O wa laaarin ogooro ero. Akitiyan ogooro ero, bi apeere, ipejopo Kristeni, ipade adura, ipago, lopolopo igba a maa tan wa je lati ro wipe ohun gbogbo n lo deede pelu wa nigbati o je wipe osuwon otito ti o ye ki a lo ni wipe , se Jesu ti di awati ninu igbe-aye ikoko wa, ninu asiko adura idakeje wa ati ninu irinaajo wa pelu olorun lojojumo. Jesu ha ti di awati ninu aye re bi? Bakan naa, Igboran je koko kan pataki ti a ni lati mulo. A gbodo gboran si awon alase wa lai naani ipo ti a ba ara wa laye yii. Itan kan wa nipa eniyan Olorun kan, eni ti o sise labe Alakoso Gbogboogbo ijo kan. O dabi eni pe Olorun n lo o ju Alakoso ijo yii lo. Olorun bukun re pelu ise iranse imunilarada. Nitori naa, o bere sii siwa hu, bee ni o n se aigboran si awon alase ijo naa. Nigba to di akoko kan, ko le ko ara re nijanu mo, o se e bi eni pe ki o kowe fi ijo sile ki o si lo da ijo ti ara re sile. O fiwe sile leyin-o-reyin sugbon nnkan wa buru fun-un jai de`bi pe o tun pada wa. A nilo lati kekoo ninu iwa irele lai naani ipele ore-ofe ati ebun Olorun ti o wa n inu aye wa. Didagba si ipo omo to tojuubo yoo je iriri wa nigbati a ba rin ninu irele, ti a re ara wa sile ti a si fi aaye gba Olorun lati gbe wa lati ipele aseyori kan lo si omiran. |
Bible Study Title: Maturing in the Father’s House 2 Bible Study Text: Luke 2:51-52 Full Bible reference: 51 Then He went down with them and came to Nazareth, and was subject to them, but His mother kept all these things in her heart. 52 And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men. Introduction to Study In this we shall be proceeding by studying Jesus response and how this reflect how God expects each of us to mature in the Father’s house, both as a responsible children to our parent and a destiny-conscious sons and daughters of God. 3. Jesus was subject to Authority - Luke 2:50-51a) Even though Jesus is the son of God and His physical parent did not understand His unique relationship with God, He still put himself under the authority of His parents and obeyed them. When his parent finished speaking with Him, He "...went down with them and came to Nazareth, and was subject to them," His “big revelation” of what God has called Him unto did not change His sense of submission to his earthly father and mother. Many young folks who have had a basic insight into certain dimensions in God have thrown caution to the wind and walk in disobedience to the leadership. They have walked out of the fellowship and run on their own as “one man ministry”. It is a disaster! Jesus, the pattern Son, continued to be obedient to His parent. He obeyed his parents in everything. He ran errands for them, He looked after the carpentry business etc. He lived a normal life with His parents. Jesus made progress in wisdom and in physical growth. Key lessons: 1. Jesus knew who He was Jesus knew the plan of God for His life at a tender age. The best gift a life can have is to know, understand and hold fast to the reason for its creation. So, it was easy for Him to flow with it. Do you know the plan of God for your life? At twelve years old, Jesus was already living in the consciousness of His reason for being. Have you discovered the reason why God made you? If you have not, it is not too late to ask God about your life today. He will show you what He wants you to do for Him so that you can pattern your life after God's plan. This is the heart cry of every life who is living like a son. 2. We are called to be Obedient Jesus obeyed His parents, even though He enjoyed being with the teachers and had the opportunity to discuss the word of God with them. He obeyed and returned with them to Nazareth. He did not argue with them. Just like Jesus did, we are called to be obedient to higher authorities. We are to obey governing authorities, parental authority, and school authority etc. (unless, of course, they want us to deny the Lord). 3. Growth in Four dimensions In our study, we learnt that Jesus grew in four important ways. He grew in wisdom, physical size, in favour with God and in favour with man. Here we see what God wants each and every one of us to do. He wants us to grow in these four dimensions. We are to grow in wisdom. One of the things we need to pick here was that while Jesus was in the temple, He was not the teacher, but a learner. He was sited with rabbi asking questions. He was not acting “I know it all”. He was a learner asking grown-up questions! Questions that reflect an understanding that is quite extraordinary, as he demonstrated an amazing grasp of spiritual matters. Maturity is proven by our genuine quest to learn and not just to teach. The desire to sit and listen to people that you think you know more than. The humility to submit when an ordinary member is leading a study and to make jottings. It is a disaster when you as a leader steps outside, in excuse of “busy here and there”, when in your heart you want to avoid sitting down to be taught by a new convert! Jesus also grew in favour with men, specifically; He was having a great relationship with the people around Him. How can we serve the people we are sent to when we don’t have good relationship with them? How can our neighbours listen to our gospel message, when we are always at war with them? Practical Application It’s so hard to imagine what Joseph and Mary must have felt after travelling for such a time and only then realising that Jesus was missing in their life. This is the same reality of many Christian today, who are already backsliding with secret sins and do not know that Jesus exited many months before. Every backsliding is a process and we must be careful to watch and examine our lives, such that we are still in Christ. One major reason we saw in this study was the “crowd’s assumption”- Joseph and Mary thought he was with the crowd. Activities of the crowd, e.g., fellowship, prayer meetings, and conventions often deceive us of our true state, whereas, the true measure that Jesus is not missing is our private, individuals quiet time, and personal walk with God on a daily basis. Is Jesus missing in your life? Obedience is also an important aspect we need to imbibe. We are to obey constituted authorities no matter the level we found ourselves in life. There was a story about a man of God, who was serving under the General Overseer of a Church. It seems as if God was using Him more than the G.O. He was blessed with a healing ministry. So, gradually, he started misbehaving and disobeying the authorities of the church. He got to a point where he couldn't contain himself again, he wanted to resign to start his own ministry. He did resign, but things got bad for him afterwards and came back. We are to learn in humility irrespective of the level of grace and gifting that is coming out of our lives. Maturity unto sonship is witnessed when we act with humility, with which we lower ourselves and allow the Lord to take us from one level of success to another. |
Akori Eko bibeli: Didagba ninu ile baba (apa kinni) Ese bibeli: Luku 2 : 41-50 Ese bibeli lekunrere: 41. Awon obi re a si maa lo si Jerusalemu li ododun si ajo irekoja. 42. Nigbati o si di omo odun mejila, won goke lo si Jerusalemu gegebi ise ajo naa. 43. Nigbati ojo won si pe bi won ti npada bo omo naa Jesu duro lehin ni Jerusalemu; Josefu ati Iya re ko mo. 44. Sugbon nwon sebi o wa li egbe ero, nwon run irin ajo kan; nwon wa a kiri ninu awon ara ati awon ojulumo won. 45. Nigbati nwon ko si ri i , nwon pada si Jerusalemu, nwon wa a kiri. 46. O si se, lehin ijo meta nwon ri i ninu tempili o joko li aarin awon olukoni, o ngbo ti won, o si mbi won leere. 47. Eni si ya gbogbo awon ti o gbo oro re fun oye ati idahun re. 48. Nigbati nwon si ri i , ha se won: Iya re si bi i pe, omo, eese ti iwo fi se wa bee? Sa wo o, baba re ati emi ti nfi ibinuje wa o kiri. 49. O si idahun o wi fun won pe, eese ti enyin fi nwa mi kiri? Enyin ko mo pe emi ko le saima wa nibi ise baba mi? 50. Oro ti o so ko si ye won. Ifaara Ipa-ona didagba si ipo omo ti o tojuubo je eyi to n tesiwaju, sibe, a gbodo ni ibudoko to se pataki nibi ti a oo ti maa se ipinnu lori eni ti a je ati bi o ti ye ki a gbe igbe-aye wa. Awon asiko ipinnu yii je asiko ayanmo nigbati a ba gbe ewu ipe ti a fi pe wa nitooto wo lai wo ero awon ti o yi wa ka. Ninu eko yi, a o maa se agbeyewo bi awokose omo, Jesu, ti o je pe lomo odun mejila, O de ipele akoko didagbasoke naa ti o ni lati gbe igbe-aye eni ti o je nitooto. Gegebi asa, awon ara Juu ni lati lo si ibi ase nla meta gegebi ofin se la a kale fun won lodoodun- ajo Irekoja, Pentikosti ati ti Ago (Eksodu 23: 14-17, 34:22-23; Deut.16:16). Ni asiko Kristi, opolopo Juu ti o n gbe ona jinjin si Jerusalemu, a maa n lo sibi ase kansoso, ti I se ajo Irekoja. Ase naa dabi ipago ode-oni ti o fi aaye gba isera-ro lati-gba-okun, isodotun emi ati ifara-eni-jin lotun gege bi igbagbo won nigba naa. Ase ajo irekoja je ajoyo olose kan gbako ti o se afihan itusile ti Olorun se fun awon ara Juu lati inu ide awon ara Egypti. Ni ibamu pelu ofin Mose, odomokunrin to tip e omo odun mejila tabi metala gbodo je "omo ofin ". Eleyi tumo si wipe odomokunrin naa nilati tele ofin Mose, ki o si pa a mo. O ti di agbalagba ti o ni ojuse Iati se. Jesu ti wa dagba de ojo ori yii, nitori naa o di dandan fun-un lati lo si ibi ase ajo irekoja ni Jerusalemu. Ninu eyi, a ri bi Jesu se gbe aworan eni ti o ye ki O je wo ninu ile baba re, eleyi ti o ga ju ireti awon eniyan lnipa ojo ori Re lo. Eko : Ajo irekoja ni Jerusalemu Ase yii je ayeye ti o wuyi lopolopo ninu eyi ti idile kookan yio ti mu odo aguntan wa siwaju alufa ninu tempili. Alufa naa yio se ayewo odo aguntan naa lati lo si iwaju pepe nibi ti won yoo ti pa a ti eje re yio si maa san la awon akaso-oju ona(steps) tempili koja. Odo aguntan naa ni won yoo fi pese ounje- ounje ajo irekoja. Awon idile Jesu bakan naa la gbogbo ilana yii koja beeni won se ojuse ti o leto fun won lati se. Won je ounje irekoja yii, won si pari ayeye naa. Opolopo arinrin-ajo ni i maa n duro fun ijo kan tabi meji fun ayeye yi, ti won yio si pada si ile won leyin gbogbo etutu naa.O daju wipe Josefu ati Maria duro fun gbogbo ijo meje ajo yii. A si lero wipe Jesu paapaa yoo maa fo fere fun ayo ni tori pe eyi ni ayeye akoko ti yoo lo. A woye wipe o ye ki O maa jeun kaakiri ki o si maa gbadun ara re. Lede ode-oni, o ye ki o maa se "Selfie" ki o si maa se afihan aworan lori Facebook ati Twitter. Ka ma rii, ko se bi omode rara beeni ko se bi eni ti o lo si ibi kan fun igba akoko. O ti de akoko kan ninu aye re lati gbe igbe-aye eni ti o je gan-an, ko si idiwo kankan bo ti le wu ko mo ti yio dii lowo lati gbe oju re kuro nini itumo ti o jinle ni wipe oun ni "awokose omo" ti yio pada di" ajo irekoja ti o ga julo". 2. Jesu di eni ti a nwa- Luku 2:43-47 Idile naa kuro ni Jerusalemu won si mu irinaajo won pon pada si Nasareti. Ile ti su beni awon ti won Jo n rinrin ajo ya si Jeriko, won si sinmi. Won pinnu lati je ounjd ale ni Jeriko. Laarin ajo eniyan juu ti o n rin irinaajo, awon obinrin ati awon omode ni lo maa n siwaju nigbati awon agba okunrin ntele won lehin. Josefu le ti ro wipe Jesu wa pelu Maria ki Maria paapaa lero pe O wa pelu Josefu. Ibi yii ni molebi naa ti sakiyesi wipe Jesu ko si laaarin won. Ha! Bawo ni omo ayanmo -ileri fun gbogbo ile aye yio ti sonu ti awon obi re ko si mo? Si Jesu, irinajo akoko yii ki ise irinajo afe, o je irinajo ayanmo, o si je asiko idagbasoke gboogi, nigbati iru eniti o je ati ere-idi wiwa laaye gbodo di mimu se, O duro seyin ni Jerusalemu, O mo wipe oun gbodo mu isoji wa sinu ile baba Oun. O si gbodo lo asiko yii lati bere re, niwon igba ti o mo wipe Oun le ma ri anfani lati wa si Jerusalemu mo ayafi lehin odun kan. Bawo ni a se n lo anfani ti Oluwa fi fun wa si? Nigbati Jesu n se ise ayanmo re, Josefu ati Maria n wa A kiri laarin awon ibatan ati ore. Ninu aibale okan ni won pinnu lati pada lo si Jerusalemu lati lo sawari re. 3. A ri Jesu ni ile baba re-Luku 2: 48-50 Nigba ti Josefu ati Maria de Jerusalemu, won bere si beere kaakiri nipa Jesu. Won wo ibi ti won ti n ta basa, sugbon ko si nibe. Won pinnu lati wo gbagede awon keferi. Won sakiyesi opo ijo eniyan ti won ko ara won jo si tosi tempili. Won la aarin awon eniyan koja lati mo boya Jesu wa laarin won. Won ri I laarin awon akowe ati awon olukoni Israeli nib ti o ti n beere ibeere lowo won bi ologbon agbalagba. Enu ya Maria ati Josefu. A ko ri Jesu fun ijo meta won si ti ro pe nkan buburu kan ti sele si Io.Sugbon, O wa ninu tempili, O jokoo, O si nbeere ibeere. Inu bi iya re, oun si wi fun-UN pe,"... omo, eese ti iwo fi se wa bee? Sa wo o, baba re ati emi ti nfi ibinuje wa o kiri" Bi Maria se huwa yi ye eniyan daradara. Ko si obi ti ko nii huwa bee, bakanna, Ibeere ti o beere paaapaa se afihan iru iporuuru okan ti o ti mu won la koja. Jesu dahun o wipe"... eese ti enyin fi nwa mi kiri? Enyin ko mo pe emi ko le saima wa nibi ise baba mu?" Eleyi ni igba akoko ti a se akosile oro Jesu. Awon oro naa n toka si idi ti o fi wa saye. O nilati wa ninu ile baba re ati ninu ise baba re. O ti de ikorita pataki ti o nilati kede idi ti Oun fi wa saye . O ye Jesu daju wipe ibasepo to wa laarin oun ati baba oun ti o wa lorun yato. O mo ise ati idi ti o fi wa si ile-aye. O mo ayanmo Re. |
