The Book of Life Preview Page

Our service is on Sunday at 10:30 a.m. at 2151 N. Palo Verde Blvd

(one block south of Grant, between Alvernon and Country Club)

This page was designed to give an idea of what to expect when you visit BOL the first time. When you first walk in you'll be greeted by some of our regulars and invited to grab a cup of coffee or tea and a snack. Once 10:30 rolls around we'll find our seats and begin worship. We've included a sample of our worship but be warned, it doesn't do it justice. You'll find the band sounds much better in person, especially with your voice in the crowd.



This is our main worship band but we often bring in a guest band or musician to give our regulars a break.

Speaking of breaks, after a couple songs and announcements we break for fellowship and refreshments (for those who arrived a little late or those who just want seconds). Then we return to our seats to finish worship and await the teaching by Pastor Steve Shermett.

  Steve's teaching are what really set BOL apart from other churches. His hours of preparation and knowledge of Jewish culture provide an enlightening and insightful interpretation of Bible passages.  

The focus is on one book of the Bible at a time so you are sure to receive sound teaching that considers the context of difficult passages. We've included a sample lesson here but there are many more on our Media page, and you may want to read our statement of faith, to be sure we're compatible.

Following the lesson and one more song of worship, a group of us head over to Park Place Mall or some other location for lunch and a chance to get to know one another better.


Matthew 26
The Heart of the Disciples
Other lessons available on our Media Page

  The last sunday of the month we gather for lunch at the church...this is your chance to check us out and get a free lunch!! We also screen a movie once a month on the second Friday of the month. Visit our calendar to find out about these and any special events at BOL.  


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Book of Life Community Church
2151 N Palo Verde Blvd
Tucson, AZ

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