Bible Study Title: Maturing in the Father’s House 1 Bible Study Text: Luke 2:41-50 Full Bible reference: 41 ¶ His parents went to Jerusalem every year at the Feast of the Passover. 42 And when He was twelve years old, they went up to Jerusalem according to the custom of the feast. 43 When they had finished the days, as they returned, the Boy Jesus lingered behind in Jerusalem. And Joseph and His mother did not know it; 44 but supposing Him to have been in the company, they went a day's journey, and sought Him among their relatives and acquaintances. 45 So when they did not find Him, they returned to Jerusalem, seeking Him. 46 Now so it was that after three days they found Him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them and asking them questions. 47 And all who heard Him were astonished at His understanding and answers. 48 So when they saw Him, they were amazed; and His mother said to Him, "Son, why have You done this to us? Look, Your father and I have sought You anxiously." 49 And He said to them, "Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father's business?" 50 But they did not understand the statement which He spoke to them. Introduction to Study The path of maturing unto sonship is progressive, yet, we must have critical bus stops, where we make major decision on who we are and how we are meant to live our lives. These moments of decision are moment of destiny when we take on the true nature of our calling, irrespective of what people around us think. In this study, we shall see how the pattern son, Jesus, even at twelve years got to His critical moment of maturity when He must live His true identity. Traditionally, Jewish men were expected by the law to attend three great feasts every year - Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles (Exodus 23:14-17; 34:22-23; Deuteronomy 16:16). During the time of Christ, most Jews who live far away from Jerusalem attended only one feast, usually the Passover. The feasts are like a modern convention that offers an occasion for retreat, renewal, and recommitment according to their belief at that time. The Passover festival was a week-long celebration of God's deliverance of the Jews from Egyptian bondage. The Law of Moses requires every Jewish boy at the age of 12 or 13 to become a "son of the commandment". This means that the boy was now required to follow and keep the Law of Moses. He is now a responsible adult. Jesus has now grown to this age, so He was required to attend the Passover festival in Jerusalem. In this instance, we see how Jesus took on His true identity in His father's house, which was far above what was expected of His age. Teachings: 1. The Passover in Jerusalem The Feast was a lovely ceremony where each family was required to present a lamb before the priest in the temple. The priest examined the lamb to make sure that there was no sport or blemish. The lamb was taken to the altar where it will be killed and the blood allowed to flow freely on the pavement of the temple steps. The lamb is then used to prepare a meal - the Passover meal. Jesus family also went through this process and performed the necessary role. They ate the Passover meal and they completed the ceremony. Many pilgrims stayed only one or two days, leaving after the main sacrifices were over. Obviously, Joseph and Mary stayed for the entire seven days. It could be expected that Jesus should also be in an excited mood attending his first celebration. It should be expected that He will be looking around, eating from one tent to another and having fun. In today’s language, he would have been expected to be doing “selfies” and sharing pictures on Facebook and Twitter. Never, he was not acting like a baby or a first-timer, He has come to a moment in His life to live His identity and no ceremonial distraction will take His view from the deeper meaning that He is the “pattern son” who will soon become the “ultimate Passover”. 2. Jesus went missing - Luke 2:43-47 The family made their way out of Jerusalem and started their journey back to Nazareth. It was nightfall and the caravan they were travelling in got to Jericho and rested. They decided to eat the evening meal at Jericho. In a group of Jewish travelers, the women and smaller children went on ahead and the older boys and the men followed behind. Joseph may have thought that Jesus was with Mary and Mary may have thought that He was with Joseph. It was here the family discovered that Jesus was not in their midst. Hah! How can a destiny child – the promise of the whole world be lost and the parent did not know? Now to Jesus, the first trip was not just a pleasure ride. It was a journey of destiny; it was a critical maturity moment when His true identity and the reason for living must come true. He had stayed behind in Jerusalem, He knew He was made to bring a revival to the Father’s house and must use the opportunity to start off, since He may not have opportunity to come to Jerusalem until another one year. How strategic do we use the opportunities given to us by the Lord? While Jesus was connecting to destiny, Joseph and Mary searched for him among their relatives and friends. They were panicking and decided to return to Jerusalem to look for him. 3. Jesus was found in His Father's house - Luke 2: 48-50 When Joseph and Mary got to Jerusalem, they started asking around for Jesus. They looked through the bazaars, but he was not there. They decided to check the Court of the Gentiles. They noticed a massive crowd gathered among the arcades. They made their way through the crowd to see whether Jesus was there. They saw Him in the midst of the scribes and rabbis of Israel. He was asking the rabbis questions like a matured adult. Mary and Joseph were surprised. Jesus had been missing for three days and they thought some bad things had happened to him. But, here he was in the temple, sitting down and asking questions. His mother was angry and she said "...son, why have You done this to us? Look, Your father and I have sought You anxiously". Mary's reaction is understandable. Any parent would have reacted the same way. Her question informs Him of the great anxiety He has caused them. Jesus replied and said "...Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father's business?" This was the first time Jesus’ words were recorded. The words signify His purpose in life. He has to be in His father's house and about his father's business. He has come to a critical moment to proclaim the reason why He was sent to the world. Jesus was fully aware of his unique relationship with his Father in heaven. He knew His mission and the purpose of His birth. He knew His destiny. |
(1) Lord order my steps this week and all the days of my life into divine encounter and into paths of fulfilment of life's goals, visions and aspirations, as Simeon and Anna walked into divine encounter in the Temple {Luke 2:27b;38, Psalm 143:10} (2) Grant me the virtue and patience of "WAITING" for you and upon you in this fast-pace-generation, for me to enjoy the WEIGHT of glory {Isaiah 64:4; Job14:14; 2 Corinthians 4:17} (3)Grant us greater and deeper intimacy with the Holy Spirit that will lead me into ALL TRUTH and prophetic accuracy the way Simeon enjoyed his walk with God. {Luke 2:26; 1Corinthian 2:10; John14:26} ?Let us ask the Lord for servant-heart, passion for souls and new consecration for all layers of leaders in TACEF.
?We commit all projects purposes and programmes unto the Lord as the fellowships at every levels starts to press-in and prepare for the end of the year. "Let it be the Season Of Better Things" {Ecclesiastes 7:4, Isaiah 46:10} ?Lord, use the Tacef Radio Platform to shake the Nations before the DESIRE of all NATIONS come or rapture {Haggai 2:7, Isaiah 2:2} GOD BLESS AS WE WAIT ON HIM |
Akori Eko- Bibeli: Simeoni ati Anna: Okan diduro de Omo. Ese- Bibeli: Luku 2: 22-38 Ese Bibeli Lekunrere: 22. "Nigbati Ojo iwenumo Maria si pe gegebi ofin Mose, nwon gbe Jesu was so Jerusalem lati fi fun oluwa; 23. (Bi a ti ko o sinu ofin Oluwa pe, 'Gbogbo omo okunrin ti o she akobi, oun li a o pe ni mimo fun oluwa;). 24. Ati lati rubo gegebi eyi ti a with ninu ofin oluwa, Adaba meji tabi omo eyele meji 25. Si kiyesi i, okunrin kan wa not Jerusalemu, oruko re a ma je Simeoni; okunrin naa si se olooto ati olufokansin, o nreti itunu Isreali: Emi mimo si ba lee. 26. A si ti fihan an lati odo Emi-mimo naa wa pe oun ki yio'ri iku, ki o to ri Kristi Oluwa. 27. O si ti "ipa Emi wa sinu tempili: nigbati awon obi re si gbe Omo naa Jesu wa lati se fun un bi ise ofin. 28. Nigba a naa li o gbe e ki apa re, o fi Ibukun fun olorun, o ni 29. Oluwa, nigbayi li o to jowo omo-odo re lowo lo li alafia, gege bi oro re: 30. Nitori ti oju mi ti ri igbala re na, 31. Ti iwo ti pese sile niwaju eniyan gbogbo; 32. Imole lati mo si awon keferi ati ogo Isreali eniyan re. 33. Enu si ya Josefu ati Iya re si nkan ti a nso si i wonyi. 34. Simeoni si sure fun won, o si wi fun Maria Iya re pe kiyesi i a gbe omo yi kale fun isubu ati idide opo eniyan ni Isreali ti fun ami ti a nsoro odi si. 35. (Ida yio si gun iwo naa li okan pelu.) ki a le fi ironu opo okan han. 36. Enikan si mbe, Anna woli, omobinrin Fanueli, li eya Aseri: ojo ogbo re po, o ti ba oko gbe li odun meje lati igba wundia re wa; 37. O si se opo iwon odun merinlelogorin, eniti ko kuro ni tempili, o si nfi awe ati adura sin olorun losan ati loru. 38. O si wole li akoko naa, o si dupe fun oluwa pelu, o si soro re fun gbogbo awon ti o nreti idande Jerusalemu. Ifaara Leyin ojo kejo ti a bi Jesu, a ko O ni ila a si so O ni oruko Jesu. Luku 2:21 "Nigbati ti ijo mejo si pe lati ko omo naa ni ila, nwon pe oruko ni Jesu..." Josefu ati Maria pinnu lati duro ni Bethlehemu fun osu ti yoo tele asiko naa titi ti iya omo ati omo naa yio ni okun lati rinrin ajo pada sinu tempili fun iwenumo ati sise ayeye a ti fifun oluwa. Ninu ofin majemu laelae, gbogbo awon obinrin Juu ni a so fun lati mu ohun irubo kan wa ki won si fi sile ninu tempili lehin ogoji ojo ti won ba bi omo-okunrin . Nigbati ojo ififun oluwa si de, Josefu ati Maria gbe omo naa won si mu irinaajo won pon lo si Jerusalemu-irinaajo ibuso maarun lo si ariwa. Ninu eko yi, a o ma se agbeyewo awon ibapade Simeoni ati Anna pelu Jesu ninu tempili. Eko
Awon ilana meta kan wa ti Olorun se agbekale re fun gbogbo omokunrin akobi ni Isreali ni igba naa. Ilana akoko ni ikoninila eleyi ti a se ni ojo kejo ti a bi Jesu. Ilana keji ni iwenumo (luku 2:22). Eleyi wa ni ibamu pelu ofin Mose ninu iwe Lefitiku 12 ese1-4. Ilana keta ni gbigbe omo naa wa si tempili. A le ri ninu iwe Eksodu 13 ese 1-2: "1. Oluwa si wi fun Mose pe, 2. Ya gbogbo awon akobi soto fun mi, gbogbo eyiti ise akobi ninu awon omo Isreali, ati ti eniyan ati ti eran: ti Emi ni ise. " Awon ilana meta yi je ami iriri pataki meta, ti omo Olorun ti o ba fe apeere Omo gbodo ni. Eyi akoko so nipa ikoninila okan nigbati a ba ti fi eran ara wa ko sori igi agbelebu ki a si ke kuro patapata (Romu 2 ese 29).Ikeji ni ise pelu iwenu ati-gbade-gba, eleyi ti ma nsele bi a se n fi aye gba oro Olorun ninu aye wa (Efesu 5 ese 26) beni iketa tumo si gbigbe niwaju Olorun lorekore nipa emi-mimo ti n gbe ninu wa (1Kor.3 ese 16) 2. Ibapade Simeoni pelu Jesu- Luku 2:25-26 Itan igbe aye Simeoni ko fi taratara ni akosile ninu bibeli. O see se ki o je alufa. Gbogbo ohun ti a mo nipa re ni wipe o je olododo eniyan ti o mo oro Olorun. O ni afojusun, o le duro ninu ipinnu re beeni o je alagbara ni igba ogbo re. O ni ohun ti o gbodo muse ki o to kuro ninu aye - eyi ti i se ki o ri Messiah. O mu ilepa yi lokunkundun, ko si gba ohunkohun laaye lati di oun lowo. Lotito, o n gbe igbe aye re lati se imuse ohun ti emi-mimo ti se afihan re fun-un wipe oun ki yio ri iku titi yio fi ri Messia naa, beeni oun si n duro de E ninu tempili. Ifojusona olojo pipe yi di mimuse nigbati a gbe Jesu omo jojolo nni wa sinu tempili. O je ohun iyalenu pe fifi Jesu han ninu tempili je imuse ifojusona olojo pipe okunrin kan. A gba a ladura pe ki awon ojuse ti o ni i pelu mo wa pese imuse ireti fun gbogbo awon eniyan ti o yi wa ka. 3. Ibapade Anna pelu Jesu-Luku 2:36-38 Bi Simeoni se n soro, woli obinrin kan, Anna dide lati se eleri oro re. Anna je opo, eni odun merinlelogorin, eniti "... ko kuro ni tempili, o si n fi aawe ati adura sin Olorun losan ati loru. 38. O si wole li akoko naa, o si dupe fun Oluwa pelu, o si soro re fun gbogbo awon ti o nreti idande Jerusalemu." Anna wa lati eya Aseri, oun si ti di eni ogbo gidigidi, eyi ti o tumo si" eniti o kun fun opolopo ojo " eni ti a gbe ni iyawo fun odun meje ki oko re to ku. O ni ise iranse nla- o je woli obinrin, a ma gba aawe lorekore beeni o si je eni adura gbigba. Ohun a maa wa ninu tempili, o n sin Oluwa. Nitorina, o rorun fun-un lati da Messiah mo nigbati o ri. Leyin ayeye naa, Josefu ati Maria mu omo naa, won si pada si Bethlehemu. Pelu ayo pupo ti o ti idi ipade yii jade, eyi ti i ba ti mu ki awon obi Jesu so O di orisa akunlebo ninu tempili naa, won tesiwaju pelu ero wipe ifarahan kekere yii ko gbodo bo won loju lati ri ifarahan nla to n bo niwaju. Opolopo eniyan ni irufe ifarahan kekere bayi ma n bo mole ti a si pa iwe ohun ti olorun fe se ninu aye de nigbati won si wa ni ipele ikinni ninu ipele ogorun ti Olorun n mu won lo. Koko Inu Eko: 1. Diduro de imuse oro olorun: Ni opolopo igba nigbati Olorun ba se ileri lati se nnkan ninu aye wa, yoo nira fun wa lati le duro de imuse re. Dipo eleyi, a maa n wa ona a ti ke irinaajo naa kuro. Anna ati Simeoni duro ninu tempili, won sin oluwa, won si n duro de Messia. Won n fi aisinmi fojusona fun Jesu omo kekere jojolo naa losan ati loru titi di igba ti won to ri I. Nje o n fojusona fun imuse oro Olorun ninu aye re bi? Nje o n duro de e tabi ohunkohun n di o lowo bi? 2. Diduro de ipadabo Oluwa leekeji Gege bi Simeoni ati Anna, nje o n reti ipadabo Oluwa leekeji bi? Bi o se wa saye ni igba akoko, be gege ni yio pada wa fun kiki awon to fi aisinmi duro se ifarahan re-2 Timo. 4 ese 8. Awon eniyan meji yii ko fi aye gba isele ayika won lati di won lowo afojusun won fun Olorun. Bi o tile je wipe asotele yii ko se fun irinwo odun, won duro laiyese beeni a ko si mu won gbe oju won kuro. Kini ohun ti o mu o gbe oju re kuro ninu diduro de ipadabo Oluwa? Gege bi Simeoni ati Anna se duro ti won ri ipadabo Oluwa, Oluwa yio mu ileri re se beeni yoo pada wa laisi ani-ani. Ibeere naa ni wipe, nje oo si wa ninu igbagbo di igba naa? Nje o wa ni imurasile fun ipadabo re leekeji bi? Amulo Eko O farahan gbangba ninu eko yii wipe Oluwa mu ileri Re si Simeoni ati Anna se. Oro Olorun ninu iwe Habakuku 2: 3 wipe" Nitori iran naa je ti igba kan ti a yan, yio ma yara si igbeyin, ki yio si seke, bi o tile pe, duro de e, nitori ni dide, yio de, ki yio pe”. Diduro de ipadabo Oluwa je irinaajo igba eda laye. O je ohun ibanuje fun eniyan lati gbe, igbe-aye diduro gege bi omo ile eko giga, ki o si so emi iyasoto re fun Olorun nu gegebi agunbaniro. Ko si ninu ife Olorun fun wa lati wa ni ipele ti o daraju siwaju asiko igbeyawo ki a si bere si se ojojo emi nikete lehin igbeyawo. Igbe aye diduro nilo aiyese ati ifara-eni-jin. Idi niyii ti o fi je ipe si didagbasoke bi a se ngbe igbe aye wa lojojumo, ti a si n gbe aworan Jesu wo bi a se nreti imuse ileri re ninu aye wa. |
Bible Study Title: Simeon and Anna: The heart of waiting for the Son Bible Study Text: Luke 2:22-38 Full Bible reference: 22 Now when the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were completed, they brought Him to Jerusalem to present Him to the Lord 23 (as it is written in the law of the Lord, "Every male who opens the womb shall be called holy to the LORD"), 24 and to offer a sacrifice according to what is said in the law of the Lord, "A pair of turtledoves or two young pigeons." 25 And behold, there was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon, and this man was just and devout, waiting for the Consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him. 26 And it had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death before he had seen the Lord's Christ. 27 So he came by the Spirit into the temple. And when the parents brought in the Child Jesus, to do for Him according to the custom of the law, 28 he took Him up in his arms and blessed God and said: 29 "Lord, now You are letting Your servant depart in peace, According to Your word; 30 For my eyes have seen Your salvation. 31 Which You have prepared before the face of all peoples, 32 A light to bring revelation to the Gentiles, And the glory of Your people Israel." 34 Then Simeon blessed them, and said to Mary His mother, "Behold, this Child is destined for the fall and rising of many in Israel, and for a sign which will be spoken against 35 "(yes, a sword will pierce through your own soul also), that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed." 36 Now there was one, Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was of a great age, and had lived with a husband seven years from her virginity; 37 and this woman was a widow of about eighty-four years, who did not depart from the temple, but served God with fastings and prayers night and day. 38 And coming in that instant she gave thanks to the Lord, and spoke of Him to all those who looked for redemption in Jerusalem. Introduction to Study After the eight days of Jesus' birth, he was circumcised and given the name Jesus. Luke 2:21 " and when eight days were completed for the circumcision of the Child, His name was called JESUS,” Joseph and Mary decided to stay in Bethlehem for the next month until the mother and child are strong enough to make the trip to the temple for the purification and presentation ceremonies. In the Old Testament law, all Jewish women were told to bring a sacrifice and offer it in the temple forty days after a male child was born. When the day of presentation came, Joseph and Mary took up the child and set out for Jerusalem - a five miles journey to the north. In this study, we will be looking at the encounters of Simeon and Anna with Jesus in the temple. Teachings 1. Jesus presentation in the temple - Luke 2: 22-24 There are three ordinances that God instituted for every first born male in Israel at that time. The first is the ordinance of circumcision, which was done at the eight day of Jesus' birth. The second ordinance is the purification (Luke 2:22). This is in accordance with the Law of Moses in the book of Leviticus 12:1-4 The third ordinance is the presentation of the baby in the temple. It can be seen in the book of Exodus 13:1-2. "1 Then the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, 2 "Consecrate to Me all the firstborn, whatever opens the womb among the children of Israel, both of man and beast; it is Mine. This is the act of dedicating the male firstborn to the Lord." These three ordinances are symbolic of the three critical experiences that every child of God, who desires to be like the pattern son, must go through. The first speaks to the circumcision of heart when the flesh is crucified and cut off (Romans 2 vs 29). Second is about continuous purification which comes as we expose our lives to the word of God ( Eph 5 vs 26) and the third represents a continuous indwelling in the presence of the Lord by the Holy spirit which lives in us (1 Corinthians 3:16) 2. Simeon's encounter with Jesus - Luke 2:25-26 Simeon's history is not clearly written in the bible. He could possibly be a priest. All that was known about him was that he was a faithful man who knew the scriptures. He was focused, consistent and strong even in old age. He had a purpose to fulfill before his exit from this world - to see the Messiah. He held strong to this pursuit and allowed nothing to discourage him. He was actually living to fulfill what the Holy Spirit had revealed to him that he would not see death before he had seen the Messiah and so he kept waiting for Him in the temple. This lifelong aspiration was fulfilled when baby Jesus was brought to the temple. How amazing, that the dedication of baby Jesus became the lifelong fulfilment of a man. May every activities tied to us provide fulfilment to everyone around us. 3. Anna's encounter with Jesus - Luke 2: 36-38 As Simeon was speaking, Anna, a prophetess came up and confirmed his message. Anna was an eighty-four year old widow, who"... did not depart from the temple, but served God with fasting and prayers night and day. 38 And coming in that instant she gave thanks to the Lord, and spoke of Him to all those who looked for redemption in Jerusalem." Anna was of the tribe of Asher. She was very old, literally "advanced in many days". She was married for seven years when her husband died. She had a great ministry - she was a prophetess, fasted often, and was prayerful. She was always in the temple, serving the Lord. Therefore, it was easy for her to recognise the Messiah when she saw him. After the ceremony, Joseph and Mary took the baby and returned to Bethlehem. With the kind of excitement that this meeting provoked, which ordinarily could have made the parents turn Jesus into a “baby god” in that temple, they moved on, knowing that these little manifestations must not block their eyes with the full picture of the bigger manifestation ahead. Many people are buried with their little manifestation and even close the book of God dealings with their lives in Chapter 1, even when God is still taking them to Chapter 100. Key Lessons 1. Waiting for the fulfillment of God's word Many times when God promises to do something in our lives, we find it difficult to wait for it. We, instead, look for ways to cut the process short. Anna and Simeon waited in the temple, serving the Lord and waiting for the Messiah. They were eagerly looking out for baby Jesus day and night until they saw Him. Are you looking forward to the fulfillment of God's word in your life? Are you waiting for it or you are distracted with something else? 2. Waiting for the second coming of the Lord Like Simeon and Anna, are you waiting for the second coming of the Lord? The same way He came in the first time, so shall he come again and only for those “who eagerly wait for His appearing” 2 Tim 4 vs 8. These two people did not allow the happenings around them to distract them from focusing on the Lord. Even though this prophecy was on hold for 400 years, they were consistent and not distracted. What is distracting you from waiting for the coming of the Lord? Just like Simeon and Anna waited and witnessed the coming of the Lord, the Lord will fulfill His promise and He will definitely come again. The question is, will you still be in the faith then? Will you be ready for His second coming? Practical Application It is clear from the study above, that the Lord fulfilled His promises to Simeon and Anna. The scripture says in the book of Habakkuk 2:3 says “For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry." Waiting for the coming of the Lord is a lifelong journey. It is a disaster to live a life of waiting as a campus student and lose the consecration as a NYSC corper. It is never the will of God for us be at our best in Him before marriage and default to coldness once we are married. A life of waiting requires consistency and commitment. This is why it is a call unto maturity, when each day is lived taking on the image of Jesus, even as we see His promises come through in our lives. |
Akori Eko Bibeli: Olusoaguntan tooto fun awokose omo Ese Bibeli: Luku 2:8-16 Ese Bibeli Lekunreres "8. Awon olusoaguntan mbe ni ilu naa, nwon nso agbo aguntan won li ori ni papa ti nwon gbe. 9. Sa si kiyesi I, angeli oluwa naa yo si won, ogo oluwa si ran yi won ka: eri si ba won gidigidi. 10. Angeli naa si wi fun won pe, Ma beru: sa wo o mo mu Ihinrere ayo nla fun nyin wa, ti yio se ti eniyan gbogbo. 11. Nitori a bi olugbala fun nyin loni ni ilu Dafidi, ti ise Kristi Oluwa. 12. Eyi ni yio se ami fun nyin, enyin o ri omo-owo ti a fi oja we, o dubule ni ibuje eran. 13.Opolopo ogun orun si yo si angeli naa lojiji, nwon yin Olorun, wipe ogo ni fun Olorun loke orun, ati li aye alafia, ife inu rere si eniyan. 15. O si se, nigbati awon angeli naa pada kuro lodo won lo si orun, awon okunrin olusoaguntan naa ba ara won so pe, E je ki a lo tara si Bethlehemu, ki a le ri ohun ti o se, ti oluwa fihan fun wa. 16. Nwon si wa logan, nwon si ri Maria ati Josefu, ati omo-owo naa, o dubule ninu ibuje eran." Ifaara Oro "Oluso-aguntan" ati "awokose omo" ni opolopo itumo ti emi ninu irin-ajo didagba. Olorun a maa wa oluso-aguntan tooto lati maa so , ki won si maa wo awokose omo ninu oju-ona si didagba si ipo omo. Ninu eko yii, a se akiyesi bi ibi Kristi se di mimo fun awon oluso-aguntan ti won n so agbo aguntan loru. Kasa! Iru awon oluso-aguntan wo niyii ti a le fokan tan fun awon oro asiri bi iru eyi? Won n so agbo eran won loru nigba ti awon elomiran wa loju oorun. Ki Olorun ki o fi wa se oluso-aguntan ti o ye bee fun ebi wa, ipejopo awon omo Olorun ti a ni ninu ijo tabi ni ile-eko giga wa yala bi obi ni, awon adari ni, osise ni tabi omo ijo lasan ni, ni oruko Jesu. Idanilekoo 1.Ipolongo ibi Jesu- Luku 2:9-10. Olorun ran awon angeli Re lati fon rere ibi Jesu fun awon oluso-aguntan ti n so agbo won loru, nitosi ilu Bethlehemu. Lojiji, angeli Olorun yo si won ninu itansan imole nla. Won ko i ti ri iru eleyi ri, eyi si je ki eru ki o ba won. Sugbon angeli le eru won lo nipa siso fun won pe, " Ma beru". O si so oro Ihinrere naa fun won. O so fun won pe a ti bi Kristi. Olorun a maa wa awon aye ti o setan lati pin awon eto re pelu bi o se nii se pelu Orile-ede, ijo Olorun gege bi a se ko o sile ninu iwe Amosi 3ese7, " Nitori Oluwa Olorun ki yoo se ohunkohun sugbon yoo fi ohun ikoko re han awon woli iranse re". 2. Lati inu ileri si imuse- Luku 2:11 A so asotele nipa ibi Jesu lati ibere aye wa. Ileri ti wa wipe Messiah yoo wa, yoo si gba awon eniyan kuro ninu ese won, ki o segun iku beni ki o si pa ise ota run. 2 Johannu 3:8b "...nitori idi eyi ni omo Olorun se farahan lati pa ise esu run." Nigba ti awon oluso-aguntan gbo ihinrere naa nipa ibi Jesu, inu won dun nitori won mo pe Oun ni o ti wa, ti o n be ati eni ti yoo maa je Olugbala ti gbogbo aye ti n reti beeni o si je anfani fun won lati wa ninu agbegbe asotele ohun ti Olorun n se ni akoko naa. Awa melo ni a ni iriri ohun ti orun n se nitori wa? A tun le ri i pe awon oluso-aguntan je awon eni oro Olorun. Won le so itumo awon ohun ti o n sele ni agbegbe won nipa oro Olorun. Won mo ninu awon eko iwe woli Mika 5 ese2 wipe A oo bi Olugbala ni Bethlehemu. Oro Olorun ti o mo yoo ran o lowo lati rinrin-ajo re ninu aye. A tun se akiyesi nibi yii pe asotele ati oro Olorun gbodo sise papo ni irepo pipe. EYIKEYI ASOTELE TI O BA TAKO ORO AKOSILE OLORUN JE OTUBANTE. 3. Itara ati okun ti awon olusoaguntan fi je ise ti a ran won- Luku 2:17-18. Nigba ti awon oluso-aguntan gbo oro enu awon angeli naa, lojukan naa ni won ti bere si i sise le e lori. Won dide lo si Bethlehemu lati lo wo Maria, Josefu ati omo naa. Eleyi ni iwa oluso-aguntan ti Olorun le gbekale ni igba ikeyin yii. O n wa awon eni ti yoo sare se ise ti a ran won ni kete ti Olorun ba ti soro, koda bi o ba je ni oru oganjo ni won ki yoo lo opolo won lati se agbeyewo Olorun ati ase Re. Bakan naa, a ni lati kiyesi wipe awon oluso-aguntan naa ko ni apejuwe pato nipa ibi ti a ran won lo. Nitori naa, won nilati maa kanlekun ojule de ojule lati ri ibi ti a ti bi Olugbala naa. N je o lero wipe o n rinrin-ajo lo si ibi ti o ko mo bi? O ko ni apejuwe kankan yato si wipe o mo wipe o n wa oko ati iyawo kan ti won sese bi omo sowo. Eyi le je ise ti o nira lati je paapaa ti o ba je wipe opolopo eniyan ni o bimo si iru akoko bee. Didagba si ipo omo a maa jeyo ninu itara ati okun ti a fi n se ise Oluwa. Ifaraji lati tesiwaju ki a si gba Olorun gbo fun ironu siwaju si bi a se n rin ninu igboran si ase Re. Koko Inu Eko 1.Olorun a maa sise ni ona ti ko ye wa Isaiah 55:8-9. " Nitori ero mi ki ise ero nyin, beeni ona nyin ki ise ona mi li oluwa wi 9. Nitori bi orun ti ga ju aye lo, beeni ona ga ju ona nyin lo ati ero mi ju ero nyin lo." Olorun a maa sise ni ona ti ko ye wa. Se a le e ro wipe ti o ba je eni ti yoo bi oba ni, yoo lo si ile-iwosan ti o ba daraju ni igboro ni. Ki ise eleyi nikan, o ti le e rinrin-ajo si oke okun ni ile-iwosan ti o daraju ki o si lo bi omo naa. Sugbon, Olorun ko ri bee rara. O yan ibuje-eran fun Jesu gege bi ibi ti a oo ti bi I. Iru iriri irele won niyi? Idi niyi ti opolopo fi n padanu Olorun. A maa n reti ki Olorun farahan ni ona to tobi laimo wipe Oun ti farahan ninu ohun jeje kekere. Ko si eni ti o mo nipa ibi Jesu ni Bethlehemu, ko si eni ti o lero wipe a oo bi I sibe nitori naa won padanu isele nla yi. N je o ti kuro nibi ti a oo ti bi ise iyanu tire bi, nitori o ro wipe o kere bee si ni ko wuyi rara? Boya o lero wipe yoo farahan lona ti o tobi nigba ti o farahan lona kekere ti o ko tile mo nipa re? A ki yoo padanu Olorun ninu aye wa ni oruko Jesu, Amin. 2. Olorun yoo gbekele awon oluso-aguntan ti won “wa loju ise” ti won si nsise pelu ohun ti n a so fun won latorun-wa lowo-lowo. Ninu eko yii, a se awari wipe awon oluso-aguntan ti a tu asiri fun ki ise awon oluso-aguntan ti awon dokita ti o n toju eranko fowo si lati maa sise ni asiko won. Won ki ise aare egbe awon oluso-aguntan ile Mesopotamia. Won je oluso-aguntan ninu ipejopo awon omo Olorun kekere ti won wa ti won si wa loju ise nitooto fun Olorun paapaa nigba ti ko si eni ti o mo won tabi se koriya fun won. Won sin Olorun losan ati ni oru nigba ti ko si eni kankan nibe. Iyasoto ati ise -isin won je ti Olorun, ki ise ti eniyan. Awon eniyan ko mo won sugbon orun mo won nigbati asiko ibewo won de. Bi a ti n rin loju ona didagba yii, a gbodo setan lati maa " SISE NITOOTO" fun Olorun nibi ti O fiwa si ki a si ma sise "nihin lohun" Amulo Eko Ninu eko yii, a ko nipa ipolongo ibi Jesu(odo aguntan Olorun) si awon oluso-aguntan ati iha ti won ko si oro naa leyin-o reyin. O rorun fun ni gege bi eniyan lati maa reti Olorun lati sise ni ona kan pato. Sugbon, oun ki I se bee lopolopo igba. Opolopo n reti ki ibi Jesu ki o je alayeye sugbon Olorun seto re ni ona irele. Awa kan ti ni agbekale ona ti a fe ki Olorun gba ba wa lo, nipa bee, a ko fi aye gba Olorun. Gba Olorun laaye lati sise ninu aye re ni ona ti O ti pinnu lati gba se eyi. |
Bible Study Title: True Shepherd for the pattern son Bible Study Text: Luke 2:8-16 Full Bible reference: 8 Now, there were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. 9 And behold, an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were greatly afraid. 10 Then the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. 11 "For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord. 12 "And this will be the sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger." 13 And, suddenly, there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying: 14 "Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!" 15 So it was, when the angels had gone away from them into heaven that the shepherds said to one another, "Let us now go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has come to pass, which the Lord has made known to us." 16 And they came with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the Babe lying in a manger. Introduction to Study The issue of “shepherd” and the arrival of the “pattern son” has a lot of spiritual meaning in our journey of maturity. God will always be seeking for true shepherd to watch and look out for pattern sons on the path of maturity. In this study, we see how the birth of Christ was first made known to the shepherds who were watching over their sheep by the night. Wow! What a shepherd who can be trusted with such information! They were watching over their sheep by night when every other person was sleeping. May the Lord make us worthy shepherd for our family, local and campus fellowships, either as parents, executives, workers or even, members in Jesus name. Teachings: 1. Proclamation of the Birth of Jesus - Luke 2:9-10 God sent His angels to announce the birth of Jesus to the shepherds who were looking after their sheep at night, very close to the town of Bethlehem. Suddenly, the angel of God appeared to them in a bright, shining light. They had never seen anything like that before and so they were afraid. But the angel of God doused their fears by saying "do not be afraid" and then, delivered the message of good news. He told them that Christ had been born. God is always looking for ready lives that He can share His plans with, as it relates to nations and the church in the manner as captured in Amos 3 vs 7 –“Surely, the Lord GOD does nothing unless He reveals His secret counsel to His servants the prophets” 2. From Promise to fulfilment - Luke 2:11 Jesus' birth had been prophesied from the beginning of the world. The promise had been given that a Messiah would come and He would save men from their sins, defeat death, and destroy the works of the enemy. 1 John 3:8b "... for this purpose, the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.” When the shepherds heard the good-news about the birth of Jesus, they were happy because they knew He was, is, and always will be the Saviour the world had been waiting for and it was a privilege to them to be within the prophetic circumferences of what God was doing at their time. How many of us have a view of what heaven is working out around us? We can also see that the shepherds were men of the word of God. They could interpret things happening around them by the accuracy of the word of God. They knew from the teachings in the book of Micah 5 vs 2 that the Saviour will be born in Bethlehem. The word of God you know will help you navigate your way through the world. We also see here that prophecy and word of God must work together in perfect harmony. ANY PROPHECY THAT NEGATES THE WRITTEN WORD OF GOD IS NULL AND VOID. 3. The zeal and energy of the shepherd’s response (Luke 2:17-18) When the shepherds heard the message from the angels, they immediately started acting on it. They got up and went to Bethlehem to look for Mary, Joseph, and the baby. This is the attitude of a shepherd that God can trust in this last day. He is looking for men who will start running as soon as the Lord speaks, even if it is in the night. They are not going to use their brain to rationalise God and His instructions. Also, please note that the shepherds did not have details of the particular place they were going. So, they had to knock on every house on their way to find out if they were there. I imagine traveling to a destination you don't know. You don't have the address, all you know is that you are looking for a couple with a new baby. It can be a difficult task to carry out, when there are many who could have had babies at the same time. Maturity is seen in the energy and zeal with which we pursue the work of the Lord. The commitment to step forward and believe God for further information as you move in obedience. Key Lessons 1. God works in ways we cannot comprehend Isaiah 55:8-9 "8 For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways," says the LORD. 9 "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts". (NKJV). God works in ways that we cannot comprehend. Imagine if it were to be a woman who was about to give birth to a king. She would choose the best hospitals in town, not only that, she can even decide to travel to the best hospital abroad to have the baby. But, alas, God is not like that. He chose a manger for Jesus as His birth place. What a humbling experience! This is the reason why many of us miss God. We expect Him to show up in big ways, without knowing that He has already shown up in a still small voice. No one knew about the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem, nobody was expecting Him to be born there and so they missed this great event. Have you missed God in your life? Have you relocated outside the place where your own miracle will be born because you think it is lowly and local? Maybe you thought He will show up big time, meanwhile, He showed up in little ways you don't even know about. May we not miss God in our lives in Jesus name. Amen. 2. God will only trust “busy and active” shepherd with current heaven’s information In the study above, we learnt that the shepherds that the Lord revealed this secret to were not said to be the best veterinary-certified shepherd of their time. They were not the Presidents of the Mesopotamia Shepherd Association. They were ordinary shepherd in their local fellowships who were genuinely busy for the Lord, even when no one knew or celebrate them. They were serving God in the day and in the night when no one was there. Their consecration and service were to the Lord and not to any man. They were unknown, yet, heaven recognised them when their time of reckoning came. As we walk in this path of maturity, we must be ready to be GENUINELY BUSY for the Lord where He has positioned us and not busy “here and there”. Practical application In this study, we learnt about the announcement of the birth of Jesus (the Lamb of God) to the shepherds and their reaction afterwards. It is normal for us as human to expect God to work in a certain way. However, it does not always work like that. Many people expected the birth of Jesus to be spectacular, but God designed it to be a humbling birth. Some of us have a predetermined way we want God to reach out to us and we thereby box God. Allow God to work in your lives in ways He has determined to. |
(1) Let us thank and praise God for the depth of knowledge and insight we have been privileged to received from Him (2) Ask God for sight to see what God is doing and about to do in our midst (John 5:17,19) (3)Pray that God will help us to move with Holy and Godly fear that we may be ready for the uncommon glory (Hebrew 11:7) (4)Pray that God will help us to fight a good warfare through the prophecies that has gone ahead of us into the next 20 yrs. (Deuteronomy 2:24) (5)We command the opening of all the wombs at the time of birth to receive the strength and wisdom to bringforth. No more delay, no more lame, no more cripple babies, no more complication at the point of birth. All our seeds of purpose shall come forth and fulfill destiny (6)Pray for grace to leave Nazareth to our bethlehem; the house of bread and meditation on the word of God (2Corinthians 3;18). Ask for Grace to abide in bethlehem untill we become like Him. (Ephesians 3;16 ,17) (7)Pray for Grace to go extra mile with God till His purpose is established in our lives (8)Pray that God will take the online radio channel to reach out to soul around the world for salvation, revival and restoration of the body of christ. It will be a voice that carry the real essence of God in this end time (1st king 19:11-13) (9)Pray that God will make resources available for stability and expansion (10)Ask God to furnish and grant neccesary skill to every vessels he will be using in this work.(2 Corinthians 3:5,Phillipian 4:13-19) (11)Praise God for he has restored our camp ground to us, we activate prophecies over the land and ask for a continous work day and night. We pray that every decision taken by the government shall be to our favor (12)Let us pray for the converts that they will grow in wisdom,wax strong in spirit and be established in faith and in the love of christ. (Ephesians 4:11-14) (13)Pray for the African church convention that through the convention many souls shall be saved and come to the knowledge of God (14)Pray that the church will arise and take her place to fullfil her purpose in all the African nations and Nigeria (15)Pray taht every threat to the political, economy and social stability in the nation be frustrated and come to an end. (16)Pray that every satanic extenal influence over our nation be terminated (17)Thank God for answered Prayers GOD BLESS AS WE WAIT ON HIM. |
Akori Eko Bibeli: Didagba ni ipa ti Olorun bere lati awon ojo ibere kekere Ese Bibeli: Luku 2:1-7 Ese Bibeli Lekunrere: "1. O si se li ojo wonni, ase ti odo Kesari Augustu jade wa pe, ki a ko oruko gbogbo aye sinu iwe. 2.(" Eyi ni ikosinu-iwe kinni ti a se nigbati Kireniu fi je baale Siria). 3. Gbogbo awon eniyan si lo lati ko oruko re sinu iwe, olukuluku si ilu ara re. 4 Josefu pelu si goke lati Nasareti ilu Galili lo, si ilu Dafidi ni Judea, ti a n pe ni Bethlehemu; (nitori ti iran ati idile Dafidi ni ise;) 5. lati ko oruko re pelu Maria aya re afesona, ti o tobi fun otun. 6. O si se, nigbati nwon wa nibe, ojo re pe ti oun o bi. 7. O si se bi akobi re omokunrin, o si fi ona we e, o si te e sinu ibuje eran; nitori ti aye ko si fun won ninu ile ero." Ifaara Ninu eko yii, a oo maa se agbeyewo ifarahan ibi Jesu-awokose omo, eni ti o ni ibi irele eleyi ti o dabi i o yato ni afiwe pelu awon ileri nlanla ti o polongo ibi re. Eleyi ntoka si ibeere kan pe bawo ni a se le bi eni ti o ye ki o tun aye se ni ona irele bi iru eyi. Eleyi n so bi O lorun se nlo orisirisi ipo ati idojuko wa lati fi ero Re han, paapaa ninu eto ikaniyan ti Kesari ni asiko naa. Eko yii yoo se agbeyewo ibi Jesu. A oo maa kiyesi bi Olorun se lo awon olori Romu lati mu Maria ati Josefu lo si ibi ti o ye fun ibi Jesu paapaa ni asiko ti o ye gege bi o se wa ni ibamu pelu awon asotele ti a ti so- A oo bi I ni ilu Betlehemu. Idanilekoo Maria ati Josefu gegebi omo ilu ti o n se ojuse won. Asotele ti a so nipa Jesu ninu iwe Mika 5:2, " Ati iwo Bethlehemu Efrata; bi iwo ti je kekere laarin awon egbeegberun Juda, ninu re ni eniti yio je olori ni Isreali yio ti jade to mi wa; ijade lo re si je lati igbaani, lati ayeraye". Asotele yii ni a so ni pato pe a oo bi Jesu ni ilu Betilehemu sugbon Maria ati Josefu n gbe ni Nasareti,eyi ti i se ilu ti o to bi i ogorin ibuso si iha ariwa Betilehemu (eyi ti a le fi we irinaajo ilu Eko si Ibadan). Lati le mu asotele yii se, Olorun lo ijoba Romu. Ase kan lati odo Kesari Augustu jade wipe ki a se eto ikaniyan ni gbogbo ile naa.(Luku 2:1) A se eleyi lati le gba owo-ori lowo awon ti ijoba Romu ti segun won. Ase naa so pe ki olukuluku ki o pada si ibi to je ilu oko/ olori ebi lati fi oruko sile. Irin-ajo asiko naa je eyi ti ko rorun fun Maria nitori akoko ibi Jesu ti sunmo etile. Sugbon o di dandan fun won lati lo. Olorun n reti wipe ki a ni ojuse ti a n se nibikibi ti a ba ba ara wa. Awon Kristeni ti o n dagba a maa ni emi sise ojuse ni agbegbe ti won n gbe. Awon owo ti o je sisan bi ofin se la kale bi owo-ori, owo yiyalegbe, owo itoju adugbo, owo ode adugbo, owo eka amunawa ati bee bee lo, a maa je sisan fun won. Josefu oun Maria wo inu asiko imuse asotele won lo nipa sise eto won si agbegbe ibi ti won ti gbe ri. Koko Inu Eko 1. Olorun a maa sise nipase awon alase gbogbo lati fidi eto Re mule. Itan yii se afihan pe Olorun ni agbara lati lo awon ijoba alase ti aye yii lati se eto re ninu aye wa. Nitori pe Olorun lo fi awon olori ti o wa ni ijoba si ipo, ti o si n fi ijoba won mule. Romu 13:1 wipe," ki olukuluku okan ki o foribale fun awon alase ti o wa ni ipo giga . Nitori ko si ase kan bikose lati odo Olorun wa: awon alase ti o si wa, lati odo Olorun li a ti lana re wa." Nitorina, bi Olorun ba n se akoso gbogbo ile aye ati awon alase, ki lo de ti oo maa daamu nipa ise wiwa,ile gbigbe, irinaajo lo si ibi ti o dara,isipopada, igbega ati beebee lo. Olorun ni oba gbogbo aye beeni Oun le se ohun gbogbo ni ire fun o. Gbogbo eto ijoba ati ipaaro agbara ati ijoba ni yoo si je ki a ni imuse asotele ayanmo wa. 2. Eto Olorun ki i farahan ninu ijiya wa ni opolopo igba. Ninu eko yii, eto ikaniyan yii mu orisirisi laasigbo ba opolopo eniyan. Josefu oun Maria nilati rinrin-ajo ti o jin lo si Bethlehemu. A ko le ro wipe alaboyun ti asiko re ti nto le e rin iru irin-ajo ti o jinna bee. Eleyi ko rorun fun Maria rara nipo iloyun ti o wa. Oju ona to lo si "Bethlehemu" le je eleyi ti ko rorun rara sugbon a gbodo je alagbara bi a se n rinrin-ajo naa. Opolopo lo maa n ni iseyun eto Olorun fun aye won bi won se rinrin ajo lo si "Bethlehemu" won. A gbodo ni itejumo irin-ajo naa bi a se n ni asiko ti ko rorun loju ona ona wa. Nigba miiran ni aye yi, Olorun maa gba wa laaye lati la laasigbo koja ati wipe ni opolopo igba, a maa n dojuko Olorun pelu ibeere wipe" ki lo de, Oluwa?" Nigba ti a ba n la isoro koja ninu aye wa, ki a mo wipe Olorun fi wa sokan. O so ninu iwe Romu 8:28 wipe, " Awa si mo pe ohun gbogbo li o nsise po fun rere fun awon ti o fe Olorun, awon eniti a pe gege bi ipinnu re". 3. A bi Jesu lati je eni nla sibe o bere lati ibuje eran. A bi Jesu lati je oba awon oba, sibe, a bi I ni ibuje eran. A bi I lati je "asakoso laarin awon asakoso " sibe a bi su ibuje eran. Eyi n toka si otito naa wipe ibi ti o ti bere ko lo n toka eni ti o je. Ile-eko ti o lo, igba atijo re, awon idiwo ti o ni, bi o ti n soro ati iru awon obi ti o ni ati beebee lo, ko lagbara to lati di o lowo ilepa ojo iwaju re. Gege bi oro ti opolopo eniyan maa nso wipe, " mase je ki ibi ti o ti bere aye re ki o da eyin re mole. O le je wipe a bi o sinu adugbo ti ko laju rara, ki o si je eni ti o ga ju ni agbegbe naa. O ko gbodo gba ibi ti o ti wa tabi ibi ti awon obi re ti wa ki o toka eni ti o ye ki o je fun o, tabi ibi ti o le de laye. Oro yii bakan naa ni ibamu ninu Ilepa ise-iranse wa. TACEF bere pelu iru ibere kekere bayi, sugbon a ti ri bi Olorun se n tan ise naa ka gbogbo aye bayi. Amulo Eko. Jesu ni ibere onirele jojo. Ti o ba je awon kan ninu wa ni, oju ibi ti a ti wa yoo maa ti wa, a oo si maa pa a mo bi ohun asiri, paapaa nigba ti enikan ba bere lowo re wipe, nibi la gbe ti bi o? O ko nii fe lati maa so nipa re rara. Awon kan wa ti kii fe lati ni ohunkohun i se pelu ibi ti won ti wa, nitori o je ibi ti ko ni ola ti o si talaka jojo. Eleyi buru jai. A ko gbodo faaye gba ibi ti a ti wa ko se akoso eni ti o ye ki a je fun wa. Jesu ko se bayi rara beeni Oun di oba awon oba ati olugbala gbogbo aye. Oluso-aguntan Enoku Adeboye ti ijo Redeem je eni ti a bi si abule kekere kan ni Ifewara, ni ipinle Osun, lapa iwo-oorun orile-ede Naijiria. Won a maa da lapaara wipe ebi ti a ti bi won talaka debi wipe awon talaka a tun maa pe won ni talaka. Ati wipe won ko ri bata wo afi igba ti won di eni odun mejidinlogun. Awon obi tiraka lati ran won lo si ile-eko girama ati fasiti. Won gba iwe-eri ipele eko akoko ninu imo isiro lati fasiti ti ile Naijiria ti o wa ni ilu Nsukka, ti won gbe iwe-eri ipele eko keji ati ti eketa ninu abala kan ninu imo isiro bakan naa lati fasiti ti ilu Eko ni ile Naijiria. Loni, won je iranse Olorun nla ti a mo kaakiri orile-ede Naijiria ati oke okun. Nini ibere ti ko lola ko so wipe o le ni ijakule tabi aseyori laye. O ko gbodo faaye gba a lati di o lowo lati tesiwaju laye. Ibuje-eran ki ise ibi ti o dara lati bi omo tuntun si, ka ma ti i wa so nipa bibi oba gbogbo aye sibe. Ibi irele yii ni ohun ti Olorun nilo lati se igbe dide awon oba ati alufa fun igba ikehin yii. Ohun keji ti o tun se pataki ki a sakiyesi re ninu eko yii ni "oro nipa Bethlehemu" ati imuse asotele Olorun lori aye wa. Bethlehemu tumo si "ile ounje" beeni a si mo wipe" ounje" ninu eko yii tumo si " oro Olorun". A le so pe a oo se imuse ayanmo Olorun ti o wa lori aye wa bi a ba de " Bethlehemu" wa. Eyi wa tumo si pe bi a ba se jinle to ninu oro Olorun ni yoo so bi a oo se de ipele imuse ayanmo wa. |
Study Title: Godly maturity starts from the days of small beginnings Study Text: Luke 2:1-7 Full Bible reference: 1 And it came to pass in those days that a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered. 2 This census first took place while Quirinius was governing Syria. 3 So all went to be registered, everyone to his own city. 4 Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David, 5 to be registered with Mary, his betrothed wife, who was with child. 6 So it was, that while they were there, the days were completed for her to be delivered. 7 And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. (NKJV) Introduction to Study In this study, we shall be seeing the physical manifestation of the birth of Jesus - the pattern son with a very humble beginning, which sounded different from the bid promises that had heralded His birth. It addresses the very basic question of how can someone who is meant to change the world be given birth to in such a lowly circumstance? It also brings our attention to how God uses situations and circumstances to work out His purpose, especially the census required by the Caesar of that time. This study shall explore the birth of Jesus. We will see how God used the Roman ruler to get Mary and Joseph into the right place for the birth of Jesus and at the right time in accordance to the prophecies - He would be born in the town of Bethlehem. Teachings: 1. Mary and Joseph as responsible citizens The prophesy about Jesus in the book of Micah 5:2: "But as for you, Bethlehem Ephratah, too little to be among the clans of Judah, from you, One will go forth for Me to be ruler in Israel. His goings forth are from long ago, from the days of eternity". This prophecy has specified that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem. But, Mary and Joseph lived in Nazareth which was a town of about 80 miles north of Bethlehem (a distance of almost the same as Lagos to Ibadan). In order to fulfill this prophesy, God used the Roman government. There was a decree from Caesar Augustus that a census should be taken throughout the land. (Luke 2:1). This was instituted to collect taxes from places that were conquered by Rome. The decree stated that everyone in the Roman Empire must return to the city where the husband of the family had originally lived in order to register. This was a hard trip for Mary because the time for Christ to be born was very near. They had no choice but to go. God requires us to be responsible wherever we find ourselves. Maturing Christians have a sense of obligation to the community where they live. Legal payments like tax, tenement rate, sanitation fees, estate security fees, and NEPA contribution, etc., are committedly done. Joseph and Mary entered into their prophetic fulfilment by being answerable to the community where they lived. Key Lessons 1. God works through all authorities to establish His plan This story shows that God has the ability to use governing authorities of this world to work out His plans in our lives. After all, God appointed and established rulers who come into power - Roman 13:1 says, "Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God and the authorities that exist are appointed by God". (NKJV). So, if God controls the whole universe and the authorities, why would you be worried about employment, rent, immigration, relocation, and promotions, etc., God is the King of the earth and He can move things in your favour. All government policies and change of power and rule will only work in our favour and help us to fulfil our prophetic destines. 2. God's purpose in our suffering is not always apparent In the study, the census brought hardships to a lot of people. Joseph and Mary had to travel long distances to Bethlehem. It is unimaginable that a pregnant woman that was almost due walked such a long distance! It was inconvenient for Mary as she was pregnant. The road to our “Bethlehem” may not be an easy one, but, we must be strong as we go through the journey. Many suffer miscarriages of their divine plan on the way to their Bethlehem. We must keep view of the journey as we go through tough times on our path. Sometimes in life, God allows us to go through hardship and many times, we responded by asking, "why, Lord?” When we go through hardships in life, we should know and understand that God has our interest at heart. He said in Romans 8:28, " and we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. (NKJV). 3. Jesus was born to be great, yet He started from the manger Jesus was born to be the king of kings, yet, he was born in a manger. He was meant to be the MANAGER of managers, yet He was born in a MANGER! This tells us that your place of beginning does not define who you are. The school you attended, the past, the limitations, your accent, your parental connection etc. are not enough to limit your drive to the future. As a popular quote goes – “don’t let your BACKground put your BACK on the ground”. You may be born in the remotest part of the country and yet be the greatest man in the region. You should never allow your origin or parental background to determine who you will be or how far you will go in life. The same is applicable in ministerial pursuit. TACEF came from such a lowly beginning, but we have seen how God has been committed to raising the work unto global platform. Practical Application Jesus had a very humble beginning. If it were to be some of us, we will be ashamed of our place of birth and even keep it as a secret, especially when someone asked you where you were born. You wouldn't like to talk about it. There are people who refused to identify with their place of birth, because it is so lowly and poor. This is very wrong! We shouldn't allow our backgrounds to determine our identity in life. Jesus never did that, yet He became the King of kings and the Saviour of the whole world. Pastor Enoch Adeboye, of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, was born into a humble family in the village of Ifewara, Osun state, located in the Southwestern part of Nigeria. He often humorously states that his family was so poor that even the poor people called them poor. As a matter of fact, he never owned a pair shoes until he was eighteen years of age. His parents struggled to send him to Secondary school and the University. He obtained a Bachelors (BSc.) degree in Mathematics from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, and also a Masters (MSc.) Degree in Hydrodynamics and a Doctorate Degree (PhD) in Applied Mathematics, both from the University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria. Today he is a great man of God known by all across Nigeria and internationally. Having a humble beginning does not determine your failure or success in life. You should not allow it to hinder your progress in life. A manger is not a good place for children to be born, not to talk of the king of the whole world. This very humble place is the platform that God uses to raise His end-time kings and priests. The second critical point to note in this study is the “Bethlehem factor” and our prophetic fulfilment. “Bethlehem” means “the house of bread” and we know the “bread” here is the “word of God”. We can deduce that we can only fulfil the destiny of God over our lives if we get to our “Bethlehem”. This therefore means that it is how deep you immerse yourself in the “word of God” that determines how accurate you can attain every prophetic destiny over your lives. |
(1) God should give us strength to overcome every challenges of life and the task master put in place by the evil one to take our attention from the vision Exd. 1;11
(2) Pray for grace to fulfill all that will take us to be a partaker of the wave of glory. Rom. 5:2&3, Titus 2:11
(3) Ask for grace to be continually fit & worthy Eph. 3;20, 2Cor. 3;5&6 Col.1;12
(4) Pray that every organised strategy of the host of demonic work against us and the vision be rendered to nothing
(5) Ask for total deliverance from the evil works, habit and wrong conception that may stand to disqualify us in Jesus Name. Heb. 12;1
(6) Ask for grace to walk in love and to identify our place of relevance and to abide therein. Luk 14:34&35
(7) Pray for grace to bear the shame and reproach that come as a result of doing God's will. 2Pet. 3;14, Matt.5;11
(8) Pray that every stronghold of religion that hold the soul of the young and old in bondage to sin be pull down so that they may come to the knowledge of repentance. 2Cor 4:4,10:5
(9) Pray that every agenda of darkness for the nation be frustrated IJN. Job.12:5
(10) Thank God for having regard for our prayers
God bless as we wait upon him
Akori Eko Bibeli: Titun ipa ona se fun awokose omo Ese Bibeli: Luku 1:57-69 Ese Bibeli lekunrere: 57. Ojo Elisabeti pe wayi ti yio bimo, o si bi omokunrin kan. 58. Ati awon aladugbo re, ati awon ibatan re gbo bi Oluwa ti se anu fun u; won si ba a yo. 59. O si se, ni ijo kejo, won waa lati ko omo na nila’ nwon si so oruko re ni Sakariah, gegebi oruko baba re. 60. Iya re si dahun pe, beko’bikose Johannu li a o pe e. 61. Won si wi fun u pe, ko si okan ninu awon ara re ti a n pe li oruko yi. 62. Nwon si se apere si baba re, bi o ti nfe ki a pe e. 63. O si bere wala, o ko wipe, Johannu li oruko re. Enu si ya gbogbo won. 64. Enu re si si logan, okun ahon re tu, o si soro, o sin yin Olorun logo. 65. Eru si ba gbogbo awon ti n mbe li agbegbe won: a si rohin gbogbo nkan wonyi ka gbogbo ile oke Judea. 66. Gbogbo awon ti o gbo si to o sinu okan won, nwon nwipe, iru omo ki li eyi yi o je ! Owo Oluwa si wa pelu re. 67. Sakariah baba re si kun fun Emi Mimo, o si sotele, o si ni, 68. Olubukun li Oluwa Olorun Isreali; nitoriti o ti boju wo, ti o si ti da awon enia re nide, 69. O si ti gbe iwo igbala soke fun wa ni ile Dafidi omo-odo re” Ifaara Olorun ki i se awada nigba ti o ba di oro gbigbe apeere omo dide, ti yoo je ojulowo ati omo ti yoo jo O ni iri. Ninu eko yii, a oo ri bi Olorun se tiraka lati gbe eniti yoo lo saaju Oluwa dide, eyi tumo si, eniti yoo lo siwaju Jesu Oluwa lati lo pese okan awon eniyan sile fun Oluwa. Olorun yoo sa gbogbo ipa Re lati se ohun gbogbo ni irorun fun awon aye ti o ba setan lati di omo. Ni idi eyi, O gbe Johannu dide lati lo pese aye sile,eyi si mu u rorun fun OMO lati le se ise ti a ran An. Pataki ipalemo yii ni a oo ri ninu oro Jesu ti o so nipa Johannu, “ ninu awon ti a bi ninu obinrin, ko si eni ti o ga bi Johanu baptisi…’’ (Matiu 11:11). Idanileko 1. A bi Johannu Baptisi - Luku 1:57-58 Ibi Johannu mu ayo ba Elisabeti, Sakariah, awon ibatan ati awon aladugbo won pelu. Ninu eko kinni, a ri i pe Sakariah ya odi nitori pe ko gba ileri Olorun gbo. Ipo yii naa ni o si wa nigbati a bi Johannu. Ni ojo kejo, eleyi ni ojo ikola ati isomo okunrin loruko ni ile Ju, awon aladugbo wa ro o pe Sakariah ni ki a so omo naa gege bi oruko baba re. Eleyi ri bee nitori pe o je asa ni akoko yii lati maa so omo ni oruko ti enikan n je ninu idile won. Sugbon, Elisabeti ko gba oruko ti won fun omo yii, o si wipe, “beeko, Johannu ni a oo pe e”. (Luku 1:60). Awon ara adugbo si ba a jiyan pe ko si enikan ninu awon ibatan won ti a n pe ni iru oruko yii – Johannu. A ri awon iwa agba ninu aye Elisabeti, eniti o nilo lati da yato laarin awon eniyan lati le duro fun ohun ti o gbagbo nipa ti Olorun.Ko je ki ero ibatan, ore ati aladugbo yi ipinu re pada lati se ife Olorun. O duro lori oro re, o si so nipa eyi ti o da a loju nipa ife Olorun laika idojuko si. Opolopo kristiani ni won ti so ohun won, iduro won ninu olorun ati idaniloju idari olorun ti won ni nu, nitori won ko fe ki a ri won bi eni ti o yato si awon ti o ku. Won ti je ki igbega lenu ise, igbega ninu ise iranse ati olaju ode oni ati beebe lo lati yi erongba won pada ati lati re idaniloju itoni Olorun atodunmodun ti won ni sile. A ri ona-abayo si rogbodiyan yii nigbati Sakariah beere fun wala ti o si ko o pe “..oruko re ni Johannu””. Enu ya gbogbo eniyan si esi yi. Bi Johannu ti se ko oro yii, ahon re tu o sibe re si nii soro. Angeli Oluwa ti seleri fun u pe o digba ti ileri naa ba se ki o to le soro. “Si kiyesi i, iwo o yadi, iwo ki yio si le fohun, titi ojo na ti nkan wonyi yio fi se, nitori iwo ko gba oro mi gbo ti yio se li akoko won”. Luku 1:20). Nigbati isele yii sele, enu ya gbogbo eniyan, iroyin naa si tan kaakiri gbogbo agbegbe. “Eru siba gbogbo awon ti n mbe li agbegbe won: a si rohin gbogbo nkan wonyi ka gbogbo ile oke Judea”. (Luku 1:65). Koko inu Idanileko 1. Igboran re yoo mu itusile wa fun awon elomiran Iwa agba ti Elisabeti hu fa itusile ona iyanu fun Sakariah oko re. Igba ti Elisabeti taku jale ni a to mu waala wa fun Sakariah ti o je ki won rojutu oro naa, nipa bee o si gba ohun re pada. Bi o ba je pe Elisabeti ti gba ero awon eniyan ti o yi i ka ni, Sakariah le ma fohun mo titi lailai. Diduro fun Olorun ni ojuse gboogi ninu aye wa. Nigba ti a ba duro fun Jesu, opolopo aye ni yoo wa si itansan igboran wa. A so itan kan ni ile India nipa ajinhinrere kan ti a fe pa nitori Jesu ti o si fere se Jesu sugbon ti omo re so fun-un pe – “bi e ba se Jesu, emi pelu yoo ko yin ni baba”. Baba yii gboran si omo re lenu, o si gba lati ku, sugbon jijowo ara eni lati ku fun “Olorun aimo” ti arakunrin yii fihan ru oba soke ati awon ara ilu naa leyin ti a tile ti pa ajinhrere yii, igbese ti o gbe naa mu ki won wa ajihinrere miiran ti yoo salaye fun won nipa Jesu eni ti o too ku fun. Eleyi si se okunfa isoji agbayanu ni agbegbe naa ni India. 2. Ise iyanu maa n je ki awon eniyan beru ati pelu bowo fun agbara Olorun Nigba ti Olorun ba se awon ise iyanu akanse, eru ati owo a maa wa ni okan awon eniyan fun agbara Re. Ohun ti o se pataki julo fun ifihan agbara Olorun ni pe ki gbogbo ogo, ola ati iyin je ti Oluwa nitooto. O je ohun ti o ku die kaa to nigba ti awon afihan ise iyanu ba n so awon iko Olorun di “Olorun kekere” tabi ki a maa pin ogo Olorun pelu eniyan. A gbodo sora pe ki gbogbo ise iyanu ti a ba ti aye wa se mu eru ati owo ba Olorun nikan soso. Awon ise iyanu ti ko ba ti mu awon eniyan wa si ipo eru ati owo fun Olorun je alupayida ki si i sise de okan awon eniyan, orefee ni irufe ibapade bee maa n je. Amulo Eko Bi Olorun ba se ileri fun awon eniyan Re, a maa mu u se. Nitori pe ki i se eniyan ti yoo fi seke. Awon eniyan ni o ti di baraku fun lati ma yeun, sugbon ti Olorun ko ri bee. Olorun maa n sapa lati mu oro Re se. Irufe ileri ti O ti le se fun o, yoo wa si imuse ni akoko won. Mase so ireti nu, mase rewesi, o fere sunmo ile ileri re ju bi o ti ro lo. Sa ri i pe aye re n ru Omo kaakiri, ki o si jowo ara re fun ife Re, ki o ma si je ki awon idojuko layika re bori okan re. |
Bible Study Title: Preparing the way for the pattern son Bible Study Text: Luke 1:57-69 Full Bible reference: 57 Now, Elizabeth's full time came for her to be delivered and she brought forth a son. 58 When her neighbors and relatives heard how the Lord had shown great mercy to her, they rejoiced with her. 59 So it was, on the eighth day, that they came to circumcise the child; and they would have called him by the name of his father, Zacharias. 60 His mother answered and said, "No; he shall be called John." 61 But they said to her, "There is no one among your relatives who is called by this name." 62 So they made signs to his father--what he would have him called. 63 And he asked for a writing tablet, and wrote, saying, "His name is John." So they all marveled. 64 Immediately his mouth was opened and his tongue loosed, and he spoke, praising God. 65 Then fear came on all who dwelt around them; and all these sayings were discussed throughout all the hill country of Judea. 66 And all those who heard them kept them in their hearts, saying, "What kind of child will this be?" And the hand of the Lord was with him. 67 Now his father Zacharias was filled with the Holy Spirit, and prophesied, saying: 68 "Blessed is the Lord God of Israel, For He has visited and redeemed His people, 69 And has raised up a horn of salvation for us In the house of His servant David” Introduction to Study God is very serious when it comes to the issue of raising pattern son, who will be a full and mature replica of who He is. In this study, we shall see how God went the extra mile to raise someone as a forerunner i.e. the one that will go before the Lord Jesus to prepare the hearts of the people for the Lord. God will do everything possible to make the path easy and straight for lives who are willing to become sons. In this regard, He raised John to prepare the way and thus, made it very easy for the SON to fulfil His assignment. The significance of this preparation can be summed up in the testimony of Jesus concerning John, " among them that are born of women, there has not arisen a greater one than John the Baptist..." (Mt. 11:11). Teachings 1. John the Baptist was born - Luke 1:57-58. The birth of John brought great joy to Elizabeth, Zacharias, their relatives, and their neighbours, as well. In our first study, we saw that Zacharias was not able to speak because he did not believe the promise of God. The situation still persisted when John was born. On the eighth day, which was the usual day for the circumcision and naming of a Jewish boy, the neighbors thought he should be named Zechariah, after his father. This is because it was a custom, in those days, to name children after someone in the family. However, Elizabeth rejected the name and said, " not so; he shall be called John" (Luke 1:60). The neighbours argued with her that none of their relatives were called by that name - John. We see many acts of maturity in the life of Elizabeth, who had to stand different from the crowd to defend what she was very sure of in the things of God. She was not lost in the popular opinion of families, friends, and neighbours. She stood her ground and persistently speak of her conviction, even in the midst of opposition. Many Christians have lost their voice, spiritual standing and conviction because they do not want to be seen as “different” from others. They have allowed their career progress, ministerial elevation, global exposure etc. to change their taste and weaken their convictions of yester-years. The crisis was resolved when Zechariah requested for a writing tablet and wrote "... his name is John". Everyone was amazed at the answer. As soon as John wrote the words, his tongue was loosened and he started speaking. The angel had promised him that he would be able to talk after the promise is fulfilled. "And behold, you shall be silent and unable to speak until the day when these things take place, because you did not believe my words, which shall be fulfilled in their proper time." (Luke 1:20). When this happened the people were astonished and the news spread far and wide. "All these matters were being talked about in all the hill country of Judea" (Lk 1:65). Key Lessons 1. Your obedience will bring deliverance to others Elizabeth’s acts of maturity became the platform that triggered the miraculous deliverance of Zacharias, her husband. It was when she stood her ground and remained steadfast that a tablet was given to Zacharias who finalized the issue and therefore received his tongue back. If Elizabeth had given in to peer pressure, Zacharias may have remained dumb forever. Our standing for God has an implication on other lives. When we stand our ground for Jesus, many lives will rise to the brightness of our obedience. A story was told in India of a missionary who was about to die for Jesus sake and almost denied Jesus and his son said-“Dad, if you deny Jesus, I will deny you as my father”. The father yielded in obedience and submitted to die but the attitude of submission to death for “unknown God” provoked the king and the people of the land even after the man had been killed and this made them to seek for another missionary to explain to them about this Jesus worth dying for. This birthed a great revival of salvation in that part of India. 2. Miracles make people fear and reference God's power When God performs outstanding miracles, people are left with fear and reference for His power. The ultimate measure of the demonstration of God’s power is that all glory, all honour, and the accolades are genuinely returned to the Lord. It is a missing link that miraculous manifestations turn vessels of God into “semi - gods” or place men at the level of sharing God’s glory. We must be careful that every manifestation through our lives only bring fear and reverence to God. Any miraculous encounter that fails to bring people unto the reverent fear of God is magic and only touches the head and not the heart. Practical application When God makes a promise to His people, He fulfills it. After all, He is not a man that should lie. Men are given to promising and not fulfilling it, but not God. God is committed to fulfilling His word. Whatever promises He has made to you will be fulfilled in their time. Do not lose hope, don't give up, you are closer to your promise land than you think. Only make your life a carrier of the SON, fully submitted to His will and not subject to environmental pressure. |
1. Thank God for making us fit be partaker of His weight of glory. 6. Pray that God of possibility shld make everything possible for us in his own time 9. Ask God for grace to discover and understand also to lay hold on the burden for the present time (Prov 13 ;15)
Bible Study Title: The birthing of the pattern son Bible Study Text: Luke 1: 26-41 Full Bible reference: 26 Now, in the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, 27 to a virgin betrothed to a man, whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. The virgin’s name was Mary. 28 And having come in, the angel said to her, “Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women!”[c] 29 But when she saw him,[d] she was troubled at his saying, and considered what manner of greeting this was. 30 Then the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. 31 And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name Jesus.32 He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David. 33 And He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there will be no end.” 34 Then, Mary said to the angel, “How can this be, since I do not know a man?” 35 And the angel answered and said to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God. 36 Now indeed, Elizabeth your relative has also conceived a son in her old age; and this is now the sixth month for her who was called barren. 37 For with God nothing will be impossible.” 38 Then Mary said, “Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word.” And the angel departed from her. 39 Now Mary arose in those days and went into the hill country with haste, to a city of Judah, 40 and entered the house of Zacharias and greeted Elizabeth.41 And it happened, when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, that the babe leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. Introduction to Study Mary, who was Elizabeth’s cousin, was engaged to Joseph. Her family promised to give her hand in marriage to Joseph and plans were underway for the marriage. However, there was a divine interruption intended by God, which was meant to bring hope to the hopeless situation of the Jewish nation and the world at large, through the birth of Jesus. God has just found a womb to carry the ultimate “SON” after over 400 years of spiritual silence. In this study, we will be looking at how Mary demonstrated acts of maturity in her response to supernatural encounters with a convincing act of faith. Teachings
Six months into Elizabeth’s pregnancy, the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary in Nazareth. Mary was engaged to be married to Joseph, a carpenter and a descendant of David. She had a similar experience like that of Zacharias with an angelic encounter. The angel told her she has received favour and she would conceive and have a son, who would be a king and rule forever. Mary found it difficult to understand, but she did not doubt, nor did she ask for a sign. She connected even when it was far higher than her age or spiritual exposure, when compared to Zacharias. She demonstrated an act of maturity that was uncommon. If you directly evaluate Zacharias’ (who has spent years serving at the altar) responses with an ordinary sister like Mary, one will conclude that maturity in our walk with God is very personal and inward-looking and not indicated by how much years we have spent in spiritual activity – busy here and there. Mary, however, asked about the way in which the promise would be fulfilled. She has moved from believing to how to see to the demonstration of the promise. Instead of asking for proof, she requested more information. The angel went on to explain how the child would be conceived. He said, “ the Holy spirit will come upon you” and “the power of the Most high will overshadow you”. This is the weight of glory, which comes upon a life to birth purpose and produce the pattern son for the Lord.
One of the results of matured responses to God is how God can immediately trust our life with extra information and insight into the other things He is doing around us, which can activate our faith and make us more aware of His multiple manifestations beyond the little part that we are seeing. The Lord confided in Mary by sharing with her information on what is happening to her cousin, Elizabeth, who was also going to have a baby even though she was already old. If God could cause Elizabeth to have a child at her old age, He could also cause Mary to have a child without having sexual relations with a man. She was told that her son would be called the Son of the Highest. TRULY, NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD. This is a lesson that every one of us have to learn. We need to realize that all things are possible with God, no matter how hard or difficult it seems. Mary had progressed further in her walk of maturity, as God trusted her with extra information (Elizabeth’s pregnancy) to deepen her experience of God and provide a linkage between what she is seeing and the bigger picture of what God was about to do. Mary believed the word of the angel and she totally submitted herself to the will of God,“Behold I am the handmaid of the Lord, let it be to me according to your word”. (Luke 1:38). This is a response that characterises lives, which are maturing at the feet of the Lord. Their spontaneous response is to defer everything to God and to hold on to His word to the letter. She was willing to do whatever it required to please the Lord. Mind you, it was not an easy decision for her to make. This comes at a risk which she was very aware of. Of course she will be labelled as immoral and will be rejected, as they will think she became pregnant before marriage. She was ready to bear the shame while looking at God and not men and thus adjusted her feelings to heaven’s frequency and not comments of the world. Men and women, who are growing in their spiritual maturity, must shut their mind from the pressure and negative comments of the people around them. They must be ready to bear the shame of their identification with Christ and the rejection of being the carrier of the nature of the pattern son. You cannot be carrying the nature of the “pattern SON” like Mary and expect that the world will not talk bad about you. Be ready for a lot of bad comments, because they don’t know what God is doing in your life. Today, we need believers who are ready and willing to obey the Lord, no matter what people are saying. It may mean that you will suffer for the sake of Christ. The book of Acts 5:41 shows us how to respond to suffering, just as the disciples did. “And they departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for His sake”. Mary was ready to obey God regardless of what people will say. Key Lessons:
As humans, we think there are situations that God cannot handle. It is just beyond Him! That is not true! The bible says, “ nothing will be impossible with God“ – this is written in the future tense. It means no matter the problem you come across in life, God can solve it, whether now or in the future. Halleluyah to the omnipotent God, Who alone can do all things.
Most times, it is not an easy thing to submit oneself to the will of God, especially when it involves doing things that are contrary to the world’s way of thinking. For instance, if God tells you to stop whatever you are doing and go for missions in a war-torn country like Syria, will you go? It was because Mary accepted the will of God for her life that we have a Saviour today. True maturity is measured by the degree to which a Christian is ready to walk in the perfect will of God and not just permissive will of God. It is when we fully submit to the will of God for our life – in our ministry, marriage, and careers, etc. that He can fully trust us as a true carrier of a blessing that will be a blessing to our generation, like Mary’s. Practical Application As young and old believers in Christ Jesus, we ought to emulate Mary in our dealings and personal walk with God. She believed and held on to the promises of God. She literally followed the will of God irrespective of the risks and became a blessing to generations yet unborn. When God has given us His precious promises, we are to believe His word and hold on to it and make our lives available to carry it out to the point of full execution. Lives, that carry the pattern son and become a blessing to their generation, must also be ready to carry the shame. Glory and shame comes in the same package and if we refuse the “shame” that comes from obeying the will of God, we are only deleting our names from God’s show of glory. Brethren who want to hide their identity in their place of work because of the “professional ridicule” of being seen as a “fanatic, unprogressive, or old-school”, must be ready to forgo the blessings of being a trusted carrier of end-time blessing. |
Akori Eko Bibeli: Bibi awokose omo Ese Bibeli: Luku 1:26 – 41 Ese Bibeli Lekunrere: 26. Li osu kefa, a si ran angeli Gabriel lati odo Olorun losi ilu kan ni Galili, ti a n pe ni Nasareti, 27. Si wundia kan ti a fe fun okunrin kan, ti a n pe ni Josefu, ti idile Dafidi; oruko wundia na a si ma je Maria. 28. Angeli na si to o wa, o ni, Alafia iwo eniti a koju si se lore, Oluwa pelu re: alabukun fun ni iwo ninu awon obinrin. 29. Sugbon okan re ko ba le nitori oro na, o si ro ninu ara re pe, iru kiki kili eyi. 30. Angeli na si wi fun u pe, ma beru, Maria nitori iwo ri ojurere lodo Olorun. 31. Sa si kiyesi, iwo o loyun ninu re, iwo o si bi omokunrin kan, iwo o si pe oruko re ni JESU. 32. On o po, omo oga ogo julo li a o si ma pe e : Oluwa Olorun yio si fi ite Dafidi baba re fun u: 33. Yio si joba ni ile Jakobu titi aye; ijoba re ki yio si ni ipekun. 34. Nigbana ni Maria wi fun u pe, eyi yio ha ti se ri be, nigbati emi ko ti mo okunrin? 35. Angeli na si dahun o si wi fun u pe, Emi Mimo yio to o wa, ati agbara oga - ogo yio siji bo o: nitorina ohun mimo ti a o ti inu re bi, Omo Olorun ni a o ma pe e. 36. Si kiyesi I, Elisabeti ibatan re, on pelu si loyun omokunrin kan li ogbologbo re, eyi si li osu kefa fun eniti a n pe ni agan. 37. Nitori ko si ohun ti olorun ko le se. 38. Maria si wipe, wo omo odo oluwa: ki o ri fun mi gege bi oro re. Angeli na si fi sile lo. 39. Ni ijo wonyi ni Maria dide, o si lo Kankan si ile oke, si ilu kan ni Juda; 40. O si wo ile Sakariah ati Elisabeti. 41. O si se, nigbati Elisabeti gbo kiki Maria, ole so ninu re; Elisabeti si kun fun Emi Mimo. Ifaara Maria, ibatan Elisabeti je afesona Josefu. Awon idile re ti seleri lati fi i fun Josefu, eto si ti n lo ni pereu fun igbeyawo won. Sugbon, idasi lati oke wa kan sele, ti Olorun funra Re pinnu lati mu ireti ba ipo ainireti ti orile-ede Juu wa ati gbogbo aye lapapo. Olorun sese ri inu ti yoo bi ogidi omo leyin irinwo odun ti idakeroro ti wa lati odo Olorun si awon eniyan Re. Ninu eko yii, a oo maa wo bi Maria ti se fi iwa agba han ninu idahun re si ibapade atokewa pelu igbese igbagbo ti o n yi`ni pada. Idanileko Agbeyewo/afiwe iwa agba meji: idahun Sakariah ati Maria (Luku 1:26-28) Leyin osu mefa ti Elisabeti ti loyun, angeli Gabrieli fi ara han Maria ni Nasareti. Maria je afesona Josefu, gbenagbena ni ati iru omo Dafidi. Maria ni iru iriri bii ti Sakariah nipa biba angeli Olorun pade. Angeli naa so fun un pe o ti ri ojurere ati pe yoo loyun, yoo si bi omokunrin kan, eniti yoo joba ati ti ijoba re ki yoo nipekun. Oro yii ko ye Maria rara sugbon ko saigbagbo, beeni ko beere fun ami. O gba asotele yii, bi o tile je pe o ju ojo ori tabi oye emi ti o ni lo, yato si Sakariah. O fi iwa agba ti ko wopo han. Bi a ba wo idahun Sakariah daadaa, (eni ti o ti lo opolopo odun ninu ise isin nibi pepe) yato si arabinrin lasan bii Maria, a oo so pe didagba ninu ibarin wa pelu Olorun je eleyo eniyan kookan ati pe atinuwa ni, a ko si le fi iye ojo ti a ti n sise orisirisi fun Oluwa nihin-lohun se akawe re. Maria ni tire beere ona ti ileri yi yoo fi se. O ti kuro ni ikorita gbigbagbo lo si ipile bi a o se mu ileri yii se. Eyi ti ko ba fi maa beere fun ami, o n beere fun itoni, angeli naa wa tesiwaju lati so ona ti a oo gba loyun omo naa. O wipe, “Emi Mimo yoo to o wa, ati agbara Oga-Ogo yoo siji bo o”. Eyi ni eru ogo ti maa n ba le aye kan lati maa ran ni lowo lati je ohun ti Olorun fe ki a je ati lati pese apeere omo fun Oluwa. 2. Isesi Maria si oro angeli Oluwa. Luku 1:34-37. Okan lara awon atubotan idahun eniti o ti gbonju ni bi Olorun se maa n so fun wa awon iroyin ti o tayo ati oye ijinle awon ohun miran ti o n sele layika wa, ti o le ru igbagbo wa soke ti o si le fihan wa orisirisi ona ifihan Re ju ibi kekere ti awa n ri lo. Olorun fi inu han Maria nipa siso awon ohun ti o n sele si Elisabeti, ibatan re fun-un, eniti oun tikarare loyun ni ojo ogbo re. Bi Olorun ba le je ki Elisabeti loyun ni ojo ogbo re, be gege ni o le mu ki Maria pelu loyun lai ba okunrin lo po. A so fun-un pe a oo pe omo re ni Omo Oga-ogo. NITOOTO, KO SI OHUN TI OLORUN KO LE E SE. Eleyi ni eko ti enikookan wa gbodo ko. A gbodo mo pe ko si ohun ti o soro se fun Oluwa, ko si bi o se le le to. Maria ti jinle sii ninu didagba ninu irin re pelu Olorun, bi Olorun se fi oye miran han an(oyun Elisabeti) lati mu ki iriri re nipa ti Olorun jinle si i ati lati so iriri re isinsiyi po mo ohun nla ti Olorun fe se. Maria gba oro Olorun gbo, o si re ara re sile fun ife Olorun lati di mimu se, “wo omo odo Oluwa: ki o ri fun mi gege bi oro re”. (Luku 1:38). Eleyi ma njeyo ninu irufe awon aye ti o ba ti jowo ara won lati maa dagba ni ese Oluwa. Idahun won maa n je lati di oro Olorun mu sinsin ki won si dagunla si gbogbo nnkan yooku. O setan lati se ohunkohun ti o ba gba lati te Oluwa lorun. Sugbon, a gbodo mo pe, ki i se ohun ti o rorun fun u lati se ni. Eleyi lewu pupo, oun pelu si mo bee. O mo pe oju onisekuse ni a oo maa fi wo oun ati pe o se e se ki a ko o lawujo, nitori pe won a maa ro pe o loyun lai se igbeyawo ni. O setan lati gba itiju yii, o si n wo Olorun, ko wo eniyan nipa bee, o beere si wo kini orun n so nipa re, ki i si i se atotonu ti aye. Awon arakunrin ati arabinrin ti o ba n dagba ni ile eko idagba soke ninu Olorun gbodo ko eti ikun si oro alufansa ati ipenija ti aye. Won gbodo setan lati ru itiju jije ti Kristi ati ikosile ti won yoo ni nitori pe won ni iru eda apeere omo. O ko le ni iru eda bi ti apeere omo iru eyi ti Maria ni ki o si lero pe aye ko ni so buburu nipa tire. Mura sile lati gba orisirisi oro aheso, nitori pe won ko mo ohun ti Olorun n se ninu aye re. Ni akoko yii, a nilo awon onigbagbo ti won setan lati gboran si Oluwa lenu, laika ohun ti awon eniyan le maa so si. O le tumo si pe oo jiya nitori Kristi. Ise awon Aposteli 5:41 fihan wa iru iha ti o ye ki a ko si ijiya, gege bi awon omo eyin se se. “ Nitori naa, won si lo kuro niwaju ajo igbimo: won n yo nitoriti a ka won ye si iya i je nitori oruko re”. Maria setan lati se ife Olorun laifi se kini awon eniyan yio so. Koko inu Idanileko 1. ko si ohun ti o soro ni sise fun Olorun Gege bi eniyan, a maa n wo o pe awon isele kan wa ti apa Olorun ko ka. Eleyi koja agbara Re! Eyi ki i se otito! Bibeli wi pe, “ Ko si ohun ti yoo soro o se fun Olorun” a ko eleyi ni itumo ohun ti yoo sele lojo iwaju ni. Eyi tumo si pe,ko nii fi se iru ohun ti o le ba pade ninu aye, Olorun le yanju re, yala loni tabi lojo ola. Halleluyah si Olorun ti o ni ipa, ti o je pe Oun nikan ni O le se ohun gbogbo. 2. Jijowo ara wa fun ife Olorun Ni opolopo igba, ki ise ohun ti o rorun lati fi ara wa sile fun ife Olorun, paapaa julo ti o ba ni i se pelu sise ohun ti o yato si awon agbekale ti aye. Bi apeere, bi Olorun ba so fun o pe ki o jowo ohun gbogbo ti o n se ki o si lo se ise-iranse nibi ti ogun jija ti n waye, bi i orileede Syria, n je iwo yoo lo bi? Nitori pe Maria gba ife Olorun fun aye re ni a se ni Olugbala lonii. Idagba tooto ni i se pelu bi onigbagbo se setan si lati rin ninu ife Olorun tooto ki i si i se ife Olorun beebee. O di igba ti a ba to fi ara wa sile fun ife Olorun ninu aye wa- ise-iranse wa, igbeyawo wa ati ise ti a yan laayo,abbl, ki a to le je eni ibukun ti a oo si di ibukun fun iran wa bi ti Maria. Amulo Eko Gege bi onigbagbo tuntun ati awa ti a ti pe die ninu Krisiti Jesu, a gbodo ko eko lara Maria ninu irin wa pelu Olorun. O gbagbo, o si di ileri Olorun mu sinsin. O tele ife Olorun laika awon ewu ti o ro mo o si o si di ibukun fun awon iran ti o n bo. Olorun ti fun wa ni awon ileri iyebiye, a gbodo gba oro Re gbo ki a si di i mu, ki a si jowo ara wa sile ki a le mu awon ileri naa se. Aye ti yoo ba gbe apeere omo wo, ki o si je ibukun fun iran re gbodo setan pelu lati ru egan re. Ogo ati egan maa n wa po ni. Bi a ba si ko egan ti o maa n wa ninu sise ife Olorun, a kan tile n mo o mo fagi le oruko wa ninu ifihan ogo Olorun ni. Awon ara ti won fe fi igbe-aye igbagbo won pamo ni ibi ise nitori itiju lati odo awon akegbe won nibi ise ki won ma ba a ri won bi eni ti o “gba esin tabi eni ti tesiwaju tabi eni ti ko ba igba mu” gbodo setan lati padanu ibukun ti o ye gege bi eni ti o se e fokantan fun ibukun ti igba ikeyin. |
*Let us continue to thank God for what he used the last convention to do in our lives.
*Ask for strength to depart from sinfull habit and wrong attitude to life *Strength to overcome evil desires that contend against the life of Christ in us
*Grace to submit ourselves to Him to re shape our lives to fit into Him, such that every unbroken area of our lives be broken.
*Ask for victory Over emphasizing the weakness and sins of other people while ignoring our own
*Break every evil control over the the nation and the church & the leaders *Pray that the effect of ritual killing be neutralized.
*Ask for God's mercy over this nation and that every organised strategy of the hosts of demonic word against the church be rendered to nothing.
*Pray that all satanic monitoring gadget against our spiritual progress be destroyed in Jesus Name
*Pray that grace be available for every new converts to continue in what they have learnt and received at the convention.
*Pray that there may be consistent hunger & thirst for the word of God & righteousness.
*Pray that God should let their life and prayer life be dangerous to the kingdom of darkness.
*Commit all Zonal, sub zonal and campus fellowship into the hand of God
Bible verses:
Heb 12: 7-8
Eph 3 : 16-19
Matt 5: 6
Matt 7 :1-5
John 8:31-32
God Bless You,
Prayer Team
Akori Eko Bibeli: Didagba ninu isesi wa si awon ibapade atokewa (Apa Keji) Ese Bibeli: Luku 1:16-25 Ese Bibeli Lekunrere “On o si lo pa pupo da ninu awon omo Isreali si Oluwa Olorun won. 17. Emi ati agbara Elijah ni on o si fi saju re lo, lati pa okan awon baba da si ti awon omo, ati awon alaigboran si ogbon awon olooto; ki o le pese enia ti a mura sile de Oluwa. 18. Sakariah si wi fun Angeli na pe, ami wo li emi o fi mo eyi? Emi sa di agba, ati Elisabeti aya mi si di arugbo. 19. Angeli na si dahun o si wi fun u pe, Emi ni Gabriel, ti I ma duro niwaju Olorun; emi li a ran wa lati so fun o, ati lati mu ihin ayo wonyi fun o wa. 20. Si kiyesi i, iwo o yadi, iwo ki yio si le fohun, titi ojo na ti nkan wonyi yio fi se, nitori iwo ko gba oro mi gbo ti yio se li akoko won. 21. Awon enia si duro de Sakariah, enu si ya won nitori o pe ninu tempili. 22. Nigbati o si jade, ko le fohun wi won: nwon si woye pe o ri iran ninu tempili: nitoriti o n se apere si won, o si ya odi. 23. O si se, nigbati ojo ise isin re pe, o lo si ile re. 24. Lehin ojo wonyi ni Elisabeti aya re loyun, o si fi ara re pamo li osu maarun, o ni. 25. Bayi li Oluwa se fun mi li ojoti o siju wo mi, lati mu egan mi kuro lodo araiye.” Ifaara Ni ose yii, a oo maa tesiwaju ninu apa keji ibapade Olorun ati Sakariah ati bi a se gbodo dagba ninu bi a se n je ipe Olorun. 3. Idahun Sakariah ati Elisabeti si ipe Olorun (Luku 1:16) Sakariah ko le gba ohun ti Angeli naa so fun u gbo. O wipe “ami wo li emi o fi mo eyi? Emi sa di agba, ati Elisabeti aya mi si di arugbo” ko le gbagbo nitori ti o n lo ipo ti o wa lowolowo lati tumo ibapade ati iran-di-iran. O n lo bi o ti dagaba to lati tako ogo nla ti o nbo, eleyi ti o ju u lo ti o si je idahun si adura irinwo odun. Nitori aigbagbo Sakariah, Angeli naa so pe Sakariah yoo ya odi titi ti a o fi bi omo naa. Loju kan naa a ba a wi fun iwa aigbagbo re. Olorun korira gbogbo aigbagbo nitori ti o tako oun tikarare, agbara re ati agbekale re. Bawo ni eniyan kan yoo se ro pe, Olorun ti o ti mu suuru fun irinwo odun n se efe ni? Bawo ni eniyan yoo se lo ipo ti o wa lati se akawe ipa Olorun. A gbodo sora lati maa lo oye wa gege bi eniyan lati se akawe ohun ti Olorun le se.Bi a ti lero, Olorun a maa se imuse awon ileri Re. Laipe leyin eyi, Elisabeti loyun o si fi ara re pamo fun osu marun-un, o n yo ninu oro Olorun. Idanileko 1. Olorun a maa fi awon eniyan Re si awon aaye kan lati fi titobi Re han lopo igba Ipo Sakariah ati aya re dabi ipo ti ko ni ireti rara nitori pe won ti dagba. Ko si si ireti pe won le di olomo. Ni opolopo igba Olorun a maa fi wa si ipo ti yoo fi titobi Re han. Sugbon, ni awon akoko yii, a maa n gbekele agbara wa, nipa bee a maa n ke ipa Olorun kuru lati sise fun wa. Olorun mo bi a se ma n yi awon ohun ko se e se pada, ko si si ohun ti kO le e se. O so fun Abrahamu ninu iwe Genesisi 18:14, “Nje ohun kan ha soro fun Olorun lati se? Li akoko ti a da emi yoo pada to o wa, ni iwoyi amodun, Sara yoo si li omokunrin kan”. Nigbati a ba fi gbogbo isoro wa sile fun Olorun, Oun a mu won, a si ba wa se e . Ko gbogbo iporuru okan re si ese Re loni. 2. Olorun a maa dahun adura lakoko tire Bi a ba wo isele oke yii, a oo ri i pe Olorun ko fun Sakariah ati Elisabeti lomo ni igba ti won wa ni ewe ti won si nilo omo naa, ona ti Olorun maa n gba sise niyi. A maa dahun adura wa gege bi akoko ti Oun ti yan ki i se ti wa. Ni opolopo igba, O maa n duro de igba ti gbogbo ipa eniyan ba ti pin, ti o si dabi pe ko si ona abayo, yoo si wa ona abayo jade. Ko fun Abrahamu ni omo, afi igba ti o di ogbo tan ti ko si le bi omo mo. A fi Josefu si ewon ki o to di olori ni Egypti ati beebeelo. Orisirisi ni ibapade Olorun pelu awon eniyan Re ti o yan ninu bibeli ti o fi idi eyi mule. Sugbon ibeere ti o waye ni eyi, ki lo de ti Olorun maa n se bayi? Ki lo de ti o fi maa n duro ki nnkan baje tan ki O to da si i? Irufe ibeere yi ni o jeyo nigba ti Lasaru saisan to si ku ki Jesu to de. Awon onigbagbo ti o gbonju mo pe Olorun ni ilana akoko tire fun aye kookan ati pe igba ti yio fi ogo fun-Un lekunrere ni yoo to da si i. 3. Iha wo ni a ko si awon ileri Olorun? Gege bi Sakariah ati Elisabeti, opolopo wa ni o maa n soro fun lati gba awon ileri Olorun fun aye wa gbo. O je ihuwasi omode ninu Oluwa, a si gbodo ko won danu bi a ti n rin oju ona didagba yii. Ni opolopo igba, awon ise ti emi ti a n se maa n fe bo iwa ewe wa mole nipa bi a ti n ri awon ileri Olorun. Apeere yii ni a ri ninu Ise awon Aposteli ori kejila. A fi Peteru si ewon, awon omo eyin yooku si n gbadura fun u pe ki a tu u sile, Angeli Olorun lo gege bi idahun si adura won lati lo tu Peteru sile, a si ti tu u sile nigbati awon omo eyin si n gbadura, Peteru lo si ibi ti won ti n gbadura, nigba ti arabinrin Rhoda si silekun, oun ati awon yooku ko gbagbo pe Peteru ni, bo tile je pe o pelu awon ti o n gbadura fun un. Opo igba ni a maa n gbadura ti a ki si i reti esi. O dabi ki a maa da omi si inu apeere. Eni ti yoo ba to Olorun wa gbodo gbagbo pe O wa. A gbodo ru igboya wa soke nigba ti a ba n gbadura lai je bee, o dabi ere lasan, tabi ere idaraya nigba ti ko ba dapo mo igbagbo ati ireti ti o peye. Amulo eko Olorun ti fun wa ni awon orisirisi ileri ninu bibeli. Ko nii fi se ohunkohun ti o le maa la koja nisinsiyi- ainise lowo, aisan, airomobi, tabi ise, ileri Olorun wa ninu bibeli fun wa. Ipa tiwa ni lati gbagbo, ki o le wa si imuse. Jesu so ninu iwe Maku 9:23 “…ti eyin ba gbagbo, ohun gbogbo ni sise”. Ranti awon adete merin ninu iwe oba kinni ori ikeje. Iyan nla mu ni ile Isreali ni akoko Elisha. O le to bee ti o je wipe, nnkan han gogo. Oba ati awon ijoiye re wa Elisha wa lati wa ona abayo Elisha si sotele “… ni iwoyi ola, li a o ta osuwon iyefun kikuna kan ni sekeli kan ni enu bode Samaria”. (awon oba keji 7:1). Awon ijoye oba ko gbagbo ninu oro woli ati ni isefe o wipe “..kiyesi, bi Oluwa tile se ferese si orun, nnkan yii ha le ri bee (awon oba keji 7:2). Ijoye yii ko loye ninu ero re nipa Olorun, o si soro bi oye re nipa eto oro aje se mo. Elijah dahun, o si sotele pe “..iwo yoo fi oju re rii, sugbon iwo ki yoo je ninu re”(oba kinni 7:2) . OLORUN KORIRA AIGBAGBO. Sakariah je`ya aigbagbo re bi ijoye oba yii naa se je tire. Adura wa ni pe awa naa ko nii je irufe iya ainigbagbo bayi loruko Jesu. Amin. Opolopo wa la dabi ijoye oba yii, a ki i gbagbo ohun ti oye re ko ba ti ye wa. Olorun ju eyi lo, O le e se ohun gbogbo. A si gbodo kiyesii ki a mase fi oju yepere wo Olorun. Eko yIi fi ye wa pe Sakariah ati Elisabeti dagba ninu pepe eleyi si lewu pe ki a maa fi oju yepere wo Olorun debi pe a ko til e wa ka anfani ti a ni lati sunmo O si. Bi a ti n dagba ninu igbagbo, ninu ipa wa lati dagba, a gbodo maa be Olorun ki O pa iriri igba ewe wa mo, ati ebe pe ki a ma ba a maa fi oju yepere wo Olorun ati ise Re. A tun gbodo ni iwa ti o to ati ero okan ti o dara si awon ileri Olorun. Oro Olorun ti a ba gbagbo ni yoo sise fun wa. A ko gbodo je alaigbagbo onigabgbo, ti o n jewo sugbon ti ko di i mu sinsin. Gege bi omo tooto, didagba wa ni i se pelu bi a se le gba baba wa gbo ni gbogbo igba ti o ba gba ona ti a ko mo dunju lati fi ba wa pade. A ko le so pe ona kan bayi ni Olorun gbodo maa lo, O le wa ni ona ti o yato si eyi ti a ti mo daadaa. Eleyi pe fun oye inu, ati okan ti o sipaya ti o si je apeere didagba ni ti emi. Bi a ti n gba awon ileri Olorun gbo, a gbodo se ipinu okan, ki a si duro si oju ipe wa, ni gbigbe omo ogun dide fun iran isoji, gege bi Sakariah pelu ni didaju pe Olorun yoo yi igba idakeje wa pada si akoko ayo nla ni oruko Jesu . |
Bible Study Title: Maturing in our response to supernatural encounters – Part 2
This week shall continue with the part 2 of Zacharias encounter with God and how we need to mature in how we respond to the supernatural
Zacharias and his wife's situation looked very hopeless,
Remember the story of the four lepers in 2 Kings Chapter 7. There
Akori Eko Bibeli: Didagba ninu isesi wa si awon ibapade atoke wa (Apa Kinni) Ese Bibeli: Luku 1:1-15 Ese Bibeli Lekunrere: “5. Nigba ojo Herodu oba Judea, alufa kan wa, ni ipa Abia, oruko re a ma je Sakariah: aya re si se okan ninu awon omobinrin Aaroni, oruko re a si ma je Elisabeti. 6. Awon mejeji si se olododo niwaju Olorun, won nrin ni gbogbo ofin on ilana Oluwa li ailegan. 7. Sugbon won ko li omo, nitori Elisabeti yagan, awon mejeji si di arugbo. 8. O si se, nigbati o n se ise alufa niwaju Olorun ni ipa ise re, 9. Bi ise awon Alufa, ipa tire ni a ti ma fi turari jona, nigbati o ba wo inu tempili Oluwa lo. 10. Gbogbo ijo awon eniyan si ngbadura lode li akoko sisun turari. 11. Angeli oluwa kan si fi ara han a, o duro li apa otun pepe turari. 12. Nigbati Sakariah si ri I, ori re wule, eru si ba a. 13. Sugbon Angeli na wi fun u pe, ma beru, Sakariah: nitoriti adura re gba; Elisabeti aya re yi o si bi omokunrin kan fun o, iwo o si so oruko re ni Johannu. 14. Iwo o si layo ati inudidun; enia pupo yio si yo si ibi re. 15. Nitori on o po niwaju Oluwa, ki yio si mu oti waini, beni ki yio si mu oti lile; yio si kun fun emi mimo ani lati inu iya re wa. Ifaara
1.Olorun ranti awon ileri Re (Luku 1:5-7)
Title: Maturing in our response to supernatural encounters – Part 1 Introduction to This Study: For 400 years, the nation of Israel was in a state of spiritual silence. It was an era of great darkness and there was no prophet to communicate the mind of God to the entire nation. This period of darkness lasted between the years, in which the last book of the Old Testament, Malachi was written, and Matthew, the New Testament, was begun. It was a really long time – over four centuries of no word from the Lord! What a hard season it must have been for those who witnessed it! It must have been like electricity coming back on after one year of being in complete darkness. This was a good time for anyone to live in Israel. The years of waiting were finally over. The appointed time was at hand. During this period, the people of Israel were waiting for God to fulfill His promise to His people by sending the Messiah. In this study, we see how God finally put an end to those 400 years of waiting, since He started a new program in His relationship with His people. The focus of this specific study is about Zachariah - an elderly priest, who was the connecting point in the restoration process. He and Elizabeth, his wife, had prayed for many years, asking God to give them a child. They followed God with all their hearts and did what was right in His sight. However, it pleased the Lord to delay their baby, until a time that they were old and had been past child - bearing age. The process of God’s intervention and visitation are key lessons in this path of maturity, especially on how to walk with the Lord, according to His own timetable and to respond positively when He comes through for us in very unique way. Teachings These were God's last words, before He stopped speaking for 400 years. He promised to send a prophet that would have a special ministry. This same prophet would turn the hearts of the people back to God. God has therefore chosen to bring this prophet to the world through Zachariah and Elizabeth. It was clear that God has only found the right vessel in these couple, hence His outstretched hand to fulfill his purpose. 2. Zechariah encounters God at his duty post (Luke 1:1-17) |